A-Net Card for Yamaha
Add A-Net Pro16 output to any •
Yamaha digital mixing console
that uses the Yamaha mini-YGDAI
expansion card format
44.1/48kHz SR, 24-bit •
uncompressed digital data
Stereo Link per channel pair for •
stereo mixing with Aviom Pro16
Personal Mixers
The Aviom16/o-Y1 A-Net® Card is an
output expansion card for Yamaha®
products supporting the mini-YGDAI
(MY) format. The Y1 A-Net card
provides seamless direct digital
connectivity between Yamaha digital
devices and Aviom Pro16
Compatible products include the A-16II
and A-16R Personal Mixers, A-16D and
A-16D Pro A-Net Distributors, and the
AN-16/o Output Module.
Y1 A-Net cards fi t into any available
expansion slot in the rear of Yamaha’s
digital consoles. The Y1 card is
Unlimited splits and lossless •
digital copies
also compatible with the DME24N
and DME64N Digital Mixing Engine
products, used to expand the audio
Cat-5e cable runs up to 500 feet •
(150 meters)
processing and routing capabilities of
Yamaha’s digital consoles.
A-Net Pro16 Output 16 channel s of A-Net digital dat a;
Interface Format Yamaha mini-YGDAI (MY) Expansion Card
Maximum Expansion
Sample Rate
Digital Conversion 24-bi t
Digital Connections A-N et Out: 1; EtherCon
DIP Switch Switch 1-8: Ster eo Link o n/off
* 8 channels on PM1D
limited only by the number of available exp ansion
slots in the digit al mixer
44.1kHz to 48kHz, +/-10%
RJ45 connector
Switch 9 -10: A-Net mode
A-Net Mo des: 8-ch annel, 16-c hannel, Avi om, Test
Multiple Y1 cards can be used
simultaneously in a single console,
extending the creative possibilities
for both monitoring and signal
distribution. Each Y1 card outputs
up to 16 channels of 24-bit, 48kHz
audio over a single Cat-5e cable. Up
to 64 channels can be combined onto
a single cable using Aviom’s AN-16SB
System Bridge.
Channel pairs can be linked for stereo
mixing on Pro16 Personal Mixers using
a set of eight external DIP switches.
Additionally, mode switches are provided for selecting 16-channel (MY16)
and 8-channel (MY8) operation as
required by the slot specifi cation of
the Yamaha console.
A-Net Pro16 A-Net allows 16 channel s of audio to b e transmitted
Latency <0.880 mse c (measured from ana log input to
Power Supply none required;
Dimensions 4.75” (120.7 mm) wide x 6.25” (158.8 mm) deep;
Weight 0.8 lbs (0.36 kg)
Options AN-16SBR System Bridge; combine s up to four
All Aviom products are designed and manufactured in the USA.
over one Ca t-5e cable
uses un shield ed Cat-5e UTP (or better) c able;
max. len gth 500f t (150m) between device s
analog output)
uses Yama ha device a s sourc e of power
1.5” (38.1 mm) high
A-Net st reams f or trans missio n over one Cat-5e
1157 Phoenixville Pike, Suite 201 • West Chester, PA 19380
Voice: +1 610.738.9005 • Fax: +1 610.738.9950 • www.Aviom.com

A-Net Card for Yamaha
DIP switch 1–8: Stereo Link ▪
DIP switch 9–10: ▪
Down/Up - Aviom mode
Up/Down - 16-channel (default)
Up/Up - 8-channel (PM1D)
Down/Down - Test mode
A-Net Out, EtherCon
Product Expansion Slots Digital Channels Output via A-Net
01V96 Digital Mixing Console 1 16 channels per slo t
02R96 Digital Mixing Console 4 16 channels per slo t
DM1000 Digital Production Console 2 16 channels per slo t
DM2000 Digital Production Console 6 16 channels per slo t
PM5D Digital Mixing Console 4 16 channels per slo t
PM5D-RH Digital Mixing Console 4 16 channels per slo t
M7CL Digital Mixing Console 3 16 channels per slo t
LS9-16 Digital Mixing Console 1 16 channels per slo t
LS9-32 Digital Mixing Console 2 16 channels per slo t
PM1D Digital Audio Mixing System 8 Each sl ot is limit ed to 8 channels
DME24N Digital Mixing Engine 1 16 channels per slo t
DME64N Digital Mixing Engine 4 16 channels per slo t
The Aviom16/o-Y1 shall provide sixteen channels of digital audio transmitted via
an Aviom A-Net network over Cat-5e cable. It shall provide full -bandwidth, highquality audio by employing the Aviom A-Net Pro16 audio transmission protocol. It
shall operate at sampling rates from 44.1kHz to 48 kHz, +/-10%.
Its channel assignments shall be con gured and routed from within a Yamaha
digital mi xing console, accordin g to the limitations of th e Yamaha prod uct. The card
shall meet the speci cations of the Yamaha mini-YGDAI expansion card format.
Front panel features shall include one 10-position DIP switch. Stereo linking of
channel pairs shall be set with DIP switches 1 through 8. Operational modes will be
con gured using DIP switches 9 and 10. Four operational modes will be provided.
Aviom, A-Net , the A-Net ic on, Pro16, Pro6 4, and Virt ual Data Cab les are tr ademark s of Aviom, Inc. A ll other tr ademark s are the pr opert y of their r espec tive owner s.
© 2008 Aviom, Inc. All rights reserved. Information subject to change without notice.
The unit shall be powered f rom the Yamaha console’s internal power supply. It shall
be UL and CE listed.
The rear panel shall have a multipin connector to interface with the Yamaha digital
mixing console expansion port connectors.
The Y1 card shall employ a Neutrik EtherCon R J45 connection for the A- Net Pro16
digital audio output.
Its dimensions shall be 4.75 inches wide, 6. 25 inches deep, and 1.5 inches high. Its
net weight shall be 0.8 pounds, and its steel chassis shall be nished in blue. The
unit shall be Aviom, Inc. model Aviom16/o-Y1.
P/N 9303 0017 0001 rev. 4.4 100908