While reasonable efforts have been made to ensure that the
information in this document is complete and accurate at the time of
printing, Avaya assumes no liability for any errors. Avaya reserves the
right to make changes and corrections to the information in this
document without the obligation to notify any person or organization of
such changes.
Using a cell, mobile, or GSM phone, or a two-way radio in close
proximity to an Avaya IP telephone might cause interference.
Documentation disclaimer
Avaya shall not be responsible for any modifications, additions, or
deletions to the original published version of this documentation unless
such modifications, additions, or deletions were performed by Avaya.
End User agree to indemnify and hold harmless Avaya, Avaya's agents,
servants and employees against all claims, lawsuits, demands and
judgments arising out of, or in connection with, subsequent
modifications, additions or deletions to this documentation, to the
extent made by End User.
Link disclaimer
Avaya is not responsible for the contents or reliability of any linked Web
sites referenced within this site or documentation(s) provided by Avaya.
Avaya is not responsible for the accuracy of any information, statement
or content provided on these sites and does not necessarily endorse
the products, services, or information described or offered within them.
Avaya does not guarantee that these links will work all the time and has
no control over the availability of the linked pages.
Avaya provides a limited warranty on this product. Refer to your sales
agreement to establish the terms of the limited warranty. In addition,
Avaya’s standard warranty language, as well as information regarding
support for this product, while under warranty, is available to Avaya
customers and other parties through the Avaya Support Web site:
http://www.avaya.com/support. Please note that if you acquired the
product from an authorized Avaya reseller outside of the United States
and Canada, the warranty is provided to you by said Avaya reseller and
not by Avaya.
Avaya grants End User a license within the scope of the license types
described below. The applicable number of licenses and units of
capacity for which the license is granted will be one (1), unless a
different number of licenses or units of capacity is specified in the
Documentation or other materials available to End User. “Designated
Processor” means a single stand-alone computing device. “Server”
means a Designated Processor that hosts a software application to be
accessed by multiple users. “Software” means the computer programs
in object code, originally licensed by Avaya and ultimately utilized by
End User, whether as stand-alone products or pre-installed on
Hardware. “Hardware” means the standard hardware originally sold by
Avaya and ultimately utilized by End User.
License types
Designated System(s) License (DS). End User may install and use
each copy of the Software on only one Designated Processor, unless
a different number of Designated Processors is indicated in the
Documentation or other materials available to End User. Avaya may
require the Designated Processor(s) to be identified by type, serial
number, feature key, location or other specific designation, or to be
provided by End User to Avaya through electronic means established
by Avaya specifically for this purpose.
Shrinkwrap License (SR). With respect to Software that contains
elements provided by third party suppliers, End User may install and
use the Software in accordance with the terms and conditions of the
applicable license agreements, such as “shrinkwrap” or “clickwrap”
license accompanying or applicable to the Software (“Shrinkwrap
License”). The text of the Shrinkwrap License will be available from
Avaya upon End User’s request (see “Third-party Components” for
more information).
Except where expressly stated otherwise, no use should be made of
materials on this site, the Documentation(s) and Product(s) provided
by Avaya. All content on this site, the documentation(s) and the
product(s) provided by Avaya including the selection, arrangement and
design of the content is owned either by Avaya or its licensors and is
protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws including the
sui generis rights relating to the protection of databases. You may not
modify, copy, reproduce, republish, upload, post, transmit or distribute
in any way any content, in whole or in part, including any code and
software. Unauthorized reproduction, transmission, dissemination,
storage, and or use without the express written consent of Avaya can
be a criminal, as well as a civil, offense under the applicable law.
Third-party components
Certain software programs or portions thereof included in the Product
may contain software distributed under third party agreements (“Third
Party Components”), which may contain terms that expand or limit
rights to use certain portions of the Product (“Third Party Terms”).
Information regarding distributed Linux OS source code (for those
Products that have distributed the Linux OS source code), and
identifying the copyright holders of the Third Party Components and the
Third Party Terms that apply to them is available on the Avaya Support
Web site:
T9 Text Input and other products are covered by one or more of the
following patents: U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,187,480,5,818,437, 5,945,928,
5,953,541, 6,011,554, 6,286,064, 6,307,548, 6,307,549, and
6,636,162,6,646,573, 6,970,599; Australia Pat. Nos. 727539, 746674,
747901; Austria Pat. Nos. AT225534, AT221222; Brazil P.I. No.
9609807-4; Canada Pat. Nos. 1,331,057, 2,227,904,2,278,549,
2,302,595; Japan Pat. Nos. 3532780, 3492981; United Kingdom Pat.
No. 2238414B; Hong Kong Standard Pat. No. HK1010924; Republic of
Singapore Pat. Nos. 51383, 66959, 71979; European Pat. Nos. 1 010
057 (98903671.0), 1 018 069 (98950708.2); Republic of Korea Pat.
Nos. KR201211B1, KR226206B1, 402252; People's Republic of China
Pat. No. ZL96196739.0; Mexico Pat. Nos. 208141, 216023, 218409;
Russian Federation Pat. Nos. 2206118, 2214620, 2221268; additional
patent applications are pending
2 Avaya one-X™ Deskphone SIP for 9608/9611G IP Telephone User GuideSeptember 2010
Preventing toll fraud
“Toll fraud” is the unauthorized use of your telecommunications system
by an unauthorized party (for example, a person who is not a corporate
employee, agent, subcontractor, or is not working on your company's
behalf). Be aware that there can be a risk of toll fraud associated with
your system and that, if toll fraud occurs, it can result in substantial
additional charges for your telecommunications services.
Avaya fraud intervention
If you suspect that you are being victimized by toll fraud and you need
technical assistance or support, call Technical Service Center Toll
Fraud Intervention Hotline at +1-800-643-2353 for the United States
and Canada. For additional support telephone numbers, see the Avaya
Support Web site:
vulnerabilities with Avaya products should be reported to Avaya by
sending mail to: securityalerts@avaya.com.
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Downloading documents
For the most current versions of documentation, see the Avaya Support
Web site:
Contact Avaya Support
Avaya provides a telephone number for you to use to report problems
or to ask questions about your product. The support telephone number
is 1-800-242-2121 in the United States. For additional support
telephone numbers, see the Avaya Web site:
The handset receiver contains magnetic devices that can attract small
metallic objects. Care should be taken to avoid personal injury.
Power over Ethernet (PoE) warning
This equipment must be connected to PoE networks without routing to
the outside plant.
VCCI-Class B statement:
This is a Class B product based on the standard of the VCCI Council.
If this is used near a radio or television receiver in a domestic
environment, it may cause radio interference. Install and use the
equipment according to the instruction manual.
http://www.avaya.com/support/. Suspected security
Avaya one-X™ Deskphone SIP for 9608/9611G IP Telephone User GuideSeptember 2010 3
4 Avaya one-X™ Deskphone SIP for 9608/9611G IP Telephone User GuideSeptember 2010
Chapter 1: Introduction to the 9608/9611G SIP Deskphone..................................................9
Scrolling and navigation..................................................................................................................................11
About icons.....................................................................................................................................................12
Setting up speed dialing.........................................................................................................................20
Setting up favorites.................................................................................................................................21
Changing the background logo...............................................................................................................25
Turning button click sounds on and off...................................................................................................25
Turning error tones on or off...................................................................................................................25
Setting the Phone screen width..............................................................................................................26
Changing the language..........................................................................................................................26
Setting the time format...........................................................................................................................27
Turning automatic gain control on or off.................................................................................................27
Integrating other applications with your phone.......................................................................................28
Chapter 3: Answering a call...................................................................................................31
Ignoring an incoming call................................................................................................................................31
Putting a call on hold.......................................................................................................................................32
Muting a call....................................................................................................................................................32
Transferring a call............................................................................................................................................32
Chapter 4: Making a call.........................................................................................................35
Making an emergency call..............................................................................................................................35
Redialing a number.........................................................................................................................................36
Speed dialing a person...................................................................................................................................36
Autodialing a pre-assigned number................................................................................................................36
Making a call using edit dialing.......................................................................................................................37
Calling a person from the contacts list............................................................................................................37
Calling a person from call history....................................................................................................................38
Making a call using a “click to dial” link...........................................................................................................38
Avaya one-X™ Deskphone SIP for 9608/9611G IP Telephone User GuideSeptember 2010 5
Send All Calls..................................................................................................................................................39
Turning off call forwarding...............................................................................................................................40
Setting up a conference call............................................................................................................................41
Adding a person on hold to a conference call.................................................................................................41
Putting a conference call on hold....................................................................................................................42
Dropping the last person added to a conference call......................................................................................42
Answering a call on a bridged line..................................................................................................................43
Joining a call on a bridged line........................................................................................................................43
Making an outgoing call on a bridged line.......................................................................................................44
Excluding others from bridging onto your call.................................................................................................44
Transferring a bridged call to its own voice mail.............................................................................................44
Searching for a contact...................................................................................................................................47
Viewing a contact's details..............................................................................................................................48
Adding a new contact......................................................................................................................................49
Editing a contact..............................................................................................................................................50
Deleting a contact...........................................................................................................................................50
Viewing call history details..............................................................................................................................51
Adding an entry from the call history to your contacts list...............................................................................52
Removing an entry from call history................................................................................................................52
Clearing all call history entries........................................................................................................................53
Turning off call history.....................................................................................................................................53
Chapter 10: Getting your messages......................................................................................55
Logging into your voice mail............................................................................................................................55
Chapter 11: About Features....................................................................................................57
Accessing the Features menu.........................................................................................................................57
Monitoring other extensions at a glance.........................................................................................................59
Assigning labels to pre-assigned (Autodial) numbers.....................................................................................59
Setting up automatic call back........................................................................................................................60
Making an auto intercom call..........................................................................................................................60
Call Forwarding when your line is busy or if you don't answer........................................................................61
Blocking your extension from displaying during calls......................................................................................61
Displaying your extension on outgoing calls...................................................................................................62
Parking a call...................................................................................................................................................62
Unparking a call..............................................................................................................................................62
Picking up a call to another extension.............................................................................................................63
Picking up a call to another call pickup group.................................................................................................63
Picking up a call from your pickup group........................................................................................................64
6 Avaya one-X™ Deskphone SIP for 9608/9611G IP Telephone User GuideSeptember 2010
Calling someone in your intercom group.........................................................................................................64
Tracing a malicious call...................................................................................................................................64
Recording a call..............................................................................................................................................65
Making a priority call.......................................................................................................................................65
Interrupting a call with a whisper page............................................................................................................66
Configuring simultaneous ringing for multiple telephones (EC500)................................................................66
Extending a call to your cell phone (EC500)..........................................................................................67
Navigating Web pages....................................................................................................................................69
About Web browser icons and labels..............................................................................................................70
Chapter 13: Using the Calendar.............................................................................................71
Avaya one-X™ Deskphone SIP for 9608/9611G IP Telephone User GuideSeptember 2010 7
8 Avaya one-X™ Deskphone SIP for 9608/9611G IP Telephone User GuideSeptember 2010
Chapter 1: Introduction to the 9608/9611G
SIP Deskphone
Your deskphone provides many features, including a Phone screen to view and manage your
calls, call History, a Contacts list, an integrated WML browser, a menu of options and settings,
and access to your voicemail. You can also attach up to three button modules to your
telephone, to expand the available number of call appearances and features; multiple button
modules must all be the same type and model. The 9611G Deskphone provides this
information in color, while the 9608 model provides this information in black and white.
The "G" designation in 9611G means this deskphone model has a built-in Gigabit Ethernet
adapter which speeds data transmission. The 9608 Deskphone has a smaller display area
than the 9611G Deskphone. Unless specifically stated elsewhere in this guide, the two models
are essentially the same in terms of features and functionality.
Not all functions and features described in this user guide may be available on your deskphone.
If you find that a function or feature is not available, please contact your system administrator.
Avaya one-X™ Deskphone SIP for 9608/9611G IP Telephone User GuideSeptember 2010 9
Introduction to the 9608/9611G SIP Deskphone
The following table provides button/feature descriptions for the 9608/9611G deskphone.
Message Waiting
Missed Call
Prompt LineView the prompt line to see helpful information, such as when you can
Call AppearancesThe number of lines available to make or receive calls (call
LinesThe line buttons with integrated LEDs show which lines are in use and
An illuminated red light in the upper-right corner of your phone
indicates you have voicemail messages waiting. If visual alerting is
enabled, this light flashes when you receive an incoming call.
The icon on the History button is illuminated when you have missed
calls. The top line shows the Missed Call icon and the number of calls
use the right or left navigation arrows to view alternate screens or
appearances) depend on how your system is administered. Press the
line button to initiate or answer a call.
correspond to the lines on the display. Press the line button to select
10 Avaya one-X™ Deskphone SIP for 9608/9611G IP Telephone User GuideSeptember 2010
Scrolling and navigation
that line. Lines also indicate if a feature or system number (for
example, an autodial number) is enabled or disabled in the Feature or
System Numbers view.
SoftkeysUse the softkeys to act on objects displayed on the screen. The softkey
labels show you the action that each key produces.
MessagePress the Message button to connect directly to your voicemail
Navigation ArrowsUse the right and left navigation arrows to navigate between menus
or to move the cursor during text input. Use the up and down
navigation arrows to move from one line to another.
PhonePress Phone to view and manage your calls.
ContactsPress Contacts to view the entries in your Contacts list.
HistoryPress History to view the history of your outgoing, incoming, and
missed calls.
HomePress Home to configure options and settings, access the browser,
log out, or view network information.
VolumePress Volume to adjust the volume of the handset, headset, speaker,
and ringer.
HeadsetPress Headset to use the headset if it is connected. Only HIS headset
cords are compatible with your phone.
MutePress Mute to mute a call in progress. To take a call off mute, press
Mute again.
SpeakerPress Speaker to use the speakerphone. To take a call off
speakerphone, lift the handset.
Scrolling and navigation
A navigation icon appears in the phone display to indicate that you can scroll to more options or
information. Use the right and left navigation arrows to move between the Phone screen and
Features list or the Features list and System Numbers list. Go to other screens when the paging
icon (left- and right-facing arrows) displays on a line or to move the cursor right or left when
entering text.
The softkey labels will change according to the options available for the selected line. The OK
button is a shortcut for the default action. For example, when you select an entry in your
contacts list, pressing the OK button places a call to that person.
Avaya one-X™ Deskphone SIP for 9608/9611G IP Telephone User GuideSeptember 2010 11
Introduction to the 9608/9611G SIP Deskphone
About icons
The icons in the following table indicate the state of a call, navigation choices, or the status
of a contact whose presence you are tracking.
Missed call; a call was not answered or was forwarded
to voice mail.
Incoming call is alerting.
Call is active.
Call is on hold.
Conference is active.
Conference is on hold.
Use the Right or Left navigation arrow to see additional
Scroll left for other options.
Scroll right for other options.
Scroll up or down when there is more information than
can display in the application area.
The call in progress is muted.
The icon shown applies to the 9608 only. The ringer
volume is off due to pressing - on the Volume button
until the volume turns off. To reinstate volume, press +
on the Volume button.
The icon shown applies to the 9611 only. The ringer
volume is off due to pressing - on the Volume button
until the volume turns off. To reinstate volume, press +
on the Volume button.
Presence icon signifying this contact is available; the
contact whose presence is indicated is registered
(logged in) and that phone is in an idle state.
Presence icon signifying this contact is currently on his
or her phone; Busy indicator.
12 Avaya one-X™ Deskphone SIP for 9608/9611G IP Telephone User GuideSeptember 2010
Presence icon indicating this contact is not logged in
Administrative messages
Presence icon indicating this contact's phone is busy
with the Send All Calls feature active. This icon also
designates that a feature is not available at this point of a
Presence icon indicating this contact is away from the
Icon indicating the telephone is not connected to its
network and is operating in "failover" mode. Some
features may not be available or work correctly. See
Limited access during failover on page 73 for
This contact or feature is designated a "favorite." See
Setting up favorites on page 21 for more information.
Presence icons appear when you set up the person whose presence you want to track as a
contact and enter a handle (a phone number or URI) for that person.
Administrative messages
Your administrator can send important messages directly to your telephone, for example,
notification of an early office closing due to inclement weather or information about an imminent
service interruption.
These types of messages can take any of the following forms:
• a text message streaming across the top display line, accompanied by an audible alert,
• an audio message broadcasting through the Speaker (or the headset if that device is
• an “interrupt” screen notifying you that you are receiving an audio alert, with instructions
for canceling the message or resuming your previous activity, such as continuing a call.
While receiving an audio message, you can switch between the Speaker, handset, and headset
as desired, can terminate the pushed audio content by “going on-hook,” and can adjust the
volume, as you normally would during a call.
Telephone stand
The telephone stand attaches to the phone in one of two ways so that you can place the phone
in a relatively flat position or at an angle. If your phone is in the upright position for wall
mounting, reverse the tab located below the switchhook in the top ear piece pocket (on the
Avaya one-X™ Deskphone SIP for 9608/9611G IP Telephone User GuideSeptember 2010 13
Introduction to the 9608/9611G SIP Deskphone
front of the phone). This will keep the handset seated in the correct position. You will need a
small screwdriver to lift this tab out.
Viewing Network Information
Your system administrator may ask you to check certain phone or network settings to
investigate problems. Access network information from the Home Screen. Network Information
has seven different viewing options: Audio parameters, IP (Internet Protocol) parameters,
Quality of Service, Interfaces, 802.1X Parameters, Miscellaneous, and Diagnostics.
Your system administrator will instruct you further as to which network information options and
settings are needed.
14 Avaya one-X™ Deskphone SIP for 9608/9611G IP Telephone User GuideSeptember 2010
Chapter 2: Avaya Menu
You can use the Avaya Menu to adjust and customize options and settings for your telephone,
access additional Web-based applications, get information about your phone and network
settings, and log out. When you press the Home button, you see one of the following menus,
depending on how your administrator has set up your system and on the applications available
to you:
The menus and sub-menus that appear depend on how your extension was administered.
Some options or sub-menus may not be available. Contact your System Administrator if you
have any questions.
• Options & Settings...
• Browser...
• Network Information...
• About Avaya one-X
• Log Out
Options & Settings lets you change your call settings, personalize button labels, adjust
brightness and contrast, select your ringing pattern, set up favorites, assign speed dial entries,
and more. See Options & Settings on page 16 for more information.
The Browser menu contains additional web-based applications. (If no web applications are
available for your phone, the Browser menu is not shown.)
Network Information shows a summary of network-related parameters for your phone and
provides diagnostic information. See
If your administrator has set up Web applications, this option appears under the Phone Settings
menu instead.
About Avaya one-X provides the release number of your telephone software.
Log Out lets you sign off the phone, to protect your settings or to allow another user to log in.
Viewing Network Information on page 14 for information.
Avaya one-X™ Deskphone SIP for 9608/9611G IP Telephone User GuideSeptember 2010 15
Avaya Menu
Options & Settings
The Options & Settings menu contains choices for:
• Call Settings...
• Assign Speed Dial Entries...
• Assign Favorites Entries...
• Application Settings...
• Screen & Sound Options...
• Language and Region...
• Advanced Options...
Call Settings includes choices for automatically displaying the Phone screen when you get an
incoming call or when you place a call, turning call timers on or off, controlling how Redial
works, turning Visual Alerting on or off, and more.
Assign Speed Dial Entries lets you assign speed dial numbers to up to ten contacts, so you
can press a single digit to initiate a call to that person. See
page 20 for more information.
Assign Favorites Entries lets you build a list of up to nine favorite contacts or features. See
Setting up favorites on page 21 for more information.
Application Settings includes choices for personalizing button labels, turning call History on or
off and including bridged calls in your call History.
Screen & Sound options includes choices for adjusting your phone's brightness and contrast,
ring pattern, background logos, and button clicks and tones.
Language and Region settings includes choices for setting the display language and the time
Advanced Options includes choices for integrating other applications like Microsoft® Exchange
Server with your phone. You can also set AGC (Automatic Gain Control) for your headset,
handset, and/or speaker audio.
Network Information has a sub-menu with six different viewing options: Audio parameters, IP
(Internet Protocol) parameters, Quality of Service, Interfaces, 802.1X Parameters, and
Miscellaneous. Your system administrator may ask you to use this option to check certain
phone or network settings to investigate problems.
Setting up speed dialing on
16 Avaya one-X™ Deskphone SIP for 9608/9611G IP Telephone User GuideSeptember 2010
Setting the Phone Screen on calling
Set Phone Screen on Calling to Yes to automatically display the Phone screen when you place
a call.
1. Press Home.
2. Select Options & Settings...
3. Press Select or OK.
4. Select Call Settings.
5. Press Select or OK.
6. Select Phone Screen on Calling.
7. Press Change or OK or use the right or left navigation arrows to set the option to
Yes or No, depending on the current setting.
8. Press Save.
Options & Settings
Setting the Phone Screen on ringing
Set Phone Screen on Ringing to Yes to automatically display the Phone screen when you get
an incoming call.
1. Press Home.
2. Select Options & Settings...
3. Press Select or OK.
4. Select Call Settings.
5. Press Select or OK.
6. Select Phone Screen on Ringing.
7. Press Change or OK or use the right or left navigation arrows to set the option to
Yes or No.
8. Press Save.
Avaya one-X™ Deskphone SIP for 9608/9611G IP Telephone User GuideSeptember 2010 17
Avaya Menu
Displaying call timers
You can set your call settings to display the duration of calls. You can turn the call timer display
on or off.
1. Press Home.
2. Select Options & Settings...
3. Press Select or OK.
4. Select Call Settings.
5. Press Select or OK.
6. Select Display Call Timers.
7. Press Change or OK or use the Left/Right arrows to change the setting.
8. Press Save.
Setting redial options
You can set Redial to dial the last number you dialed or to display a list of the last numbers
you dialed.
1. Press Home.
2. Select Options & Settings...
3. Press Select or OK.
4. Select Call Settings.
6. Press Select or OK.
7. Select Redial.
8. Press Change or OK or the Right/Left Arrows to toggle between One Number and
9. Press Save.
18 Avaya one-X™ Deskphone SIP for 9608/9611G IP Telephone User GuideSeptember 2010
Configuring visual alerts
When the Visual Alerting option is turned on, incoming calls cause the LED in the top right
corner of the phone to flash. You can turn Visual Alerting on or off.
1. Press Home.
2. Select Options & Settings...
3. Select Call Settings.
5. Press Select or OK.
6. Select Visual Alerting.
7. Press Change or OK or use the Right/Left arrows to turn Visual Alerting on or off.
8. Press Save.
Options & Settings
Setting the audio path
You can set your phone to go off-hook on the Speaker or the Headset when you make an onhook call.If your system administrator has set up auto-answer, incoming calls are also
answered on the default audio path you designate here.
1. Press Home.
2. Select Options & Settings or Phone Settings.
3. Select Options & Settings...
4. Press Select or OK.
5. Select Call Settings.
6. Press Select or OK.
7. Select Audio Path.
8. Press Change or OK or use the Right/Left arrows to change the Speaker or
Headset setting.
9. Press Save.
Avaya one-X™ Deskphone SIP for 9608/9611G IP Telephone User GuideSeptember 2010 19
Avaya Menu
Setting dialing options
Your phone has two dialing options. You can dial as you normally would, for example, pick up
the handset, get a dial tone, and dial the number you want (on-hook dialing). Or, you can set
"edit dialing" which mimics how you dial a call on a cell phone - you can enter all or part of the
number, backspace to correct a digit if needed, and when ready, initiate the dialing process
using a softkey.
Edit dialing may not be available to you, depending on how your system is administered.
1. Press Home.
2. Select Options & Settings...
3. Press Select or OK.
4. Select Call Settings.
5. Press Select or OK.
6. Select Dialing options.
If your telephone does not display this option, your administrator has not made this
feature available.
7. Press Change or OK or the Right/Left Arrows to toggle between On-hook and
When on-hook dialing is in effect, dialpad (edit dial) searches are not available.
8. Press Save.
Setting up speed dialing
You can assign speed dial numbers to up to 10 people in your contact list. Then when you want
to call a speed dial contact, simply press the number you've assigned to that person.
1. Press Home.
2. Select Options & Settings...
3. Press Select or OK.
4. Scroll to Assign Speed Dial Entries....
If your telephone does not display the Assign Speed Dial option, your administrator
has not made this feature available.
20 Avaya one-X™ Deskphone SIP for 9608/9611G IP Telephone User GuideSeptember 2010
5. Press Select or OK.
6. To un-assign an existing speed dial contact, scroll to the line you want to unassign and Clear. Proceed to the next step to reassign that number.
7. To add a speed dial contact, scroll to the first unassigned line and press the Assign
softkey .
8. Scroll to the contact you want to assign and Select .
9. Select the telephone number you want to assign.
10. Press the Select softkey or the OK button.
Setting up favorites
You can create a list of up to nine favorite contacts or features for quick access. The contacts
and/or features on your favorites list display as you scroll past your last call appearance.
Options & Settings
1. Press Home.
2. Select Options & Settings...
3. Press Select or OK.
4. Select Assign Favorite Entries....
If your telephone does not display the Assign Favorite Entries option, your
administrator has not made this feature available.
5. Press Assign or OK.
6. To add a favorite contact, select an assignment line and press the Contacts softkey.
To add a favorite feature, select an assignment line and press the Features softkey.
7. Scroll to the contact/feature you want and press Select or OK.
8. If you are assigning a favorite contact, select the telephone number you want to use
to call this favorite person.
Next steps
To call a favorite contact or access a favorite feature, scroll down through your call
appearances. When the favorite contact or feature displays, press the applicable softkey or
line/feature button to call the person or activate the feature.
Personalizing button labels
You can change the labels that are displayed for your extensions, features, and system
numbers or speed dial buttons. For example, you can change the label for your extension to
Avaya one-X™ Deskphone SIP for 9608/9611G IP Telephone User GuideSeptember 2010 21
Avaya Menu
"My Line." If you have a button module attached to your deskphone, you can change any of
those labels as well; for example, you can change a Help Desk extension to read “Help Desk.”
For information on editing Autodial button labels, see Assigning labels to pre-assigned
(Autodial) numbers on page 59.
1. Press Home.
To edit a label on an attached Avaya BM12 Button Module, press the Edit button
on the module instead and proceed to Step 10.
2. Select Options & Settings...
3. Press Select or OK.
4. Select Application Settings.
5. Press Select or OK.
6. Select Personalize Labels...
7. Press Select or OK.
8. Select the label you want to edit.
If the label you want to edit is on the Features menu, scroll down past your call
appearances, and select the feature you want to edit. If the label you want to edit
is on the System Numbers menu, scroll down past your features and select the
system number label you want to personalize.
9. Press Edit.
10. Type a new label using up to 13 characters.
Press More then Clear to clear all text fields and start over.
11. Press Save or OK.
12. You may revert back to the default button labels by selecting Home > Options &
Adjusting the brightness or contrast of the display
1. Press Home.
2. Select Options & Settings...
3. Press Select or OK.
22 Avaya one-X™ Deskphone SIP for 9608/9611G IP Telephone User GuideSeptember 2010
4. Select Screen & Sound Options...
5. Press Select or OK.
6. Select Brightness or Contrast.
Contrast adjustment applies only to a deskphone with a black and white display or
a button module attached to a deskphone with a color display screen. You cannot
adjust the contrast of the deskphone's color display screen itself.
7. Press Select or OK.
8. Select Phone or an attached button module, as applicable.
9. Use the arrow keys to increase or decrease the brightness or contrast.
10. Press Save.
Changing the ring pattern
Options & Settings
1. Press Home.
2. Select Options & Settings...
3. Press Select or OK.
4. Select Screen & Sound Options.
5. Press Select or OK.
6. Scroll to and select Personalized Ringing.
The ring tone currently selected displays on the prompt line and a list of all eight
ring tones within that category displays with a checkmark next to the pattern
currently selected. The first softkey indicates the other ring tone category, to allow
you to switch between categories.
7. Press Change to move from one ring tone to the next.
8. Repeat the last step until you find the ring pattern you want.
9. Press Save to make it your ring pattern.
Avaya one-X™ Deskphone SIP for 9608/9611G IP Telephone User GuideSeptember 2010 23
Avaya Menu
Setting a call pickup ring tone
1. Press Home.
2. Select Options & Settings...
3. Select Screen & Sound Options.
4. Press Select or OK.
5. Select Call Pickup Ring Type.
6. Press Change or OK or use the Right/Left Arrows to toggle from one ring tone/
number to another. Each tone sounds briefly as you move to it.
7. If desired, press Play or OK to listen to the ring tone.
8. Repeat the last two steps until you find the ring tone you want for calls within your
pickup group.
9. Press Save to make it your call pickup ring tone.
Setting call pickup alerting indication
You can set call alerting to notify you visually and/or audibly when you receive an incoming call.
1. Press Home.
2. Select Options & Settings...
3. Press Select or OK.
4. Select Call Settings.
5. Press Select or OK.
7. Select Call Pickup Indication.
8. Press Select or OK.
9. Press Change or OK or the Right/Left Arrows to toggle from one choice to the
next, which display in the following sequence: Audible, Visual, Both (audible and
visual), or None (no call pickup alert indication).
10. Press Save.
24 Avaya one-X™ Deskphone SIP for 9608/9611G IP Telephone User GuideSeptember 2010
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