Quick User Guide
Wireless Active Noise
Cancelling Headphones
Any questions? Contact:
(Response Time: 4-24h, excl. holidays)
Telephone Support (Mon-Fri):
• USA / CANADA +1 800 232 2078 (EN, PST 9am-5pm)
• UK: +44 20 8068 2023 (EN, CET 10am-7pm)
• Germany: +49 32221097297 (DE, CET 10am-7pm)
• Italy: +39 06 9480 3330 (IT, CET 9:30am-12:30am)
• France: + 33 176340312 (FR, CET 8am-10am)
• Spain: + 34 931786261 (ES, CET 2:30pm-4:30pm)
• Asia: + 86 755 8228 1190 / 7741-7746 (CN & EN, BJT 9am-5pm)
• Australia: + 61 2 8310 9897 (CN & EN, BJT 9am-5pm)
Self-service Support:
• 100+ Step by step video Guide – youtube.com/avantree/playlists
• 300+ FAQ: support.avantree.com
Model NO.: BTHS-ANC032-BLK
1. Product Overview
Produktübersicht | Vue d’ensemble du produit | Panoramica del
Prodotto | Resumen de producto
2. Basic Operations
Button Function Operation
ANC function On/OFF
Power On/OFF
Enter Pairing mode
Answer /End a call
Reject a call
Play/ Pause music
Voice Dial/Command
(phone features, e.g.
Volume up/down Press + once
Next track Hold +
Volume down Press - once
Previous track Hold -
Clear paired history
+ & -
Press ANC button once till the LED
indicator shows GREEN/OFF
Press and hold 2s/3s
Press and hold 5s till the LED
indicator blinks RED and BLUE
Press once
Press and hold 1s when receiving
an incoming call
Press once
Press and hold 1s
After power on, press and hold
BOTH “V+” and “V-” 5s till the LED
indicator blinks RED & BLUE
3. Pairing/Connecting
1) Enter headset into pairing mode – From off state,hold for 5s
till the LED indicator flashes RED & BLUE alternately
2) Activate Bluetooth on your phone, search and select “Avantree
ANC032” to connect.
Now Avantree ANC032 is connected with your phone!
4. To pair with a 2nd phone
• Complete the above steps to add the FIRST phone
• Turn FIRST phone off, repeat steps above to enter headphones
into pairing mode again and then add the SECOND phone
• Reconnect with the FIRST phone - from the Bluetooth menu,
select “Avantree ANC032”. Then the two phones will be
connected with the headphones.
5. Reconnect
Normally, after turning on the headphones, they will automatically
reconnect to the last paired device. For other devices, you can tap
and select “Avantree ANC032” manually.
6. Charging
If you hear a beep sound every minute or if you can’t activate the
ANC function, you should recharge your headphones. It normally
takes 2.5 hours to fully recharge the battery. The LED will remain
red when charging and will turn off when charging is complete.
You can plug it into a USB wall charger (DC 5V / 0.5-2A) or a
powered computer USB port.
1 What is the ANC mode? When should I use it?
“ANC” stands for “active noise cancelling”, and is designed to reduce
unwanted background noise, offering you a ‘cleaner’ experience of
your audio and music while working, traveling or simply relaxing. It
mainly reduces LOW frequency sounds such as engine noises, crowd
noises (frequency range from 20HZ-800HZ).
2 Why I can still hear noises with the ANC on?
ANC technology is most effective on LOW frequency audio in the
range of 20HZ-800HZ rather than the ILFW (Instantaneous Low
Frequency Waves). Many sudden loud noises such as shouting or car
horns are considered ILFW and not considered low frequency. As
such, sounds of this nature are less affected by the device than
general constant ambient noise.
3 Can I still use the headphones if the battery is drained?
Yes, when the battery is drained you can still use the Avantree
ANC032 as a pair of wired headphones with the included audio cable.
• Permanent hearing loss may result from long-term exposure to sound at high volumes.
• This product contains small parts which may be a choking hazard. Not suitable for children under
age 3.
• To reduce the risk of fire or electrical shock, do NOT expose this product to rain, liquids or
• Do NOT make unauthorized alterations to this product.
• Do NOT expose products containing batteries to excessive heat (e.g. direct sunlight, fire, etc.).
• Do not leave a fully charged battery connected to a charger; overcharging may shorten its life.
Declaration of Conformity
CE: The product is in conformity with the essential requirements of Article 3.1 (a) (b), 3.2 of
Directive 1999/5/EC and the essential requirements of Directive 2004/108/EC.
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the condition that this
device does not cause harmful interference (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and
(2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause
undesired operation. Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for
compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.
NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital
device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable
protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates uses
and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the
instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no
guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.If this equipment does cause
harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the
equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the
following measures:
-- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
-- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
-- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is
-- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
To maintain compliance with FCC’s RF Exposure guidelines, This equipment should be installed
and operated with minimum distance between 20cm the radiator your body: Use only the supplied
2. Basic Operations
Knopf Funktion Bedienung
ANC Funktion AN/AUS
Strom AN/AUS
In den
Anruf beantworten/
Anruf ablehnen
Musik abspielen/
(Handyfunktion, z.B.
Einmal den ANC-Knopf drücken,
bis die LED-Anzeige GRÜN/AUS
2-3 Sekunden gedrückt halten
5 Sekunden gedrückt halten, bis
die LED-Anzeige abwechselnd ROT
und BLAU aufblinkt
einmal drücken
1 Sekunde gedrückt halten,
während ein Anruf eingeht
einmal drücken
1 Sekunde gedrückt halten
Lautstärke hoch + einmal drücken
Nächstes Lied + gedrückt halten
Lautstärke runter - einmal drücken
Voriges Lied - gedrückt halten
+ & -
Nachdem das Gerät eingeschaltet
wurde, „V+“ und „V-„ 5 Sekunden
lang gedrückt halten, bis die
LED-Anzeige ROT & BLAU aufblinkt
3. Paaren und verbinden
1) Setzen Sie die Kopfhörer in den Paarungsmodus – Halten Sie
im ausgeschalteten Zustand 5 Sekunden lang gedrückt, bis die
LED-Anzeige abwechselnd ROT & BLAU aufleuchtet.
2) Aktivieren Sie die Bluetooth-Funktion auf Ihrem Handy, und
suchen und wählen Sie „Avantree ANC032”, um eine Verbind
ung herzustellen.
Jetzt ist Avantree ANC032 mit Ihrem Handy verbunden!
4. Um ein weiteres Gerät hinzuzufügen
• Wiederholen Sie die obigen Schritte, um das ERSTE Gerät
• Schalten Sie das Gerät aus, wiederholen Sie die obigen
Schritteund setzen Sie das Gerät in Kopfhörer-Paarungsmodus,
um das ZWEITE Gerät hinzuzufügen
• Bitte verbinden Sie das ERSTE Handy, indem Sie manuell nach
„Avantree ANC032“ suchen, und das Gerät auswählen. Jetzt sind
zwei Handys mit dem Headset verbunden.
5. Erneut verbinden
Normalerweise verbinden sich die Kopfhörer nach dem Ausschalten
automatisch wieder mit dem Gerät, welches zuletzt gepaart wurde.
Wenn Sie ein anderes Gerät verwenden möchten, wählen Sie
einfach „Avantree ANC032“ manuell aus.
6. Ladevorgang
Wenn Sie einmal pro Minute einen Ton hören, können Sie die
ANC-Funktion nicht aktivieren, und sollten die Kopfhörer aufladen.
Um die Batterie vollständig zu laden, brauchen Sie normalerweise
2,5 Stunden. Die LED-Anzeige leuchtet während des Ladens rot
auf, und erlischt, sobald der Ladevorgang beendet wurde. Sie
können das Gerät über einen USB-Ladegerät aufladen (DC 5V/
0,5-2A), oder über einen USB-Anschluss an einem eingeschalteten
2. Fonctions de base
Fonction Opération
Marche/Arrêt ANC
Marche/Arrêt (On/OFF)
Mise en appairage
Appuyez une fois sur le bouton ANC
jusqu'à ce que l'indicateur LED passe
Appuyez et maintenez durant 2s/3s
Appuyez et maintenez 5s jusqu'à
ce que l'indicateur LED clignote en
alternance ROUGE et BLEU
Prise/Fin d’appel
Rejet d’un appel
Commandes vocales
(fonction du
téléphone, e.g. Siri)
Augmenter le Volume
Piste suivante Maintenez+
Baisser le Volume Appuyez –1 fois
Piste précédente Maintenez–
Effacer l’historique
+ & -
Appuyez 1 fois
Appuyez et maintenez 1s durant
la sonnerie
Appuyez 1 fois
Appuyez et maintenez 1s
Appuyez + 1 fois
Une fois allumé, appuyez et maintenez
ensemble les boutons “V+” et “V-” 5s
jusqu'à ce que l'indicateur LED
clignote ROUGE & BLEU
3. Appairage et connexion
1) Mise en appairage – Casque éteint, maintenir le bouton
durant5s jusqu'à ce que l'indicateur LED clignote alternativement
en rouge et bleu.
2) Activer le Bluetooth sur votre smartphone, recherchez
etsélectionnez “Avantree ANC032” pour effectuer la connexion.
L’Avantree ANC032 est maintenant connecté à votre téléphone !
4. Associer le casque à un autre équipement (ex : 2
• Répéter les étapes ci-dessus afin d’ajouter d’abord le 1IERsmart
• Eteindre ce 1IERsmartphone, répéter les étapes ci-dessus afin
d’associer le 2NDsmartphone.
• Allumer le 1IER smartphone et rechercher le casque manuelle
ment en sélectionnant “Avantree ANC032”. Les deux
smartphones seront connectés en même temps sur le casque.
5. Reconnexion
Normalement, lorsque vous allumez le casque, il se reconnecte
automatiquement au dernier appareil associé. Pour tous les autres
appareils, vous devrez sélectionner "Avantree ANC032" manuellement.
6. Recharge
Lorsque vous entendez un bip toutes les minutes ou lorsque vous
ne pouvez pas activer la fonction ANC, vous devez recharger votre
casque. 2h30sont normalement nécessaire afin de recharger
totalement la batterie. La LED restera rouge lors du chargement et
s'éteindra lorsque la charge sera terminée.
Pour recharger votre casque, vous pouvez utiliser un chargeur
mural USB (DC 5V / 0.5-2A) de smartphone par exemple ou un port
USB disponible de votre ordinateur s’il reste allumé.
2. Operazioni Base
Funzione Operazione
Funzione ANC
Attivazione modalità
una chiamata
Rifiutare una
Avvio/ Pausa musica Premere una volta il pulsante
Comando vocale /
(caratteristica del
telefono, per es. Siri)
Traccia successiva Tenere premuto il pulsante +
Diminuzione volume Premere una volta -
Premere una volta - Tenere premuto il pulsante -
+ & -
Premere una volt ail pulsante ANC
fino a quando l’indicatore LED non
Tenere premuto il pulsante per 2s/3s
Tenere premuto il pulsante per 5s
fino a quando l’indicatore LED non
lampeggia in ROSSO e BLU in modo
Premere una volta il pulsante
Tenere premuto il pulsante per 1s
durante la ricezione della chiamata
Tenere premuto il pulsante per 1s
Premere una volta +
Dopo l’accensione, tenere premuti
contemporaneamente “V+” e “V-”
per 5s fino a quando l’indicatore LED
non lampeggia in ROSSO e BLU
3. Accoppiamento e Connession
1) Portare le cuffie in modalità accoppiamento. Dallo stato spento,
tenere premuto il pulsante per 5s fino a quando il LED non
lampeggia in ROSSO e BLU in modo alternato.
2) Attivare il Bluetooth sul proprio telefono, cercare e selezionare
“Avantree ANC032” per connettersi.
Ora Avantree ANC032 è connesso al tuo telefono!
4. Per aggiungere un altro dispositivo
• Ripetere I passaggi precedenti per aggiungere il PRIMO
• Poi spegnerlo, ripetere I passaggi precedenti, portare le cuffie in
modalità accoppiamento per aggiungere il SECONDO
• Connettere il PRIMO telefono cercando manualmente e
selezionando “Avantree ANC032”. I due telefoni saranno
connessi con le cuffie.
5. Riconnessione
Solitamente dopo aver spento le cuffie queste si ricollegano con
l’ultimo dispositivo accoppiato. Per altri dispositivi, è possibile
selezionare manualmente “Avantree ANC032”.
6. Ricarica
Quando si sente un segnale sonoro ogni minuto oppure non è
possibile attivare la funzione ANC, significa che occorre ricaricare le
cuffie. Solitamente occorrono 2.5 ore per ricaricare completamente
la batteria. Il LED resterà rosso durante la ricarica e si spegnerà
una volta completata.
È possibile collegarle a un caricatore USB da muro (DC 5V /
0.5-2A) o alla porta USB del PC qualora sia acceso.
2. Funiciones Básicas
Botón Función Procedimiento
Función ANC On/OFF
Entrar en modo de
Contestar /finalizar
Rechazar una
Reproducir/ Pausar
de Voz
(características del
teléfono, e.g. Siri)
Subir/bajar volumen
Siguiente pista Mantener pulsado +
Bajar volumen Pulsar – una vez
Pista anterior Mantener pulsado -
Borrar historialde
+ & -
Pulsar el botón ANC una vez hasta
que el indicador LED muestre luz
Mantener pulsado el botón 2s/3s
Mantener pulsado 5s hasta que
el indicador LED alterne luz ROJA y
Pulsar una vez
Mantener pulsado 1s durante la
Pulsar una vez
Mantener pulsado 1s
Pulsar + una vez
Después de encender, mantener
pulsados los botones V+ y V- durante
5 segundos hasta que el indicador
LED parpadee luz ROJA y AZUL
3. Emparejar y conectar
1) Ponga el auricular en modo de sincronización – con el
dispositivo apagado, mantenga pulsado durante 5s hasta que el
indicador alterne luz en rojo y azul.
2) Activar el Bluetooth en el teléfono, buscar y seleccionar
"Avantree ANC032" para conectar.
¡Ahora Avantree ANC032 está conectado a su teléfono!
4. Para añadir otro dispositivo
• Repita los pasos anteriores pasos para agregar el PRIMER
• Después apáguelo, repetir los pasos anteriores, poner los
auriculares en modo de emparejamiento para agregar el
SEGUNDO dispositivo.
• Por favor, conecte con el PRIMER teléfono buscando de forma
manual. Pulse y seleccione "Avantree ANC032". Entonces se
conectarán los dos teléfonos con el auricular.
5. Volver a conectar
Normalmente, al encender los auriculares, automáticamente se
volverán a conectar al último dispositivo emparejado. Para conectar
con otros dispositivos, pulse y seleccione "Avantree ANC032"
6. Recargar
Si escucha un pitido cada minuto no se puede activar la función de
la ANC, y entonces debe recargar los auriculares. Normalmente
tarda 2,5 horas para cargar completamente la batería. El LED
permanecerá rojo durante la carga y se apagará cuando la carga
esté completa.
Se puede conectar con un cargador USB de pared USB (DC 5V /
0.5-2A) o a un puerto USB del ordenador.
Dispose of the packaging and
this product in accordance with
the latest provisions.