Aviation Communications and Surveillance Systems MSS90 User Manual

Lynx ® NGT-9000

MultiLink Surveillance System

Part Number: 9029000-( )

Installation Manual

This manual contains installation instructions and recommended flightline maintenance information for the Lynx NGT-9000 MultLink Surveillance System, Configuration Module, and Directional Antenna. Guidelines for external equipment necessary for installation are included. This information is supplemented and kept current by revisions, service letters and service bulletins.
0040-17001-01 (Revision A)
January 15, 2015


This manual provides information intended for use by persons who, in accordance with current regulatory requirements, are qualified to install this equipment. Installation requirements may vary, depending on the particularities of each aircraft, and this manual is intended as a guideline for that purpose. This manual assumes familiarity with the setup and operation of the aircraft systems that interface with the NGT-9000.
If further information is required, please contact:
L-3 Avionics Systems
Attn: Field Service Engineer ing 5353 52 Grand Rapids, MI USA 49512-9704 Telephone: (800) 453-0288 or (616) 949-6600 Fax: (616) 977-6898 Email: Web: http:///www.L-3avionics.com
This manual is distributed with permission by:
L-3 Avionics Systems
5353 52 Grand Rapids, MI USA 49512-9704 Telephone: (800) 453-0288 or (616) 949-6600 Fax: (616) 977-6898 Email:
We welcome your comments concerning this manual. Although every effort has been made to keep it free of errors, some may occur. When reporting a specific problem, please describe it briefly and include the manual part number, the paragraph/figure/table number, and the page number. Send your comments to the address or email above:
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is a trademark of L-3 Avionics Systems
Patent Pending
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Lynx NGT-9000s
Installation Manual

About This Manual


This section provides the following information: unit configurations, unit functionality, items required but not supplied with the unit, equipment specifications, installation approval/limitations and TSO approvals.


This section con tains instructi on s to locate, assemble a n d ins ta ll th e Lynx NGT-9000s MultLink Surveillance System as well as information for unpacking equipment, and inspection procedure for in-shipment damage.


This section contains instructions for post installation setup, post installation and return to service checkout.


This section contains general flightline maintenance procedures. It includes periodic maintenance, troubleshooting and instructions for the return of defective components.


This appendix defines the electrical chara ct er istic s of all input and out put sig nal s.


This appendix provides the environmental qualification test data.


This appendix provides the installer a way to record configuration options.


0040-17000-01 Pilot’s Guide for t he NGT -9000
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Lynx NGT-9000s
Total number of pages in this publication consists of the following:
Title page
Page A
i thru xvi
1-1 thru 1-40
2-1 thru 2-30
3-1 thru 3-34
4-1 thru 4-32
A-1 thru A-24
B-1 thru B-4
C-1 thru C-2
Installation Manual

List of Effective Pages

Dates of original and changed pages are: Revision A .............................. January 15, 2015


This Installa tio n Man ua l co n ta ins information tha t is considered relevant only at the time of distribution with the Avionics Systems product for which it is shipped. Information in this manual is subject to change without notice and will not be updated after distribution.
Avionics Systems does provide a listing of all publications and directives with their current revision and change levels to insure up-to-date information. See www.as.l-3com.com, Customer Care Section, Technical Publications Page for the Publications Index to get an up-to-date listing of all Avionics Systems technical publications and directives. Contact Avionics Systems Customer Service [1-800-453-0288] to determine availability of technical publications and directives.

Revision A Highlights

Original release.
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Installation Manual

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Installation Manual

Table of Contents

Paragraph Page
Foreword ....................................................................................................................................................... A
About This Manual ......................................................................................................................................... i
References ..................................................................................................................................................... i
List of Effective Pages .................................................................................................................................... ii
Revision A Highlights ..................................................................................................................................... ii
Table of Contents .......................................................................................................................................... iv
List of Illustrations ....................................................................................................................................... viii
List of Tables ................................................................................................................................................. x
Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Symbols ....................................................................................................... xi
Section 1
General Information
1.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 1-1
1.2 Functional Description ................................................................................................................ 1-2
1.2.1 GPS Functional Overview .......................................................................................................... 1-2
1.2.2 ADS-B System Overview............................................................................................................ 1-3
1.2.3 ADS-R System Overview ........................................................................................................... 1-3
1.2.4 TIS-B System Overview ............................................................................................................. 1-3
1.2.5 FIS-B System Overview ............................................................................................................. 1-4
1.2.6 Traffic Awareness System (option) Overview ............................................................................ 1-4
1.2.7 Discrete Inputs and Outputs ....................................................................................................... 1-4
1.3 Equipment Descriptions.............................................................................................................. 1-6
1.3.1 Model Options ............................................................................................................................ 1-6
1.3.2 Detachable Configuration Module (DCM) .................................................................................. 1-6
1.3.3 System Unlock Code .................................................................................................................. 1-7
1.4 INterfaces ................................................................................................................................... 1-7
1.4.1 ADS-B Out Fail ........................................................................................................................... 1-8
1.4.2 AHRS Input ................................................................................................................................. 1-8
1.4.3 Altitude Encoder Input ................................................................................................................ 1-8
1.4.4 Audio Out .................................................................................................................................... 1-9
1.4.5 RF Suppression Input/output ...................................................................................................... 1-9
1.4.6 TAS Alert .................................................................................................................................... 1-9
1.4.7 TIS-B Not In Coverage ............................................................................................................... 1-9
1.4.8 WiFi Interface ............................................................................................................................. 1-9
1.4.9 WOW Input ................................................................................................................................. 1-9
1.4.10 Maintenance Interface ................................................................................................................ 1-9
1.4.11 GPS Antenna .............................................................................................................................. 1-9
1.4.12 L-Band (UAT/1090) Antenna .................................................................................................... 1-10
1.4.13 Directional Antenna .................................................................................................................. 1-10
1.4.14 Traffic Display ........................................................................................................................... 1-10
1.4.15 Weather Display ....................................................................................................................... 1-10
1.5 Installation Considerations ....................................................................................................... 1-11
1.6 Specifications ........................................................................................................................... 1-12
1.7 TSO Information ....................................................................................................................... 1-15
1.7.1 TSO Markings ........................................................................................................................... 1-16
1.7.2 TSO Deviations from Minimum Performance Standards ......................................................... 1-17
1.7.3 Non-TSO Functions .................................................................................................................. 1-18
1.8 Modifications ............................................................................................................................. 1-19
1.9 Software Versions .................................................................................................................... 1-19
1.10 Equipment Required Not Supplied ........................................................................................... 1-20
1.10.1 Installation Kits ......................................................................................................................... 1-23
1.10.2 Antenna Cables ........................................................................................................................ 1-24
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Table of Contents (continued)
Paragraph Page
1.11 Equipment Interfaces ................................................................................................................ 1-27
1.11.1 GPS Antenna ............................................................................................................................ 1-27
1.11.2 L-Band Antenna ........................................................................................................................ 1-27
1.11.3 Directional Antenna .................................................................................................................. 1-28
1.11.4 Traffic Displays ......................................................................................................................... 1-30
1.11.5 Weather Display ....................................................................................................................... 1-30
1.11.6 WIFI Accessory ........................................................................................................................ 1-30
1.11.7 Personal Electronic Device ( PED) Apps .................................................................................. 1-31
1.12 Software Updates ..................................................................................................................... 1-31
1.12.1 Website Download .................................................................................................................... 1-31
1.12.2 Compact Disc ........................................................................................................................... 1-33
1.12.3 Installation Procedure for LynxMMS USB Driver ..................................................................... 1-34
1.13 Installation Approval and Limitations ........................................................................................ 1-38
Section 2
2.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 2-1
2.2 Unpacking and Inspecting .......................................................................................................... 2-1
2.2.1 Transport and Storage Considerations ...................................................................................... 2-1
2.3 Installation Procedures ............................................................................................................... 2-2
2.3.1 Location ...................................................................................................................................... 2-3
2.3.2 Electrical Connections ................................................................................................................ 2-6
2.3.3 Panel Installation ...................................................................................................................... 2-19
2.3.4 Installation ................................................................................................................................ 2-21
2.3.5 Antenna Installation Guidelines ................................................................................................ 2-21
2.3.6 Remove and Replacement Proc edures ................................................................................... 2-29
Section 3
Installation Checkout
3.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 3-1
3.2 Basic Operation .......................................................................................................................... 3-1
3.2.1 Power On .................................................................................................................................... 3-2
3.3 Maintenance PC ......................................................................................................................... 3-3
3.4 Maintenance Mode ..................................................................................................................... 3-6
3.5 Configure WIFI Accessory .......................................................................................................... 3-7
3.6 Verify Software Version .............................................................................................................. 3-8
3.7 Select Configuration Options ...................................................................................................... 3-9
3.7.1 Aircraft Specific Options ........................................................................................................... 3-10
3.7.2 I/O Options – AHRS and Altitude ............................................................................................. 3-13
3.7.3 I/O Options – Misc .................................................................................................................... 3-14
3.7.4 Backup ...................................................................................................................................... 3-16
3.8 Calibration Setup ...................................................................................................................... 3-17
3.8.1 Audio Calibration and Test ....................................................................................................... 3-17
3.8.2 Screen Calibration .................................................................................................................... 3-17
3.8.3 TAS Antenna Calibration .......................................................................................................... 3-18
3.8.4 Clear Fault Log ......................................................................................................................... 3-18
3.9 Interface Check ........................................................................................................................ 3-19
3.9.1 Live Data - Discrete Inputs, Altitude, and Heading .................................................................. 3-19
3.9.2 Live Data - GPS ........................................................................................................................ 3-20
3.9.3 Live Data – ADS-B ................................................................................................................... 3-21
3.9.4 Live Data – Simulate ................................................................................................................ 3-22
3.9.5 Configuration Check Complete ................................................................................................ 3-22
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Table of Contents (continued)
Paragraph Page
3.10 Installation Checkout ................................................................................................................ 3-23
3.10.1 Functional Checks .................................................................................................................... 3-23
3.10.2 Ground Checks ......................................................................................................................... 3-28
3.10.3 Electromagnetic Interference (E.M.I.) Check ........................................................................... 3-31
3.10.4 Display Check ........................................................................................................................... 3-33
3.10.5 Flight Test ................................................................................................................................. 3-33
3.10.6 Installation Checkout Complete ................................................................................................ 3-33
Section 4
4.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 4-1
4.2 Continued Airworthiness ............................................................................................................. 4-1
4.3 Periodic Maintenance ................................................................................................................. 4-1
4.3.1 Screen Calibration ...................................................................................................................... 4-2
4.3.2 Directional Antenna (NY156 and NY164)................................................................................... 4-3
4.4 Fault Isolatio n ............................................................................................................................. 4-3
4.4.1 System Status Messages ......................................................................................................... 4-10
4.5 Using the Maintenance PC ....................................................................................................... 4-16
4.5.1 Load Software .......................................................................................................................... 4-16
4.5.2 Load Databases ....................................................................................................................... 4-17
4.5.3 View or Retrieve Data ............................................................................................................... 4-18
4.5.4 Configuration Restore............................................................................................................... 4-28
4.5.5 Service ...................................................................................................................................... 4-29
4.6 Return to Service ...................................................................................................................... 4-30
4.6.1 Lynx NGT-9000s ...................................................................................................................... 4-30
4.6.2 Detachable Configuration Module ............................................................................................ 4-31
4.6.3 Directional Antenna (NY156 and NY164)................................................................................. 4-32
4.6.4 L-Band (UAT/1090) Antenna .................................................................................................... 4-32
4.6.5 GPS Antenna ............................................................................................................................ 4-32
4.7 Disposition of Failed Items ....................................................................................................... 4-33
Appendix A
Interface Signal Name & Cable Characteristics
A.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................A-1
A.2 Input and Output Interfaces ........................................................................................................A-1
A.2.1 Input Power ................................................................................................................................A-1
A.2.2 RF Suppression Bus ...................................................................................................................A-1
A.2.3 Audio Output ...............................................................................................................................A-1
A.2.4 Gilham Input (Altitude Input) .......................................................................................................A-1
A.2.5 RS-232 Interface ........................................................................................................................A-2
A.2.6 RS-422 Interface ........................................................................................................................A-3
A.2.7 ARINC 429 Input ........................................................................................................................A-4
A.2.8 ARINC 429 Output ......................................................................................................................A-5
A.2.9 Discrete Input .............................................................................................................................A-6
A.2.10 Discrete Output ...........................................................................................................................A-6
A.2.11 I2C Serial Bus (Detachable Configuration Module) ....................................................................A-7
A.2.12 Antenna Connections .................................................................................................................. A7
Pin Definition Summary ..............................................................................................................A-8
A.4 [J1 connector] .............................................................................................................................A-9
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Table of Contents (continued)
Paragraph Page
Appendix B
Environmental Qualification Form
B.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................B-1
B.2 NGT-9000 Environmental Qual ificat io n Form ............................................................................B-1
B.3 NY156 and NY164 Environmental Qualification Form ...............................................................B-4
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List of Illustrations

Figure Page
1-1: Lynx NGT-9000s .............................................................................................................................. 1-1
1-2: Example of Own Aircraft UAT, 1090ES, and TAS Traffic ................................................................ 1-5
1-3: System Block Diagram..................................................................................................................... 1-8
2-1: Outline Dimensions for Panel Mount NGT-9000 ............................................................................. 2-4
2-2: Outline Dimensions for Mounting Rack ........................................................................................... 2-5
2-3: Interconnect Wiring Diagra m ......................................................................................................... 2-10
2-4: Mating Connector (P1) and Pin Assignments ................................................................................ 2-13
2-5: P1 Mating Connector Assembly .................................................................................................... 2-14
2-6: Outline Dimensions for the Data Configuration Module (9230-17003-01) .................................... 2-15
2-7: Example of Assembled RF Cable .................................................................................................. 2-16
2-8: Coax Cable Preparation................................................................................................................. 2-17
2-9: Straight Coax Contact Shield Termination .................................................................................... 2-18
2-10: Right Angle Coax Contact Installation ......................................................................................... 2-18
2-11: Connector Assembly .................................................................................................................... 2-19
2-12: Panel Assembly ........................................................................................................................... 2-20
2-13: Example of Antenna Mounting Locations .................................................................................... 2-21
2-14: Directional Antenna Mounting Location ....................................................................................... 2-25
2-15: NY156 / NY164 Directional Antenna Outline Dimensions ........................................................... 2-26
2-16: Antenna Mounting Holes ............................................................................................................. 2-28
2-17: Directional Antenna Installation ................................................................................................... 2-28
3-1: Transponder/Traffic Screens ........................................................................................................... 3-1
3-2: Maintenance Application Tool – Ma in Pag e .................................................................................... 3-4
3-3: Lynx MAT – Main Screen ................................................................................................................ 3-4
3-4: Lynx MAT – Res tart U nit .................................................................................................................. 3-5
3-5: Activate Maintenance Mode Window ............................................................................................... 3-6
3-6: Maintenance Mode Screens ............................................................................................................
3-7: Lynx MAT – WiFi Accessory ............................................................................................................ 3-7
3-8: Lynx MAT – Chec k Vers ions .......................................................................................................... 3-8
3-9: Lynx MAT –Airc raft Spec i fic Options ............................................................................................. 3-10
3-10: Lynx MAT – I/O Options – AHRS and Altitude ............................................................................ 3-13
3-11: Lynx MAT – I/O Options – Misc ................................................................................................... 3-14
3-12: Lynx MAT – Configuration - Backup ............................................................................................ 3-16
3-13: Lynx MAT – Setup - Calibration ................................................................................................... 3-17
3-14: Lynx MAT – Info – Fault Log ........................................................................................................ 3-18
3-15: Lynx MAT – Live Data - Inputs .................................................................................................... 3-19
3-16: Lynx MAT – Live Data - GPS ....................................................................................................... 3-20
3-17: Lynx MAT – Live Data - GPS ....................................................................................................... 3-21
3-18: Lynx MAT – Live Data - Simulate ................................................................................................ 3-22
3-19: Examples of Start-up Screens ..................................................................................................... 3-24
3-20: Example of Normal Operation ..................................................................................................... 3-24
3-21: Example of Flight ID Input Screen ............................................................................................... 3-24
3-22: Example of System Test Results ................................................................................................. 3-25
3-23: Options Screen… ......................................................................................................................... 3-26
3-24: Lynx MAT – Ground Test ............................................................................................................. 3-28
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List of Illustrations
Figure Page
4-1: Activate Maintenance Mode Window ............................................................................................... 4-2
4-2: Maintenance Mode Screens ............................................................................................................ 4-2
4-3: Lynx MAT – Updat e Software ........................................................................................................ 4-15
4-4: Lynx MAT – Updat e Dat ab ase ....................................................................................................... 4-16
4-5: Lynx MAT – Information ................................................................................................................. 4-17
4-6: Lynx MAT – Version....................................................................................................................... 4-17
4-7: Lynx MAT –Configuration - Restore .............................................................................................. 4-27
4-8: Lynx MAT – Service ....................................................................................................................... 4-28
A-1: RN370M Interconnect Option for RS-232 to WiFi Converter ......................................................... A-2
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List of Tables

Table Page
1-1: System Components........................................................................................................................ 1-1
1-2: Built-in Interfaces ............................................................................................................................. 1-7
1-3: Specifications for Lynx NGT-9000s ............................................................................................... 1-12
1-4: Specifications for Detachable configuration module ...................................................................... 1-14
1-5: Applicable TSO’s ........................................................................................................................... 1-15
1-6: TSO Markings ................................................................................................................................ 1-16
1-7: TSO Deviations .............................................................................................................................. 1-17
1-8: Failure Classification ...................................................................................................................... 1-19
1-9: Hardware Modifications ................................................................................................................. 1-19
1-10: Software Revisions ...................................................................................................................... 1-20
1-11: Equipment List ............................................................................................................................. 1-21
1-12: Installation Kit P/N 9060-17000-01 for Straight RF Connector .................................................... 1-24
1-13: Installation Kit P/N 9060-17000-02 for Right Angle RF Connector ............................................. 1-24
1-14: Coaxial Cable Specifications ....................................................................................................... 1-25
1-15: Directional Antenna SIGMA and DELTA Port Cable Vendors .................................................... 1-26
1-16: Cable to Connector Reference .................................................................................................... 1-27
1-17: GPS Antennas ............................................................................................................................. 1-28
1-18: L-Band Antennas ......................................................................................................................... 1-28
1-19: Directional Antenna Model Options and Specifications ............................................................... 1-29
1-20: Directional Antenna Installation Kit 817-10009-xxx ..................................................................... 1-30
1-21: Airframe Installation Kits .............................................................................................................. 1-30
1-22: Traffic Displays ............................................................................................................................ 1-31
1-23: FIS-B WX Displays ...................................................................................................................... 1-31
1-24: RS-232 to WiFi Accessories ........................................................................................................ 1-31
1-25: APPS for PED ..............................................................................................................................
1-26: List of Service Notices ................................................................................................................. 1-34
1-27: System Software CD Part Numbers and Contents ...................................................................... 1-35
4-1: Troubleshooting ............................................................................................................................... 4-3
4-2: System Status Messages ................................................................................................................ 4-9
4-3: List of Fault Log Messages ............................................................................................................ 4-18
A-1: Connector (P1) Pin Assignments ................................................................................................... A-8
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Lynx NGT-9000s
Abbreviations, Acrony m s , and S y mbol s
Installation Manual
° °C °F
1090ES 1090 megahertz extended s quitt er
AC Advisory Circular
ACSS Aviation Communication and Surveillance Systems ADS-B Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast ADS-R Automatic Dependent Surveillance - Rebroadcast
AHRS Attitude & Heading Reference System
AIRB Basic Airborne Situation Awar eness
ARINC Aeronautical Radio, Incorporated
ASA Aircraft Surveillance Applications
ASSAP Airborne Surveillance and Separ ati on Ass ur ance Pr oc es s ing
ATC Air Traffic Control
ATCRBS Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon System
ATM Air Traffic Management
AWG American Wire Gauge
BIT Built In Test
Cal Calibration CCW Counter Clock Wise CDTI Cockpit Display of Traffic Information
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
CONUS Continental United States
CW Clock Wise
dB Decibel
dBm Decibels referenced to one Milli-watt
dc Direct Current
DCM Detachable Configuration Module
DL Data Loading
DME Distance Measuring Equipment
DO- RTCA Document Number Prefix (i.e., DO-160)
DTIF Display Traffic Information File
EMI Electro-Magnetic Interference
EVAcq Enhanced Visual Acquisition Application
FAA Federal Aviation Administration FAR Federal Aviation Regulations FCC Federal Communications Commission
FIS-B Flight Information Services - Broadcast
FPGA Field Programmable Gate-Array
FSS Flight Service Stat ion
Degrees Degrees Celsius Degrees Fahrenheit
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Abbreviations, Acrony m s , and S y mbol s
MultiLink Surveillance System
Next Generation Radar Reflectivity
Installation Manual
Ft feet
FW Firmware
g Gravitational Accelerat ion GPS Global Positioning System H/W Hardware
hPa Hectopascal
i.e. That is
IAW In Accordance With
ID Identification
in Hg Inches of Mercury
Kg Kilogram
Kts Knots
L-3 AS L-3 Communications Avionics Systems
LLC Limited Liability Company
LRU Line Replaceable Unit
Lynx MAT Maintenance Application Tool
m Meter
Max Maximum
MSG Message
MHz Megahertz
mm Millimeter
MPC Mainten anc e Pers on al Co mputer
Page xii 0040-17001-01 January 15, 2015 Revision A
N/A Not Applicable
NACp Navigation Accuracy Category for position
NAR Non Altitude Reporting NAS National Airspace System
NC Not Connected
NGT Not an abbreviation
NIC Navigation Integrity Category
No. Number
NOTAM Notice to Airmen
NVM Non-V olati le Memory
Orig Original
P/N Part Number
PBIT Peri o dic Bu ilt -In Test
PED Personal Electronic Device PFD Primary Flight Display
Abbreviations, Acrony m s , and S y mbol s
Satellite Based Augmentation systems
Terminal Area Forecasts
RAIM Receiver Auto nomous Integrity Monitoring
RBA Risk-Based Authentication
RF Radio Frequency
S/N Serial Number
S/W Software
SPI Special Position Identification
STC Supplemental Type Certification
STIF Standard TCAS Intruder File SUA Special Us e airspace
SURF Basic Surface application
TAS Traffic Advisory System
TCAS T raff ic Alert and Collision Avoidance System
TFR Temporary Flight Restrictions
TIS-B Traffic Information Service – Broadcast
TSAA Traffic and Situational Awareness Alerts
TSO Technical Standard Order
UAT Universal Access Transceiver
USB Universal Serial Bus UTC Coordinated Universal Time
Vdc Volts Direct Current
VHF Very High Frequency
VOR VHF Omni-directional
W Watts
WAAS Wide Area Augmentation System
WiFi Wireless Fidelity
WOW Weight On Wheels
Wx Weather
Lynx NGT-9000s
Installation Manual
Visual Flight Rules
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Lynx NGT-9000s
Installation Manual
General Information


This section includes descriptions, specifications, TSO information, equipment required but not supplied, and installation approval and limitations for the Lynx® MultLink Surveillance System Lynx NGT-9000s family (Release 1) See Figure 1-1. Available models of the Lynx NGT-9000s are detailed in Table 1-1.
Included at the end of this section is a list of compatible equipment and equipment required but not supplied with the system.
Table 1-1: System Components
MultiLink Surveillance Sys tem
Detachable Configuration Module DCM 9230-17003-01 - -
NGT-9000+ NGT-9000D
9029000-20000 9020010-001
GPS Antenna See Table 1-17 - - - ­L-Band Antenna See Table 1-18 - - - ­Directional Antenna (optional) See Table 1-19 - - - -
Notes: (1) The (2) Details on software releases are located in paragraph 1.9. (3) The “+” at the end of the model number indicates TAS functionality. The “D” at the end of the model number
NGT-9000D and NGT-9000+ require an unlock code that is set up during installation. See paragraph1.3.3.
indicates Diversity functionality.
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Figure 1-1: Lynx NGT-9000s
Lynx NGT-9000s
Installation Manual


The Lynx MultiLink Surveillance System (also referred to in this manual as the Lynx NGT-9000s) is a Mode S Level 2 dens Class 1 Transponder with an integrated GPS receiver providing Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) output using a 1090ES (Extended Squitter). The unit also receives ADS-B data via 1090ES and UAT (978 MHz Universal Access Transceiver). Some models support optional Active Traffic Awareness System (TAS) or antenna Diversity functionality.
The unit replies to Mode A, Mode C and Mode S interrogations receiving interrogations at 1030 MHz and transmitting responses at 1090 MHz. The unit is equipped with IDENT capabil ity tha t activat es the Special Identification (SPI) pulse for 18 seconds.
Ground stations can interrogate Mode S Transponders individually using a 24-bit ICAO Mode S address, which is unique to the particular aircraft. In addition, ground stations may interrogate the unit for its transponder data capability and the aircraft's Flight ID.
The ADS-B provides own aircraft data with Enhanced Visual Acquisition (EVAcq) traffic information that improves situational awareness and flight safety by providing aircraft position, velocity, and heading information that is automatically transmitted to other aircraft and ground stations providing immediate surveillance of air-to-air traffic.
The 1090ES and UAT ADS-B datalink have the following capabilities:
1090ES In - Receive ADS-B, ADS-R and TIS-B
1090ES Out - Transmit ADS-B
UAT In - Receives ADS-B, ADS-R and TIS-B, FIS-B, NOTAMS, and TFR’s
The unit also provides TAS traffic adviso r ie s w hen TAS configuration is enabled. A voice or tone audio output announces traffic alerts. The unit has multiple transmit/receive ARINC 429, RS-422 and RS-232 data ports used to transmit data to traffic, weather, an d PED display s.
The unit provides the transponder code, reply symbol and mode of operation to the display. Maintenance and configuration setup can be accomplished via the USB port located on the front of the
unit or by an optional WiFi connection. Models are available that provide Active Traffic Awareness System (TAS) function and antenna
Diversity. Both models require additional equipment to be installed.

1.2.1 GPS Functional Overview

The GPS function utilizes signals from Global Positioning System (GPS) satellite constellation and Satellite-Based Augmentation Systems (SBAS) such as the USA Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS), European EGNOS, Indian GAGAN and the Japanese MSAS. Currently it supports WAAS and WAAS compatible SBAS systems.
The internal GPS function provides position, velocity, time, and integrity (NIC, NAC etc.) information to the ADS-B functions and is ADS-B rule compliant with the requirements of AC20-165A.
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1.2.2 ADS-B System Overview

The Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) improves situational awareness and flight safety by providing real time traffic information. The ADS-B In function is used to receive ground station supported TIS-B and ADS-R traffic, and direct communication with nearby like equipped aircraft (with Mode S or UAT). The ADS-B Out (1090ES) function is used to periodically broadcast (without interrogation) information about the aircraft that includes aircra ft id en ti fi c a tion, position, al ti tu de , ve loc ity and other aircraft status information.
The traffic display shows the relative position of ADS-B or standard traffic using text, shapes, and
colors. ADS-B also provides similar information on ADS-B equipped ground vehicles.
The effective surveillance range is 60 nmi. The passive-mode surveillance range is 160 nmi and
maintains report messages for a minimum of 200 1090ES ADS-B participants and 300 UAT ADS-B participants simultaneously. To reduce display clutter a set number of other aircraft of the highest priority other aircraft are displayed at a time. See Figure 1-2 for an example of own aircraft traffic (UAT, 1090ES, TIS-B, and TAS).
The Lynx NGT-9000 is equipped with a dual-link receiver. ADS-R service is unnecessary to provide
a complete picture of traffic in the area.

1.2.3 ADS-R System Overview The Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Re-broadcast (ADS-R) is a ground based broadcast service that

repeats ADS-B messages from one link (1090ES or UAT) to the other link for aircraft with ADS-B In.
ADS-R transmissions are updated at least every 2 seconds on the surface, 5 seconds in the term ina l
area, and 10 seconds in the en-route airspace.
An aircraft on the ground receiving ADS-R is provided both ground aircraft and vehicles as well as
airborne other aircraft within 5nm and 2,000 ft above ground level of the airport reference point.
Other aircraft are provided by the ground station if within a 15 nm horizontal range and +/-5,000 ft
of altitude of the receiving aircraft. ADS-B equipped ground aircraft and vehicles are not displayed to airborne aircraft. See Figure 1-2 for an example of own aircraft traffic (UAT, 1090ES, TIS-B, and TAS).

1.2.4 TIS-B System Overview

Traffic Information Service Broadcast (TIS-B) is a ground based broadcast service that provides secondary surveillance radar (SSR) derived traffic data (aircraft not equipped with ADS-B Out capability) to ADS-B In equipped aircraft.
The actual availability of services depends upon the availability of ground-based radar to support
TIS-B source data.
Receiving aircraft must be in both radar coverage and ground based transceiver (GBT) coverage in a
given area to receive TIS-B service in that area. When ownship is above 24,000 ft, the ground station will no longer provide TIS-B service. To reduce display clutter, the TIS-B service provides traf fic information on other aircraft within 15 nmi and +/- 3500 ft of ownship.
Other aircraft are provided by the ground station if within a 15nm horizontal range and +/-3,500 ft of
altitude of the receiving aircraft. ADS-B equipped ground aircraft and vehicles are not displayed to airborne aircraft. See Figure 1-2 for an example of own aircraft traffic (UAT, 1090ES, TIS-B, and TAS).
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1.2.5 FIS-B System Overview

The Flight Information Services - Broadcast (FIS-B) function provides pilots with a cockpit display of certain aviation weather and aeronautical information for awareness of own aircraft location with respect to reported weather, including hazardous meteorological conditions (CONUS/ NEXRAD /AIRMETS/ SIGMETS/ NOTAMS/ METARS, etc) and SUA status and TAF (FIS-B products).
CONUS and Regional NEXRAD may not always contain complete data. The data is refreshed every 15 minutes and it is likely to be updated in a future cycle.
FIS-B is advisory information only and is intended to enhance pilot decision-making during strategic flight planning. FIS-B augments traditional sources of this information such as ATC and Flight Service Station (FSS). FIS-B information is provided over the ADS-B Services network on the 978 MHz UAT link when in ground station coverage.

1.2.6 Traffic Awareness System (option) Overview

The TAS option is an active system that operates as an aircraft-to-aircraft interrogation device. The unit interrogates transponders in the surrounding airspace similar to ground based radar. When rep lies to these active interrogations are received, the responding aircraft’s range, altitude, and closure rates are computed to plot traffic location and predict collision threats. The unit alerts the flight crew to nearby transponder equipped aircraft and assists the pilot in the visual acquisition of aircraft that may represent a danger. Traffic information, out to a selected range, is graphically displayed on the unit or alternate display. See Figure 1-2 for an example of own aircraft traffic (UAT, 1090ES, TIS-B, and TAS).
The system display shows the relative position of traffic using text, shapes (i.e., Traffic Advisory =
solid circle; Other Traffic = open diamond) and colors.
The effective active-mode surveillance range is 35 nmi and track 35 ATCRBS intruders
simultaneously with the target bearing relative to the nose of own aircraft.
The tracking of targets is in a cylindrical volume centered on own aircraft that has, at a minimum, a
radius of 35 nmi and extends 10,000 ft above and 10,000 ft below own aircraft.

1.2.7 Discrete Inputs and Outputs

The Lynx NGT-9000s have discrete inputs and outputs available that can be interfaced to indi cat or lam ps and cockpit switches. These are optional installations and are not required.
The WOW input discrete signals the On Ground status to the unit via a squat switch, airspeed
monitor, or a collective switch.
The IDENT switch activates the IDENT pulse which highlights the aircraft’s symbol on the ATC’s
radar screen and is identified on the NGT-9000 when active.
The Audio Mute switch is used to signal the unit to suppress all audio output. The discrete is set to
GND/Open. The active position indicates Audio Muted. When grounded this input mutes all audio from the NGT-9000. This input is typically only used if the aircraft equipped with TAWS or other aircraft alerting systems.
The TAS Alert lamp is used to indica te Tra f fi c Ale rt ( TA ). Th e dis c re te is set to G N D /O pen . The
GND (active) position indicates Traffic Alert. The GND (active) position illuminates the lamp.
The TIS-B Not In Coverage lamp is used to indicate that the unit is not receiving a ground station
signal. The discrete is set to GND/Open. The GND (active) position illuminates the lamp.
The ADS-B Out Fail lamp is used to indicate that ADS -B out is not operating. The discrete is set to
GND/Open. The GND (active) position illuminates the lamp. Depending on the situation the lamp has the following functions: flashes while the GPS is initializing and stays illuminated when the ADS-B Out has failed.
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Figure 1-2: Example of Own Aircraft UAT, 1090ES, and TAS Traffic
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The Lynx MultiLink Surveillance System includes a Detachable Configuration Module (DCM). A panel mounted rack is required for installation. Ad d i tional 3 installation. Refer to paragraph 1.5 for component requirem ents and installation considerations. Details on these components are provided in paragraph 1.11.
The unit has a bezel containing a multifunction touch screen that is designed to fit into a MARK width panel. LED backlighting is controlled by either the auto-dimming functionality provided by the ambient light sensor or using the pilot adjustable brightness control. The unit is equipped with a main sub-D connector (J1) and RF connectors. A USB port is available to establish communication between the unit and a maintenance computer for installation and maintenance activities.
The multifunction touch screen has full operational control providing the means to select screen views and interface with transponder, traffic, and weather information. The following information is available for display and control:
Flight ID or aircraft Tail Number
Transponder and Traffic Mode of Operation
ADS-B Status
VFR Select and Squawk Code Input
Traffic (graphic and textual)
Weather (graphic and textual)
TAS Mode (model specific)

1.3.1 Model Options

The Diversity option offers enhanced traffic awareness receiving data via 1090MHz using the ADS-B service.
party components are necessary to complete the
The Traffic Awareness System (TAS) option provides additional traffic awareness when ADS-B equipped aircraft are not in the area providing Traffic Alert (TA) warnings to the flight crew. See paragraph 1.2.6 for TAS functionality.
The Diversity and TAS options require an unlock codes that are entered using the Lynx MAT. Models with Diversity require the installation of an additional L-Band antenna. The TAS option requires
the installati on of a directional antenna.

1.3.2 Detachable Configuration Module (DCM)

The DCM part number 9230-17003-01 is part of the Lynx NGT-9000s and is used for the storage of configuration data. The DCM is permanently installed with the wire harness and interfaces to the unit via a 4 wire interface from the DCM.
The configuration settings are stored in the unit’s non-volatile memory and are entered via commands sent over the maintenance interface to configure such items as; input / output interface options, aircraft specific options (including TAS and Diversity), and installation calibration parameters.
When the configuration data is set, Lynx NGT-9000s units may be swapped and the configuration remains with the aircraft.
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1.3.3 System Unlock Code

Unlock codes are required if installing and activating the TAS and Diversity options. The unlock codes are 10 digit codes that are entered during installation using the Lynx MAT to install either of these options. The unlock codes may be purchased and shipped with the unit. If the unlock code is not included, contact L-3 Avionics Systems Customer Service to obtain the code. Be sure to have the Mode-S ID (e.g. ICAO) available for the service representative. The unlock code is associated with the aircraft ICAO address and will only work for that aircraft ID.


The unit supports a number of built-in interfaces as described in Table 1-2. A system block diagram is provided in Figure 1-3. Additional information on these interfaces is detailed below. Refer to Appendix A for interface options and the installation section for an interconnect diagram.
Table 1-2: Built-in Interfaces
Interface (No.) Function
ARINC 429 Input (4) Receive ADC and AHRS data ARINC 429 Output (1) Transmit to a traffic display Discrete Inputs (17) Receive Gillham Altitude Encoder, Audio Mute, IDENT
Command, and In Air / On Ground (WOW) status
Discrete Output (9) Transmit ADS-B Out Fail, TIS-B Out of Coverage, Traffic Alert
output RS-232 Input / Output (4) Wi-Fi accessory port RS-232 Input (1) Altitude Encoder port RS-422 Input / Output (1) External display port RF Suppression Input / Output (1) Provides on aircraft suppression of the L-band equipment Analog Audio Output (1) Connects to Audio Panel un-muted input. I2C Port (1) Detachable configuration module GPS Antenna Port Connect to a top mount antenna providing GPS data to support
ADS-B functionality L-Band Antenna Port Connects to the bottom mount antenna. Provides UAT 978
MHz input, 1030/1090 MHz extended squitter input/output to
support ADS-B/ATAC Transponder functionality. Extra Antenna Ports Connects to a top mounted antenna (L-Band or Directional)
providing optional TAS or Diversity functionality.
Note: Not all interfaces are used. Some are spares, reserved for future use, or optional.
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Figure 1-3: System Block Diagram

1.4.1 ADS-B Out Fail

The ADS-B Out Fail is a discrete output that provides an indication of when there is a loss of ADS-B Out. The discrete output is a ground/open type and is able to sink 250mA.

1.4.2 AHRS Input

An optional ARINC 429 input is provided to interface to an AHRS (heading) system in order to provide data for Enhanced Surveillance (EHS) and ADS-B data.

1.4.3 Altitude Encoder Input

Altitude input is req u ir ed on either and an RS-232 input port, 11 Wire Gillham Input Port or ARINC 429 Input Port.
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1.4.4 Audio Out

Two audio out discrete outputs are available that can output a 40 mW signal to equipment with a load of 600 Ohms.

1.4.5 RF Suppression Input/output

The mutual suppression input/output is used to provide suppression of L-band equipment on the aircraft. The transponder uses the signal as an input to inhibit decoding of receiver signals when other equipment on the aircraft is transmitting. When the transponder transmits, it asserts a positive voltage on the output to provide the suppression to other systems on the airplane.

1.4.6 TAS Alert

Traffic Alert is a discrete output that provides an indication of when a TAS Alert exists. Discrete outputs are ground/open type and are able to sink 250mA.

1.4.7 TIS-B Not In Coverage

The TIS-B Not In Coverage discrete output provides an indication that the unit is not in an Radar coverage area or that power has been removed from the unit. Discrete outputs are ground/open type and are able to sink 250mA.

1.4.8 WiFi Interface

The Unit uses a RS-232 bus to interface with a commercially available RS-232 to Wifi accessory. This interface provides traffic and weather information on a personal electronic device via an approved software application (APP).

1.4.9 WOW Input

The WOW input discrete is optional. The input signals the On Ground status to the unit via squat switch, Airspeed monitor, or a collective switch. The discrete input is active (ON) when the input is grounded.
Do not connect this to a gear switch or a manual pilot switch input.
An internal algorithmic override that uses ground speed and altitude inputs may override this input
and change the air/ground state (ex. a WOW "in-air" state could get changed back to on ground if the Aircraft is sitting on the ground). This is expected behavior. If simulated in-air tested is requir ed, use the ground test mode.

1.4.10 Maintenance Interface

The Unit can interface to a maintenance computer using either the WiFi interface or the USB port located on the front of the unit. This interface is used for installation setup and fault isolation and is only available while on ground.

1.4.11 GPS Antenna

Antenna performance is critical to the operation of the Unit. The unit requires that the GPS Antenna meet performance requirements s peci fi ed in TSO-145c.
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1.4.12 L-Band (978/1030/1090 MHz) Antenna

The L-Band antenna is used by the Unit to receive 978 MHz, 1030 MHz, and transmit/receive 1090 MHz. The unit requires that the L-Band Antenna meet performance requirements specified in DO-181E and DO-282B Section 2.2.14.
If the NGT-9000 is configured for Diversity, then two L-Band antennas are required.

1.4.13 Directional Antenna

L-3 Avionics Systems has two models of Directional Antenna available: the NY156 (P/N 805-10003-001) and model NY164 (P/N 805-10890-001).The teardrop-shaped antenna is sealed against environmental extremes and used by the Unit to receive Active Traffic (TAS) information.

1.4.14 Traffic Display

Traffic information is output to a compatible traffic display from the unit using an ARINC 735B interface format. Possible traffic output format selections include Standard TCAS Intruder File (STIF or TIF) and Display Traffic Information File (DTIF). The unit allows installed configuration selection of STIF, DTIF, or both formats of output data via the ARINC 429 bus to the traffic display.

1.4.15 Weather Display

The Unit interfaces to supported FIS-B Wx displays via a RS-422 Input and Output data bus.
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The installation of the following equipment is the minimum required by the Unit to provide ADS-B functionality as well as the optional TAS and Diversity functionality.
Each installation requires at a minimum the following equipment installed:
1. Lynx NGT-9000s
2. Detachable configuration module
3. GPS Antenna
4. L-Band (978/1030/1090 MHz) Antenna
5. Altitude Source (ARINC 429, RS-232, or Gilham Code)
A Unit with TAS (model: NGT-9000+) also requires the following:
1. Unlock code to unlock TAS option via the Lynx MAT
2. Directional Antenna (NY156 or NY164)
A Unit with Diversity (model: NGT-9000D) also requires the following:
1. Unlock code to unlock Diversity option via the Lynx MAT
2. Additional L-Band Antenna, located on the top of the aircraft.
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Lynx NGT-9000s
Installation Manual
Table 1-3: Specifications for Lynx NGT-9000s
USA (FAA): TSO-C112d, C113a, C145c, C147, C154c, C157a, C166b, C195a. See paragraph 1.7 for specific TSO information. Listed are current authorizations at time of publication, contact Field Service Engineering for
latest certification information
AC20-21-46, AC20-115B, AC20-152, AC20-165A, AC20-172A
Environmental Category: DO-160G (See Environmental Qualification Form in Appendix B.) Software Category: DO-178B, Design Assurance Level C Hardware Category: DO-254, Design Assurance Level C
Other: DO-181E, DO-197A, DO-229D, DO-260B, DO-267A, DO-282B, DO-317A, ARINC 718A-4 and SAE AS8034B.
ATC transponder functionality: 14 CFR 91.215, 91.217, 91.413 ADS-B Out functionality: 14 CFR 91.225, and 91.227
The Lynx NGT-9000s has been shown to meet the requirements in TSO-C166b and meets the requirements of 14 CFR 91.227 installed in accordance with these installation instructions.
Case Width 1.48 inches [12.83 cm] MAX
Height: 5.75 inches [7.42 cm] MAX Depth*: 8.99 i nches [3.81 cm] MAX
Bezel Width 6.25 inches [13.44 cm] MAX
Height: 1.8 inches [7.62 cm] MAX * Does not include connectors. Note: Unit Fits into a “MARK width” panel.
Nominal 1.0 Lbs (0.5 kg) Maximum 4.0 Lbs (0.8 kg)
Bonding impedance between aircraft ground and the Lynx NGT-9000s Chassis must be less than 2.5 milliohms.
+14.0 VDC nominal. 19.0 watts nominal (24.0 wa tts max imum) +28.0 VDC nominal. 19.0 watts nominal (24.0 watts maximum)
78 position d-subminiature connector receptacle (shell size 5) with swaged float plate. Connector insert per MIL-DTL-24308, Appendix A, Figure A-5, Arrangement 2. Connector insert shall accommodate 22D removable crimp contacts (socket) per M39029/57-324, or equivalent.
RF Connectors: 5W5 Coax D-Sub
Mini-B USB: Maintenance Port
Discrete Input/Outputs
RF Suppression Bus
C serial interface (detachable configuration module interface)
Note: Refer to Appendix A for signal names and characteristics
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Table 1-3: Specifications for Lynx NGT-9000s
-20° to +55°C (-4° to +131°F)
-55° to +85°C (-67° to +185°F)
55,000 ft (installation environment)
Mode S Transponder
Global Positioning System (GPS)
1090ES ADS-B Out: Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast
Traffic Awareness System (TAS) (optional)
Start Up Time: On Ground 20 seconds or less
In air 5 seconds or less.
Display Luminance: Range 0.05 fl to 150 fl
Built In Test: Fault Monitoring on all stages of operation from start up to
UAT Receiver Sensitivity (Class A1S)
power down.
-95.0dBm for 90% Message Decoding for Long ADS-B Messages
-96.0dBm for 90% Message Decoding for Short ADS-B Messages
-93.0dBm for 90% Message Decoding for Ground Uplink Messages
Mode S Transponder Power (Class 1 T ransponder). 125W minimum, 250 W maximum.
TAS Output Power (Class A TAS). 125W minimum, 250 W maximum.
The Lynx NGT-9000s is a transponder device and must be tested and inspected every 24 months subject to the requirements of FAA documents 14 CFR Part 43 Appendix F.
The Lynx NGT-9000s has unlimited service life.
Repairs performed at the FAA certificated Repair Station co-located at the OEM (equipment) facility.
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Table 1-4: Specifications for Detach able configuration module
SERVICE LIFE: Unlimited.
USA (FAA): TSO-C145c, C154c, C157a, C195a. See paragraph 1.7 for specific TSO information. Listed are current authorizations at time of publication, contact Field Service Engineering for
latest certification information
The DCM is tested as part of the NGT-9000.
Length: 6 inches (includes wires)
3.3 Vdc (regulated via J1 connector)
C serial interface
-40° to +70°C (-40° to +158°F)
-55° to +85°C (-67° to +185°F)
55,000 ft (installation environment)
Replacement only.
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