Aviom POA80 User Manual

Multi-Modular I/O System
Power Over A-Net Power Supply
Allows power for the F6 to be sent • over the Cat-5/Cat-6 cable
One A-Net® In, one A-Net Out•
Standard IEC power connection•
Supports redundant power connections •
Aviom’s AllFrame Multi-Modular I/O System™ offers unique flex­ibility in installation. In addition to supporting multiple I/O comple­ments and physical form factors, AllFrame devices can be powered in a number of ways. The F6 Modular I/O Frame features three power inlets: a two-pin Euroblock and a four-pin XLR for use with external DC power supplies, as well as an RJ45 A-Net jack which can accept power injected on the Cat-5e or Cat-6 cable.
The POA80 provides power over A-Net (PoA) for the F6 Modular I/O
Frame. Two Pro64® network ports on EtherCon® connectors inte­grate the POA80 into the Pro64 network; one of these ports adds DC power to the network cable connected to the F6. The POA80 requires a standard IEC power connection and may be mounted on a standard rack tray (front-, rear-, or side-facing connectors), or attached to a wall or other flat surface. The POA80 may be placed at
Technical SpecificaTionS
Moun ting Four mounting holes on the tray allow the
A-Net Connections One Pro64 network A-Net In
Power Over A-Net Cabl e Length
AC Input Volt age Range
Fault - red - Fault detected On - green - Power on/o
unit to be attached to a rack shelf or other at surf ace (some restric tions apply).
One Pro64 network A-Net plus DC power Out EtherCon R J45 connectors
Connects to A-Net Por t B only on F6
400 feet (120 meters) maximum
100 to 240VAC, 47-63Hz
any point along the network cable; total cable length between the remotely powered F6 and the next Pro64 device may not exceed 400 feet (120 meters).
The POA80 includes unique circuitry to protect connected devices
from the power irregularities that can occur when network cables carrying DC power are connected or disconnected.
The POA80 may be used to power an F6 even when the F6 fiber
ports are used for data transmission. Note that only the A-Net B port can accept PoA and no other A-Net ports should be connected to the powered port of the POA80.
The F6 Modular I/O Frame can also be powered simultaneously via its 4-pin XLR and/or Euroblock terminal block power inlets to
create a redundant power sub-system.
AC Power Inle t Removable IEC electric al connector
Total Output Power 80W
DC Output Voltage +56V
Operating Temperature
Shipping Dimensions
-40 to +55°C
13.25 x 7.0 x 3.04 in.
336.55. x 177.8 x 77.21 mm
16 x 10.5 x 7 in. 406 x 266.7x 177.8 mm
9 pounds
4.1 kg
1157 Phoenixville Pike, Suite 201 • West Chester, PA 19380
Voice: +1 610.738.9005 • Fax: +1 610.738.9950 • www.Aviom.com
3.038 in.,
77.21 mm
5.843 in.,
148.41 mm
7.00 in.,
177.8 mm
.579 in.,
14.70 mm
.550 in.,
13.97 mm
.876 in.,
22.25 mm
11.500 in.,
292.1 mm
.187 x 3.50 in.,
4.74 x 8.89 mm Slot
.949 in.,
24.10 mm
6.550 in.,
166.37 mm
3.038 in.,
77.21 mm
5.843 in.,
148.41 mm
7.00 in.,
.579 in.,
14.70 mm
.550 in.,
13.97 mm
.876 in.,
22.25 mm
11.500 in.,
292.1 mm
.187 x 3.50 in.,
4.74 x 8.89 mm
.949 in.,
24.10 mm
6.550 in.,
166.37 mm
13.25 in.,
336.55 mm
7.000 in.,
177.80 mm
3.038 in.,
77.21 mm
3.038 in.,
77.21 mm
13.25 in.,
336.55 mm
13.25 in.,
336.55 mm
7.000 in.,
177.80 mm
3.038 in.,
77.21 mm
Power Over A-Net Power Supply
MounTing noTice
The POA80 can be mounted on both horizontal and vertical surfaces. However, do not mount the POA80 horizontally on a vertical surface such as a wall or interior of a rack, and do not mount the POA80 upside down.
archiTecTural SpecificaTion
The Aviom POA 80 shall provi de DC power and A- Net d igital a udio dat a over a Cat-5e/Cat-6 cable to an AllFrame I/O device.
Front-panel features shall include LED indicators for Power On, Connect, and Error. It shall employ two EtherCon® RJ45 con nec tors fo r the A-N et digi tal signal connections.
Aviom, A‑Net , the A‑Net ic on, Pro16, Pro6 4, Virtual Da ta Cable s, m‑contr ol, and AllFr ame are tra demarks o f Aviom, Inc. Al l other trad emarks a re the prop erty o f their respe ctive owne rs. ©2012 Aviom, Inc. A ll rights r eser ved. Inform ation subje ct to chan ge without n otice. rev. 1.0 022212
All Aviom prod ucts are designed and man ufactured in the USA.
The unit shall be AC powered (100 to 240VAC, 47- 63Hz) an d have an IEC p ower inlet with detachable cable. It shall be UL listed.
Its dime nsions shall be 7.0 inch es wide , 13. 25 inch es long , and 3.04 in ches high. Its ne t weight sha ll be 9 p ounds, a nd it s fro nt panel shall be finished in bl ack. The un it shall be Aviom Incorpor ated mod el POA80.