Avira AntiVir Exchange Cluster Installation | page 2
© 2007 Avira GmbH. All rights reserved.
This manual was created with great care. However, errors in design and contents cannot be excluded. The reproduction
of this publication or parts thereof in any form is prohibited without previous written consent from Avira GmbH.
Errors and technical subject to change.
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Table of Content
Avira AntiVir Exchange Cluster Installation | page 3
1 PREAMBLE...................................................................................................................
1.1 QUALITY ASSURANCE...............................................................................................
1.2 SUPPORT....................................................................................................................
1.3 COPYRIGHT................................................................................................................
1.4 WARRANTY.................................................................................................................
1.5 COPYRIGHT ANNOTATION OF THIRD PARTIES...................................................
2 INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................
2.1 THE MEANING OF THIS MANUAL..........................................................................
2.2 THE COMPOSITION OF THIS MANUAL..................................................................
3 DESCRIPTION OF THE INSTALLATION..................................................................
3.1 SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS.........................................................................................
3.2 INSTALLATION ON ALL CLUSTER NODES.............................................................
3.3 CONFIGURATION IN THE CLUSTER ADMINISTRATOR.......................................
3.4 INSTALLATION IN A MULTI NODE CLUSTER........................................................
3.5 UPGRADE OF A VERSION 6.0 OR LESS TO A VERSION UP FROM 6.1.................

Avira AntiVir Exchange Cluster Installation | page 4
1 Preamble
1.1 Quality Assurance
ank very much for having decided for Avira AntiVir Exchange. is software oers you
the leading solution for email security. Avira AntiVir Exchange is a high class product that
will support you in all tasks concerning the email management. With this modular program
package you protect your software infrastructure not only against viruses and spam but
also against the loss of condential data and information. Furthermore you benet from
the encryption, classication and secure storage of emails in your enterprise. Our products
stand for innovation and quality for our customers’ satisfaction. Our products are released
after profound quality tests proceeded by our quality assurance team.
Auf eine erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit
Ihr Avira Team
Copyright 2009 Avira GmbH. All rights reserved.

Avira AntiVir Exchange Cluster Installation | page 5
1.2 Support
Competent, reliable and fast – English speaking experts will answer your questions regarding the Avira products and will help you with words and deeds whenever it is required.
With the Avira Gold Support you reach a qualied contact person from Monday to Friday
from 08:00 a.m. to 05:00 p.m. via phone and email for the whole duration of your license.
You receive the contact data for the Gold Support Exchange Cluster after
As Gold Support customer you receive an exclusive support and expert advice – fast and
directly. Our experienced and friendly supporters are at your disposal for all technical questions regarding the AntiVir security solutions.
1.3 Copyright
e Avira GmbH, in the following called Avira, is the proprietor of all commercial copyrights
of this documentation. All rights are reserved.
1.4 Warranty
e Avira GmbH does not assume warranty, neither explicit nor implicit, for the documentation. is comprehends also quality, design, use in trade or applicability for a certain purpose.
e manual is intended as a general product description. It is denitely not a guarantee of
special features or a warranty declaration. Specications and design of our products can be
changed at any time without previous announcement, especially in order to meet the technical progress. Please, contact the Sales department for current information.