Product Correction Notice # 1840P
This PCN address issues
with the following
products and systems:
Does this PCN apply to me? Yes, if you have 2001, 2002, 2004 IP Deskphones (Phase 2 models) running
What you should do when you
receive this PCN:
Product Correction Notice (PCN)
Issue Date:
Archive Date:
PCN Number:
Jan 10, 2012
Jan 10, 2013
This PCN announces the General Availability of UNIStim Software Release 3.5 for
Avaya 2000 Series IP Deskphones. This UNIStim 3.5 software provides several
quality improvements and is supported on the 2001, 2002, and 2004 IP
Deskphones (Phase 2 models). It is compatible with the following Avaya Call
• Business Communications Manager (BCM)
• Survivable Remote Gateway (SRG)
• Communications Server 1000 (CS1000)
• Communication Server 2100 (CS2100)
The 2001, 2002, and 2004 IP Deskphones reached an end‐of‐sale status in
November 2009, and this UNIStim Software Release 3.5 is being issued by Avaya to
address some specific quality improvements and to include Avaya branding for
information that is shown on the IP Deskphone display.
Note that this UNIStim Software Release 3.5 does not apply to the 2007 IP
Deskphone, which continues to be sold and which supports UNIStim Software
Release 5.x which is available for download on the Avaya Support portal.
UNIStim Software.
Avaya recommends that all customers upgrade installed 2000 Series IP
Deskphones (2001, 2002, 2004 IP Deskphone models) to this UNIStim Software
Release 3.5 version of software at their earliest convenience.
Go to http://support.avaya.com
, choose ‘Downloads’ from the left side of the
webpage, and enter ‘2000 Series IP Deskphones’ when prompted for the Product.
The software is posted under the pull down menu ‘UNIStim 3.x’
Download the Readme Document for a list of quality improvements included in
this Software Release. Download the Software binary file. The following UNIStim
software binary file is available for download for the Phase 2 2001/2002/2004 IP
Deskphones: 0604DCO
Description of PCN: This PCN announces the General Availability of Avaya UNIStim Software Release
3.5 for use with 2000 Series IP Deskphones (2001, 2002, 2004 Phase 2 models)
which reached an End‐of‐Sale status in December 2009.
PCN Template Rev Date: Sep 27, 2011
© 2011 Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Use pursuant to the terms of signed agreements or Avaya
policy. All other trademarks are the property of their owners
vaya –Proprietary & Confidential.
All trademarks identified by the ® or TM are
registered trademarks or trademarks,
respectively, of Avaya Inc.
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Product Correction Notice # 1840P
What is the nature of the PCN? Software
This PCN addresses
and resolves
the following issues:
Level of Risk/Severity
Class 1=High
Class 2=Medium
Class 3=Low
Is it required that this PCN be applied
to my system?
The risk if this PCN
is not installed:
Is this PCN for US customers, non‐US
customers, or both?
Does applying this PCN disrupt my
Installation of this PCN
is required by:
Release notes and workarounds are
How to determine if your product is
Required materials
(If PCN can be
customer installed):
Provisioning instructions
(If PCN can be
customer installed):
Finding the installation instructions
(If PCN can be
customer installed):
Note: Customers are required to backup their systems before applying the Patch.
UNIStim Software Release 3.5 addresses specific quality improvements including
two customer reported issues related to random lock ups of these IP Deskphones.
It also includes Avaya branding for information that is shown on the IP Deskphone
Class 3
No, but Avaya recommends that all customers upgrade installed IP Deskphones to
the latest version of software at their earliest convenience.
People using the 2001/2002/2004 IP Deskphones running UNIStim software may
encounter issues that have been addressed with this latest Software.
To minimize service disruption, applying the Software Upgrade to the
2001/2002/2004 IP Deskphones should be a planned activity.
Customer and/or Avaya Authorized Partner.
Additional information is included in the Readme Document included with the
Software Package that is available at http://support.avaya.com
Customers with 2001/2002/2004 IP Deskphones running UNIStim Software should
upgrade installed units to this version at their earliest convenience.
Download the 2001/2002/2004 IP Deskphone UNIStim Software Release 3.5
binary file and the Readme document from the Avaya support portal.
For more details refer to the User Guides and Administration Guides that can be
downloaded from http://support.avaya.com
Installation instructions are included in the User Guide and Administration Guides
located online at: http://support.avaya.com
. Choose ‘Documentation’ and enter
‘2000 Series IP Deskphones’ when prompted for the Product Name.
PCN Template Rev Date: Sep 27, 2011
© 2011 Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Use pursuant to the terms of signed agreements or Avaya
policy. All other trademarks are the property of their owners
vaya –Proprietary & Confidential.
All trademarks identified by the ® or TM are
registered trademarks or trademarks,
respectively, of Avaya Inc.
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