Copyright AVG Technologies CZ, s.r.o. All rights reserved.
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
This product uses RSA Data Security, Inc. MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm, Copyright (C) 1991-2, RSA Data
Security, Inc. C reated 1991.
This product uses code from C -SaCzech library, C opyright (c) 1996-2001 Jaromir Dolecek
This product uses compression library zlib, Copyright (c) 1995-2002 Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler.
This product uses compression library libbzip2, C opyright (c) 1996-2002 Julian R. Seward.
This user manual provides comprehensive documentation for AVG 9 Internet Security
Congratulations on your purchase of AVG 9 Internet Security!
AVG 9 Internet Security is one of a range of award winning AVG products designed
to provide you with peace of mind and total security for your PC. As with all AVG
products AVG 9 Internet Security has been completely re-designed, from the ground
up, to deliver AVG’s renowned and accredited security protection in a new, more user
friendly and efficient way.
Your new AVG 9 Internet Security product has a streamlined interface combined with
more aggressive and faster scanning. More security features have been automated for
your convenience, and new ‘intelligent’ user options have been included so that you
can fit our security features to your way of life. No more compromising usability over
AVG has been designed and developed to protect your computing and networking
activity. Enjoy the experience of full protection from AVG.
AVG 9 Internet Security is intended to protect workstations with the following
operating systems:
· Windows 2000 Professional SP4 + Update Rollup 1
· Windows XP Home Edition SP2
· Windows XP Professional SP2
· Windows XP Professional x64 Edition SP1
· Windows Vista (x86 and x64, all editions)
· Windows 7 (x86 and x64, all editions)
(and possibly higher service packs for specific operating systems)
Note: The ID Protection component is not supported on Windows 2000 and XP x64.
On these operating systems you can install AVG 9 Internet Security but only without
the IDP component.
2.2. Minimum & Recommended HW Requirements
Minimum hardware requirements for AVG 9 Internet Security:
· Intel Pentium CPU 1,5 GHz
· 512 MB of RAM memory
· 390 MB of free hard drive space (for installation purposes)
Recommended hardware requirements for AVG 9 Internet Security:
· Intel Pentium CPU 1,8 GHz
· 512 MB of RAM memory
· 510 MB of free hard drive space (for installation purposes)
AVG can be installed either from the installation file available on your installation CD, or
you can download the latest installation file from AVG website (
Before you start installing AVG, we strongly recommend that you visit AVG
website ( to check for a new installation file. This way
you can be sure to install the latest available version of AVG 9 Internet
We recommend you to try out our new AVG Download Manager tool that will
help you set up the installation file in your required language!
During the installation process you will be asked for your license/sales number. Please
make sure you have it available before starting the installation. The sales number can
be found on the CD packaging. If you purchased your copy of AVG on-line, your
license number will have been delivered to you via e-mail.
AVG Download Manager is a simple tool that helps you select the proper installation
file for the trial version of your AVG product. Based on your input data, the manager
will select the spec ific product, license type, desired components, and language.
Finally, AVG Download Manager will go on to download and launch the appropriate
installation process.
Warning: Please note that AVG Download Manager is not suitable for downloading of
network and SBS editions and only the following operating systems are supported:
Windows 2000 (SP4 + SRP roll-up), Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7.
AVG Download Manager is available for download at AVG website (http://www.avg.
com/). Following please find a brief desc ription of each single step you need to take
within the AVG Download Manager:
4.1. Language Selection
In this first step of AVG Download Manager select the installation language from the
roll-down menu. Note, that your language selection applies only to the installation
process; after the installation you will be able to change the language directly from
program settings. Then press the Next button to continue.
specify them manually. Please fill in the following data:
· Server - enter a valid proxy server name or IP address
· Port - provide the respective port number
· Use proxy authentication - if your proxy server requires authentication, tick
this c heck box.
· Select authentication - from the drop-down menu select the authentication
type. We strongly recommend that you keep to the default value (the proxyserver will then automatically c onvey its requirements to you). However, if
you are a skilled user, you can also choose Basic (required by some servers)
or NTLM (required by all ISA Servers) option. Then, enter a valid Username
and Password (optionally).
Confirm your settings by pressing the Apply button to follow to the next step of AVGDownload Manager.
4.4. Downloading Installation Files
Now, you have provided all information needed for the AVG Download Manager to
start the installation package download, and launch the installation process. Further,
advance to the AVG Installation Process.
To install AVG 9 Internet Security on your computer, you need to get the latest
installation file. You c an use the installation file from the CD that is a part of your box
edition but this file might be out-of-date. Therefore we recommended getting the
latest installation file online. You can download the file from AVG website (http://www., the Support Center / Download section. Or, you can make use of our
new AVG Download Manager tool that helps you create and download the
installation package you need, and launch the installation process.
The installation is a sequence of dialog windows with a brief description of what do at
each step. In the following, we offer an explanation for each dialog window:
5.1. Installation Launch
The installation process starts with the Welcome to the AVG Setup Program
window. In here you select the language used for the installation process, and the
default language of AVG user interface. In the lower part of the dialog window find
the Choose your setup language item, and select the desired language from the
drop down menu. Then press the Next button to confirm and c ontinue to the next
Attention: Here, you are selecting the language for the installation process. The
language you select will be installed as the default language for AVG user interface,
together with English that is installed automatically. If you want to have installed
other additional languages for the user interface, please define them within the setup
dialog named Custom Installation - Component Selection.
The License Agreement dialog provides the full wording of the AVG license
agreement. Please read it carefully and confirm that you have read, understood and
accept the agreement by marking the I have read license agreement chec k box and
pressing the Accept button.
If you do not agree with the license agreement press the Don't accept button, and
the installation process will be terminated immediately.
5.3. Checking System Status
Having confirmed the license agreement, you will be redirected to the Checking
System Status dialog. This dialog does not require any intervention; your system is
being checked before the AVG installation can start. Please wait until the process has
finished, then continue automatically to the following dialog.
The Select Installation Type dialog offers the choice of two installation options:
standard and custom installation.
For most users, it is highly recommended to keep to the standard installation that
installs AVG in fully automatic mode with settings predefined by the program vendor.
This configuration provides maximum sec urity combined with the optimal use of
resources. In the future, if the need arises to change the configuration, you will
always have the possibility to do so directly in the AVG application.
Custom installation should only be used by experienced users who have a valid
reason to install AVG with non-standard settings. E.g. to fit specific system
5.5. Activate your AVG License
In the Activate your AVG License dialog you have to fill in your registration data.
Type in your name (User Name field) and the name of your organization (CompanyName field).
Then enter your license/sales number into the License Number text field. The sales
number can be found on the CD packaging in your AVG 9 Internet Security box. The
license number will be in the confirmation email that you received after purchasing
your AVG 9 Internet Security on-line. You must type in the number exactly as
shown. If the digital form of the license number is available (in the email), it is
recommended to use the copy and paste method to insert it.
Press the Next button to continue the installation process.
If in the previous step you have selected the standard installation, you will be
redirected directly to the AVG Security Toolbar dialog. If custom installation was
selected you will continue with the Destination Folder dialog.
5.6. Custom Installation - Destination Folder
The Destination Folder dialog allows you to spec ify the location where AVG 9
Internet Security should be installed. By default, AVG will be installed to the program
files folder located on drive C:. In case the folder does not exist yet, you will be asked
in a new dialog to confirm you agree AVG creates this folder now.
If you want to change this location, use the Browse button to display the drive
structure, and select the respective folder.
Press the Next button to confirm.
5.7. Custom Installation - Component Selection
The Component Selection dialog displays an overview of all AVG 9 Internet Security
components that can be installed. If the default settings do not suit you, you can
remove/add specific components.
However, you can only select from components that are included in your
purchased AVG edition. Only those components will be offered to be installed
within the Component Selection dialog!
· Language selection - within the list of components to be installed, you can
define which languages should be installed and further available for AVG user
interface. By default, English is installed always, and all other available
languages can be installed optionally. Unpack the Additional installedlanguages item and then select the desired languages from the respective
· E-mail Scanner plug-ins - click the E-mail Scanner item to open and decide
on what plug-in is to be installed to guarantee your electronic mail security. By
default, the setup detects what is your currently installed e-mail client and
installs the respective plug-in. This is true for Plugin for Microsoft Outlook,
and Plugin for The Bat! In case none of these two e- mail clients is installed on
your computer, setup will assign Personal E-mail Scanner to be installed, and
this option covers all other e-mail clients (e.g. Qualcomm Eudora, etc.).
Optionally, you can mark the specific plug-ins for MS Outlook, and The Bat! to
be installed as well. If your purchased license includes the Anti-Spam, it will
installed automatically as well.
· Remote Administration - if you plan to connect your computer to the AVG
Remote Administration later, please mark the respec tive item to be installed as
Continue by pressing the Next button.
5.8. AVG DataCenter
If using AVG network license and in case in previous Custom Installation Component Selection dialog you have marked the Remote administration item to
be installed, it is nec essary to specify AVG DataCenter parameters:
Into the AVG DataCenter specification text field please provide the connection string
to AVG DataCenter in the form of server:port. If this information is not available at
the moment, leave the field blank and you can set the configuration later in within the
Advanced Settings / Remote Administration dialog.
Note: For detailed information on AVG Remote administration please consult AVG
Network Edition user manual; to be downloaded from AVG website (http://www.avg.
In the AVG Security Toolbar dialog, dec ide whether you want to install the AVG
Security Toolbar. If you do not change the default settings, this component will be
installed automatically into your Internet browser (currently supported browsers are
Microsoft Internet Explorer v. 6.0 or higher, and Mozilla Firefox v. 3.0 or higher) and
to provide you with c omprehensive online protection while surfing the Internet.
Also, you have the option to decide whether you want to chose AVG Secure Search
as your default search provider. If so, please mark the respec tive chec k box.
The Close down open applications dialog appears during the installation process only
in case there are some other clashing programs running on your computer at the
moment. Then, the list of programs that need to be closed in order to sucessfuly finish
the installation process will be provided. Press the Next button to c onfirm you agree
to close down the respective applications, and to c ontinue to the next step.
5.11. Installing AVG
The Installing AVG dialog shows the progress of the installation process, and does
not require any intervention:
After the installation process is finished, the virus database and program will be
updated automatically. Then, you will be redirected to the next dialog.
In the Schedule regular scans and updates dialog set up the interval for new update
files accessibility check-up, and define time when the scheduled scan should be
launched. It is recommended to keep the default values. Press the Next button to
5.13. Computer usage selection
In this dialog, the Firewall Configuration Wizard asks what type of computer you
use. For instance, your notebook, that connects to the Internet from many different
locations (airports, hotel rooms, etc.) requires security rules that are stricter than
those of a computer in a domain (company network, etc.). Based on the selected
computer usage type the Firewall default rules will be defined with a different security
You have two alternative options to select from:
· A desktop computer - having selected this option, you will be redirec ted to
the next dialog named Your computer internet connection
· A portable computer - with this option, you will go directly to the final step
of the installation process, AVG protection configuration is complete dialog
Confirm your selection by pressing the Next button and proceed to the next dialog.
5.14. Your computer Internet connection
This dialog only appear if in the past step (Computer usage selection dialog) you have
selected the option of a desktop c omputer:
In this dialog, the Firewall Configuration Wizard asks how your computer is
connected to the Internet. Based on the selected connection type the Firewall
default rules will be defined with a different security level.
You have three alternative options to select from:
Select the connection type that best describes your computer connection to the
Confirm your selection by pressing the Next button and proceed to the next dialog.
5.15. AVG protection configuration is complete
Now your AVG 9 Internet Security has been configured.
In this dialog you decide whether you want to activate the option of anonymous
reporting of exploits and bad sites to AVG virus lab. If so, please mark the I agree to
provide ANONYMOUS information about detected threats to improve my
security option.
The scanning optimization functionality searches the Windows and Program files
folders where it detec ts appropriate files (at the moment those are the *.exe, *.dlland *.sys files) and saves the information on these files. With the next acc ess it will
no be necessary to scan these files automatically. The respective assigned files will
only be sc anned if AVG 9 Internet Security detects the files checksum change. If
there is no change to the file checksum, there is no need to scan the file again. This
approach reduces the the sc anning time significantly.
Once the installation process is over you will invited via a new dialog window to
optimize scanning:
We recommend to use this option and run the scanning optimization process by
pressing the Optimize scanning now button.
6.2. Product Registration
Having finished the AVG 9 Internet Security installation, please register you product
online on AVG website (, Registration page (follow the
instruction provided directly in the page). After the registration you will be able to
gain full acc ess to your AVG User acc ount, the AVG Update newsletter, and other
services provided exclusively for registered users.
6.3. Access to User Interface
The AVG User Interface is ac cessible in several ways:
· double-click the AVG icon on the system tray
· double-click the AVG icon on the desktop
· from the menu Start/Programs/AVG 9.0/AVG User Interface
There is a potential risk that a computer virus has been transmitted to your computer
prior to AVG 9 Internet Security installation. For this reason you should run a Scan of
the whole computer to make sure there are no infections on your PC.
For instructions on running a Scan of the whole computer please consult the
chapter AVG Scanning.
6.5. Eicar Test
To confirm that AVG 9 Internet Security has been installed correctly you can perform
the EICAR test.
The EICAR test is a standard and absolutely safe method used to test antivirus system
functioning. It is safe to pass around, because it is not an actual virus, and does not
include any fragments of viral code. Most products react to it as if it were a virus (
though they typically report it with an obvious name, such as "EICAR-AV-Test"). You
can download the EICAR virus from the EICAR website at, and you will
also find all necessary EICAR test information there.
Try to download the file, and save it on your local disk. Immediately after
you confirm downloading of the test file, the Online Shield will react to it with a
warning. This notice demonstrates that AVG is correctly installed on your computer.
From the website you can also download the compressed
version of the EICAR 'virus' (e.g. in the form of Online Shield allows
you to download this file and save it on your local disk but then the Resident Shield
detects the 'virus' as you try to unpack it. If AVG fails to identify the EICAR test file
as a virus, you should check the program configuration again!
The default c onfiguration (i.e. how the applic ation is set up right after installation) ofAVG 9 Internet Security is set up by the software vendor so that all components
and functions are tuned up to achieve optimum performance.
Unless you have a real reason to do so, do not change the AVG configuration!
Changes to settings should only be performed by an experienced user.
Some minor editing of AVG components settings is accessible directly from the specific
component user interface. If you feel you need to change the AVG configuration to
better suit your your needs, go to AVG Advanced Settings: select the system menu
item Tools/Advanced settings and edit the AVG configuration in the newly opened
The System menu is the standard navigation used in all Windows applic ations. It is
located horizontally in the very top part of the AVG 9 Internet Security main window.
Use the system menu to ac cess specific AVG components, feature, and services.
The system menu is divided into five main sec tions:
7.1.1. File
· Exit - closes the AVG 9 Internet Security's user interfac e. However, the AVG
application will continue running in the background and your computer will still
be protected!
7.1.2. Components
The Components item of the system menu includes links to all installed AVG
components, opening their default dialog page in the user interface:
· System overview - switch to the default user interface dialog with the
overview of all installed components and their status
· Anti-Virus - opens the default page of the Anti-Virus component
· Anti-Rootkit - opens the default page of the Anti-Rootkit component
· Anti-Spyware - opens the default page of the Anti-Spyware c omponent
· Firewall - opens the default page of the Firewall component
· Link Scanner - opens the default page of the Link Scanner component
· Remote Administration - displayed only within AVG network editions in case
you have specified during the installation process you want to have this
component installed
· System Tools - opens the default page of the System Tools
· Anti-Spam - opens the default page of the Anti-Spam c omponent
· E-mail Scanner - opens the default page of the E-mail Scanner component
· ID Protection - opens the default page of the ID Protectioncomponent
· License - opens the default page of the License component
· Online Shield - opens the default page of the Online Shield component