Ethernet Switch 470/460/BPS
Software Release 3.2.0
1. Release Summary
Release Date: 14-July-2006
Purpose: Software patch release to address customer found software issues.
2. Important Notes Before Upgrading to This Release
Starting with 3.1.8. software release, the Interoperability Software Version Numbers (ISVN) has changed to 3.
When you are working with a mixed stack, you must ensure that the ISVNs are identical.
If the ISVNs are not the same, the stack does not operate.
3. Platforms Supported
Ethernet Switch 460-24T-PWR, Ethernet Switch 470-24T and 470-48T (non-POE versions)
BPS 2000
4. Notes for Upgrade
Software release 3.1.9/3.2.x must be installed prior to upgrading the switch/stack to 3.5 or a higher version. This
upgrade is required to prevent configuration corruption under some circumstances. See CR Q01257870 for
If upgrading from the 2.x code, the upgrade path that must be followed must traverse through versions 2.5 and
3.0 prior to upgrading to 3.1.9/3.2.x, regardless of whether an upgrade to 3.5.x or higher is planned.
Note: There will not be any further maintenance releases for the 3.5 code. Customers must u t ilize the 3.2
(BPS2000 support) or 3.6 (BPS2000 not supported) codes.
Please see “Release Notes for the BayStack 470 10/100/1000 Switch” (Part No. 215148-D, available at
http://www.nortel.com/support, select BayStack family, then Ethernet Switch 470-24T) for details on how to
upgrade your Policy Switch/460/470.
File Names For This Release
File Name Module or File Type File Size (bytes)
470_3202.img Agent code image 1,945,330
470_3203s.img Agent code image (SSH) 1,893,143
470_3606.bin Diagnostic image 458,464
5. Version of Previous Release
Software Version 3.1.9
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6. Compatibility
This software release is managed with Java Device Manager (JDM) release 5.9.6.
The diagnostic version must be or higher.
7. Changes in This Release
New Features in This Release
Old Features Removed From This Release
Problems Resolved in This Release
Mac security configuration is now showing up in the ASCII configuration file (Q01280945).
System log is now displayed correctly after sysUpTime rolls over (Q01343615).
A slow memory leak, caused by executing CLI commands from the console port, has been corrected
8. Outstanding Issues
9. Known Limitations
If during the download or programming period stack receive an authentication EAPOL request, stack break
10. Documentation Corrections
For other known issues, please refer to the product release notes and technical documentation available from the
Nortel Technical Support web site at:
http://www.nortel.com/support .
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are trademarks of Nortel Networks Limited.
The information in this document is subject to change without notice. The statements, configurations, technical data, and recommendations in
this document are believed to be accurate and reliable, but are presented without express or implied warranty. Users must take full
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