Avaya IP Office D100, IP Office D160 User Manual

Using IP Office D100 SIP Wireless Terminal
Issue 2.3
January 2016
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License types
Designated System(s) License (DS). End User may install and use each copy or an Instance of the Software only on a number of Designated Processors up to the number indicated in the order. Avaya may require the Designated Processor(s) to be identified in the order by type, serial number, feature key, Instance, location or other specific designation, or to be provided by End User to Avaya through electronic means established by Avaya specifically for this purpose.
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Chapter 1: Avaya D100 overview............................................................................................. 6
Phone functionality..................................................................................................................  6
Capacity and performance.......................................................................................................  7
Chapter 2: D160 handset overview.........................................................................................  8
D160 handset.........................................................................................................................  8
Charge unit............................................................................................................................. 9
Headset................................................................................................................................ 10
Display properties.................................................................................................................. 10
Chapter 3: Setup.....................................................................................................................  13
Powering the handset............................................................................................................  13
Logging in and out................................................................................................................. 13
User login.......................................................................................................................  13
User logout.....................................................................................................................  14
Chapter 4: Configuration........................................................................................................ 15
Configuration overview..........................................................................................................  15
Changing the ring tone..................................................................................................... 15
User settings................................................................................................................... 16
Administrator settings......................................................................................................  19
Network.......................................................................................................................... 19
Phone information...........................................................................................................  20
Logout............................................................................................................................ 21
Chapter 5: Call operation.......................................................................................................  22
Call operation overview.......................................................................................................... 22
Emergency calls.............................................................................................................. 22
Making calls.................................................................................................................... 23
Receiving calls................................................................................................................ 23
Holding calls...................................................................................................................  24
Handling multiple calls.....................................................................................................  24
Transferring calls............................................................................................................. 25
Speed dialing.................................................................................................................. 26
Hot desking..................................................................................................................... 27
Conference calls.............................................................................................................  27
Operating calls on the charger.......................................................................................... 27
Dialing the previous call...................................................................................................  28
Voicemail........................................................................................................................ 28
Chapter 6: Miscellaneous options......................................................................................... 30
Mute..................................................................................................................................... 30
Time display.........................................................................................................................  30
Handsfree............................................................................................................................. 30
January 2016 Using IP Office D100 SIP Wireless Terminal 4
Speaker volume....................................................................................................................  31
Ringer volume....................................................................................................................... 31
Chapter 7: Call logs................................................................................................................  32
Viewing the call log................................................................................................................ 32
Making a call from the call log................................................................................................  33
Saving a contact from the call log...........................................................................................  33
Deleting call logs...................................................................................................................  34
Chapter 8: Directory...............................................................................................................  35
Contact list............................................................................................................................ 35
Making a call from the directory..............................................................................................  36
Adding contacts....................................................................................................................  36
Deleting contacts................................................................................................................... 37
Editing a contact.................................................................................................................... 37
Searching the directory..........................................................................................................  38
Chapter 9: Features................................................................................................................  39
Button programming..............................................................................................................  41
Configuring speed dials.........................................................................................................  43
Using function keys...............................................................................................................  44
Busy Lamp Field (BLF)..........................................................................................................  44
Avaya one-X® Portal feature support....................................................................................... 45
January 2016 Using IP Office D100 SIP Wireless Terminal 5

Chapter 1: Avaya D100 overview

This document describes the features and settings available on your Avaya D100 SIP Wireless Terminal.
The D160 handset is feature-rich with telephony, voicemail, button programming, and conference functionality. The D160 delivers high-quality wireless voice communications to employees who roam within a building or campus. It is suitable for users dependent on being reachable and/or having a need for mobile voice and messaging features. The handsets offer multiple soft keys, an integrated speakerphone, headset support, and advanced audio-quality technology for crystal-clear conversations.
Each handset registers to a base station that can support up to eight handsets. The base station has a cell radius of up to 350 feet (100 metres) indoors that you can extend using a repeater, which has an equivalent cell radius.
The following sections contain information on D100 phone functionality, feature support, and capacity and performance.
Related links
Phone functionality on page 6 Capacity and performance on page 7

Phone functionality

The following table summarizes the phone functions available on the D100.
Category Support
• Account Code Entry
• Automatic Callback
• Automatic Intercom - Dial voice call
• After Call Work
• Button Programming
• Call Forward
• Call Log
• Call Pickup Any
• Follow Me Here/To
• Forward All
• Group Page
• Group Pickup
• Hot Desking
• Make and drop call
• Mute
• Private Call
• Relay On/Pulse
January 2016 Using IP Office D100 SIP Wireless Terminal 6
Category Support
• Call Park

Capacity and performance

• Redial
• Call Record
• Conference
• Conference Meet Me
• Directed Call Pickup
• Do Not Disturb
• Emergency call
• Extension Login/Logout
• English
• French
• Italian
Related links
Avaya D100 overview on page 6
Capacity and performance
• Remote Park
• Retrieve Call
• Speed Dial
• Stamp Log
• Transfer
• Twinning
• Voicemail
• German
• Spanish
Capacity and performance specifications for the D100 appear below.
Handset capacity and performance
Maximum simultaneous calls per handset 5 calls
Average talk time (with new battery) 16 hours
Average standby time (with new battery) 168 hours
Related links
Avaya D100 overview on page 6
January 2016 Using IP Office D100 SIP Wireless Terminal 7

Chapter 2: D160 handset overview

D160 handset

No. Label Description
1 Up/Down keys Control the speaker and ringer volume.
Also allows correction of name and number entry when programming a speed dial button.
2 Mute key Mute the handset microphone.
3 Soft keys (S1–S4) Activate the option listed directly above it on the display. The
handset contains four soft keys.
Table continues…
January 2016 Using IP Office D100 SIP Wireless Terminal 8
No. Label Description
4 Off-Hook/Handsfree key Answer a call or enter handsfree mode.
5 On-Hook key End a call or exit a menu.
6 Dialpad Use the dialpad to make calls, to enter contact phone numbers and
names, and to navigate through contacts and call logs. Note that pressing any key on the dialpad will answer an alerting call.
7 Function keys (F1–F8) Use the appropriate function key to activate the feature assigned to
that key. There are eight configurable function keys.
The telephone keypad cannot be locked, it is active all the time the telephone is powered on. For more information, see the following:
Capacity and performance on page 7
Powering the handset on page 13

Charge unit

Charge unit
The following image shows the charge unit from three different angles. Note that you can leave the handset in the charge unit when it is not in use.
No. Label Description
1 Rechargeable battery slot To recharge a spare D100 battery.
2 Cradle To hold the handset upright while it charges.
3 Blue handset LED To indicate when the handset is placed in the charge unit.
4 Blue battery LED To indicate when the battery slot is in use.
Table continues…
January 2016 Using IP Office D100 SIP Wireless Terminal 9
D160 handset overview
No. Label Description
5 Battery slot tab To lock the rechargeable battery in place. Press down on this tab to
unlock and remove the battery.


To use a headset, plug the headset into the headset jack during the talk or handsfree modes. While using a headset, you can switch between the talk mode and the handsfree mode, but the headset mode remains active until you unplug the headset.

Display properties

The following sections describe the display properties for the handset LCD as well as the base station, charger, and repeater LEDs.
Handset LCD
The handset LCD consists of three rows. The top row consists of six icons while the remaining two rows consist of 24 alphanumeric characters.
The following tables describe the icons and soft key options visible on the handset LCD.
Status icon
The handset talk mode icon.
This icon is on during an active call and flashes when a call is on hold.
Table continues…
January 2016 Using IP Office D100 SIP Wireless Terminal 10
Status icon Description
The battery status icon. The number of bars visible on the icon indicates the power level of the battery.
When the handset is on the charger, the battery status icon cycles through each icon level from Low to Full until the phone is fully charged.
Battery Full = Three bars indicate that the remaining capacity is between 70 and
Battery Level 2 = Two bars indicate that the remaining capacity is between 40 and
Battery Level 1 = One bar indicates that the remaining capacity is between 15 and
Battery Low = Zero bars indicate that the remaining capacity is between 5 and 15%.
The icon flashes intermittently.
“Change Battery” Message = The phone is not functional. The remaining capacity is
between 0 and 5%.
The mute icon. Indicates that the ringer is set to Off. In the Vibrate mode, the mute icon is not visible.
Display properties
The mail icon. Indicates a new voicemail message.
The speaker icon. Indicates that the phone is in the handsfree mode.
The mute icon. Indicates that the microphone is muted.
Soft key Description
Featur To access the Feature mode.
Msgs To access the Voicemail feature.
Redial To call the most recently called number.
More.. To access more soft key item lists (see below).
CLog To access the Call Log page.
Dir To display the system and local phone directories.
Time To display the current time, accessed using the More.. soft key.
Table continues…
January 2016 Using IP Office D100 SIP Wireless Terminal 11
D160 handset overview
Soft key Description
Config To access the configuration menus, such as “User Settings”. See Configuration
overview on page 15 for more information.
Use the More.. soft key to access the Config option.
123 To switch to numeric input mode, accessed using the More.. soft key.
abc To switch to alphabetic input mode (the default), accessed using the More.. soft key.
January 2016 Using IP Office D100 SIP Wireless Terminal 12

Chapter 3: Setup

Powering the handset

Insert the D160 battery into the handset to begin handset operation.
• Use only the D160–compatible battery.
• Fully charge the battery upon receipt to prolong battery life.
The D160 battery will last approximately 12–13 months with normal usage. Note that unused batteries will slowly lose their charge.
• When the battery no longer holds a charge, dispose of the battery responsibly.

Logging in and out

Only one user can log into a handset at any given time. Use the following methods for logging in to and out of the handset.
Related links
User login on page 13 User logout on page 14

User login

Before you begin
You must be logged out before you can log in. When no users are logged in, the handset display reads Login | Config.
Note that you can press the On-Hook key at any time to exit the menu and cancel the login attempt.
1. Press the Login soft key.
2. At the prompt, enter the extension number provided by your administrator for that device and
press the OK soft key. Use the Del soft key to make corrections. Press Cancel to return to the Idle state.
January 2016 Using IP Office D100 SIP Wireless Terminal 13
If you do not enter a number within 30 seconds, the handset returns to the Idle state.
3. The handset then prompts you to enter the password provided by your administrator for that
extension number. Use the >> soft key to move the cursor to the right, or wait two seconds for the cursor to progress automatically. Note that the password length is limited to seven characters.
If you enter an invalid extension or password, the display reads Login Failed for three seconds and then the handset returns to the logged-out state.
Once authorized, the handset returns to an Idle state, but with the user logged in. The handset is now ready for use.
Related links
Logging in and out on page 13

User logout

Use the following procedure to log a user out of IP Office using the D160 handset.
Before you begin
You must be logged in before you can log out. Note that you can press the On-Hook key at any time to exit the menu and cancel the logout attempt.
1. In the Idle state, press the Config soft key to access the configuration menu list.
2. Use the Next or Prev soft keys to scroll the menu list to Logout and select it.
The display shows a confirmation message that reads Logout?
3. Press the Back soft key to cancel the logout. Press OK to proceed.
4. If you selected OK, the handset prompts you to enter the password for that extension.
If you enter an invalid password, the display reads Logout Failed for three seconds and then the handset returns to the logged-in, Idle state.
If you enter a valid password, logout completes and the display reads Login | Config.
Related links
Logging in and out on page 13
January 2016 Using IP Office D100 SIP Wireless Terminal 14

Chapter 4: Configuration

Configuration overview

Access the configuration menu by pressing the Config soft key. You can navigate the menu lists using the More.. soft key in conjunction with the Next, Prev, Back, and Select soft keys.
The first line on the display indicates the status of the current configuration. The second line displays the soft key options.
Note that some menu items require a password in order to gain access. Depending on the menu option, you will require either the DECT PIN ID, the administrator password, or the login/logout password.
If you fail to operate a menu prior to the menu auto timeout, you automatically exit the menu mode.
Related links
Changing the ring tone on page 15 User settings on page 16 Administrator settings on page 19 Network on page 19 Phone information on page 20 Logout on page 21

Changing the ring tone

If ring tone volume is turned off or set to vibrate, you will not hear the ring tone. You can adjust the volume of the ring tone using the Up or Down keys on the side of the handset.
The following procedure describes how to change the ring tone type, not the volume.
1. Press the More.. soft key and navigate to and press the Config soft key.
2. Navigate to Ring Tone and press Select.
The handset lists the current available tone types, identified from Tone A to Tone F.
3. Navigate the list of tone types using the Next and Prev soft keys and select one using the Select soft key.
Select Back if you want to return to the previous menu.
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