9.2 Further Information ................................................................................................... 65
9.3 Golden Rules for Protection Against Viruses ............................................................ 66
Avira GmbHAvira AntiVir MailGate2
1About this Manual
In this Chapter you can find an overview of the structure and contents of this
After a short introduction, you can read information about the following issues:
•The Structure of the Manual – Page 4
•Signs and Symbols – Page 4
•Abbreviations – Page 5
We have included in this manual all the information you need on Avira AntiVir
MailGate and it will guide you step by step through installation, configuration and
operation of the software.
The appendix contains a Glossary, which explains the basic terms.
About this Manual
For further information and assistance, please refer to our website, to the Hotline
of our Technical Support and to our regular Newsletter (see Service – Page 62).
Your Avira Team
Avira GmbHAvira AntiVir MailGate3
1.2The Structure of the Manual
The manual of your AntiVir software consists of a number of Chapters, providing
the following information:
1 About this ManualThe structure of the manual, signs and symbols.
2 Product InformationGeneral information on Avira AntiVir MailGate,
3 Milter ModePresenting the Milter function mode in Avira
4 InstallationInstructions to install Avira AntiVir MailGate
5 ConfigurationDirections for optimum settings of Avira
About this Manual
its modules, features, system requirements and
AntiVir MailGate.
on your system.
AntiVir MailGate components on your system.
6 OperationCommands and parameters for running the
7 UpdatesRunning Internet and intranet updates.
8 ServiceAvira GmbH Support and Service.
9 AppendixGlossary of technical terms and abbreviations,
1.3Signs and Symbols
The manual uses the following signs and symbols:
XUsed before a step you have to perform.
Scanner and the queue manager; reactions when
viruses and unwanted programs are detected.
Golden Rules for protection against viruses.
Used before a condition that must be met prior to performing
an action.
Used before the result that directly follows the preceding
Used before an alert if there is a danger of critical data loss or
hardware damage.
Used before a note containing particularly important
information, e.g. on the steps to be followed
Used before a tip that makes it easier to understand and use
Avira AntiVir MailGate.
Avira GmbHAvira AntiVir MailGate4
About this Manual
For improved legibility and clear marking, the following types of emphasis are also
used in the text:
Emphasis in textExplanation
Ctrl+AltKey or key combination
ls /usr/lib/AntiVir
Choose component
Select all
Signs and Symbols – Page 4Cross-reference within the document
The manual uses the following abbreviations:
ACLAccess Control List
FAQFrequently Asked Question
FQDNFully Qualified Domain Name
Path and file name
User entries
Elements of the software interface such
as menu items, window titles and
buttons in dialog windows
GUIGraphical User Interface
MIMEMultipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
MTAMail Transport Agent
RFCRequest For Comment
SMTPSimple Mail Transfer Protocol
VDFVirus Definition File
Avira GmbHAvira AntiVir MailGate5
2Product Information
Email file transfer is a natural part of modern communication and we can no longer
imagine everyday life without it. However, emails frequently also transport viruses
or unwanted programs.
Many of these viruses/unwanted programs were conceived especially to attack
Windows operating systems. But it must be considered that there is also a danger
for Open Source systems, because UNIX mail servers also transport malware. This
offers an easy opportunity for cyber-attackers to penetrate your network.
Windows clients can be infected, and thus computers of their messaging partners
can also be affected.
Business users increasingly rely on UNIX. However, with free software entering
companies and institutes, the alternative operating systems are increasingly
targeted by virus programmers. Therefore, virus protection on UNIX will still be
needed in the future. This is why we have developed Avira AntiVir MailGate.
Product Information
Avira AntiVir MailGate scans all incoming and outgoing emails (including
attachments) on your UNIX mail server. The software can operate on a variety of
Mail Transport Agents (MTAs), such as Sendmail, Postfix, Exim, Qmail and other
programs. It effectively supports common distributions - Red Hat, SuSE, Debian
etc (see 2.4 System Requirements).
To start with, two very important tips:
Losing valuable files usually has dramatic consequences. Not even the best antivirus
software can fully protect you against data loss.
Ensure that you make regular back-ups of your files.
An anti-virus program can only be reliable and effective if kept up to date.
Ensure that you keep your Avira AntiVir MailGate up to date using automatic
updates. You will learn how to do this in this user guide.
Avira GmbHAvira AntiVir MailGate6
Avira AntiVir MailGate supports a variety of configuration settings to ensure that
you have control of the email traffic on your system.
The essential features of Avira AntiVir MailGate are:
•real-time scanning of incoming and outgoing emails;
•scanning for viruses and unwanted programs;
•configurable spam filter (available in Avira MailGate Suite);
•scanning of mailboxes;
•isolation of suspicious and infected files;
•configurable notification functions for the administrator and for the email
•reporting statistics about AntiVir MailGate’s activity into a database;
•automatic Internet update for product, scanner, engine and VDFs;
•heuristic detection for macro viruses;
•recognition of all common archive types (with configurable recursion level for
•optional: GUI support for integration with Avira Security Management
Product Information
sender and recipient;
nested archives);
Avira GmbHAvira AntiVir MailGate7
Product Information
2.2Modules and Operating Mode of Avira AntiVir MailGate
Avira AntiVir MailGate is an SMTP scanner, which scans all incoming and outgoing
emails, including attachments, on your UNIX mail server for viruses/unwanted
programs (see figure below). The program has a high scanning speed and is easy to
Apart from SMTP, Avira AntiVir MailGate supports the Sendmail Milter interface.
This store and forward agent divides the work between two programs:
SMTP daemon
The SMTP daemon receives the emails and stores them in the spool directory. This
program can run as an independent server using port 25 (SMTP) or it can be
started by the Internet superdaemons inetd or xinetd.
Scanner and
The forwarder daemon reads the emails stored in the spool directory, decodes any
attachments and then starts scanning for viruses and unwanted programs.
Depending on the result of the scanning process, clean emails are forwarded, while
infected emails are blocked in the spool directory (rejected).
According to the configuration made in avmailgate.conf, the program also blocks
suspicious emails, such as password-protected archives and fragmented emails, in
the same directory. In the same configuration file you can define rules for the spam
You can scan the queue on-demand using the Queue Manager avq (for scanning the
spool directory, see Queue Manager avq – Page 56).
Avira GmbHAvira AntiVir MailGate8
The postmaster receives an email containing detailed alerts when viruses,
unwanted programs or suspicious files are detected. The alerts can also be sent to
the sender and recipient of the email. The program contains alert templates that
you can adjust and use.
Avira Updater downloads current updates from the AntiVir web servers and
installs them at regular intervals, manually or automatically. It can also send
update notifications by email.
You can update Avira AntiVir MailGate entirely or only certain components:
signatures, engine, scanner.
2.3Licensing Concept
You must have a license to use Avira AntiVir MailGate and accept the license terms
(see http://www.avira.com/documents/general/pdf/en/avira_eula_en.pdf).
Product Information
Test Version
Full Version
There are 2 license modes for Avira AntiVir MailGate:
•Test version
•Full version
The license depends on the number of users in the network, who are to be
protected by Avira AntiVir MailGate.
The license is contained in a license file named hbedv.key. You will receive it by
email from Avira GmbH. It contains specific data such as the programs you will use
and the period of your license. The same license file may refer to more than one
Avira product.
30-day test license for Avira AntiVir MailGate.
Details of the evaluation version can be found on our website:
The range of full version license includes:
•Avira AntiVir MailGate versions available by Internet download
•license file by email, to convert the test version into a full version
•complete installation instructions (digital)
•four weeks installation support, starting from acquisition date
•newsletter service (per email)
•Internet update service for program files and VDF
After installing an AntiVir product, you can read the information on your current
license, using the license tool avlinfo.
Change to /usr/lib/AntiVir and call ./avlinfo
Use avlinfo -h to get information about using this tool.
Avira GmbHAvira AntiVir MailGate9
The license file must have the suffix .key (case insensitive).
The new scanner backend (savapi) does not display information about the license file,
when called with --version.
2.4System Requirements
For Avira AntiVir MailGate to work properly on your server, the following
minimum requirements have to be met (additional memory may be required,
depending on the email traffic, number and size of attachments etc):
The versions for UNIX Server, UNIX Workstation and Sun Sparc Solaris have similar
installation and operating procedures (in general, only some file names may differ,
depending on the target operating system).
Product Information
•Computer: x386, Sparc
•OS: Linux (with GLIBC 2.2 or higher), or Solaris
•CPU: 32-bit or 64-bit UNIX
Running AntiVir software on 64-bit UNIX systems, requires the ability to
execute 32-bit binaries. For instructions about checking and eventually
enabling this behavior, please refer to the documentation of your UNIX
•38 MB free hard disk space for product installation
•RAM: 256MB (1280MB for Solaris)
•HD: 100MB (1GB or more recommended)
•Administration through Avira SMC: libstdc++so.5 is required for the SMC
Officially supported distributions for Avira AntiVir MailGate:
•Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 Server
•Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 Server
•Novell Open Enterprise Server (10.2)
•Novell Linux Desktop 9 (NLD 9)
•Novell SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 (SLES 11)
•Novell SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 - 10.2 (SLES 10)
•Novell SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 (SLES 9)
•Debian GNU/Linux 4
•Debian GNU/Linux 5 (stable, lenny)
•Ubuntu Server Edition 8
•Ubuntu Server Edition 9 (intrepid)
•Sun Solaris 9 (SPARC)
•Sun Solaris 10 (SPARC)
Avira GmbHAvira AntiVir MailGate10
3Milter Mode
AntiVir Milter has been a stand-alone product up to now. The product has been available
only for Sendmail, using the Sendmail Milter interface. Now, the Milter functionality is
integrated in MailGate.
In order to start MailGate in Milter mode, the option ListenAddress in
avmailgate.conf requires the following syntax (after installing MailGate):
Example: inet:3333@localhost
– OR –
Milter Mode
If necessary, the ForwardTo entry has to be set to the Sendmail binary. If the
default value is correct, the option has to remain unchanged:
ForwardTo /usr/lib/sendmail -oem -oi
AntiVir MailGate will no longer use the avmilter.* files for Milter mode. They have
to be renamed avmailgate.*
To migrate from an older Milter installation to the current AntiVir MailGate
(Milter mode), the file
directory of the product kit.
It is recommended to adjust the file avmailgate.conf instead of renaming the file
MILTER_MIGRATION must be used. It is located in the /doc
Avira GmbHAvira AntiVir MailGate11
3.2AntiVir MailGate (Milter Mode) Features
AntiVir MailGate (Milter mode) is a plug-in for Sendmail, starting with version
8.11, and communicates through Sendmail’s libmilter interface.
It scans all incoming and outgoing emails. Infected emails are not forwarded. A
status notification is shown in syslog. It can notify senders, recipients and
administrators of infections.
Milter Mode
Most of these features also apply to MailGate, even when it is not running in Milter
•All Sendmail features remain available.
Example: SMTP authentication, anti-relaying and anti-spam
•Simple installation and integration in Sendmail
•Hourly or daily Internet update for scan engine and VDF
•Scanning of incoming and outgoing emails
•Reliable on-access detection of viruses and malware
•Configurable reaction when viruses or malware are detected
•Isolation of infected or suspicious files in a quarantine directory
•Logfile used as email traffic log
•Immediate activation of new VDF
•Heuristic macrovirus detection
•Configurable templates for alerts
•Archive scanning
3.3AntiVir MailGate (Milter Mode) Integration in Sendmail
Sendmail version 8.11 or newer with libmilter interface is required.
Read the README file in libmilter directory of the Sendmail kit
Compile the new version of Sendmail with libmilter interface.
To check, if Sendmail with libmilter interface has been compiled:
sendmail -d0.10 < /dev/null | grep MILTER
There are two ways of adding AntiVir MailGate (Milter mode) to Sendmail’s
configuration file sendmail.cf:
z Directly modify sendmail.cf
– OR –
z generate sendmail.cf
Avira GmbHAvira AntiVir MailGate12
Directly modify sendmail.cf
Insert the following two lines in the configuration file sendmail.cf:
You can find the current version of AntiVir MailGate on Avira website. AntiVir is
supplied as a packed archive. You can install the program on your system using the
install script.
You have to be logged in as root in order to install AntiVir MailGate. You also need
an MTA (Sendmail, Postfix, Exim, Qmail etc.) available on your system. We cannot
provide support for problems that do not directly concern AntiVir MailGate.
This section describes an example installation of a standard Sendmail
configuration on a SuSE distribution. If you want to integrate the program with
another MTA or, for example, with Lotus Domino, you can find further
information in the related files (INSTALL.sendmail, INSTALL.exim, INSTALL.qmail,
INSTALL.postfix etc.).
This Chapter contains the following sections:
z Preparing the Installation Files – Page 15
z Licensing – Page 15
z Installation with the Installation Script "install" – Page 16
z Reinstalling and Uninstalling AntiVir – Page 19
z Further Installation Steps, Depending on the MTA – Page 20
z Testing AntiVir MailGate after Installation – Page 25
If you have also installed Avira AntiVir Server (UNIX) or Avira AntiVir Professional
(UNIX) and you use the Graphical User Interface to configure and operate these products,
please note that the GUI is not compatible with the current versions (starting with
version 3) of Avira AntiVir MailGate and Avira AntiVir WebGate.
Avira GmbHAvira AntiVir MailGate14
4.1Preparing the Installation Files
Downloading program files from the Internet
Download the current files from our website http://www.avira.com to your
local computer. The file name is antivir-mailgate-prof-<version>.tar.gz
Copy the file to a directory of your choice on the computer on which you want
to install AntiVir MailGate. For example, in /tmp.
Unpacking program files
Go to the temporary directory:
cd /tmp
Unpack the archive for the AntiVir kit:
tar -xzvf antivir-mailgate-prof-<version>.tar.gz
The directory antivir-mailgate-prof-<version> will be created in the temporary
You need a license to run AntiVir MailGate (see Licensing Concept – Page 9). The
license file hbedv.key is delivered by email. It contains information on the scope and
period of the license.
Acquiring the license
You may test AntiVir MailGate for 30 days, if you fill in the test license form on
our website.
Contact us by telephone or at sales@avira.com to obtain a valid license file by
You can also purchase AntiVir through our Online Shop (for more details,
please visit http://www.avira.com).
Copying the license file
Copy the license file hbedv.key to your installation directory. For example:
You can copy the license file later to the program directory /usr/lib/AntiVir/
Avira GmbHAvira AntiVir MailGate15
4.3Installation with the Installation Script "install"
The install script performs the installation of AntiVir MailGate automatically.
It performs the following tasks:
z checks the integrity of the installation files;
z checks for the required authorizations for installation;
z checks for an existing version of AntiVir MailGate on the computer;
z copies the program files (and overwrites existing, obsolete ones);
z copies configuration files (and keeps existing configuration files);
z installs Avira Updater;
z optional: installs the GUI support for Avira SMC (Security Management
Preparing installation
3 The program files have been downloaded from the Internet and unpacked.
Login as root. Otherwise you do not have the required authorization for
installation and the script returns an error message.
Go to the directory where you unpacked the AntiVir MailGate kit. For example:
cd /tmp/antivir-mailgate-prof-<version>
Installing AntiVir MailGate
The installation script starts.
You must read the license agreement and agree with it for the installation to
Quit the license agreement file with q.
The following question appears:
Do you agree to the license terms? [n]
Type y and press Enter.
Avira GmbHAvira AntiVir MailGate16
The AntiVir Engine is being installed. Then the script asks for the path to the
– OR –
If you want to copy the license file later, just click Enter.
The next step is installing the automatic Internet Updater. Then you are
asked whether a link should be created in
2) Configuring updates
An internet updater is available with version 3.1.2-1 of
AVIRA MailGate (UNIX). It will ensure that you always have the latest
virus signatures and engine updates.
/usr/sbin for the start script:
In order to trigger an update you will need to run the command:
/usr/lib/AntiVir/avupdate --product=MailGate
Please read the README file for more information about updating and
which method best suits you.
Would you like to create a link in /usr/sbin for avupdate ? [y]
Confirm with Enter or click n.
Then you are asked if you want to create cron jobs for the Scanner and for
product updates:
Would you like to setup Scanner update as cron task? [y]
Please specify the interval to check.
Recommended values are daily or 2 hours.
available options: d [2]
creating Scanner update cronjob ... done
Would you like to check for MailGate updates once a week ? [n]
creating MailGate update cronjob ... done
setup internet updater complete
You can also set these options later.
The script continues, with the installation of the main program:
3) installing main program
copying doc/avmailgate_en.pdf to /usr/lib/AntiVir/ ... done
copying ...
You have to provide the path for the manual pages:
Enter the path where the manual pages will be located [/usr/share/man]
Avira GmbHAvira AntiVir MailGate17
Confirm the default path with Enter or type another one.
The following questions regard the local and relayed hosts:
Enter the hosts and/or domains that are local:
Change the host name, if necessary, and press Enter.
The next question is:
Enter the hosts and networks that are allowed to relay:
Change the settings if necessary and press Enter.
Then you are asked whether a link should be created in /usr/sbin for the start
Would you like to create a link in /usr/sbin for avmailgate? [y]
Confirm with Enter or click n.
Then you are asked whether AntiVir MailGate should start automatically:
Please specify if boot scripts should be set up.
Set up boot scripts [y]:
Type n and click Enter. You can change this option later
– OR –
Confirm the default setting with Enter.
The next step installs the SMC plugin, for Avira Security Management Center:
installation of main program complete
4) activate SMC support
If you are going to use AVIRA Security Management Center (SMC)
to manage this software remotely you need this
Would you like to activate SMC support? [y]
Press Enter, if you want to install the SMC plugin (or n and Enter, to skip it).
The following message appears, when the script is finished:
Installation of the following features complete:
AntiVir Core Components (Engine , Savapi and Avupdate)
AVIRA Internet Updater
AVIRA MailGate
AntiVir SMC plugin
Depending on your MTA, proceed with the installation as described in Further
Installation Steps, Depending on the MTA – Page 20.
Avira GmbHAvira AntiVir MailGate18
Finally, you can start AntiVir MailGate:
/usr/lib/AntiVir/avmailgate start
Modified binaries will not run.
For example, if binaries are prelinked: Either disable prelinking or add
/usr/lib/AntiVir as an excluded prelink path in /etc/prelink.conf.
Starting with version 3.0.0, a new scanner backend is used. Old scanner specific
configuration options, that are not known to MailGate, must be moved from
to the scanner specific configuration file
It is highly recommended that you perform an update after installation, to ensure up-todate protection. This can be done by running:
/usr/lib/AntiVir/avupdate --product=MailGate
For more details on updating, see Updates – Page 60.
4.4Reinstalling and Uninstalling AntiVir
You can re-launch the install script at any time. There are several possible
•Install a new version (upgrade). The installation script checks the previous
version and installs the necessary new components.
The configuration settings already made are not overwritten, but inherited
(see Configuration – Page 26).
•Later installation of some components.
•Activating or deactivating the automatic start of Avira Updater or AntiVir
Reinstalling Avira AntiVir MailGate
The steps are the same in all cases:
Open the directory where you unpacked AntiVir MailGate. For example:
cd /tmp/antivir-mailgate-prof-<version>/
The installation script runs as described above.
Avira GmbHAvira AntiVir MailGate19
Make the changes you need during installation procedure.
AntiVir MailGate is installed with the required settings.
Uninstalling AntiVir
You can use the uninstall script, located in the temporary AntiVir directory, to
remove Avira AntiVir MailGate. The syntax is:
The script starts uninstalling the product, asking you step by step, if you want
to keep backups for the license file, for the configuration files and logfiles; it
can also remove the cronjobs you made for MailGate and Scanner.
Answer the questions with y or n and press Enter.
Avira AntiVir MailGate is removed from your system.
4.5Further Installation Steps, Depending on the MTA
After installing AntiVir MailGate as described above, you have to make some
manual settings, depending on your MTA.
The following part describes Sendmail, Exim, Qmail and Postfix specifics.
Configuring Sendmail
If you are working with Sendmail, we recommend that you use AntiVir MailGate in
Milter mode (see Chapter Milter Mode – Page 11). It guarantees full SMTP functionality
in Sendmail (such as SMTP authentication).
Configuring Exim
AntiVir MailGate runs with Exim version 3.0 or newer.
To detect your Exim version use the command:
exim -bV
There are two ways of integrating AntiVir MailGate with Exim:
z Integrate AntiVir MailGate as a content filter in Exim (recommended)
Avira GmbHAvira AntiVir MailGate20
z Proxy mode
Content Filter
AntiVir MailGate configuration:
Modify (or add) the following entries in avmailgate.conf:
ListenAddress port 10024
ForwardTo SMTP: port 10025
Restart AntiVir MailGate.
Exim configuration:
Modify (or add) the following entries in exim.conf:
# Listen on all interfaces on port 25
# and on port 10025
local_interfaces = :
Add router entry:
Search for the entry begin router in exim.conf and add the following
# Router for AntiVir MailGate
debug_print = "R: AntiVir MailGate for
driver = manualroute
Proxy Mode
transport = antivir_mailgate_transport
route_list = "* localhost byname"
self = send
# do not call this router in the second instance of Exim