This chapter describes the Avaya P460 CLI architecture and conventions, and
provides instructions for accessing the Avaya P460 for configuration purposes.
The configuration procedure involves establishing a Telnet session or a serial
connection and then using the Avaya P460’s internal CLI. For details on establishing
a connection, see the User’s Guide that accompanies the switch.
The CLI is command-line driven and does not have any menus. To activate a
configuration option, you must type the desired command at the prompt and press
You can also configure your Avaya P460 using the P460 Manager with its graphical
user interface. For details, see the "Device Manager" chapter in the User’s Guide that
accompanies the switch and the Avaya MSNM P460 Device Manager User’s Guide
on the Documentation and Utilities CD.
CLI Architecture
The P460 supports both Layer 2 switching and Layer 3 switching.
The P460 CLI includes two CLI entities to support this functionality.
•The Switch CLI entity is used to manage Layer 2 switching.
•The Router CLI entity is used to manage Layer 3 switching.
To switch between the entities, use the session command. For details, see
"Avaya P460 Sessions" below.
Configuration of the password commands and community commands in one
entity is automatically attributed to the other entity in the switch.
Avaya P460 Reference Guide1
Chapter 1Using the CLI
Conventions Used
•Mandatory keywords are in the computer bold font.
•Information displayed on screen is displayed in computer font.
•Variables that you supply are in pointed brackets <>.
•Optional keywords are in square brackets [].
•Alternative but mandatory keywords are grouped in braces {} and separated by
a vertical bar |.
•Lists of parameters from which you should choose are enclosed in square
brackets [ ] and separated by a vertical bar |.
•If you enter an alphanumeric string of two words or more, enclose the string in
inverted commas.
CLI Help
•To display all commands available in a context type a question mark.
•To display all commands starting with a certain string, type the first few letters
followed by a question mark.
•To get help containing all commands parameters with their legal values as well
as its syntax and an example:
— type a question mark at the end of command or at the stage where it is
unique, or
— type "help" followed by the command
•Use the Tab key to complete an unambiguous command.
Command Line Prompt
Four factors affect the command line prompt:
•Host name of the CLI entity - the host name is used as the prefix of the
command prompt (refer to hostname command on page 29 for the Switch CLI
entity; refer to hostname command on page 30 for the Router CLI entity).
•Module Number - counting from the top and used as part of the prefix. In this
document the Module number in the prompt is generic and is represented by
•Security level - used as the suffix of the prompt (Refer to Security Level on
page 9.)
•Application context - used as body of the prompt, this part is not mandatory.
Host name of the router is London
Router is module number three
Application context is OSPF
2Avaya P460 Reference Guide
Chapter 1Using the CLI
The command line prompt looks as follows:
London-1(configure router:ospf)#
The command prompt is not hierarchical in structure. If you wish to use several
commands, each beginning with the same keyword, you must retype all parts of the
command each time. For example, if after you want to set the system contact and the
system name you must type both set system contact and
set system name. However, you can use command abbreviations.
Avaya P460 Reference Guide3
Chapter 1Using the CLI
Navigation, Cursor Movement and Shortcuts
The CLI contains a simple text editor with these functions:
Table 1.1Navigation, Cursor Movement and Shortcuts
BackspaceDeletes the previous character
Up arrow/Down arrowScrolls back and forward through the command
history buffer
Left arrow/Right arrowMoves the cursor left or right
TabCompletes the abbreviated command. Type the
minimum number of characters unique to the
command. An exception is the Reset System
command which you must type in full.
EnterExecutes a single-line command
“ “If you type a name with quotation marks, the
marks are ignored.
Command Syntax
Commands are not case-sensitive. That is, uppercase and lowercase characters may
be interchanged freely.
Command Abbreviations
All commands and parameters in the CLI can be truncated to an abbreviation of any
length, as long as the abbreviation is not ambiguous. For example, version can
be abbreviated ver.
For ambiguous commands, type the beginning letters on the command line and
then use the Tab key to toggle through all the possible commands beginning with
these letters.
4Avaya P460 Reference Guide
Universal Commands
Universal commands are commands that can be issued anywhere in the hierarchical
Retstatus command
Use the retstatus command to show whether the last CLI command you
performed was successful. It displays the return status of the previous command.
The syntax for this command is: retstatus
P460-1# set port negotiation 2/4 disable
Link negotiation protocol disabled on port 2/4.
P460-1# Router(enable)# retstatus
Tree command
The tree command displays the commands that are available at your current
location in the CLI hierarchy.
The syntax for this command is: tree
Output Example:
Chapter 1Using the CLI
P460-1# tree
Avaya P460 Reference Guide5
Chapter 1Using the CLI
terminal width
Use the terminal width command to set the terminal width of the terminal
The syntax for this command is:
terminal width [<character>]
characternone - Displays the current width in
P460-1> terminal width80
terminal width: 80
terminal length
Use the terminal length command to set the length of the terminal display.
number - Set the new
screen width in
The syntax for this command is:
terminal length [<screen-length>]
screen-lengthnone - Displays the current length in lines.
number - Set the new screen length in lines.
P460-1> terminal length25
6Avaya P460 Reference Guide
clear screen
Chapter 1Using the CLI
Use the clear screen command to clear the current terminal display.
The syntax for this command is:
clear screen
P460-1> clearscreen
Welcome to P460
SW version 1.0.0
Avaya P460 Reference Guide7
Chapter 1Using the CLI
Avaya P460 Sessions
You can use sessions to switch between P460 Supervisor modules or to switch
between Layer 2 and Layer 3 commands in the P460 CLI.
To switch between P460 modules use the command:
session [<mod_num>] <mode>.
The <mod_num> is the number of the module in the chassis, counting from the top
down. The <mode> can be either switch or router. When Module Number is not
specified, the command switches between the modes in the local module. Use
switch mode to configure layer 2 commands. Use router mode to configure routing
To configure router parameters in the module that you are currently logged into,
type the following command:
session router.
L When you use the session command the security level stays the same.
8Avaya P460 Reference Guide
Security Levels
There are four security access levels (modes) – User, Privileged, Configure and
•The User mode is a general access level used to show system parameter values.
•The Privileged mode is used by site personnel to access switch configuration
•The Configure mode is used by site personnel for Layer 3 configuration.
•The Supervisor mode is used to define user names, passwords, and access levels
of up to 10 local users.
A login name and password are always required to access the CLI and the
commands. The login names and passwords, and security levels are established
using the username command.
Switching between the entities, does not effect the security level since security levels
are established specifically for each user. For example, if the operator with a
privileged security level in the Switch entity switches to the Router entity the
privileged security level is retained.
Entering the Supervisor Level
The Supervisor level is the level in which you first enter Cajun Campus CLI and
establish user names for up to 10 local users. When you enter the Supervisor level,
you are asked for a Login name. Type root as the Login name and the default
password root (in lowercase letters):
Chapter 1Using the CLI
Welcome to P460
SW version 1.0.0
Login: root
Password accepted.
Defining new users
Define new users and access levels using the username command in Supervisor
Exiting the Supervisor Level
To exit the Supervisor level, type the command exit.
Avaya P460 Reference Guide9
Chapter 1Using the CLI
Entering the CLI
To enter the CLI, enter your username and password. Your access level is indicated
in the prompt as follows:
The User level prompt is shown below:
P460 >
The Privileged level prompt is shown below:
The Configure level prompt for Layer 3 configuration is shown below:
The Supervisor level prompt is shown below:
Entering the Technician Level
This level is can only be accessed from the Privileged and Supervisor levels not from
the User level.
L This feature is for use by Avaya Technical Support only.
Getting Help
On-line help may be obtained at any time by typing a question mark (?), or the
word help on the command line or by pressing the F1 key. To obtain help for a
specific command, type the command followed by a space and a question mark.
P460-1> show ?
P460-1> help show
Command Syntax
Commands are not case-sensitive. That is, uppercase and lowercase characters may
be interchanged freely.
Command Abbreviations
All commands and parameters in the CLI can be truncated to an abbreviation of any
length, as long as the abbreviation is not ambiguous. For example, version can
be abbreviated ver.
For ambiguous commands, type the beginning letters on the command line and
then use the TAB key to toggle through all the possible commands beginning with
these letters.
10Avaya P460 Reference Guide
Router Configuration Contexts
You can either use the general P460 commands available from the
Router(configure)# prompt or you can enter one of two router configuration
context modes:
•Router interface context:
This allows you to define parameters individually for each interface. To enter
this context, type interface <interface_name>
The prompt changes to Router>(config-if:<interface_name>)#
•Router protocol context:
This allows you to define parameters for a specific routing protocol (RIP, OSPF,
and VRRP). To enter this context, type router <protocol_name>
The prompt changes to Router>(configure router:protocol_name)#
To exit these context modes, type the command exit.
Chapter 1Using the CLI
Avaya P460 Reference Guide11
Chapter 1Using the CLI
12Avaya P460 Reference Guide
Chapter 2
Avaya P460 CLI Commands
This chapter describes all the P460 CLI commands and parameters in alphabetical
User level: read-write, admin.
L You can only access this command in Router-OSPF mode.
Type router ospf at the command prompt to enter Router -OSPF mode if
Use the area command to configure the area ID of the router.
Use the no area command to deleted the area ID of the router (set it to 0) and
remove the stub definition.
The default area is
Note: You cannot define a stub area when OSPF is redistributing other protocols or
when the Area ID is
To remove an entry to the ARP cache for the station
Router-1(configure)# noarp192.168.13.76
arp timeout
User level: read-write, admin.
L You can only access this command in configure mode.
Type configure at the command prompt to enter configure mode.
Use the arp timeout command to set the amount of time that an entry remains in
the ARP cache.
Use the no arp timeout command to restore the default value, 14,400.
The syntax for this command is:
[no] arp timeout <seconds>
secondsThe amount of time, in seconds, that an entry remains
in the arp cache.
14Avaya P460 Reference Guide
banner login
Chapter 2Avaya P460 CLI Commands
To set the arp timeout to one hour:
Router-1(configure)# arptimeout3600
To restore the default arp timeout:
Router-1(configure)# noarp timeout
Use the banner login command to enter the login banner configuration mode.
Use the no banner login command to set the login banner to the default value.
L Before creating a new banner, delete the current banner using the no banner
login command.
The syntax for this command is:
[no] banner login
P460-1(super)# bannerlogin
banner post-login
Use the banner post-login command to enter the post-login configuration
Use the no banner post-login command to set the post-login banner to the
default value.
L Before creating a new banner, delete the current banner using the no banner
post-login command.
The syntax for this command is:
[no] banner post-login
P460-1(super)# bannerpost-login
Avaya P460 Reference Guide15
Chapter 2Avaya P460 CLI Commands
clear arp-cache
User level: read-write, admin.
L You can only access this command in configure mode.
Type configure at the command prompt to enter configure mode.
Use the clear arp-cache command to delete dynamic entries from the ARP
cache and the IP route cache.
Use the clear cam command to delete all entries from the CAM table.
The syntax for this command is:
clear cam
P460-1# clearcam
CAM table cleared.
16Avaya P460 Reference Guide
clear dynamic vlans
User level: read-write, admin.
Use the clear dynamic vlans command to clear dynamically learned VLANs.
Only the VLANs learned by the switch from incoming traffic are cleared using this
The syntax for this command is:
clear dynamic vlans
P460-1# cleardynamicvlans
This command will delete all the vlans that were
dynamically learned by the device - do you want to continue
(Y/N)? y
Dynamic vlans were deleted from device tables
clear event-log
User level: read-write, admin.
Use the clear event-log command to delete the log file of a Supervisor module.
Chapter 2Avaya P460 CLI Commands
The syntax for this command is:
clear event-log [<module_number>]
Number of Supervisor Module (1...2)
P460-1# clearevent-log
*** Clearing the reset file ***
- do you want to continue (Y/N)? y
clear interface
User level: read-write, admin.
Use the clear interface command to clear the inband or outband interface
from the NVRAM.