Avaya Partner, IP Office PARTNER Version, ETR 18D, ETR 34D, 1408 Administration Manual

- Issue 1b - (22 February 2010)
PARTNER Version Phone Based Administration
IP Office PARTNER Version
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- Issue 1b (22 February 2010)IP Office PARTNER Version
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Third-Party Components Certain software programs or portions thereof included in the Product may contain software distributed under third party agreements (“Third Party Components”), which may contain terms that expand or limit rights to use certain portions of the Product (“Third Party Terms”). Information identifying Third Party Components and the Third Party Terms that apply to them is available on Avaya’s web site at: http://support.avaya.com/ThirdPartyLicense/
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Avaya Support Avaya provides a telephone number for you to use to report problems or to ask questions about your contact center. The support telephone number is 1 800 628 2888 in the United States. For additional support telephone numbers, see the Avaya Web site: http://www.avaya.com/support.
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..................................................................... 71.1 Programming Functions
..................................................................... 91.2 Programmable Buttons
..................................................................... 141.3 ETR Phone Programming Overlays
..................................................................... 161.4 1408/1416 Programming Menus
..................................................................... 171.5 Phrase Sys Admin Not Supported
Line Settings2.
..................................................................... 212.1 Number of Lines
..................................................................... 222.2 Line Assignment
..................................................................... 232.3 Line Coverage Extension
..................................................................... 242.4 Group Call Distribution
..................................................................... 252.5 CO Disconnect Time
..................................................................... 262.6 Automatic Line Selection
Date and Time3.
..................................................................... 283.1 Changing the System Date
..................................................................... 293.2 Changing the System Time
..................................................................... 303.3 Network Time Synchronization
..................................................................... 313.4 Automatic Daylight Savings Time
Dialing Restrictions and Permissions4.
..................................................................... 354.1 Allowed Number List
..................................................................... 364.2 Allowed List Assignment
..................................................................... 374.3 Disallowed Number Lists
..................................................................... 394.4 Disallowed List Assignment
..................................................................... 404.5 Emergency Phone Number List
..................................................................... 414.6 Outgoing Call Restriction
..................................................................... 424.7 Allow Remote Call Forwarding
..................................................................... 434.8 System Password
..................................................................... 444.9 Toll Call Prefix
System Changes5.
..................................................................... 465.1 Recall Timer Duration
..................................................................... 475.2 Caller ID Log All Calls
Auxiliary Equipment6.
..................................................................... 516.1 Doorphone Programming
............................................................................ 516.1.1 Doorphone Extensions
............................................................................ 526.1.2 Doorphone Alert Extension
..................................................................... 536.2 Contact Closures
............................................................................ 536.2.1 Contact Closure Group
............................................................................ 546.2.2 Contact Closure Operation Type
..................................................................... 556.3 Loudspeaker Extension
..................................................................... 566.4 Fax Machine Extension
Speed Dials7.
..................................................................... 597.1 System Speed Dials
..................................................................... 617.2 Personal Speed Dials
Extension Settings8.
..................................................................... 678.1 Extension Name
..................................................................... 698.2 Display Language
..................................................................... 708.3 Call Waiting
..................................................................... 718.4 Intercom Dial Tone
..................................................................... 728.5 External Hotline
..................................................................... 748.6 Internal Hotline
..................................................................... 758.7 Outside Conference Denial
..................................................................... 768.8 Automatic Privacy
Account Codes9.
..................................................................... 799.1 Forced Account Code List
..................................................................... 809.2 Forced Account Code Extensions
..................................................................... 8310.1 VMS Cover On/Off
..................................................................... 8410.2 VMS Coverage Rings
..................................................................... 8510.3 Voicemail Password
..................................................................... 8610.4 VMS Hunt Delay
..................................................................... 8710.5 VMS Hunt Schedule
..................................................................... 9111.1 Calling Groups
..................................................................... 9211.2 Hunt Groups
..................................................................... 9311.3 Night Service Group
..................................................................... 9411.4 Night Service Button
..................................................................... 9511.5 Pickup Groups
Ring Settings12.
..................................................................... 9912.1 Abbreviated Ringing
..................................................................... 10012.2 Call Coverage Rings
..................................................................... 10112.3 Distinctive Ringing
..................................................................... 10212.4 Line Ringing
..................................................................... 10312.5 Personal Ring Pattern
..................................................................... 10412.6 Ringing on Transfer
..................................................................... 10512.7 Transfer Return Rings
Holding Calls13.
..................................................................... 10813.1 Hold Recall Time
..................................................................... 10913.2 Music on Hold
Button Programming14.
..................................................................... 11214.1 Button Programming Functions
..................................................................... 11514.2 Absent Message
..................................................................... 11614.3 Account Code Entry
..................................................................... 11714.4 Active Line Pickup
..................................................................... 11814.5 Auto Dial - Intercom
..................................................................... 11914.6 Auto Dial - Other
..................................................................... 12114.7 Call Coverage
..................................................................... 12314.8 Call Forwarding
..................................................................... 12514.9 Call Pickup
..................................................................... 12614.10 Caller ID Inspect
..................................................................... 12714.11 Caller ID Log
..................................................................... 12814.12 Caller ID Name Display
..................................................................... 12914.13 Calling Group
..................................................................... 13014.14 Conference Drop
..................................................................... 13114.15 Contact Closure 1
..................................................................... 13214.16 Contact Closure 2
..................................................................... 13314.17 Do Not Disturb
..................................................................... 13414.18 Hot Dial
..................................................................... 13514.19 Hunt Group
..................................................................... 13614.20 Idle Line Pickup
..................................................................... 13714.21 Last Number Redial
..................................................................... 13814.22 Loudspeaker Page
..................................................................... 13914.23 Night Service
..................................................................... 14014.24 Pickup Group
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..................................................................... 14114.25 Privacy
..................................................................... 14214.26 Recall
..................................................................... 14314.27 Saved Number Redial
..................................................................... 14414.28 Simultaneous Page
..................................................................... 14514.29 Station Lock
..................................................................... 14614.30 Station Unlock
..................................................................... 14714.31 VMS Cover
..................................................................... 14814.32 Voice Mailbox Transfer
System Maintenance15.
..................................................................... 15115.1 Copy Extension Settings
..................................................................... 15215.2 Remote Administration Password
..................................................................... 15315.3 Clearing a Backup Alarm
..................................................................... 15415.4 Backup the Configuration
..................................................................... 15515.5 Restore the Configuration
..................................................................... 15615.6 System Copy
..................................................................... 15715.7 System Default
..................................................................... 15815.8 System Reset
..................................................................... 15915.9 System Shutdown
..................................................................... 16015.10 System Upgrade
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Chapter 1.
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1. Overview
This document covers the programming of an Avaya IP Office PARTNER Version telephone system that can be done from the phones on that system. This is only supported from ETR 18D, ETR 34D, 1408 and 1416 phones.
The range of programming can be divided into the following categories:
· System Administration This programming can only be done from extensions 10 and 11. It mainly involves settings that affect all extensions on the system though there is some extension specific settings.
· Centralized Programming This programming can only be done from extensions 10 and 11. The user is able to select another extension number and then program settings for that other extension.
· Telephone Programming This programming is done from the extension whose settings are being changed.
The IP Office PARTNER Version system using the IP Office Manager application from a PC. IP Office Manager can access all the settings covered by telephone administration plus a wide range of additional settings not available through telephone administration. However use of IP Office Manager is normally reserved for a system installer or maintainer only, due to the nature of the settings that are accessible.
1.1 Programming Functions
The table below lists the settings that can be programmed from a suitable phone.
Access Type
System Settings
Recall timer
System Administration
Log Caller ID Extensions
System Administration
System Administration
System Administration
Date and Time
Automatic Daylight Saving
System Administration
Network Time Synch
System Administration
System Date
System Administration
System Time
System Administration
Line Settings
Number of Lines
System Administration
Line Assignment
System Administration
Line Coverage Extension
System Administration
Co Disconnect Time
System Administration
Line Ringing
Centralized Programming / Telephone Programming (view only)
Auto Line Selection
Centralized Programming
Auxiliary Equipment
Contact Close Grp
System Administration
Type - Contact Close
System Administration
Doorphone 1 Extension
System Administration
Doorphone 2 Extension
System Administration
Doorphone Alert Ext
System Administration
Internal Hotline Ext
System Administration
Loudspeaker Paging Ext
System Administration
Fax Machine Extension
System Administration
Dialing Restrictions and Permissions
Allowed Lists
System Administration
Allow To
System Administration
Disallowed Lists
System Administration
Disallow To
System Administration
Emergency List
System Administration
Outgoing Call Restr
System Administration
Set System Password
System Administration
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Access Type
Toll Call Prefix
System Administration
Speed Dials
Personal Speed Dial
Centralized Programming / Telephone Programming
System Speed Dials
Telephone Programming (extensions 10 and 11 only)
Extension Settings
Automatic Extension Privacy
System Administration
Extension Name
Centralized Programming / Telephone Programming
Button Programming
Centralized Programming / Telephone Programming
Display Language
System Administration
Call Waiting
System Administration
Intercom Dial Tone
System Administration
External Hotline
System Administration
Outside Conference Denial
System Administration
Remote Call Forward
System Administration
Account Codes
Forced Account Code
System Administration
Forced Act Code List
System Administration
VMS Cover
System Administration
VMS Coverage Rings
System Administration
Reset Voice Mail Pwd
System Administration
VMS Hunt Delay
System Administration
VMS Hunt Schedule
System Administration
Calling Group
System Administration
Group Call Distrib
System Administration
Hunt Group
System Administration
Night Service Button
System Administration
Night Service Grp Ext
System Administration
Pickup Group
System Administration
Ring Settings
Abbreviated Ringing
System Administration
Call Coverage Rings
System Administration
Distinctive Ringing
System Administration
Ring Pattern
System Administration
Ringing on Transfer
System Administration
Transfer Return
System Administration
Holding Calls
Hold Timer
System Administration
Music on Hold
System Administration
System Maintenance
Clear Backup Alarm
System Administration
Manual Backup
System Administration
System Administration
Copy Settings
System Administration
Remote Admin Password
System Administration
System Default
System Administration
System Copy
System Administration
System Reset
System Administration
System Shutdown
System Administration
System Upgrade
System Administration
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Overview: Programming Functions
1.2 Programmable Buttons
All ETR and 1400 Series phones have various numbers of buttons to which functions can be assigned. For some phones additional buttons can also be added by attaching a button module to the phone.
The buttons are numbered from 01 up to 80, from left to right, starting from the bottom row upwards.
· Intercom Buttons The first two buttons, 01 and 02, are used as Intercom 1 and Intercom 2 buttons for internal calls. This function is automatically assigned to the buttons by the system and cannot be overridden by the system administrator or extension user.
· Line Buttons Buttons 03 and upwards up to the number of lines assigned to the extension are used as line appearance buttons for external calls. These can only be programmed by a system administrator using the Number of Lines and
Line Assignment functions. They cannot be overridden by the extension user.
· Other Buttons Any additional buttons can be used for the functions listed in Button Programming Functions . These buttons can be programmed by the system administrator and the extension user.
Button Types
ETR Phones
1400 Series Phones
ETR 18
Programmable buttons without lights
Programmable buttons with lights
Intercom buttons with lights
Total Buttons
· Default Button Programming The default programming sets the following button programming:
01, 02
Intercom 1 and Intercom 2
03 to 07
Lines 01 to 04
ETR extensions
Last Number Redial
Conference Drop
Voicemail Collect
This function is not available through telephone administration button programming. It allows the extension use to access their voicemail mailbox.
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ETR 6D Phone
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Overview: Programmable Buttons
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1403 Phone
1408 Phone
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Overview: Programmable Buttons
1416 Phone
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1.3 ETR Phone Programming Overlays
When an ETR 18D or ETR 34 D phone is put into one of the programming modes, several of the keys perform different functions in some procedures. The diagrams below indicate those different functions.
Programming Overlay for ETR 18D Phones
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Overview: ETR Phone Programming Overlays
Programming Overlay for ETR 34D Phones
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1.4 1408/1416 Programming Menus
The following diagrams summarize the Admin menu options provided on 1408 and 1416 phones.
System Administration Menu
The System Administration menu option is only shown on extensions 10 and 11.
There are some centralized programming functions that do not appear in the menu. Instead they are accessed by dialing the appropriate # code after having accessed the menu by pressing Admin | System Administration. Refer to the
Programming Functions .
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Overview: 1408/1416 Programming Menus
Centralized Programming Menu
The Centralized Programming menu option is only shown on extensions 10 and 11. The commands in the sub-menus allow the users of extensions 10 and 11 to program settings for other extensions. Except for Auto Line Selection, the other extension users can also edit those same settings from their own phone if it is an ETR 18D, ETR 34D, 1408 or 1416 phone.
Telephone Programming Menu
These commands allow a 1408 or 1416 phone user to change the settings applied to their own extension.
1.5 Phrase Sys Admin Not Supported
The following system administration options supported by PARTNER® ACS systems are not supported by IP Office PARTNER Version systems.
· Rotary Dialing Timeout
· Auto Attendant
· Background Music
· Call Screening
· Caller ID Type
· Dial Mode
· Direct Extension Dial (DXD)
· Fax Management
· Mode of Operation
· Pool Line Assignment
· Line Access Mode
· Line Access Restriction
· Message Alert Notification
· Music On Hold Volume
· Outside Restrict Button
· Override Line Ringing
· Pool Extension Assignment
· Pool Access Restriction
· Record a Call
· SMDR Records
· New SMDR Page
· SMDR Format
· SMDR Talk Time
· Transfer Return Extension
· Voice Interrupt on Busy
· Wake Up Service
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Line Settings
Chapter 2.
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2. Line Settings
When you initially set your system up you can use the feature Number of Lines to determine the number of outside lines that are automatically assigned to all system extensions.
· Number of Lines Set the number of lines automatically assigned to line appearance buttons on all extensions with programmable buttons. The lines are also used as the default automatic line selection list for those extensions.
· Line Assignment Allows the individual setting of additional lines to line appearance buttons beyond those set by the Number of
Lines setting.
· Line Coverage Extension When an incoming calls arrives on a line, it is presented to all extensions that have a line appearance button for that line. However for call coverage, VMS coverage and call forwarding it can be set to follow the settings of the extension set as the line's coverage extension.
· Group Call Distribution Assign outside lines to hunt group. Doing this allows outside calls to ring directly into a hunt group instead of being answered and transferred by the receptionist.
· CO Disconnect Time Set the disconnect time setting for a line.
· Automatic Line Selection Adjust the automatic line selection settings for an extension.
Other Options
· Line Ringing The ringing applied to a particular line appearance on an extension can be switched between immediate, delayed or no ring.
· VMS Hunt Schedule Following alerting on line appearance buttons, a line can be configured to present its incoming calls to the VMS auto attendant. The hunt schedule sets whether and when this option is used.
· VMS Hunt Delay Set the delay before incoming calls are rerouted to the VMS auto attendant when scheduled to be used.
Incoming Calls
Incoming calls on a line are presented as follows:
· Calls are presented on extensions that have line buttons set to match the line number. This is configured using
Number of Lines and Line Assignment .
· In addition to the line buttons, calls can be presented to extensions using the following methods:
· Incoming calls on a T1 DID line are presented to the extension number that matches the DID digits.
· If a hunt group has been associated with the line, the call is presented to any available (idle) extensions in
that hunt group.
· Coverage for calls on a line can be configured using one of the following methods:
· An extension can be associated with the line using the Line Coverage Extension option. Unanswered calls
on that line will then follow the call coverage, VMS coverage and call forwarding settings of that user.
· The VMS Hunt Schedule and VMS Hunt Delay options can be used to configure when the line redirects unanswered calls to the voicemail auto attendant.
Outgoing Calls
· An extension user can make outgoing calls on a particular line by pressing the button for that line is one is assigned on their extension.
· If the user goes off-hook the first available line in the extension's automatic line selection list is used.
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Line Settings:
2.1 Number of Lines
This feature should only be used during initial system configuration before any other button programming has been performed. If used at any other time, it will override that other button programming.
Use this feature to determine the number of outside lines that should be automatically assigned to buttons on all system extensions. For example, entering 06 means that all extensions are assigned lines 01 through 06. The lines are assigned to the buttons on every extension starting with button 03 upwards (buttons 01 and 02 are reserved for internal Intercom 1 and Intercom 2 buttons).
· You can use this feature to tell the system how many lines are actually connected at the control unit. If you do not use this feature, the line numbers associated with empty jacks are assigned to telephones as though there were actually lines connected.
· You can use this procedure to limit the number of lines that are automatically assigned to all extensions. For example, if there are ten lines connected to the system, you can use this procedure to set the number of lines to eight, so that only the first eight lines are assigned to all system extensions. You can then use Line Assignment to assign lines 9 and 10 to specific extensions.
· To change line assignments without affecting other extensions and settings, use Line Assignment .
· Automatic Line Selection for all extensions is updated to match the same set of lines in sequence followed by
the intercom lines.
· If an extensions is assigned as a doorphone extension , its automatic line selection is reset to select intercom buttons first.
To assign lines to the system (ETR 18D/34D)
1.At a system administration extension (10 and 11); with the phone idle press Feature 0 0 followed by two presses of Intercom 1. System Administration: is shown on the display.
2.Dial #104.
3.Enter two digits for the number of outside lines in the system to assign to all extensions.
· Exit programming by pressing Feature 00. You can also exit programming mode by lifting the handset, then place
it back in the cradle.
To assign lines to the system (1408/1416 Phone)
1.At either of the system administration telephones (extensions 10 and 11), with the phone idle press Admin.
2.Use the up or down arrow buttons to scroll the display to System Administration. When displayed, press Select.
3.Use the up or down arrow buttons to scroll the display to System Parameters. When displayed, press Select.
· Alternatively, dial # and the same code as used by ETR phones for system administration .
4.Use the up or down arrow buttons to scroll the display to Number of Lines. When displayed, press Select.
5.The current setting is displayed.
6.Enter two digits for the number of lines. Alternatively use the left or right arrow icons to toggle through values or Default to return to the default setting (4 lines).
· Exit programming by pressing PHONE/EXIT. Alternatively use the Back button to move to another menu.
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2.2 Line Assignment
The Number of Lines setting is used during initial configuration to assign line appearance buttons to each extension. The number of lines specified are assigned in numeric order starting from line 01 assigned to button 03.
The Line Assignment function allows the programming of additional line appearance buttons.
New lines assigned are added to the next button in sequence after the Intercom 1 and Intercom 2 buttons and any existing line appearance buttons. If the next available button is programmed with a function that button will be overwritten by the line appearance.
To change the line assignment for an extension (ETR 18D/34D)
1.At a system administration extension (10 and 11); with the phone idle press Feature 0 0 followed by two presses of Intercom 1. System Administration: is shown on the display.
2.Dial #301. The phone displays Line Assignment.
3.At the Extension: prompt enter the extension you want to edit.
4.At the Line: prompt enter the line number.
5.The current setting is displayed.
6.Enter 1 or 2.
· 1 = Assigned The line is already assigned to a button on the extension. Changing the setting to not assigned will remove the line from the line appearance.
· 2 = Not assigned The line is not assigned to a button on the extension. Changing the setting to assigned will add the line to the next button after lines already assigned to buttons on the extension.
· Exit programming by pressing Feature 00. You can also exit programming mode by lifting the handset, then place it back in the cradle.
To change the line assignment for an extension (1408/1416 Phone)
1.At either of the system administration telephones (extensions 10 and 11), with the phone idle press Admin.
2.Use the up or down arrow buttons to scroll the display to System Administration. When displayed, press
3.Use the up or down arrow buttons to scroll the display to Extensions. When displayed, press Select.
· Alternatively, dial # and the same code as used by ETR phones for system administration .
4.Use the up or down arrow buttons to scroll the display to Line Assignment. When displayed, press Select.
5.At the Extension: prompt enter the extension you want to edit.
6.At the Line: prompt enter the line number.
7.The current setting is displayed.
8.Enter 1 or 2. Alternatively use the left or right arrow icons to toggle the setting.
· 1 = Assigned The line is already assigned to a button on the extension. Changing the setting to not assigned will remove the line from the line appearance.
· 2 = Not assigned The line is not assigned to a button on the extension. Changing the setting to assigned will add the line to the next button after lines already assigned to buttons on the extension.
9.Use the up or down arrow buttons to select another line to adjust if required.
· Exit programming by pressing PHONE/EXIT. Alternatively use the Back button to move to another menu.
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Line Settings: Line Assignment
2.3 Line Coverage Extension
When an incoming call arrives on a line, it is presented to all extensions that have a line appearance button assigned for that line. However for call coverage, VMS coverage and call forwarding it can be set to follow the settings of the extension set below as the line's coverage extension.
To set a covering extension for a line (ETR 18D/34D)
1.At a system administration extension (10 and 11); with the phone idle press Feature 0 0 followed by two presses of Intercom 1. System Administration: is shown on the display.
2.Dial #208. The phone displays Line Coverage Extension.
3.At the Line: prompt, enter the desired line number 01 to 64.
4.At the Extension: prompt enter the covering extension for the line.
· Exit programming by pressing Feature 00. You can also exit programming mode by lifting the handset, then place
it back in the cradle.
To set a covering extension for a line (1408/1416 Phone)
1.At either of the system administration telephones (extensions 10 and 11), with the phone idle press Admin.
2.Use the up or down arrow buttons to scroll the display to System Administration. When displayed, press Select.
3.Use the up or down arrow buttons to scroll the display to Lines. When displayed, press Select.
· Alternatively, dial # and the same code as used by ETR phones for system administration .
4.Use the up or down arrow buttons to scroll the display to Line Coverage Extension. When displayed, press Select.
5.At the Line: prompt, enter the desired line number 01 to 64.
6.At the Extension: prompt enter the covering extension for the line. Use the left or right arrow icons to toggle through the extensions. Press Clear to remove to setting.
7.Use the up or down arrow buttons to select another line to adjust if required.
· Exit programming by pressing PHONE/EXIT. Alternatively use the Back button to move to another menu.
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2.4 Group Call Distribution
Use this feature to assign outside lines to Hunt Groups. Doing this allows outside calls to ring directly into a Hunt Group instead of being answered and transferred by the receptionist. You can assign lines to Hunt Groups 1 to 6.
· Each outside line can be assigned to a Hunt Group.
· Incoming calls hunt for an available extension in a circular manner.
· If a Hunt Group that has outside lines assigned receives an outside call and all members of that Hunt Group are
busy or have Do Not Disturb on, the caller hears ringing which continues until the call is answered.
· Use Hunt Group Extensions to assign extensions to Hunt Groups.
· You should not assign T1 lines with Direct Inward Dialing (DID) to Hunt Groups. If a Hunt Group contains T1 lines
with Direct Inward Dialing (DID), callers will receive busy signal when all extensions in the Hunt Group are busy (for example, off-hook), have Do Not Disturb activated or are in programming mode.
· Example
Place the extensions of employees who work in a department in a Hunt Group and assign one or more outside lines to the group. This lets outside callers ring the group directly without being transferred by the receptionist. For example, a mail-order company assigns the extensions of its sales representatives to a Hunt Group and assigns a line to the group. The company then publishes the number as its customer service number so that a caller can reach a sales representative directly to place an order.
To set up lines for Group Call Distribution (ETR 18D/34D)
1.At a system administration extension (10 and 11); with the phone idle press Feature 0 0 followed by two presses of Intercom 1. System Administration: is shown on the display.
2.Dial #206. The phone displays Group Call Distrib.
3.At the Group: prompt, enter a group number 1 to 6.
4.At the Line: prompt, enter the desired line number 01 to 64.
5.To assign or remove a line, enter the appropriate value:
· 1 = Assigned (for hunting to groups 1–6).
· 2 = Not Assigned (the default setting).
· Exit programming by pressing Feature 00. You can also exit programming mode by lifting the handset, then place
it back in the cradle.
To set up lines for Group Call Distribution (1408/1416 Phone)
1.At either of the system administration telephones (extensions 10 and 11), with the phone idle press Admin.
2.Use the up or down arrow buttons to scroll the display to System Administration. When displayed, press Select.
3.Use the up or down arrow buttons to scroll the display to Lines. When displayed, press Select.
· Alternatively, dial # and the same code as used by ETR phones for system administration .
4.Use the up or down arrow buttons to scroll the display to Group Call Distrib. When displayed, press Select.
5.At the Group: prompt enter the list entry you want to change by entering 01 to 10.
6.At the Line: prompt, enter the desired line number 01 to 64.
7.The current setting is displayed.
8.Enter 1, 2 or 3. Alternatively use the left or right arrow icons to toggle the settings or Default to return to the default setting.
· 1 = Assigned (for hunting to groups 1–6).
· 2 = Not Assigned (the default setting).
9.Use the up or down arrow buttons to select another line to adjust if required.
· Exit programming by pressing PHONE/EXIT. Alternatively use the Back button to move to another menu.
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Line Settings: Group Call Distribution
2.5 CO Disconnect Time
Use this feature to change the disconnect time for an outside line. When a caller on hold hangs up, the local telephone company may send a special signal to the system to free the line. Different telephone companies use different length signals. The length of the signal is called the disconnect time. If you place a call on hold and the caller hangs up, but the call does not disconnect within a minute after the caller hangs up, the disconnect time is probably set too high or set at No Detection.
· If the telephone company does not send a signal, keep the disconnect time set to 450 msec, the default setting.
The user must disconnect a held call manually by retrieving the call and then hanging it up.
· Shorten the disconnect time only if abandoned calls on hold do not disconnect.
· Lengthen the disconnect time only if calls are being disconnected prematurely.
· You can program and view the disconnect time for analog lines only.
To change the disconnect time for a non-T1 lines (ETR 18D/34D)
1.At a system administration extension (10 and 11); with the phone idle press Feature 0 0 followed by two presses of Intercom 1. System Administration: is shown on the display.
2.Dial #203. The phone displays Co Disconnect Time.
3.At the Line: prompt, enter the two-digit number of the line for which you are adjusting the hold disconnect time.
4.The current hold disconnect time for the line is displayed.
5.Enter then option required between 0 (off) to 7.
= 300 msec
= 500 msec (default)
= 350 msec
= 550 msec
= 400 msec
= 600 msec
= 450 msec
· Exit programming by pressing Feature 00. You can also exit programming mode by lifting the handset, then place
it back in the cradle.
To change the disconnect time for a non-T1 lines (1408/1416 Phone)
1.At either of the system administration telephones (extensions 10 and 11), with the phone idle press Admin.
2.Use the up or down arrow buttons to scroll the display to System Administration. When displayed, press Select.
3.Use the up or down arrow buttons to scroll the display to System Parameters. When displayed, press Select.
· Alternatively, dial # and the same code as used by ETR phones for system administration .
4.Use the up or down arrow buttons to scroll the display to Co Disconnect Time. When displayed, press Select.
5.At the Line: prompt enter the line number.
6.The current setting is displayed.
7.Enter then option required between 0 (off) to 7. Alternatively use the left or right arrow icons to toggle the settings or Default to return to the default setting.
= 300 msec
= 500 msec (default)
= 350 msec
= 550 msec
= 400 msec
= 600 msec
= 450 msec
8.Use the up or down arrow buttons to select another line to adjust if required.
· Exit programming by pressing PHONE/EXIT. Alternatively use the Back button to move to another menu.
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- Issue 1b (22 February 2010)IP Office PARTNER Version
2.6 Automatic Line Selection
When an extension goes off hook by simply lifting the handset or pressing SPEAKER, rather than first pressing a line or Intercom button, automatic line selection is used to determine which line is seized.
By default each extensions' automatic line selection list contains line buttons in sequence from line 1 up to the Number of
Lines setting and the Intercom 1 and Intercom 2 buttons.
The number of line buttons assigned to each extension and therefore useable for automatic line selection will depend on the Number of Lines settings and any additional lines assigned using Line Assignment programming.
· Automatic line selection is not used by extensions set to forced account code entry .
· For an extension assigned as a doorphone extension , automatic line selection is automatically set to select
intercom lines first.
To set an extension's automatic line selection list (ETR 18D/34D)
1.At a system administration extension (10 and 11); with the phone idle press Feature 0 0 followed by two presses of Intercom 1. System Administration: is shown on the display.
2.Dial **.
3.Press the appearances in the order desired
· Exit programming by pressing Feature 00. You can also exit programming mode by lifting the handset, then place
it back in the cradle.
To set an extension's automatic line selection list (1408/1416 Phone)
WARNING: This process will erase any existing automatic line selection lists configured for the extension being programmed.
1.At extension 10 or 11, press Admin.
2.Use the up or down arrow buttons to scroll the display to Centralized Programming. When displayed, press Select.
3.At the Extension: prompt enter the extension that you want to configure.
4.Use the up or down arrow buttons to scroll the display to Auto Line Selection. When displayed, press Select.
5.Enter a two digit number from 01 to 80 to indicate the first line appearance or Intercom button that you want added to the extension user's automatic line selection list.
· 01 and 02 match the Intercom 1 and Intercom 2 buttons.
· 03 matches Line 01 and so on upwards to the number of line buttons assigned to the extension.
6.Repeat the process in steps 5 to add further buttons to the list.
· Exit programming by pressing PHONE/EXIT. Alternatively use the Back button to move to another menu.
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Date and Time
Chapter 3.
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- Issue 1b (22 February 2010)IP Office PARTNER Version
3. Date and Time
· Change the System Date
Set the date displayed on phones and used by the system.
· Change the System Time
Set the time displayed on phones and used by the system.
· Network Time Synchronization
Instead of manually setting the date and time, use the information provided by the service provider on calls with incoming caller ID to automatically update the system date and time.
· Automatic Daylight Savings Time
Set the system to automatically adjust the system date and time to match daylight saving changes.
3.1 Changing the System Date
The date held by the system and shown on display telephones can be changed. This should only be set on a system not using Network Time Synchronization .
To change the system date (ETR 18D/34D)
1.At a system administration extension (10 and 11); with the phone idle press Feature 0 0 followed by two presses of Intercom 1. System Administration: is shown on the display.
2.Dial #101. The phone will display System Date.
3.Enter the new system date in the format MMDDYY using the dial pad. For example 120409 would be used to enter the date December 4th 2009.
· Exit programming by pressing Feature 00. You can also exit programming mode by lifting the handset, then place
it back in the cradle.
To change the system date (1408/1416 Phone)
1.At either of the system administration telephones (extensions 10 and 11), with the phone idle press Admin.
2.Use the up or down arrow buttons to scroll the display to System Administration. When displayed, press Select.
3.Use the up or down arrow buttons to scroll the display to System Parameters. When displayed, press Select.
· Alternatively, dial # and the same code as used by ETR phones for system administration .
4.Use the up or down arrow buttons to scroll the display to System Date. When displayed, press Select.
5.The current date is displayed on MMDDYY format.
6.Enter the new system date in the format MMDDYY using the dial pad. For example 120409 is the date December 4th 2009.
· Exit programming by pressing PHONE/EXIT. Alternatively use the Back button to move to another menu.
PARTNER Phone Administration Page 29
- Issue 1b (22 February 2010)IP Office PARTNER Version
Date and Time: Changing the System Date
3.2 Changing the System Time
The time shown on every display telephone can be changed. This should only be set on a system not using Network
Time Synchronization .
To change the system time (ETR 18D/34D)
1.At a system administration extension (10 and 11); with the phone idle press Feature 0 0 followed by two presses of Intercom 1. System Administration: is shown on the display.
1.Dial #103. The phone will display System Time.
2.Enter the new time in the format HH:MM. The 24 hour clock is used, for example 4.22pm would be entered as
· Exit programming by pressing Feature 00. You can also exit programming mode by lifting the handset, then place
it back in the cradle.
To change the system time (1408/1416 Phone)
1.At either of the system administration telephones (extensions 10 and 11), with the phone idle press Admin.
2.Use the up or down arrow buttons to scroll the display to System Administration. When displayed, press Select.
3.Use the up or down arrow buttons to scroll the display to System Parameters. When displayed, press Select.
· Alternatively, dial # and the same code as used by ETR phones for system administration .
4.Use the up or down arrow buttons to scroll the display to System Time. When displayed, press Select.
5.The current date is displayed on HHMM format.
6.Enter the new system date in the format HHMM using the dial pad. The 24 hour clock is used, for example 4.22pm would be entered as 1622.
· Exit programming by pressing PHONE/EXIT. Alternatively use the Back button to move to another menu.
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3.3 Network Time Synchronization
Network time synchronization lets you synchronize the telephone system time and date with the network time information that your service provider includes on calls that include caller ID. If network time synchronization is not selected the system time has to be set manually .
· If network time synchronization is set to Active and your service provider sends Caller ID from another time zone,
the system clock will not match your local time.
To switch network time synchronization on/off (ETR 18D/34D)
1.At a system administration extension (10 and 11); with the phone idle press Feature 0 0 followed by two presses of Intercom 1. System Administration: is shown on the display.
2.Dial #128. The phone displays Network Time Synch.
3.Press either 1 to display Active (the default setting) or 2 to display Not Active.
· Exit programming by pressing Feature 00. You can also exit programming mode by lifting the handset, then place
it back in the cradle.
To switch network time synchronization on/off (1408/1416 Phone)
1.At either of the system administration telephones (extensions 10 and 11), with the phone idle press Admin.
2.Use the up or down arrow buttons to scroll the display to System Administration. When displayed, press Select.
3.Use the up or down arrow buttons to scroll the display to System Parameters. When displayed, press Select.
· Alternatively, dial # and the same code as used by ETR phones for system administration .
4.Use the up or down arrow buttons to scroll the display to Network Time Synch. When displayed, press Select.
5.The current setting is displayed.
6.Press either 1 to display Active (the default setting) or 2 to display Not Active. Alternatively use the left or right arrow icons to toggle through the settings or Default to return to the default setting.
· Exit programming by pressing PHONE/EXIT. Alternatively use the Back button to move to another menu.
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