XLR Balanced (x4)
Audio Input 1-4
Pad (24dB
Low Cut
Filter (85Hz)
+48V phantom
to backplane
Mic/Line Input Card
Four archival quality mic/line inputs•
Remote controllable via MCS/RCI, select Yamaha® •
digital consoles, or Pro64 Network Manager™
Gain control in 1dB increments, plus per-channel phase •
invert, +48V phantom power, pad, and low cut lter
Multi-Modular I/O System
The C4m Mic/Line Input Card is an audio input card for the
AllFrame Multi-Modular I/O System. The C4m can be installed
in any frame, such as the six-slot F6 Modular I/O Frame.
Both network and audio settings for the C4m inputs can
be configured using the Pro64 Network Manager™ control
application. Audio settings can also be controlled remotely
from the MCS Mic Control Surface and compatible Yamaha
digital consoles.
Channels 4 balanced inputs Mic or line level
XLR Inputs Pin 1: Shield; Pin 2: Hot; Pin 3: Cold
Input Impedance 3.6k ohms
Input Gain Range 0–55dB, variable, in 1dB increments
Maximum Input
Pad -24dB, switchable per channel
0dB gain, Pad on = +24dBu
0dB gain, Pad o = 0dBu
55dB gain, Pad on = -31dBu
55dB gain, Pad o = -55dBu
Each channel on the C4m can accept a mic- or line-level
input and features gain control in 1dB increments, phase
invert, 85Hz low cut filter, and +48V phantom power.
Channel strip parameters can be controlled from the Pro64
Network Manager software, from the RCI/MCS hardware
controller, or via m-control™ from Yamaha® consoles. The
audio circuitry of the C4m mirrors that of the Pro64 6416m
Mic Input Module and provides clear, transparent audio
Low Cut Filter 85Hz cuto at 18dB per octave; per channel
THD +N 0.0015% @ 1.0kHz, -10dBFS
Dynamic Range
(noise oor)
Phantom Power +48V, individually selectable per channel
Dimensions 5.2 x 1.9 x 3.01 in. (132.08 x 48.26 x 76.45 mm)
Weight 0.5 pound (0.22 kg)
0.007% @ 1.0 kHz, -1dBFS
112 dB
Aviom, A‑Net , the A‑Net ic on, Pro16, Pro6 4, Virtual Da ta Cable s, m‑contr ol, and AllFr ame are tra demarks o f Aviom, Inc. Al l other trad emarks a re the prop erty o f their
respe ctive owne rs. ©2011 Aviom, Inc. A ll rights r eserve d. Informa tion subje ct to chan ge without n otice. rev. 1.0 011212
Th e Aviom C 4m sh all p rovi de fo ur ch anne ls of mic- o r lin e-l evel audi o
inputs to an Aviom AllFrame host frame module such as the F6.
Audio inputs shall be user-configurable via the Pro64 Ne twork Manager™,
MCS Mic Control Surface, or Yamaha® digital consoles compatible with
Aviom m-control™ firmware.
Voice: +1 610.738.9005 • Fax: +1 610.738.9950 • www.Aviom.com
All Aviom prod ucts are designed and man ufactured in the USA.
1157 Phoenixville Pike, Suite 201 • West Chester, PA 19380
The un it shall featu re four f emale XL R conn ecto rs fo r audio i nputs an d
a mul tipin b ackpl ane connec tor com patible wi th the ho st frame device.
The unit shall be powered via the backplane connector.
It s dim ens ions shal l be 5. 2 in ches wid e, 3. 01 inc hes d eep , and 1.09 inch es
high. It s n et wei ght shall be 0.5 p ound s, and its f ront pa nel shall be
fi nish ed i n black . Th e un it shal l be Avio m In corp orat ed m odel C4 m.