Product Correction Notice 1944S
2050 IP Softphone R4.4.2
PCN Template Rev Date: 08 June 2012
© 2013 Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Avaya – Proprietary & Confidential.
Use pursuant to the terms of signed agreements or Avaya
policy. All other trademarks are the property of their owners.
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All trademarks identified by the ® or TM are
registered trademarks or trademarks,
respectively, of Avaya Inc.
Product Correction Notice (PCN)
Issue Date:
Supplement Date:
affected by this
Avaya is pleased to announce the availability of the 2050 IP Softphone Release 4.4 Service Pack 2
(2050 R4.4.2) that includes support for Microsoft® Windows™ 8 Operating System (for both 32 bit
and 64 bit platforms) and a number of quality improvements based on internally found and externally
reported issues. This release is being provided as a no charge update to all customers who have
previously purchased or upgraded to Release 3.x or 4.x. Also refer to the Read Me document that is
posted on the Avaya Support Portal with the software files available for this release.
The 2050 IP Softphone Release 4.4.2 is compatible with the Avaya Call Servers listed below.
Avaya Communications Server 1000 (CS1000): Release 6.0, 7.0, 7.5, 7.6 (See Note 1)
Avaya Business Communication Manager 50 and 450 (BCM 50 and BCM 450): Release 5.0,
6.0 (See Note 2)
Avaya Survivable Remote Gateway 50: Release 6.0 (See Note 3)
Note 1: Both CS1000 R6.0 and R7.0 are already End of Manufacture Support for software; R7.5
will be End of Manufacture Support from 24th September 2013.
Note 2: BCM Release 6.0 or higher is required for Caller ID information to be displayed in the
incoming pop-up window as well as support of the Soft-Expansion Module functionality. Note
that BCM 450 is End of Sale but will continue to be supported for six years, with software
upgrades provided under Avaya discretion.
Note 3: In SRG Local mode only three out of six programmable keys will be active.
For more info, please see the section on ‘Call Server Compatibility and Requirements’ in the Read Me
document. Use the link below to access the Avaya Support portal to download the software files and
Readme document associated with this 2050 IP Softphone Release 4.4.2.
This PCN announces the General Availability of the 2050 IP Softphone Release 4.4.2. The 2050 IP Softphone
Release 4.4.2 provides quality and robustness improvements, and adds support for Microsoft® Windows™ 8
Operating System (for both 32 bit and 64 bit platforms). This release is being provided as a no charge update to
all customers who have previously purchased or upgraded to Release 3.x or 4.x.
See the Readme Document for Avaya 2050 IP Softphone for a summary and description of feature
enhancements, quality improvements, and Product Advisements relevant to this Software Release. Use the link
below to access the Avaya Support portal to download the software files and Readme document associated with
this 2050 IP Softphone Release 4.4.2
2050 IP Softphone Release 4.4.2 is available for download from http://support.avaya.com Select “Downloads &
Documents’, and then enter the product name "2050 IP Softphone’. Choose “2050 IP Softphone for Windows PC
Release 4.4 Service Pack 2 (Build 106) to access the software files and Read Me document.

Product Correction Notice 1944S
2050 IP Softphone R4.4.2
PCN Template Rev Date: 08 June 2012
© 2013 Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Avaya – Proprietary & Confidential.
Use pursuant to the terms of signed agreements or Avaya
policy. All other trademarks are the property of their owners.
Page 2 of 5
All trademarks identified by the ® or TM are
registered trademarks or trademarks,
respectively, of Avaya Inc.
Level of
Class 1=High
Class 2=Medium
Class 3=Low
Is it required
that this PCN be
applied to my
For all supported call servers, Avaya recommends that all customers upgrade both new and installed
2050 IP Softphone to this software version at their earliest convenience.
The risk if this
is not installed:
People using the 2050 IP Softphone will not have access to feature enhancements or may encounter
issues that have been addressed with this latest Software.
Is this PCN for
US customers,
customers, or
Does applying
this PCN disrupt
my service
To minimize service disruption, applying the Software Upgrade to the 2050 IP Softphone should be a
planned activity.
Installation of
this PCN
is required by:
Customer and/or Avaya Authorized Partner.
Release notes
are located:
Additional information is included in the Readme Document included with the Software Package that
is available at http://support.avaya.com/
What materials
are required to
implement this
(If PCN can be
Download the software files for the 2050 IP Softphone Release 4.4.2, including the
Readme document from the Avaya support portal.
For more details refer to the User Guides and Administration Guides that can be
downloaded from http://support.avaya.com as follows:
The following documents are associated with 2050 IP Softphone for Windows PC
on the CS1000:
Communication Server 1000 IP Phone Fundamentals, NN43001-368
2050 IP Softphone User Guide, NN43119-101
2050 IP Softphone Call Center User Guide, NN43119-100