Avalon Firestyles Hideaway Firebox Liner User Manual

Hideaway Firebox Liner
For 21 TRV (2008 or later) use Rumford (98500671) or Rock Creek (98500673) For 21 DV (2007 or earlier) use Rumford (98500667) or Rock Creek (98500672)
Firebox Liner
Important Warnings
Turn off gas to the appliance and make sure it has fully cooled prior to conducting service.
The firebox liner is fragile – take care to prevent damage.
The firebox liner leaves a slight white residue when touched – make sure to clean the area and
your hands after handling the liner.
1 Remove the face, glass, embers, and burner (see the owner’s manual for details).
NOTE: If using the accent light kit, install it after the liner is in place. If it is already installed, remove the light assembly and lay it down to allow the liner to install behind it.
See Compatibility Below
2 Follow the directions below to remove and discard the steel liner.
Steel Liner
Lift the back of the liner so the
tab disengages from this slot
on the niche shelf.
Liner Shelf
Push the
bottom edge
Tilt the steel liner forward and pull it out of
the firebox (pull the top edge out first).
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of the liner to
the back of
the firebox.
3 Install the liner following the directions below.
(a) Tilt the liner forward and at a slight angle as you insert it into the firebox.
Place the bottom right corner into the firebox first.
(b) As you insert the liner, make sure the
liner goes behind the pilot assembly.
(c) Make sure the top corner inserts into the firebox (it is a tight fit – see the photo to the right).
Hideaway Firebox Liner
See Compatibility Below
(d) The top of the liner will be very tight along the top – carefully rotate and tilt the liner into place.
(e) Once in the firebox, pull the liner forward so it is against the front flanges of the firebox. Center the liner from side to side.
4 Replace the burner, logs, embers, glass, and face.
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