Output Level
XLR (x4)
from backplane
Output Card
Four high-quality mic- or line-level analog outputs•
Simplied routing using the Pro64 Network •
Manager™ PC control application
Choice of ve maximum output level settings selectable •
per-channel: +28dB, +24dB, +18dB, +4dB, or Mic
Multi-Modular I/O System
The C4o Output Card is an analog output card for the
AllFrame Multi-Modular I/O System. The C4o can be installed
in any frame, such as the six-slot F6 Modular I/O Frame.
Network and audio settings for the C4o outputs can be
configured using the Pro64 Network Manager™ control
application. Five maximum output level settings allow the
XLR outputs on the C4o to be connected to virtually any
professional audio device.
Channels 4 balanced outputs Mic or line level
XLR Outputs Pin 1: Shield; Pin 2: Hot; Pin 3: Cold
Output Levels
Output Impedance: 450 Ohms for +4dBu, +18dBu, +24dBu and
+28dBu, +24dBu, +18dBu, +4dBu, and Mic
+28dBu outputs;
200 Ohms for Mic
-3dB: 2Hz and 23kHz
±0.5dB: 10Hz–22kHz (at 1x sample rate)
Each C4o channel’s network routing and output level can
be saved as part of a Pro64 Network Manager project,
scene, and/or device preset for ultimate programming
As with all AllFrame I/O cards, the C4o can be installed and
configured by the user making a multi-F6 installation even
more flexible and cost-effective.
THD +N < .002% at -10dBFS
Sign al to Nois e D/A: -111dB (unweighted)
Crosstalk <100dB at 1kHz
Dimensions 5.2 x 1.9 x 3.01 in. (132.08 x 48.26 x 76.45
Weight 0.5 pound (0.22 kg)
Th e Avi om C4 o sh all p rovi de f our cha nnel s of mic- o r line-leve l audio
outputs from an Aviom AllFrame host frame module such as the F6.
Audio outputs shall be user-configurable via the Pro64 Network
Manager™ software.
The unit sha ll feat ure four ma le XLR co nnec tors for au dio ou tput s and a
All Aviom prod ucts are designed and man ufactured in the USA.
Aviom, A‑Net , the A‑Net ic on, Pro16, Pro6 4, Virtual Da ta Cable s, m‑contr ol, and AllFr ame are tra demarks o f Aviom, Inc. Al l other trad emarks a re the prop erty o f their
respe ctive owne rs. ©2011 Aviom, Inc. A ll rights r eserve d. Informat ion subje ct to chang e without no tice. rev. 1.0 121611
1157 Phoenixville Pike, Suite 201 • West Chester, PA 19380
Voice: +1 610.738.9005 • Fax: +1 610.738.9950 • www.Aviom.com
mul tipin back plane co nnec tor comp atibl e wit h the host fra me device.
The unit shall be powered via the backplane connector.
It s dim ens ions shal l be 5. 2 in ches wid e, 3. 01 inc hes d eep , and 1.09 inch es
high. It s n et wei ght shall be 0.5 p ound s, and its f ront pa nel shall be
fi nish ed i n black . Th e un it shal l be Avio m In corp orat ed m odel C4 o.