Stand: 28.01.2010 1
Avira SmallBusiness Suite
March 2010
Errors in design and contents cannot be excluded
© Avira GmbH

Introduction ............................................................................................................... 3
Symbols, emphases and terms ................................................................................ 4
Product Information .................................................................................................. 5
Installation ................................................................................................................. 8
Service ..................................................................................................................... 11

Avira SmallBusiness Suite| HowTo
Stand: 28.01.2010 3
This quick guide contains all the information you need to install the
Avira SmallBusiness Suite. Further information on the individual
modules is given in the corresponding manuals.
On our website http://www.avira.com you can download these
manuals as a PDF file, update Avira SmallBusiness Suite or obtain
information on other security solutions of Avira GmbH.
Our website also contains information on how to obtain fast and
professional help from our Support Team and on our newsletter,
which you can subscribe to there.
Your Avira Team

Avira SmallBusiness Suite| HowTo
Stand: 28.01.2010 4
Symbols, emphases and terms
The following symbols are used:
Appears before a condition which must be met before
an action is carried out.
Appears before a step you carry out.
Appears before a result that follows the preceding
Appears before a note with especially important
information or a tip which makes it easier to understand
and use the Avira SmallBusiness Suite.
The following emphasis are used:
File name or path.
Elements of the software interface which
are displayed (e.g., window title, window
area or option).
Elements of the software interface which
are clicked (e.g., menu item, tab or