Avaya GRE, NAT, RIPSO, BFE User Manual

BayRS Version 14.20
Part No. 308625-14.20 Rev 00 October 2000
600 Technology Park Drive Billerica, MA 01821-4130

Configuring GRE, NAT, RIPSO, and BFE Services

Copyright © 2000 Nortel Networks
All rights reserved. October 2000.
The information in this document is subject to change without notice. The statements, configurations, technical data, and recommendations in this document are believed to be accurate and reliable, but are presented without express or implied warranty. Users must take full responsibility for their applications of any products specified in this document. The information in this document is proprietary to Nortel Networks NA Inc.
The software described in this document is furnished under a license agreement and may only be used in accordance with the terms of that license. The software license agreement is included in this document.
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Use, duplication, or disclosure by the United States Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013.
Notwithstanding any other license agreement that may pertain to, or accompany the delivery of, this computer software, the rights of the United States Government regarding its use, reproduction, and disclosure are as set forth in the Commercial Computer Software-Restricted Rights clause at FAR 52.227-19.
Statement of Conditions
In the interest of improving internal design, operational function, and/or reliability, Nortel Networks NA Inc. reserves the right to make changes to the products described in this document without notice.
Nortel Networks NA Inc. does not assume any liability that may occur due to the use or application of the product(s) or circuit layout(s) described herein.
Portions of the code in this software product may be Copyright © 1988, Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms of such portions are permitted, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are duplicated in all such forms and that any documentation, advertising materials, and other materials related to such distribution and use acknowledge that such portions of the software were developed by the University of California, Berkeley. The name of the University may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from such portions of the software without specific prior written permission.
In addition, the program and information contained herein are licensed only pursuant to a license agreement that contains restrictions on use and disclosure (that may incorporate by reference certain limitations and notices imposed by third parties).
308625-14.20 Rev 00
Nortel Networks NA Inc. Software License Agreement
NOTICE: Please carefully read this license agreement before copying or using the accompanying software or installing the hardware unit with pre-enabled software (each of which is referred to as “Software” in this Agreement). BY COPYING OR USING THE SOFTWARE, YOU ACCEPT ALL OF THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT. THE TERMS EXPRESSED IN THIS AGREEMENT ARE THE ONLY TERMS UNDER WHICH NORTEL NETWORKS WILL PERMIT YOU TO USE THE SOFTWARE. If you do not accept these terms and conditions, return the product, unused and in the original shipping container, within 30 days of purchase to obtain a credit for the full purchase price.
1. License grant. Nortel Networks NA Inc. (Nortel Networks) grants the end user of the Software (“Licensee) a personal, nonexclusive, nontransferable license: a) to use the Software either on a single computer or, if applicable, on a single authorized device identified by host ID, for which it was originally acquired; b) to copy the Software solely for backup purposes in support of authorized use of the Software; and c) to use and copy the associated user manual solely in support of authorized use of the Software by Licensee. This license applies to the Software only and does not extend to Nortel Networks Agent software or other Nortel Networks software products. Nortel Networks Agent software or other Nortel Networks software products are licensed for use under the terms of the applicable Nortel Networks NA Inc. Software License Agreement that accompanies such software and upon payment by the end user of the applicable license fees for such software.
2. Restrictions on use; reservation of rights. The Software and user manuals are protected under copyright laws. Nortel Networks and/or its licensors retain all title and ownership in both the Software and user manuals, including any revisions made by Nortel Networks or its licensors. The copyright notice must be reproduced and included with any copy of any portion of the Software or user manuals. Licensee may not modify, translate, decompile, disassemble, use for any competitive analysis, reverse engineer, distribute, or create derivative works from the Software or user manuals or any copy, in whole or in part. Except as expressly provided in this Agreement, Licensee may not copy or transfer the Software or user manuals, in whole or in part. The Software and user manuals embody Nortel Networks and its licensors confidential and proprietary intellectual property. Licensee shall not sublicense, assign, or otherwise disclose to any third party the Software, or any information about the operation, design, performance, or implementation of the Software and user manuals that is confidential to Nortel Networks and its licensors; however, Licensee may grant permission to its consultants, subcontractors, and agents to use the Software at Licensees facility, provided they have agreed to use the Software only in accordance with the terms of this license.
3. Limited warranty. Nortel Networks warrants each item of Software, as delivered by Nortel Networks and properly installed and operated on Nortel Networks hardware or other equipment it is originally licensed for, to function substantially as described in its accompanying user manual during its warranty period, which begins on the date Software is first shipped to Licensee. If any item of Software fails to so function during its warranty period, as the sole remedy Nortel Networks will at its discretion provide a suitable fix, patch, or workaround for the problem that may be included in a future Software release. Nortel Networks further warrants to Licensee that the media on which the Software is provided will be free from defects in materials and workmanship under normal use for a period of 90 days from the date Software is first shipped to Licensee. Nortel Networks will replace defective media at no charge if it is returned to Nortel Networks during the warranty period along with proof of the date of shipment. This warranty does not apply if the media has been damaged as a result of accident, misuse, or abuse. The Licensee assumes all responsibility for selection of the Software to achieve Licensee’s intended results and for the installation, use, and results obtained from the Software. Nortel Networks does not warrant a) that the functions contained in the software will meet the Licensees requirements, b) that the Software will operate in the hardware or software combinations that the Licensee may select, c) that the operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error free, or d) that all defects in the operation of the Software will be corrected. Nortel Networks is not obligated to remedy any Software defect that cannot be reproduced with the latest Software release. These warranties do not apply to the Software if it has been (i) altered, except by Nortel Networks or in accordance with its instructions; (ii) used in conjunction with another vendor’s product, resulting in the defect; or (iii) damaged by improper environment, abuse, misuse, accident, or negligence. THE FOREGOING WARRANTIES AND LIMITATIONS ARE EXCLUSIVE REMEDIES AND ARE IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Licensee is responsible
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for the security of its own data and information and for maintaining adequate procedures apart from the Software to reconstruct lost or altered files, data, or programs.
5. Government licensees. This provision applies to all Software and documentation acquired directly or indirectly by or on behalf of the United States Government. The Software and documentation are commercial products, licensed on the open market at market prices, and were developed entirely at private expense and without the use of any U.S. Government funds. The license to the U.S. Government is granted only with restricted rights, and use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to the restrictions set forth in subparagraph (c)(1) of the Commercial Computer Software––Restricted Rights clause of FAR 52.227-19 and the limitations set out in this license for civilian agencies, and subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause of DFARS
252.227-7013, for agencies of the Department of Defense or their successors, whichever is applicable.
6. Use of software in the European Community. This provision applies to all Software acquired for use within the European Community. If Licensee uses the Software within a country in the European Community, the Software Directive enacted by the Council of European Communities Directive dated 14 May, 1991, will apply to the examination of the Software to facilitate interoperability. Licensee agrees to notify Nortel Networks of any such intended examination of the Software and may procure support and assistance from Nortel Networks.
7. Term and termination. This license is effective until terminated; however, all of the restrictions with respect to Nortel Networks copyright in the Software and user manuals will cease being effective at the date of expiration of the Nortel Networks copyright; those restrictions relating to use and disclosure of Nortel Networks confidential information shall continue in effect. Licensee may terminate this license at any time. The license will automatically terminate if Licensee fails to comply with any of the terms and conditions of the license. Upon termination for any reason, Licensee will immediately destroy or return to Nortel Networks the Software, user manuals, and all copies. Nortel Networks is not liable to Licensee for damages in any form solely by reason of the termination of this license.
8. Export and re-export. Licensee agrees not to export, directly or indirectly, the Software or related technical data or information without first obtaining any required export licenses or other governmental approvals. Without limiting the foregoing, Licensee, on behalf of itself and its subsidiaries and affiliates, agrees that it will not, without first obtaining all export licenses and approvals required by the U.S. Government: (i) export, re-export, transfer, or divert any such Software or technical data, or any direct product thereof, to any country to which such exports or re-exports are restricted or embargoed under United States export control laws and regulations, or to any national or resident of such restricted or embargoed countries; or (ii) provide the Software or related technical data or information to any military end user or for any military end use, including the design, development, or production of any chemical, nuclear, or biological weapons.
9. General. If any provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of the provisions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. This Agreement will be governed by the laws of the state of California.
Should you have any questions concerning this Agreement, contact Nortel Networks, 4401 Great America Parkway, P.O. Box 58185, Santa Clara, California 95054-8185.
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Text Conventions .............................................................................................................xvi
Acronyms ........................................................................................................................xvii
Related Publications ...................................................................................................... xviii
How to Get Help ..............................................................................................................xix
Chapter 1 Configuring GRE Tunnels
GRE Concepts and Terminology .................................................................................... 1-2
How GRE Tunneling Works ......................................................................................1-3
Example of Packet Handling in a GRE Tunnel ...................................................1-4
GRE Packet Headers .........................................................................................1-5
Requirements for GRE Tunnels Encapsulating IP Protocol ..................................... 1-7
Announce Policies .............................................................................................1-7
Accept Policies .................................................................................................. 1-8
Static Routes .....................................................................................................1-8
Number of Tunnels Configurable per Router ............................................................1-9
For IP and IPX ...................................................................................................1-9
For OSI ..............................................................................................................1-9
Creating a GRE Tunnel .................................................................................................1-10
Configuring the Local Tunnel End Point .................................................................1-10
Adding a Protocol to the Local Tunnel End Point ...................................................1-12
Adding an IP Protocol Interface .......................................................................1-12
Adding an IPX Protocol Interface .....................................................................1-13
Adding an IP or an IPX Protocol Interface .......................................................1-13
Adding an OSI Protocol Interface ....................................................................1-14
Configuring the Remote Tunnel End Point ............................................................. 1-16
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Using the BCC .......................................................................................................1-17
Step 1. Configuring a Remote Physical Interface ............................................1-17
Step 2. Configuring a Remote Logical Interface ..............................................1-17
Using Site Manager ................................................................................................1-19
Configuring a Remote End Point for IP or IPX .................................................1-19
Configuring a Remote End Point for OSI .........................................................1-20
Customizing a GRE Tunnel ........................................................................................... 1-21
Disabling and Reenabling a GRE Tunnel ...............................................................1-21
Disabling and Reenabling a Protocol on a GRE Tunnel .........................................1-22
Deleting a Protocol from a GRE Tunnel .................................................................1-24
Disabling and Reenabling a Remote Tunnel End Point ..........................................1-25
Deleting a Remote Tunnel End Point .....................................................................1-26
Deleting a GRE Tunnel .................................................................................................1-27
Chapter 2 Configuring Network Address Translation
NAT Concepts .................................................................................................................2-2
Unidirectional NAT ....................................................................................................2-3
Advantages ........................................................................................................ 2-3
Requirements ....................................................................................................2-4
For More Information About Unidirectional NAT ................................................2-4
Representing Multiple Hosts with a Single Address: SDPT and N-to-1 ............2-5
For More Information on SDPT and N-to-1 ........................................................2-6
Bidirectional (Multidomain) NAT ...............................................................................2-7
Advantages ........................................................................................................ 2-7
Requirements ....................................................................................................2-7
How DNS Server, DNS Client, and DNS Proxy Work with Bidirectional NAT ....2-8
For More Information on Bidirectional NAT ........................................................2-9
Translation Modes .................................................................................................. 2-10
Static Translation Mode ...................................................................................2-10
Dynamic Translation Mode ..............................................................................2-11
Examining How Different Types of NAT Work ...............................................................2-13
Unidirectional NAT ..................................................................................................2-14
Static Unidirectional Address Translation ........................................................2-14
Dynamic Unidirectional Address Translation ...................................................2-15
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Static Destination and Port Translation (SDPT) ...............................................2-20
Network Address Port Translation (N-to-1) ......................................................2-23
Bidirectional NAT ....................................................................................................2-26
Static Bidirectional Address Translation ...........................................................2-26
Dynamic Bidirectional Address Translation with Two Domains ........................ 2-28
Dynamic Bidirectional Address Translation with Three Domains .....................2-29
NAT Implementation Guidelines ...................................................................................2-32
NAT General Configuration Considerations ...........................................................2-32
Protocol Requirements and Compatibilities ...........................................................2-33
NAT Requires IP Forwarding ........................................................................... 2-33
OSPF and BGP Supported for Unidirectional NAT Only ..................................2-33
ISP Mode Not Supported by NAT .................................................................... 2-33
ECMP Mode Supported for Unidirectional NAT Only ....................................... 2-33
Compatibility of NAT and IPsec on a Router Interface .....................................2-34
Special Considerations for Configuring NAT SDPT for FTP ............................2-34
Special Considerations for Configuring NAT SDPT for TFTP ..........................2-34
Multiple Source Address Filters -- Order of Precedence for NAT Types ................2-35
Internet Control Message Protocol and Message Handling ...................................2-39
Starting NAT Services and Configuring Translations ....................................................2-40
Configuring Unidirectional NAT (Dynamic) .............................................................2-40
Using the BCC .................................................................................................2-40
Using Site Manager .........................................................................................2-45
Configuring Bidirectional NAT (Dynamic) ...............................................................2-50
Using the BCC .................................................................................................2-50
Using Site Manager .........................................................................................2-56
Where to Go Next ..................................................................................................2-64
Customizing NAT Global Parameters ...........................................................................2-65
Enabling and Disabling NAT on the Router ............................................................2-66
Configuring the Soloist Slot Mask ..........................................................................2-67
Logging NAT Messages .........................................................................................2-69
Enabling and Disabling the Dynamic Mapping Aging Timer ..................................2-71
Configuring the Dynamic Mapping Timeout Value .................................................2-72
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Customizing a NAT Interface ........................................................................................2-74
Adding NAT to an Interface ....................................................................................2-74
Disabling and Reenabling NAT on an Interface ......................................................2-77
Deleting NAT from an Interface ..............................................................................2-79
Configuring NAT Static Address Translation .................................................................2-80
Adding a Static Unidirectional Address Mapping ...................................................2-81
Adding a Static Bidirectional Address Mapping .....................................................2-84
Examples of Configuring Static Bidirectional NAT to Work with or
Independent of DNS Proxy on the NAT Router ...............................................2-87
Adding an SDPT Address and Port Mapping .........................................................2-89
Disabling and Reenabling a Static Address Mapping ............................................2-92
Deleting a Static Address Mapping ........................................................................2-93
Configuring NAT Dynamic Address Translation ............................................................2-95
Adding a Source Address Filter ............................................................................. 2-97
IP Address and Prefix Length Parameter ........................................................2-98
Domain Name Parameter ................................................................................2-98
Translation Pool Parameter .............................................................................. 2-98
Static Nexthop Address Parameter ..................................................................2-99
Unnumbered Circuit Name Parameter .............................................................2-99
Disabling and Reenabling a Source Address Filter ..............................................2-103
Deleting a Source Address Filter ......................................................................... 2-105
Adding a Translation Pool .....................................................................................2-106
Disabling and Reenabling a Translation Pool .......................................................2-109
Deleting a Translation Pool ...................................................................................2-111
Configuring NAT N-to-1 Translation ............................................................................2-113
Chapter 3 Configuring RIPSO on an IP Interface
RIPSO Concepts and Terminology .................................................................................3-2
Security Label Format ..............................................................................................3-3
Inbound IP Datagrams ............................................................................................. 3-4
Forwarded IP Datagrams .........................................................................................3-5
Originated IP Datagrams ..........................................................................................3-5
Unlabeled IP Datagrams ..........................................................................................3-5
Enabling and Disabling RIPSO ....................................................................................... 3-6
Specifying the IP Datagram Type for Stripping Security Options ....................................3-7
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Specifying the Outbound Datagram Type Requiring Security Labels ............................. 3-8
Specifying the Inbound Datagram Type Requiring Security Labels ................................3-9
Setting the Security Level for IP Datagrams .................................................................3-10
Choosing Authority Flags in Outbound Datagrams ......................................................3-11
Choosing Authority Flags in Inbound Datagrams .........................................................3-12
Supplying Implicit Labels for Unlabeled Inbound Datagrams ....................................... 3-13
Enabling and Disabling Default Labels for Unlabeled Outbound Datagrams ................3-14
Enabling and Disabling Error Labels for Outbound ICMP Error Datagrams .................3-15
RIPSO Example ...........................................................................................................3-16
Chapter 4 Connecting the Router to a Blacker Front End
Blacker Front End (BFE) Concepts and Terminology .....................................................4-2
BFE Addressing .............................................................................................................. 4-4
Configuring BFE Support ...............................................................................................4-5
Appendix A Site Manager Parameters
GRE Parameters ........................................................................................................... A-2
GRE Tunnel Parameters ......................................................................................... A-2
Remote Connection Parameters ............................................................................. A-4
NAT Parameters ............................................................................................................. A-7
NAT Global Parameters ........................................................................................... A-7
NAT Interface Parameters ..................................................................................... A-11
NAT Static Translation Parameters ........................................................................ A-12
Adding Static Translation Parameters ............................................................. A-16
NAT Dynamic Mapping Parameters ...................................................................... A-24
NAT Source Address Filter Parameters .......................................................... A-25
Adding Source Address Filter Parameters ..................................................... A-28
NAT Translation Pool Parameters ................................................................... A-31
Adding NAT Translation Pool Parameters ....................................................... A-32
RIPSO Parameters ...................................................................................................... A-34
Appendix B Sample Bidirectional NAT Configuration
Overview of Configuration Tasks ................................................................................... B-1
Sample Scenario ........................................................................................................... B-2
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Configuring Sample Bidirectional NAT Using the BCC .................................................. B-3
Information Used in Bidirectional NAT Configuration .............................................. B-3
Checking Address Translations ................................................................................... B-10
show nat domains (BCC) ...................................................................................... B-11
show nat mappings (BCC) .................................................................................... B-12
show nat translations (Technician Interface) ......................................................... B-13
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Figure 1-1. Simple GRE Tunnel Components ............................................................1-3
Figure 1-2. GRE Tunnel Encapsulating the IP Protocol .............................................1-5
Figure 1-3. GRE Packet Headers ...............................................................................1-6
Figure 1-4. Detail of GRE Header ..............................................................................1-6
Figure 2-1. Static Unidirectional NAT Configuration .................................................2-14
Figure 2-2. Network Address Translation Example ..................................................2-16
Figure 2-3. NAT Detects the Source Address ..........................................................2-17
Figure 2-4. NAT Updates the Private/Public Translation Entry List ...........................2-18
Figure 2-5. NAT Replaces the Private Address with a Registered Source
Address .................................................................................................. 2-19
Figure 2-6. Sample Configuration for NAT SDPT .....................................................2-21
Figure 2-7. N-to-1 Translation (Part 1) ......................................................................2-24
Figure 2-8. N-to-1 Translation (Part 2) ......................................................................2-25
Figure 2-9. Static Bidirectional NAT Configuration ...................................................2-26
Figure 2-10. Bidirectional NAT with DNS Proxy ..........................................................2-28
Figure 2-11. Bidirectional NAT with Three Domains ...................................................2-30
Figure 2-12. Network Address Translations Associated with Figure 2-11 ..................2-31
Figure 2-13. Sample Translation Types and Address Ranges ....................................2-36
Figure 2-14. More Sample Translation Types and Address Ranges ..........................2-37
Figure 2-15. Non-overlapping Address Ranges .........................................................2-38
Figure 3-1. RIPSO Security Label ..............................................................................3-3
Figure 3-2. RIPSO Example .....................................................................................3-17
Figure 4-1. BFE Network Configuration .....................................................................4-2
Figure A-1. GRE Create Tunnels List Window ........................................................... A-2
Figure A-2. Create GRE Remote Connection Window .............................................. A-4
Figure A-3. IP Interface List Window ....................................................................... A-34
Figure B-1. Sample Configuration for Bidirectional NAT ............................................ B-2
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Tabl es

Table 2-1. Comparing NAT Types SDPT and N-to-1 .................................................2-5
Table 2-2. Sample Configuration for a Router Configured with NAT .......................2-22
Table 2-3. NAT Log Message Types ...................................................................... 2-69
Table 4-1. BFE X.25 Packet-Level Parameter Settings ............................................4-6
Table 4-2. BFE X.25 Network Service Record Parameter Settings .........................4-8
Table B-1. Information to Gather Before Configuring NAT ....................................... B-3
Table B-2. Available show nat Commands ............................................................. B-10
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This guide describes the following services and what you do to start and customize them on a Nortel Networks
Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE) tunnels
Network Address Translation (NAT)
Basic Revised IP Security Option (RIPSO) security labels
Blacker front-end (BFE) device connections
You can use Site Manager to configure any of these services on a router. You can also use the Bay Command Console (BCC guide, you will find instructions for using both the BCC and Site Manager.
) to configure GRE and NAT. In this
For instructions on how to start and use the BCC, see Using the Bay Command
Console (BCC); for instructions on how to start and use Site Manager, see Configuring and Managing Routers with Site Manager.
Before using this guide, you must complete the following procedures. For a new router:
Install the router (see the installation guide that came with your router).
Connect the router to the network and create a pilot configuration file (see
Make sure that you are running the latest version of Nortel Networks BayRS Site Manager software. For information about upgrading BayRS and Site Manager, see the upgrading guide for your version of BayRS.
308625-14.20 Rev 00
Quick-Starting Routers, Configuring BayStack Remote Access, or Connecting ASN Routers to a Network).
Configuring GRE, NAT, RIPSO, and BFE Services

Text Conventions

This guide uses the following text conventions:
angle brackets (< >) Indicate that you choose the text to enter based on the
description inside the brackets. Do not type the brackets when entering the command.
Example: If the command syntax is:
ping < ping
, you enter:
bold text
Indicates command names and options and text that you need to enter.
Example: Enter
Example: Use the
show ip {alerts | routes}.
braces ({}) Indicate required elements in syntax descriptions
where there is more than one option. You must choose only one of the options. Do not type the braces when entering the command.
Example: If the command syntax is:
show ip {alerts | routes} show ip alerts or show ip routes
, you must enter either:
, but not both.
brackets ([ ]) Indicate optional elements in syntax descriptions. Do
not type the brackets when entering the command.
Example: If the command syntax is:
show ip interfaces [-alerts] show ip interfaces
, you can enter either:
show ip interfaces -alerts
italic text Indicates new terms, book titles, and variables in
command syntax descriptions. Where a variable is two or more words, the words are connected by an underscore.
Example: If the command syntax is:
show at <
is one variable and you substitute one value
for it.
308625-14.20 Rev 00
screen text Indicates system output, for example, prompts and
system messages.


Set Trap Monitor Filters
separator ( > ) Shows menu paths.
Example: Protocols > IP identifies the IP option on the Protocols menu.
vertical line (
) Separates choices for command keywords and
arguments. Enter only one of the choices. Do not type the vertical line when entering the command.
Example: If the command syntax is:
show ip {alerts | routes} show ip alerts
show ip routes
, you enter either:
This guide uses the following acronyms::
ACC access control center
BFE Blacker front end
BCN Backbone Concentrator Node
, but not both.
BGP Border Gateway Protocol
BLN Backbone Link Node
DCE data communication equipment
FTP File Transfer Protocol
GRE Generic Routing Encapsulation
HTTP HyperText Transfer Protocol
ICMP Internet Control Message Protocol
IP Internet Protocol
IPX Internetwork Packet Exchange
308625-14.20 Rev 00
Configuring GRE, NAT, RIPSO, and BFE Services
ITU-T International Telecommunication
Union-Telecommunication Standardization Sector (formerly CCITT)
KDC key distribution center
MAC media access control
NAT Network Address Translation or
Network Address Translator
OSPF Open Shortest Path First
RIP Routing Information Protocol
RIPSO Revised IP Security Option
SAP Service Advertising Protocol
SDPT Static Destination and Port Translation
TCP Transmission Control Protocol
TFTP Trivial File Transfer Protocol
UDP User Datagram Protocol
VPN virtual private network
WAN wide area network

Related Publications

For more information about GRE, NAT, and other IP services, refer to the following publications:
Reference for BCC IP show commands
(Nortel Networks part number 308603-14.00 Rev 00)
Provides descriptions of all commands that display GRE and NAT configuration and statistical data.
Configuring IP, ARP, RARP, RIP, and OSPF Services
(Nortel Networks part number 308627-14.00 Rev 00)
Provides a description of IP, ARP, RARP, RIP, and OSPF services and instructions for configuring them.
commands for IP services, including the
308625-14.20 Rev 00
Configuring IP Exterior Gateway Protocols (BGP and EGP)
(Nortel Networks part number 308628-14.00 Rev 00)
Provides a description of Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) and Exterior Gateway Protocol (EGP) services and instructions for configuring them.
You can print selected technical manuals and release notes free, directly from the Internet. Go to the support.baynetworks.com/library/tpubs/ URL. Find the product for which you need documentation. Then locate the specific category and model or version for your hardware or software product. Use Adobe Acrobat Reader to open the manuals and release notes, search for the sections you need, and print them on most standard printers. Go to Adobe Systems at www.adobe.com to download a free copy of Acrobat Reader.
You can purchase selected documentation sets, CDs, and technical publications through the Internet at the www1.fatbrain.com/documentation/nortel/ URL.

How to Get Help

If you purchased a service contract for your Nortel Networks product from a distributor or authorized reseller, contact the technical support staff for that distributor or reseller for assistance.
If you purchased a Nortel Networks service program, contact one of the following Nortel Networks Technical Solutions Centers:
Technical Solutions Center Telephone
EMEA (33) (4) 92-966-968
North America (800) 2LANWAN or (800) 252-6926
Asia Pacific (61) (2) 9927-8800
China (800) 810-5000
An Express Routing Code (ERC) is available for many Nortel Networks products and services. When you use an ERC, your call is routed to a technical support person who specializes in supporting that product or service. To locate an ERC for your product or service, go to the www12.nortelnetworks.com/ URL and click ERC at the bottom of the page.
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Chapter 1
Configuring GRE Tunnels
This chapter provides information about Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE) tunnels and instructions for configuring them. It includes the following sections:
Topic Page
GRE Concepts and Terminology
Creating a GRE Tunnel 1-10
Customizing a GRE Tunnel 1-21
Deleting a GRE Tunnel 1-27
308625-14.20 Rev 00
Configuring GRE, NAT, RIPSO, and BFE Services

GRE Concepts and Terminology

Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE) is a protocol that allows transport of non-IP traffic through IP-based systems. GRE, which is defined in RFCs 1701 and 1702, encapsulates Internet Protocol (IP) and other layer 3 protocols to enable data transmission through an IP tunnel. This tunneling mechanism allows:
Transport of non-IP traffic through intermediate systems that support only IP
Creation of a virtual private network (VPN) that uses the Internet as a section
of your own private network
Communication between subnetworks with unregistered or discontiguous network addresses
A tunnel is a virtual point-to-point connection. It has as its end points the IP addresses of two router IP interfaces, one serving as the source, the other serving as the destination. When using GRE, remember that:
This protocol is slower than native routing because packets require additional processing.
IP fragmentation of the packet can occur due to extra bytes introduced by encapsulation.
Troubleshooting the physical link when problems occur is difficult.
GRE tunnels support encapsulation of the following protocols:
IP - Border Gateway Protocol (BGP), Open Shortest Path First (OSPF), and Routing Information Protocol (RIP)
Internet Protocol Exchange (IPX) and IPX RIP/Service Advertising Protocol (SAP)
Open Systems Interconnection (OSI)
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How GRE Tunneling Works

A simple point-to-point GRE tunnel terminates at router interfaces at each end of the tunnel (Figure 1-1 more logical addresses. For IP and IPX protocols, at each tunnel end point there is one logical address for each protocol configured for encapsulation over the tunnel. Because the concept of an interface address does not exist in OSI, only one IP address is required per router.
Configuring GRE Tunnels
). Each interface has a physical address and may have one or
Remote logical
host interface
Remote physical
router interface
Local physical
router interface
Local logical
host interface
GRE tunnel
Figure 1-1. Simple GRE Tunnel Components
The physical address, which is always an IP address, is visible to the devices making up the intervening network cloud. The logical addresses are not visible to the devices that make up the intervening network cloud. They are private addresses, visible only to the networks on either side of the tunnel.
308625-14.20 Rev 00
Configuring GRE, NAT, RIPSO, and BFE Services
The GRE tunnel can use any IP interface configured on the router as a physical end point. To maximize the robustness of the tunnel, use a circuitless IP address as a tunnels physical end point whenever possible. Because a circuitless IP address is associated with the whole router, not one physical interface, the tunnel operates as long as any slot that has a working IP interface stays up. (For instructions on configuring a circuitless interface, see Configuring IP, ARP, RARP, RIP, and OSPF Services.)
Example of Packet Handling in a GRE Tunnel
The following steps explain how GRE tunneling takes place. The example describes a GRE tunnel encapsulating IP or IPX (refer to Figure 1-2
The router interface on router 1 receives a packet from host 1, looks up the packet’s destination address in its IP routing table, and determines that the next hop to the destination address is the remote end of a GRE tunnel. The router interface queues the packet at the tunnel interface for GRE encapsulation.
Router 1 adds a GRE header to the packet and sends the packet to IP.
IP looks up the route to the remote tunnel end point and sends the GRE-encapsulated packet to the appropriate next-hop address.
The remote tunnel interface on router 2 removes the outer IP header and the GRE header.
The remote router interface looks up the packet’s destination address in its routing table and chooses the next hop to reach host 2.
The same process would take place for IPX.
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Configuring GRE Tunnels
Router 1
MAC header Source IP address Destination IP address
Transport protocol
Passenger protocol
MAC header Source IP address Destination IP address GRE header Source IP address Destination address
Router 2
MAC header
Source IP address
Destination IP address
Figure 1-2. GRE Tunnel Encapsulating the IP Protocol
GRE Packet Headers
The previous example followed the path of a GRE packet as it traversed the tunnel, explaining its handling. Here is some detail about what occurs with the headers of such a GRE packet. A GRE packet has the following headers (Figure 1-3
308625-14.20 Rev 00
Configuring GRE, NAT, RIPSO, and BFE Services
IP delivery header
GRE header
Payload packet
Figure 1-3. GRE Packet Headers
The outermost (delivery) header is an IP header with protocol type 0x47 (GRE). For a packet arriving at the router through a tunnel, the destination address is an IP interface that the network administrator configures as the GRE tunnel remote end point. The next header is the GRE header (Figure 1-4 payload. The payload could be IP, IPX, or OSI, in which case it would contain an identifying header of the protocol type.
). The last header is the
0123 01234567890123456789012345678901
Recur Flag Ver C
K S s
Key (optional)
Sequence number (optional)
Routing (optional)
Protocol type
Offset (optional)Checksum (optional)
Figure 1-4. Detail of GRE Header
For a more complete description of the GRE header, see RFC 1701.
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Configuring GRE Tunnels

Requirements for GRE Tunnels Encapsulating IP Protocol

If you are using GRE tunneling to encapsulate the IPX or OSI protocol,
skip this section. The requirements discussed below do not apply to tunnels encapsulating IPX or OSI.
Before configuring a tunnel encapsulating IP, you should be aware of a limitation inherent in the use of all tunnels, including GRE tunnels. A tunnel is a virtual point-to-point connection between two routers that are actually several hops apart. This point-to-point connection can hide the real distance between the routers from portions of the network, leading to unintended, suboptimal routing decisions and in some cases, to routing loops.
In particular, if a router at one end of a tunnel determines that the best route to the remote physical end point of the tunnel is through the tunnel itself, a loop, internal to the router, occurs and prevents the tunnel from operating. You must configure one of the following at each end of the tunnel to prevent routing loops:
Announce policy
Accept policy
Static route
The best choice depends on the network topology to which it is applied.
When configuring a tunnel with IP encapsulation, you must implement
an announce or accept policy or a static route at each end of the tunnel for the tunnel to operate correctly.
Announce Policies
An announce policy governs the advertisement of routing information. When preparing a routing advertisement, IP consults its announce policies to determine whether to advertise the route. For GRE tunneling, you can configure an announce policy for each routing protocol (RIP, OSPF, BGP) configured on the logical tunnel interface to block the advertisement of a range of network addresses that contains the tunnel’s local physical interface address. For information about configuring RIP and OSPF announce policies, see Configuring IP, ARP, RARP, RIP, and OSPF Services. For information about configuring BGP announce policies, see Configuring IP Exterior Gateway Protocols (BGP and EGP).
308625-14.20 Rev 00
Configuring GRE, NAT, RIPSO, and BFE Services
The disadvantage of using an announce policy is that it prevents the advertisement of other subnets within the blocked range. Depending on the network topology, this configuration may not be desirable.
Accept Policies
An accept policy governs the addition of new routes to the routing tables. For GRE tunneling, you can configure an accept policy for each routing protocol (RIP, OSPF, BGP) configured on the logical tunnel interface to block the receipt of advertisements from a range of network addresses that contains the tunnel’s remote physical interface address. For information about configuring RIP and OSPF accept policies, see Configuring IP, ARP, RARP, RIP, and OSPF Services. For information about configuring BGP accept policies, see Configuring IP Exterior Gateway Protocols (BGP and EGP).
The disadvantage of using an accept policy is that it prevents the receipt of advertisements of subnets contained in the blocked range. Depending on the network topology, this configuration may not be desirable.
Static Routes
A static route is a route configuration that designates a specific router within the intervening network cloud as the next hop to the remote physical tunnel end point. Because static routes take precedence over routes that the router learns dynamically from routing protocols, this configuration forces the router to direct packets through the cloud to reach the tunnel’s remote physical address.
The disadvantage of using a static route is that it is fixed. If the path through the chosen next hop to the remote tunnel end point goes down, the tunnel goes down as well until you manually reconfigure the static route. Similarly, even if the path through the chosen next hop becomes more costly than the path through some other attached router, the tunnel continues to use the more costly path unless you manually intervene.
When configuring a static route, be careful not to inadvertently create a
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Number of Tunnels Configurable per Router

The number of GRE tunnels you can configure on a router varies, depending on the type of protocol being encapsulated.
For IP and IPX
You can create up to 64 GRE tunnels on one router; each GRE tunnel can have multiple end points. You can configure up to 256 remote tunnel end points distributed over the configured GRE tunnels for IP and IPX.
GRE point-to-point and point-to-multipoint tunnels are viewed by OSI as point-to-point subnetworks as defined by ISO 10589. Each GRE tunnel appears as a single OSI interface. Configure GRE tunnels for OSI traffic within the following guidelines:
Each router interface can support one GRE tunnel configured with OSI.
A single 32 Mb router slot can support a maximum of 48 interfaces.
Configuring GRE Tunnels
The maximum number of end points per tunnel is 150.
Theoretically, a single slot could support 48 interfaces, each of which could be a point-to-multipoint configuration. OSI would treat this configuration as 48 groups of point-to-point subnetworks with each subnetwork having an adjacency. (An adjacent router is the next hop on the path toward the destination.) Each adjacency would have its own state machine, and flooding of data would be resource intensive because datagrams would need to be propagated along each adjacency. Such a configuration would have implications for buffer and memory usage.
308625-14.20 Rev 00
Configuring GRE, NAT, RIPSO, and BFE Services

Creating a GRE Tunnel

To create a tunnel:
1. Configure the local tunnel end point.
Add one or more protocols (IP, IPX, or OSI) to the local tunnel end point.
3. Configure the remote tunnel end point.
For instructions, see:
Topic Page
onfiguring the Local Tunnel End Point 1-10
Adding a Protocol to the Local Tunnel End Point 1-12
Configuring the Remote Tunnel End Point 1-16

Configuring the Local Tunnel End Point

When you create a GRE tunnel, you assign the tunnel a name and an IP address. The IP address is the router interface used as the local physical end point for this tunnel. The IP address must be that of an existing physical router IP interface or the circuitless address. To maximize the robustness of the tunnel, use a circuitless IP address as a tunnel’s physical end point whenever possible. (For instructions on configuring a circuitless IP interface, see Configuring IP, ARP, RARP, RIP, and OSPF Services.)
Using the BCC
This IP address is visible to the network cloud that the tunnel passes through.
To configure the local tunnel end point of a GRE tunnel:
1. Navigate to the box or stack prompt and enter:
The tunnels prompt appears.
2. Navigate to the tunnels prompt (for example, box; tunnels) and enter the
following command:
gre name
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