Thank you for purchasing an AVI Laboratory series DAB Tuner. As the name
implies, it is a precision instrument, meticulously hand built and tested and, given
the right circumstances, will produce the best sound quality that current
technology will allow.
We recommend that before you use your new tuner, you carefully read the
instruction manual. If you are familiar with the way the machine works before
you start, you are much less likely to encounter problems.
The Laboratory Series Integrated amplifier has been designed so that your tuner
can be put on top of it provided it is well ventilated. In cupboards where air
cannot circulate it would be best to put them side by side or, if you are using
another make of power amplifier that gets warm or even hot in use, then do not
put the tuner on it, as high temperatures can damage it.
Use good quality, screened coaxial phono-to-phono leads, avoiding ones that lock
and always makes sure that force applied to plug in or remove leads is directly in
line with the sockets. This is to minimise the risk of damage.
AVI products are extremely reliable but we do occasionally get units back for
repair because the phono sockets have been damaged. This is because many
people believe that cables can be used to fine tune the system or overcome some
problem with sound quality. Usually their problems are quite severe and cable will
not help. The biggest differences are caused by room acoustics and to a lesser
extent, loudspeakers. If you are in trouble, we may well be able to help so please
get in touch.
As a general rule it is not a good idea to remove and replace cables whilst the
system is switched on. The pops, clicks and hums that can occur may damage
loudspeakers especially if you amplifier is quite powerful.
Instructions for use
In the majority of cases your DAB tuner requires a high quality external aerial
and these can be obtained from and installed by a local specialist. We do not
recommend internal ones.
The aerial socket, known as an F connector, forms part of the receiver so it is
important not to damage it because if you do, the repair will be extremely
expensive. Your local installer will provide the correct cable and connector. Use
nothing else as forcing wires into the socket will break it.
When the tuner is switched on for the first time it will be out of standby and need
to be tuned. On the left rear panel (looking from the front of the tuner) there are
two small buttons labelled Tune and Reset.
The tune button has two functions, if it is pressed and released it will scan band
III (UK frequencies) and store all the available stations. If it is pressed and held
for five seconds it will scan band III (UK) and L Band (some Continental) and
memorise all available stations. All you need to do is chose a suitable option and
you will have all the stations you can get. The tuning knob rotates in a series of