Modular Patch Bay
Aviom’s flexible PB28 Modular Patch
Bay is a universal patching system
that allows users to configure custom
patch panels for audio or data connections. Each patch bay is comprised of a
single PB28 Patch Panel and up to two
8-channel PB28 Modules.
PB28 Modules are available with a
variety of audio or data connectors,
including XLR male and female,
DB25 multipins, and locking Neutrik®
EtherCon® RJ45s. DB25 modules adhere to industry-standard analog or
digital pinout wiring conventions. All
The basis of the PB28 Modular Patch Bay is the PB28 Patch Panel, a blank, 1U-high
unit that accepts up to two PB28 Modules. Patch panels can be user-assembled with
only a screwdriver.
modules are interchangeable and can
be installed in a PB28 Patch Panel in
any combination.
The versatile and rugged PB28 system
is the perfect addition to any audio
facility. Industry-standard configurations make the PB28 modules easy to
install in any context—from concert
touring stage racks to post product
studio patch bays. Bring Cat-5 connections to a central location, make
touring racks easier to patch together,
or make studio interconnections even
more flexible.
Modular design allows user to •
easily customize assemblies
Combine any two PB28 modules •
in each PB28 Patch Panel
Rugged 11-gauge nickel-plated •
steel front panel
Fully enclosed module design•
Multiple AES3 pinouts supported•
The blank PB28
Patch Panel
28-XM-DB XLR male (8) DB25 multipin, analog audio pinout
28-XF-DB XLR female (8) DB25 multipin, analog audio pinout
28-AES-DB XLR female (4)
28-XM-XF XLR male (8) XLR female (8)
28-XF-XM XLR female (8) XLR male (8)
28-EC-EC EtherCon® RJ45 (8) EtherCon® RJ45 (8)
PB28 Patch Panel 1U blank panel, accepts two modules
XLR male (4)
All Aviom prod ucts are designed and man ufactured in the U.S. A.
1157 Phoenixville Pike, Suite 201 • West Chester, PA 19380
Voice: +1 610.738.9005 • Fax: +1 610.738.9950 • www.Aviom.com
DB25 AES3 digital data
Yamaha® and Digidesign®/Tascam® pinouts

Any combination of PB28 series modules can be installed in the PB28 Patch Panel.
The eight-channel 28-XM-DB module is fitted with eight male XLR connectors on
the front panel and a rear-panel DB25 multipin connector, using the industry-standard analog audio pinout. Up to two 28-XM-DB modules can be installed per PB28
Patch Panel.
The 28-XF-DB is fitted with eight female XLR connectors on the front panel and
a rear-panel DB25 multipin connector, using the industry-standard analog audio
pinout. Up to two 28-XF-DB modules can be installed per PB28 Patch Panel.
28-AES- DB
The 28-AES-DB is fitted with four male XLR and four female XLR connectors on the
front panel and two rear-panel DB25 multipin connectors for AES3 digital audio
data. Both Yamaha® and Digidesign®/Tascam® pinouts are provided. Up to two
28-XF-DB modules can be installed per PB28 Patch Panel.
The 28-XM-XF features eight male XLR connectors on the front panel and eight
female XLR connectors on the rear panel. Up to two 28-XM-XF modules can be
installed per PB28 Patch Panel.
Modular Patch Bay
The 28-XF-XM features eight female XLR connectors on the front panel and eight
male XLR connectors on the rear panel. Up to two 28-XF-XM modules can be
installed per PB28 Patch Panel.
The 28-EC-EC is an eight-channel EtherCon® RJ45 module featuring Neutrik®
EtherCon connectors on both sides. It brings Cat-5 network connections from
multiple devices to a convenient central location in any patch bay.
The EtherCon connectors accept standard Cat-5 network RJ45 connectors, as well
as those fitted with the XLR-style EtherCon barrel connector. The 28-EC-EC can be
used with Aviom A-Net® products or with any Cat-5 based data system.
Three complete PB28 Patch Bays with modules installed
Aviom, A-Net, the A-Net icon, Pro16, Pro64, and Virtual Data Cables are trademarks of Aviom, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
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