with the
Avaya S8700 Media Server
with the Avaya G650 Media Gateway
Comcode 700293277
Issue 1
November 2003
Copyright 2003, Avaya Inc.
All Rights Reserved
Every effort was made to ensure t hat the information
in this document was complete and accurate at the
time of printing. How ever, information is subject to
Avaya Inc. provides a limited warranty on this
product. Refer to you r sa l es agreement to establish
the terms of the limited warranty. In addition,
Avaya’s standard warranty language as well as
information regarding support for this product, while
under warranty, is available through the follow i ng
Web site: http://www.avaya.com/support
Preventing Toll Fraud
“T oll fraud” is the unauthorized use of your
telecommunications system by an unauthorized party
(for example, a person who is no t a co rporate
employee, agen t, subc ontractor, or is not working on
your company 's be half) . Be awar e that there ma y be a
risk of toll fraud associated with your system and
that, if toll fraud oc cu r s, it can result in substantial
additional charges for your t elec om munications
Avaya Fraud Interventio n
If you suspect that you are be in g v ictimized by toll
fraud and you need technical assistance or support, in
the United States and Canada, call the Technical
Service Center's Toll Fraud Intervention Hotline at
How to Get Help
For additional support telephone numbers, go to the
Avaya support Web site:
. If you are:
Providing Telecommunications Secur ity
Telecommunications security (of voice, data, and/or
video communic at ions) is the preventio n of any type
of intrus ion to (that is , either un authorize d or
malicious access to or use of) yo ur company's
telecommunications equipment by some party.
Your company's “telecommunications equipment”
includes both this Avaya product and any other
voice/data/video equipment that cou ld be accessed
via this Avaya product (that is, “networked
An “outside party” is a nyone who is not a corpora t e
employee, agent, subcontractor, or is not working on
your company's behalf. Whereas, a “malicious party”
is anyone (including someone who may be otherwise
authorized) who accesses your telecommunications
equipment with either malicious or mischievous
Such intrusions may be eithe r to/through
synchronous (time-multiplexed and/or circuit-based)
or asynchronous (cha ra ct er-, message-, or
packet-based) equipment or interfaces for reasons of:
• Utilization (of capabilities special to the
accessed equipment)
• Theft (such as, of inte ll ec tual property, financial
assets, o r toll facility access)
• Eavesdropping (privacy invasions to humans)
• Mischief (troubling, but apparently innocuous,
• Harm (suc h as harmful tam p ering, data loss or
alteration, regardless of motive or intent)
Be aware that there m ay be a risk of unauthorized
intrusions associated with your system and/or its
networked equipment. Al s o re alize that, if s uch an
intrusion should occu r, it could result in a varie ty of
losses to your company (including but not limited to,
human/data privacy, intellectual property, material
assets, financ ial resour ces, labor costs, and/or legal
• Within the United States, click the Escalation Management link. Then click the appropriate
link for the type of support you need.
• Outside the United States, click the Escalation
Management link. Then click the International
Services link that includes telephone numbers for
the intern ational Centers of Ex cellence.
Responsibility for Your Company’s
Telecommunications Security
The final responsibili ty for sec uring both this system
and its networked equipment rests with you - Avaya’ s
customer system admini stra to r, your
telecommunication s peers, and your managers. Base
the fulfillment of you r responsibility on acquired
knowledge and resourc es fro m a varie ty of sourc es
including but no t lim it ed to:
• Installati on documents
• System administration documents
• Security documents
• Hardware-/software- b as ed security tool s
• Shared informa ti on be tween you and your pee rs
• Telecommunications security experts
One or more of the fol lowing Mexican national
standards, as applicable: NOM 001 SCFI 1993, NOM
SCFI 016 1993, NOM 019 S CFI 199 8
To prevent intrusions to your telecommunications
equipment, you and your peers should carefully
program and con fig ure:
• Your Avaya-provide d te le c ommunications
systems and their interf aces
• Your Avaya-provide d soft w are applications, as
well as their underlying hardware/softwa re
platforms and interfaces
• Any other equipment networked to your Avaya
TCP/IP Faci lities
Customer s may experience differen ces in product
performance, reliability and security depending upon
network configurations/design and topo log ie s , even
when the produ ct performs as warranted.
Standards Compliance
Avaya Inc. is not responsibl e for any radio or
television interfere nce caused by unauthor ized
modifications of this equipment or the substitution or
attachment of connecting cables and equipment other
than those specified by Avaya Inc. The correction of
interference caused by such unauthorized
modifications, substitution or attachment will be the
responsibility of the user. Pursuant to Part 15 of the
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Rules,
the user is cautioned that cha nge s or m odifications
not expressly approved by Avaya Inc. could void the
user’s authority to ope rate this equipment.
Product Safety Standards
This product complies with and conforms to the
following international Product Safety standards as
Safety of Information Technology Equipment, IEC
60950, 3rd Edition inc lu ding all relevant national
deviations as liste d in Complia n ce with IEC for
Electrical Equipm ent (IECEE) CB-96A .
Safety of Information Technology Equipme nt ,
No. 60950-00 / UL 609 50, 3rd E dit i on
The equipment described in this document may
contain Class 1 LASE R Device(s). These device s
comply with the following standards:
• EN 60825-1, Edi ti on 1. 1, 1998-01
• 21 CFR 1040.10 and CFR 1040.11.
The LASER devices operate within the following
• Maximum power output: -5 dBm to -8 dBm
• Center Wavelength: 1310 nm to 1360 nm
Luokan 1 Lase r l aite
Klass 1 Laser Apparat
Use of controls or adj ustments or performance of
procedures othe r th an t hose specified herein may
result in hazardous radiation exposures. Contact your
Avaya representative for more laser product
Electromagnetic Comp ati bil i ty (EM C ) Standards
This product complies with and conforms to the
following internat ional EMC standards and all
relevant national deviations:
Limits and Methods of Measur ement of Radio
Interference of Information Technology Equipment,
CISPR 22:1997 and EN55022:1998.
Information Technology Equipment – Immunity
Characteristics – Limits and Methods of
Measurement, CISPR 24 :19 97 a nd EN55024:1998,
• Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) IEC 61000-4-2
• Radiated Immunity IEC 61000-4-3
• Electrical Fast Transient IEC 61000-4-4
• Lightning Effects IEC 61000-4-5
• Conducted Immunity IEC 61000-4-6
• Mains Frequency Magnetic Field IEC 61000-4-8
• Voltage Dips and Variations IEC 61000-4-11
• Powerline Ha rm oni cs IEC 61000-3-2
• Voltage Fluctuations and Flicker IEC 61000-3-3
Safety Requirements for Customer Equipment, ACA
Technical Standard (TS) 00 1 - 1997
Federal Communications Commission Statement
REN Number
Part 15:
Note: This equipment has been tested and found to
comply with the limits for a Class A digital device,
pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits
are designed to provide reasonable protection
against harmful interference when the equipment is
operated in a commercial environment. This
equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio
frequency energy and, if not installed and used in
accordance with the instru ction manual, may cause
harmful interference to radio communications.
Operation of this equipment in a residential area is
likely to cause harmful interference in which case the
user will be r equi red to corr ec t the interf eren ce at his
own expense.
Part 68: Answer-Supervision Signaling
Allowing this e quipment to be operated in a manne r
that does not provide proper answer-supervision
signaling is in violation of Part 68 rules. This
equipment returns answer-supervision signals to the
public switched netw ork when:
• answered by the called station,
• answered by the attendant, or
• routed to a recorded announcement that can be
administered by the customer premises
equipment (CPE) use r.
This equi p ment retur n s an swe r-supervision signals
on all direct inward dialed (DI D) calls forwarded
back to the public sw i tc hed telephone network.
Permissible exceptions are:
• A call is unanswe red.
• A busy tone is received.
• A reorder ton e is re ceived.
Avaya attests that this registered equipm ent is
capable of providing users access to interstate
providers of operator services through the use of
access co des. Modification of th i s equipment by c all
aggregators to block access dialing codes is a
violation of the Telephone Operator Consumers Ac t
of 1990.
For MCC1, SCC1, CMC1, G600, and G650 Media
This equipment co mplies with Part 68 of the FCC
rules. On either the rear or inside the front cover of
this equipment is a label that cont ai ns, am ong other
information, the FCC registration number, and ringer
equivalence number (REN) for this equipment. If
requested, this information must be provided to the
telephone company.
For G350 and G700 Med ia Gate w ays:
This equipment co mplies with Part 68 of the FCC
rules and the requirements adopted by the ACTA. On
the rear of this equipment is a label that contains,
among other information, a product identifier in the
format US:AAAEQ##TXXXX. The digits
represented by ## are the ringer equivalence nu mber
(REN) without a decimal point (for exampl e, 03 is a
REN of 0.3). If requested, this num be r mu st be
provided to the telep hone comp any.
For all media gatewa ys:
The REN is used to determine the quantity of devices
that may be connected to the telephone line.
Excessive RENs on the telep hone line may result in
devices not ringing in re sponse to a n incoming call.
In most, but not all area s, the sum of RENs should
not exceed 5.0 . To be certain of the numbe r of
devices that may be connected to a line, as
determined by the total RENs, contact the local
telephone company.
REN is not required for som e t ype s of ana l og or
digital facilities.
Means of Con n ection
Connection of th is equipment to the te le phone
network is shown in the fo ll owi ng ta bles.
For MCC1, SCC1, CMC1, G600, and G650 Media
The telephone company may make changes in its
facilities, equipm ent, operations or procedures that
could affect the operation of the equipment. If this
happens, the telephone company will provide
advance notice in or der for you to make necessary
modifications to maintain uninterrupted service.
If trouble is exp er ienced with this eq uipment, for
repair or warranty in formation, please cont act the
Technical Service Cen te r at
1-800-242- 2121 or contact your local Avaya
representative. If the equipment is causing harm to
the telephone ne twork, the telephone company may
request that you disconnect the equipment until the
problem is resolved.
A plug and jack used to connect this equipment to the
premises wiring and telephone network must comply
with the applicab le FCC Pa r t 68 rules and
require ments adop ted by the A CTA. A comp liant
telephone cord and modular plug is pro vided with
this product. It is designed to be connected to a
compatible modular jack that is also compliant. It is
recommended that re pa irs be per formed by Avaya
certified techni ci ans.
The equipment cannot be used on public coin phone
service provided by the telephone company.
Connection to party line service is subje ct to st ate
tariffs. Co n tact the state public utility commission,
public service co m mi ssio n or corporation
commission for inform at io n.
This equipment, if it uses a telephone receiver, is
hearing aid compatible.
Canadian Department of Communications (DOC)
Interferenc e In formation
This Class A digital apparatus complies with
Canadian ICES-003.
Cet apparei l numérique de la classe A es t conforme à
la norme
NMB-003 du Canada .
For all media gateways:
If the terminal equipment (for example, the media
server or media gateway) causes harm to the
telephone network, the telephone company will
notify you in advance that temporary di scontinuance
of service may be required. But if advance noti ce is
not practical, the tele phone company will notify the
customer as soon as possible. Also, you will be
advised of your ri ght to fi le a comp laint wit h the FCC
if you believe it is necessary.
This equipment meets the applicable Industry Canada
Terminal Equipment Technical Specifications. This is
confirmed by the regi stra ti on number. The
abbreviation, IC, before the registration num ber
signifies that registration w as pe rform e d ba sed on a
Declaration of Conformity indicatin g tha t Indust ry
Canada technical specifications were met. It does not
imply that Industry Canada approved the equipment.
Declar ations of Con formity
United States FCC Part 68 Supplier’s Declaration of
Conformity (SDoC)
Avaya Inc. in the United States of America he r eby
certifies that the equipment described in this
document and bearing a TIA TSB-168 labe l
identifica tion numbe r comp lies wi th the FCC’s Rules
and Regulations 47 CFR Part 68, and the
Administrative Council on Terminal Attachments
(ACTA) adopted technical crite ria.
A vaya further asserts that Avaya handset-equipped
terminal equip ment described in this docume nt
complies with Paragra ph 68.316 of the FCC Rules
and Regulations de fining Hearing Aid Com pa ti bi li ty
and is deemed compatible wit h hearing aids.
Copies of SDoCs signed by the Responsible Party in
the U. S. can be obtained by contacti ng your local
sales repr es entative and ar e av ailable on the
following Web site: http://www.avaya.com/support
All Avaya media servers and media gateways are
compliant with FC C Part 68, but many have been
registered with the FCC before the SDoC process
was available. A list of all Avaya registered products
may be found at: http://www.part68.org
conducting a sea r c h using “Avaya” as manufacturer.
This is a Class A product based on the standard of the
Voluntary Control Council for Interfe re nce by
Information Technology Equipment (VCCI). If this
equipment is used in a dom est ic environment, radio
disturbance may occur, in which case, the user may
be required to take corrective actions.
To order copies of this and other docume nts:
Call:A vaya Publications Center
Voice 1.800. 457.1235 or 1.207.866.6701
FAX 1.800.457.17 64 or 1. 207.626.7269
Write:G lobalware Solutions
200 Ward Hill Avenue
Haverhill, MA 01835 USA
Attention: Avaya Account Management
For the most current versions of documentation, go to
the Avaya support Web site:
European Union Declarations of Confor mi ty
A vaya Inc. declares that the equipment specified in
this document bear ing the “CE” ( Conformité Europeénne) mark conforms to the Europe an Union
Radio and Telecommunications Terminal Equipment
Directive (1999/5/EC), including the
Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive
(89/336/EEC) and Low Voltage Directive
(73/23/EEC). This equipment ha s bee n ce rtified to
meet CTR3 Basic Rat e Interface (BRI) and CTR4
Primary Rate Interface (P RI) a nd subsets thereof in
CTR12 and CTR13 , a s appl i ca ble.
Copies of these Decla rat io ns of Conformity (DoCs)
can be obtained by co ntacting your local sale s
representative and are available on the following Web
site: http://www.avaya.com/support.
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