D800 & D800-Dante
A-Net Distributors
D80 0 Rear Panel D800-Dante Rear Panel
Aviom’s series of D800 A-Net® Distributors provides support for parallel connections of up to eight Pro16® devices,
including the A360, A-16II, and A-16R Personal Mixers,
along with additional network connectivity options.
The standard D800 includes a Pro16e™ A-Net input, compatible with all Pro16 Series and Pro16e-capable devices.
This input port also supports an A-Net Bridge input, allowing up to four synchronous Pro16 A-Net streams to be
connected. Used in conjunction with the SB4 System Bridge
and Pro16 A-Net console cards, the D800 can be used for
sending up to 64 channels directly from a digital console to
A360 Personal Mixers.
The D800-Dante A-Net Distributor adds connectivit y for a
Dante™ digital audio network, allowing up to 64 channels
to be sent directly from a Dante audio network to A360
Personal Mixers. The D800-Dante may be set to use either
its Dante inter face or its A-Net In as the source of audio for
the Personal Mixers. The D800-Dante is ideal for connecting Aviom Personal Mixers to a Yamaha® CL Series console
with Rio I/O racks.
All versions of the D800 A-Net Distributor include a Mixes
Out port for the A360’s Network Mix Back™ feature. The
D800 creates a 16-channe l Pro16 e A- Net stream co mprised
of the eight stereo mixes from connnected A360 Personal
Mixers. No setup or routing is required at the D800 or the
A360. By connecting the Mixes Out port on the D800 to
an AN-16/o v.4 Output Module, these stereo mixes can be
connected to the transmit ter units for the musicians’ wireless in-ear monitors, eliminating the need for analog cables
from the A360s to the transmitters and keeping all analog
connections of f stage. On the D800-Dante, Network Mix
Back audio is also available to the Dante network.
All versions of the D800 include a rear-panel Ethernet port,
which can be connected to a standard Wi-Fi router. By
connecting an iOS device—Apple® iPhone®, iPod touch®, or
Distributes power and audio to up to eight •
A-16II, A-16R, and A360 Personal Mixers
One Pro16e A-Net In supports A-Net Bridge •
input from up to four synchronous Pro16 A-Net
Network Mix Back for streamlined connections •
to wireless IEM transmitters
Ethernet support for iOS devices over Wi-Fi•
One Pro16e A-Net Out for thru connections•
Heavy-duty locking EtherCon•
audio connections
The D800 -Dante ad ds
Direct connectivity to a Dante™ audio network•
Support for up to 64 Dante network channels•
iPad®—to the Wi-Fi network, mus ic ians can extend the u se r
inter face of their A360 onto their device’s touchscreen.
The 2U D800 is powered by an internal switching power
supply, with a detachable power cord and IEC power inlet
on the rear panel. Isolated (oating ground) DC power is
supplied to eight A-Net outputs for providing remote power
via Cat-5e to Personal Mixers. All network connections on
the D800 use heavy duty locking Neutrik® EtherCon® connectors.
An unlimited number of D800 and D800-Dante A-Net Distributors can be used in an A-Net network, and all versions
of the D800 are compatible with all Pro16 Series devices.
connectors for all
1157 Phoenixville Pike, Suite 201 • West Chester, PA 19380
Voice: +1 610.738.9005 • Fax: +1 610.738.9950 • www.Aviom.com

D800 & D800-Dante
A-Net Distributors
D800 & D80 0-Dante Front Panel
A-Net Input Pro16e A-Net;
A-Net Out Pro16e A-Net;
A-Net Mixes Out Pro16e A-Net;
Ethernet One R J45 connec tor
A-Net to/from
Personal Mixers
LEDs Power On (red); Sync (green)
USB Used for rmware updates
Pro16 A-Net
Pro16e A-Net
Ether Con R J45 connec tor;
Suppor ts A-Ne t Bridge input
Ether Con R J45 connec tor, unpowere d
Ether Con R J45 connec tor, unpowere d;
provide s up to 16 channels of mix data from up to 8
A360 Pe rsonal Mixers
Eight Et herCo n RJ45 con nector s, powere d
2-position switch (I/II) ac commodates A-16II (I)
and the bi directional A36 0 Personal Mixer (II)
Transmits 16 chann els of digital audio to A-16II and
A-16R Personal Mixers
Transmits up to 64 channels of digital audio to A360
Pers onal Mixer s
D800 Rea r Panel
D800 -Dante Rear Panel
Output Voltage for
Personal Mixers
Power Supply Intern al, univers al switching type, IEC connector
Input Voltage 100-240VAC, 50-6 0Hz, 300W
Dimensions 19” (482.6 mm) wide x 14.25” (362 mm) deep; 2U,
Weigh t 12.0 lbs (5.44 kg)
All the features of the D800 plus:
Dante Pr imary I/O Ether Con R J45 connec tor
Dante Secondary
Ster eo Link Four DIP Swit ch block s; used to se t up to 32
LEDs Error (red); Sync (gr een);
24VDC, 0.5 amp
Transmit ted over the Cat-5e cable
3.5” (88.9 mm) high
Ether Con R J45 connec tor
channe l pairs as s tereo links
1GB Active (red); Network Activit y (green)
Aviom, A-Net , the A-Net ico n, Pro16, Pro16e, Pro6 4, Virtual Dat a Cables, N etwork Mix B ack are tra demarks of Av iom, Inc. All ot her tradema rks are the p ropert y of their
respe ctive owne rs. ©2013 Aviom, Inc. All r ights res erved. Inf ormation s ubject to ch ange withou t notice.
Dante™ is a tra demark of Aud inate Pty L td. Apple, th e Apple logo, a nd iPhone are r egister ed tradem arks of Appl e Inc.
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