Avanti K-600HW User Manual

Security control panels
8 fully programmable Zones + PA and Tamper
External lighting facility to control up to 2000 watts of external security lighting
3 part set programs
Service timer (selectable)
Chime on any Zone
Entry/Exit timers programmable in one second increments (0-99 secs)
6 Communicator outputs (RS panels)
7 codes Engineer-Manager-Holiday-4 User codes (individual duress on RS)
Up to 4 remote keypads
K-600HW engineer manual
1.3 Pre-installation test
Avanti is a flexible range of fully featured security control
panels suitable for domestic and light commercial applications designed to meet the installation requirements of EN50131-1-6. Avanti is supplied with on-board keypad or remote end station; either option allows you to fit up to 4 additional backlit RKP’s. With 8 fully programmable zones plus PA and tamper, doorbell, quick set, fire and the ability to control security lighting via a Drive Module the Avanti provides you with a cost-effective solution for most applications. RS versions provide 6 digital ports for use with a wire on communicator.
Emissions EN50081-1: 1992 Immunity EN50130-4: 1995 Low Voltage Directive (LVD) 73/23/EEC
1 Installation
1.1 System Design
Before commencing installation it is important to familiarise yourself with these instructions. Care should be taken when planning the system that the control panel is sited close to a convenient mains supply and is not visible from the outside of the property. If you are using the Avanti ES then the end station may be located in a cupboard in the hall or under the stairs. The remote keypads should be located so that the user can access them easily during entry and exit.
1.2 Fixing
First disconnect the AC and internal speaker wiring, releasing the PCB from the case. Offer the case to the wall, mark, drill and plug for three hole fixing using a suitable bit. Where required remove trunking cut outs and drill wall for cable entry. Screw in top fixing (No8 x 2
”, mount the box utilising the keyhole, align and secure
using 2 off No8 x 2 Refit the PCB and reconnect the speaker and AC wires.
” screws.
”screw) and leave protruding
Observing the correct polarity, Connect the battery to the terminals marked Batt + - The panel will now go into alarm condition. Entering the user code (0123) will silence the system. The Tamper and Power LED’s will be lit with Day & Zone flashing. To reset the panel re-enter the user code and the Day & Power LED’s will become steady (DAY mode). Upon completion of initial test, disconnect the battery.
1.4 Wiring
Wire each of the zones in turn making sure to connect tampers in series then continue to wire PA, internal and external sounder and strobe and any additional remote keypads. Finally on RS models connect any communicating devices.
1.5 RKPs
Up to 4 RKP’s may be wired in parallel with the tamper being wired in series using a single 6-core cable to a maximum of 100 metres.
1.6 Utility Outputs
A unique feature of the Avanti is the ability to operate security lighting. To utilise this value-added feature a Lighting Drive Module (LDM) is required (available separately). To install floodlights the LDM is wired into the RKP terminals and lighting is operated through Channels A & B. Depressing the A or B keys on the control panel will switch up to 1000 watts per channel (total available 2000 watts). If you choose to install a PIR then this can be wired into any unused zone which when activated will switch the lighting on for a period of 15 seconds.
1.7 Mains Connection
This equipment should be installed by a suitably qualified electrician and must be wired with cable rated at least 1 Amp, 230 volts AC. Ensure that a suitable disconnect device such as a fused spur or removable fuse is fitted to the mains supply.
1.8 Test & Commission.
After the wiring has been completed re-connect the battery to the terminals marked Batt + - The panel will now go into alarm condition, enter user code (0123) to silence, the Tamper and Power will be lit and Day & Zone LED’s flashing. To reset the panel re-enter the user code and the Day & Power LED’s will be steady (DAY mode). Re-fit the lower cover and the system should now be tested to ensure correct operation.
2 Descriptions
2.1 Zones
Avanti panels come supplied with service links fitted to
the zone terminals to simulate a closed circuit. As each zone is connected these links should be removed. All zones are fully programmable.
Zone Functions per Program: Immediate – This function would be used when the
zone is not part of an entry/exit route. When the system is SET activation of an immediate zone will cause a full alarm condition.
Timed – A timed zone would be used to protect an entry/exit route. Opening the door or triggering the sensor in this type of zone when the system is SET will start the entry timer.
Time Inhibited – A time inhibited zone operates as an immediate zone unless a timed zone has been operated and a timer started. Such a zone would be utilised to allow passage between the entry/exit door and the control panel when there are detectors present.
Fire – If you choose to utilise a zone as a fire zone then no other devices may be wired into this zone. Therefore a zone cannot be both fire and intruder.
Doorbell –this feature can be programmed into any zone. A doorbell will not operate whilst the entry/exit timers have started, when the system is in full alarm condition or whilst in programming mode.
Exit Modes per Program: Timed Exit – a timed program will SET once the exit
timer has expired.
Final Door Set – a final door program will SET 5 seconds after the final door has been opened and closed.
Immediate/Silent Set – an immediate program will SET the system immediately and silently.
2.2 Tamper
Avanti panels come supplied with a service link fitted to
the Tamper terminals; this should be removed as the tamper circuit is wired. Tamper circuits must be wired in series. If a Tamper occurs whilst the system is in DAY mode then only the internal sounders will be activated. If a Tamper occurs whilst the system is SET then both the internal and external sounders will be activated. (If you are using an RS Panel fitted with a communicator then a signal will also be sent to an Alarm Receiving Centre (ARC).
2.3 PA
Remove the service link and wire in series any number of PA buttons to the PA terminals. Activation of the PA will cause the system to go into a full alarm condition whether in DAY mode or SET. (If you are using an RS Panel fitted with a communicator then a signal will also be sent)
2.4 Bell output & Strobe
Connect the wires from the bell to the terminals D (bell positive) and B (bell negative). The bell tamper should be wired to the T A terminals and the service link removed. Wire the strobe to the terminals marked strobe observing the correct polarity. When fitting a combined sounder/strobe unit follow manufactures instructions.
T -Ve tamper return
A -Ve supply (0V)
B -Ve sounder trigger
D +Ve supply (12V)
2.5 Internal sounder
A maximum of two 16 ohm extension speakers may be wired in parallel to the terminals marked The volume of both the internal sounder and entry/exit timers can be adjusted by a pre-set located on the PCB.
2.6 Set +
This output becomes 12V positive on SET and is removed on commencement of the entry timer.
2.7 13V Supply
This terminal provides a 13.8V output to power detectors and shock sensors etc. Total current available is 350 mA.
2.8 PTS
The PTS terminals can be programmed to be either PUSH TO SET (PTS) or KEYSWITCH operation.
PTS – operation of an exit terminate button when exiting
the property will cause the timer to expire immediately and the system will become SET.
Keyswitch – this enables the system to be SET and UNSET with the use of a keyswitch. If the panel needs to
be reset then a user code must be entered.
2.9 Battery
To ensure continuing protection in the event of mains power failure a suitable rechargeable battery with a capacity to support the system for a period of 12 hours must be fitted.
Battery Backup Time Vs. Number of Passives (Passive
Backup Time in Hours
12 3456 78
Battery Backup Time Vs. Number of Passives (Passive
Backup Time in Hours
Curre nt=10ma )
1.2Ah B attery
2.1Ah B attery
Number of Passives
1.2Ah Bat tery
2.1Ah Bat tery
Nu m be r of Pa ssive s
NOTE: Calculations made for Avanti Compact with onboard keypad using a neon sounder, assuming 1 complete alarm cycle of 20 minutes.
3 Operation
3.1 Programs
The Avanti provides the facility for up to 3 programs that can be selected by entering the A, B or * keys after entering the user code when setting the system. The * program is used for Full Set. If no program is selected when setting the system the Avanti will default to Program *. When setting up the programs the function of each zone can be changed i.e.: - Immediate, Timed, Time Inhibited or Exit mode.
3.2 Operating
Setting the System
To set the system a user code (4 digits) must be entered and a program selected (A,B or * [Full Set]). If no program is selected within 5 seconds then the Avanti will default to Program * (Full Set). The exit timer will begin and a series of bleeps will sound.
Unsetting the System
To UNSET the system a user code must be entered, this will return the panel to DAY mode. If the external siren is sounding then entering the user code will silence the sounder. All that is required to reset the system is to enter a user code.
Fault during setting
If the system is unable to SET then the internal sounders will make a different bleeping sound. The fault on the system will be indicated by the relevant zone/PA/tamper LED being lit.
Omitting Zones
To omit a zone a user code must be entered followed by Z and then the zone number(s) to be omitted. The zone(s) chosen to be omitted will be indicated by the relevant zone LED being toggled off. A program should then be selected. If a program is not selected then the panel will default to Program *.
Quick Set This feature allows the panel to be SET so that it overrides the programmed exit time. Entering a User code, selecting Program A/B or * and then pressing
will cause the panel to SET within 2 seconds.
3.3 Access Codes
Avanti has the following access codes:
1x Engineer Access code. 1x Holiday Access code. 1x Manager Access code 4x User Access codes.
Engineer Access Code – cannot be used to SET or UNSET the panel, it can only be used to configure the
system and view the Event Log. Therefore it can only be used from within DAY mode. Manager Access Code – is used to SET and UNSET the system. It also has the ability to change all other access codes except for the engineers. The Manager is also able to view the Event Log, test the system and programme Chime for any zone. Holiday Access Code – the purpose of this code is to allow access to the property whilst the manager is absent. The Holiday Access Code is programmed by the Manager and is only valid until the Manager UNSETS the system. At this point the Holiday Access Code becomes invalid and is no longer accepted by the control panel. User Access Code – allows the User to SET and UNSET the system. Any User can also program Chime.
Additionally RS Panels have individual duress codes for the Users, Holiday and Manager. Duress is only accessible in SET. Entering a user code followed by the first digit within 1 to 1.5 seconds will activate a silent PA. i.e.: - 0 1 2 3 0
3.4 Keypad tamper
When the control panel is in SET, the Keypad tamper will be activated after 20 invalid key presses. A full alarm condition will then be created. (If you are using an RS Panel fitted with a communicator then a signal will also be sent.)
3.5 Entry Exit timers
The entry and exit timers have been factory set for 30 seconds. If you require more or less time then these timers can be programmed independently via the keypad in increments of 1 second from immediate to 99 seconds.
3.6 On Board PA
Simultaneously depressing key’s 4 and 8 will activate a PA thus creating a full alarm condition. This feature can
be used when the system is in DAY mode or SET. (If you are using an RS Panel fitted with a communicator then a signal will also be sent.)
3.7 Service timer
The Avanti has provision for a service timer, which once selected is fixed at 900 closings. When expired the tamper LED will flash intermittently. The expiration of the service timer will not
disable the control panel.
3.8 Non Volatile Memory (NVM)
The NVM circuit stores and protects the access codes and system configuration information. To clear there are two methods. i.e.: -
Method 1 From engineering mode pressing * twice within 2 seconds will cause the panel to revert to factory defaults whilst retaining the engineers access code.
Method 2 Remove power and remove link/wires between T and A. Link Set+ to T with lid tamper closed and power up the panel. The Avanti will retain all information but will clear the engineer and manager access codes.
3.9 Confirmed alarms (RS models only)
To reduce the level of false alarms the Avanti will only send a confirmed signal to an Alarm Receiving Centre (ARC) when 2 or more zones have been activated sequentially.
3.10 Double knock
The Avanti range of panels can be programmed for double knock. When a zone is activated a 10 minute timer will begin, if during this time the same or another zone is activated a full alarm condition will be caused. A zone active for 10 seconds will also cause an alarm condition.
3.11 Bell follow
Bell Follow Off – If the system is activated then once
the bell has expired the strobe will continue to flash until the system is reset.
Bell Follow On – If an alarm condition is caused then the strobe will cease to flash at the same time as the bell stops sounding.
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