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without the express written permission of an officer of LSI Logic Corporation.
Document Description
Document DB15-000186-02, January 2007
This document describes version 1.3 of LSI Logic Corporation’s Fusion-MPT
driver and utility products and will remain the official reference source for all
revisions/releases of these products until rescinded by an update.
It is the policy of LSI Logic Corporation to improve products as new technology,
components, software, and firmware become available. LSI Logic reserves the
right to make changes to any products herein at any time without notice. All
features, functions, and operations described herein may not be marketed by LSI
Logic in all parts of the world. In some instances, photographs and figures are
of equipment prototypes. Therefore, before using this document, consult your LSI
Logic representative for information that is applicable and current. LSI LOGIC
LSI Logic products are not intended for use in life-support appliances, devices,
or systems. Use of any LSI Logic product in such applications without written
consent of the appropriate LSI Logic officer is prohibited.
License Restriction
The purchase or use of an LSI Logic Corporation product does not convey a
license under any patent, copyright, trademark, or other intellectual property right
of LSI Logic or third parties.
LSI Logic, the LSI Logic logo design, Fusion-MPT, GigaBlaze,
Integrated Mirroring, and SureLINK are trademarks or registered trademarks of
LSI Logic Corporation. ARM is a registered trademark of ARM Ltd., used under
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For a current list of our distributors, sales offices, and design resource
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This User’s Guide is the primary reference for installing, configuring, and
using the Fusion-MPT™(Message Processing Technology) firmware,
device drivers, and utilities. Much of the information about device drivers
and utility programs is derived from the readme files for those drivers and
The Fusion-MPT product encompasses Fusion-MPT firmware
architecture, SCSI hardware architecture, Fibre Channel (FC) hardware
architecture, Serial Attached SCSI architecture, and the operating
system level device drivers that support these architectures.
This book assumes you have some familiarity with storage systems and
have had experience installing drivers in the Windows, NetWare, Linux,
and Unix operating systems. The people who benefit from this book are:
general information about the Fusion-MPT device management
•Chapter 2, Windows Driver Installation, provides instructions for
installing the Fusion-MPT device driver onto Window-based system.
It provides detailed instructions for Window XP, Windows
Server 2003, and Windows 2000.
MyStorage management software is designed to simplify storage
area network (SAN) management and reduce SAN installation time.
MyStorage management software automates the task of configuring
an LSI storage adapter and connecting to storage devices. Features
include host adapter information screens, diagnostics, and statistics
MyStorage management software is written in Java, making it
portable across multiple operating systems. LSI offers MyStorage
management software for Windows and Linux environments.
Hexadecimal numbers are indicated by the prefix “0x” —for example,
0x32CF. Binary numbers are indicated by the prefix “0b” —for example,
Revision History
Version 1.31/2007Updated all driver chapters from the most recent readme files.
Version 1.27/2002Added the SCSI Flash and NVDATA utilities chapter.
Version 1.0
9/2001Initial release of document.
Added chapters on SAS configuration utility and CFGGEN utility.
Many other edits and updates.
Added the CIM Solution chapter.
Added the Linux IM CU chapter.
Combined the Unix OSes into a single chapter.
Combined the Windows OSes into a single chapter.
Added the Linux and Linux CU.
Added the SCSI EFI and Configuration Utility chapter.
Updated the Fibre Channel BIOS chapters.
Updated SCSI CU and BIOS.
This chapter provides general information about the Fusion-MPT device
management technology and about the contents of this document. This
chapter contains the following sections:
•Section 1.1, “Fusion-MPT Overview”
•Section 1.2, “Fusion-MPT Features”
LSI provides a common device-level interface for Fusion-MPT compatible
devices. Fusion-MPT architecture provides an open programming
interface that supports a single binary device driver for LSI Ultra320
SCSI, Fibre Channel, and SAS solutions. LSI also provides a complete
suite of common drivers, including the Windows, Linux, Solaris, and
NetWare operating systems.
This document explains how to install and use the Fusion-MPT firmware,
BIOS, and device drivers for the supported operating systems. It also
documents the Fusion-MPT Common Information Model (CIM) Solution,
which provides a user interface for monitoring storage systems on a
Fusion-MPT architecture is the newest generation of I/O architecture
designed to deliver the highest performance available today.
The main elements of Fusion-MPT architecture are the Fusion-MPT
firmware architecture, the Fibre Channel and SCSI hardware
architecture, and the operating system level drivers that support these
architectures. Fusion-MPT architecture offers the unique feature of
having a single binary, operating system driver that supports both Fibre
Channel and SCSI devices now and other bus architectures inthe future.
Figure 1.1 illustrates the Fusion-MPT architecture.
Figure 1.1Fusion-MPT Architecture
Firmware Architecture
Fusion-MPT Fibre
Channel Architecture
OS Device Drivers
SAS/SATA Architecture
SCSI Architecture
The message passing interface defines the host interface used by all LSI
Common Architecture chipsets, such as the Fibre Channel LSIFC929,
LSIFC929X, LSIFC949X, LSIFC949E; the SCSI LSI53C1020,
LSI53C1030 chips; and the Serial Attached SCSI SAS1064, SAS1068,
SAS1068E, and SAS1078 RAID on-a-Chip (ROC). These chips use the
high-performance ARM®or PowerPC processor. Benefits of the ARM
processor include reduced host CPU utilization and a decreased number
of host interrupts per I/O. Using the Fusion-MPT architecture in all of its
Common Architecture Chipsets, the host does not need to know the
underlying bus protocol architecture to be able to communicate with the
target devices.
The Fusion-MPT design supports a single binary device driver, a
message passing interface, intelligent firmware, and various hardware
1.2.1Fusion-MPT Firmware
The LSI Parallel SCSI, SAS, and Fibre Channel controllers contain
firmware that presents a multi-protocol service layer based on the
Fusion-MPT architecture. The firmware isolates the host drivers from the
hardware and controls the device side of the message passing interface
to the host device drivers. The firmware manages all phases of an I/O
request and optimizes interrupt management for the system. For Fibre
Channel, the firmware also manages all FC-2 through FC-4 services,
which minimizes the amount of Fibre Channel unique services required
with the host device driver.
1.2.2Fusion-MPT Hardware
The Fusion-MPT hardware encapsulates various technologies that
deliver new levels of performance. GigaBlaze transceivers are utilized in
the Fusion-MPT technology based Fibre Channel and SAS products.
LVDlink™ transceivers ensure robust, high-performance SCSI transfers
in the Fusion-MPT architects Parallel SCSI product family.
This chapter describes the SYMMPI.SYS, LSI_FC.SYS, LSI_SCSI.SYS,
and LSI_SAS.SYS drivers for Windows-based operating systems and
provides driver installation instructions for Windows XP and Windows
Server 2003. This chapter contains the following sections:
•Section 2.1, “Description of Windows Device Drivers”
•Section 2.2, “Installing the Windows XP Driver”
•Section 2.3, “Windows Server 2003 Drivers”
2.1Description of Windows Device Drivers
Microsoft and LSI provide two types of miniport device drivers:
•The SYMMPI.SYS ScsiPort based driver, called the “LSI PCI
Fusion-MPT MiniPort Driver”
•Several StorPort drivers: LSI_FC.SYS (LSI Fusion-MPT FC StorPort
Driver), LSI_SCSI.SYS (LSI Fusion-MPT SCSI StorPort Driver), and
LSI_SAS.SYS (LSI Fusion-MPT SAS StorPort Driver)
These drivers complete the path to the LSI controller with an optional
This section describes the SYMMPI.SYS driver for Windows XP for 32-bit
and 64-bit systems and explains how to install and configure it. This
section includes these topics:
•Section 2.2.1, “Introducing the Windows XP Driver”
•Section 2.2.2, “Driver Features and LSI Device Support”
•Section 2.2.3, “Preparing to Install the Windows XP Driver”
•Section 2.2.4, “Installing the Driver on a New Windows XP System”
•Section 2.2.5, “Installing the Driver on an Existing Windows XP
•Section 2.2.6, “Performance Tuning for Windows XP”
•Section 2.2.7, “Hibernation Support”
•Section 2.2.8, “Troubleshooting”
2.2.1Introducing the Windows XP Driver
Windows XP is designed to run on Intel-architecture (32-bit) and Itanium
Processor Family (64-bit) processors using current technology. An I/O
manager handles I/O requests in Windows XP. To address a SCSI
peripheral, the I/O manager goes through the appropriate drivers.
Windows XP provides class drivers for hard disk, optical, CD-ROM,
printer, and scanner peripherals. Other class drivers, provided by
peripheral manufacturers, may be added to support new devices. Tape
device support is built into the operating system itself and does not
require a class driver.
Microsoft provides the port driver and LSI provides the SYMMPI.SYS
miniport driver. This driver completes the path to the LSI controller or
processor with an optional SCSI or Fibre Channel BIOS.
LSI uses the same filenames for their drivers for different Windows
operating systems. The driver files are packaged either in separate
subdirectories based on the Windows operating system or on different
disks. To determine the driver file for Windows XP, note that the filename
ends with .SYS . For example, this driver is SYMMPI.SYS.
To determine the operating system version, open Windows Explorer, find
the driver file, right click on the filename, click on Properties, and click
on the Version tab. Click on the Internal Filename in the lower section.
For Windows XP, the filename appears as filename (XP32) for 32-bit
systems and filename (XP64) for 64-bit systems.
The SYMMPI.SYS driver meets the Microsoft specification for miniport
drivers. This driver allows connection of parallel SCSI and Fibre Channel
devices including disk drives, CD-ROMs, and tape drives for PCI and
PCI-X based machines. To support a different SCSI or Fibre Channel
device type, the Windows XP architecture requires that a class driver for
that type of device be present (usually supplied by Microsoft, or possibly
by the peripheral manufacturer). No changes to SYMMPI.SYS are
required. The driver supports Windows XP and all subsequent Service
2.2.2Driver Features and LSI Device Support
The SYMMPI.SYS miniport driver supports these features:
•320 Mbyte/s parallel SCSI transfers (for LSI53C1020 and
LSI53C1030 controllers)
•Integrated Mirroring technology (for LSI53C1020 and LSI53C1030
•PCI and PCI-X bus protocols (for LSI53C1020 and LSI53C1030
•2 Gbaud Fibre Channel transfers (for LSIFC929XL and LSIFC919XL
•4 Gbaud Fibre Channel transfers (for LSIFC949X and LSIFC949E
•LSI MPT common software interface
•Multiple host adapters
•Multiple Logical Unit Numbers (LUNs)
•SCSI pass-thru functionality
•Disk array configurations with no LUN 0
•Disk array configurations with non-contiguous LUNs
Before you install the SYMMPI.SYS driver onto a new or existing Windows
XP system, you need to create a driver diskette. To do this, copy the
following files from the LSI CD-ROM or the LSI website to the root
directory of a clean diskette and label it Windows XP Driver Diskette:
Note:You can download the most current Windows XP drivers
from Click on Downloads. Next,
click on Download Center. Select the product category,
then the appropriate product. A bullet in the Drivers section
will display all driver packages associated with the product
2.2.4Installing the Driver on a New Windows XP System
Follow this procedure to install the SYMMPI.SYS driver on a new
Windows XP system. During installation, Windows XP automatically adds
the driver to the registry and copies it to the appropriate directory. To
install Windows XP you must boot the PC from the Windows XP
CD-ROM. Refer to your system documentation if you need to change
BIOS settings to enable the PC to boot from a CD-ROM.
1. Boot the system from the Windows XP CD-ROM.
2. Press F6 to install the SYMMPI.SYS driver when the screen displays
the message Windows Setup.
Note:You must press F6 in order for the system to recognize the
new driver. Otherwise, the system will not recognize the
devices controlled by the driver during Windows XP setup.
3. Select S to specify an additional device when the screen displays the
following message:
Setup was unable to load support for the mass storage
device you specified...
Note:If this messagedoes not appear, the Setup program did not
recognize the F6 key press. If this happens, reboot the
system and try again.
The system prompts you for the manufacturer-supplied hardware
support disk.
4. Insert the Window XP Driver Diskette that you prepared earlier and
2.2.5Installing the Driver on an Existing Windows XP System
This procedure installs or upgrades the SYMMPI.SYS driver on an
existing Window XP system.
Note:When an LSI adapter is added to an existing system
installation, Windows XP automatically detects the new
adapter at the next reboot. When the Device Driver Wizard
appears at boot, click the Next button and continue at
step 8 below.
1. Boot Windows XP and logon as a user with Administrator privileges.
2. Click the Start button, then right-click My Computer in the menu.
3. Select Properties.
4. Click the Hardware tab, and then click the Device Manager button.
5. Click the plus sign to the left of the SCSI and RAID controllers line.
Double-click the entry for the adapter whose driver you want to
6. Click the Driver tab.
Information on the currently installed driver is displayed. You can
view more driver information by clicking the Driver Details button.
7. Click the Update Driver button to update the existing driver. The
Hardware Update Wizard starts.
8. Click Install from a list or specific location..., then click Next.
9. Click Don't search, I will choose the driver to install, then click
10. Click Have Disk and type the path to the driver, or click Browse.
Drivers for 32-bit systems are in the \32_bit directory and drivers
for 64-bit systems are in the \64_bit directory.
11. Select the path to the driver, and click OK.
12. Select the driver from the list and click Next.
13. Click Next again to start the driver update.
In some cases, a message will appear stating that this driver has not
passed logo testing. In other words, it is a nonsigned driver.
Note:Drivers are digitally signed by the Microsoft Windows
Hardware Quality Lab (WHQL) when they complete logo
testing. Due to the time lag between the LSI general
customer release of Windows drivers and the completionof
WHQL logo testing, some drivers distributed with adapters
or downloaded from the LSI web site may not be digitally
14. Click Continue Anyway to continue the installation, or click STOP
Installation if you do not want to install an unsigned driver.
The system loads the driver from the Windows XP driver diskette. A
message may appear indicating that the target (existing) driver is
newer than the source (upgrade) driver.
15. Click Yes to continue the installation, or click No to cancel the driver
upgrade at this point.
Windows copies the driver to the system disk. For any adapter other
than the boot adapter, the updated driver becomes active
immediately. For the boot adapter, a message appears indicating that
you must reboot your system in order for the new driver to take
16. Click Finish to complete the driver upgrade.
2.2.6Performance Tuning for Windows XP
Windows XP has registry entries that you can use to tune SCSI I/O
performance for certain configurations. The tunable parameters are largetransfer block size support and guaranteed number of concurrent I/Os for
a particular SCSI bus.
By default, the LSI ScsiPort and StorPort miniport drivers provide
optimum performance in most standard computer systems. Some
nonstandard systems require fine tuning to obtain peak system memory
utilization and performance. If you observe less than the advertised
functionality and performance on any platform after installation, contact
LSI Technical Support. Go to the LSI technical support home page at:
and call the listed number for assistance. LSI can provide additional
registry settings to customize the driver for specific systems and
The SYMMPI.SYS driver can support up to a 1 Mbyte transfer size in
Windows XP; however, the default Windows XP transfer size is
64 Kbytes. To enable better performance, the driver installation process
adds a registry entry to enable the maximum 1 Mbyte transfer size. Also,
the mpi_256K.reg file can be used to set or enable a 256 Kbyte
maximum transfer size, and it can be edited to set other maximum
transfer sizes as well. There are two ways to add this registry setting:
•Locate the mpi_256K.reg data file using Windows Explorer, double-
click on the file, and edit it.
•Type the following at the command prompt:
regedit mpi_256K.reg
This command inserts an entry in the registry to enable 256 Kbyte
block size support.
By editing mpi_256K.reg, you can set any maximum block size between
64 Kbytes and 1 Mbyte. The formula to calculate the proper value for
MaximumSGList in a 32-bit OS is:
For example, to determine the MaximumSGList value for 256 Kbytes in
a 32-bit OS, take ((256 Kbytes/4 Kbytes) +1) = 65 (or 0x41 in
The maximum value allowed for MaximumSGList is 0xFF (255 decimal).
For the particular value of 0xFF, the internal value passed to Windows
XP is increased to 0x101, allowing support for a full 1 Mbyte transfer.
Read the information in the mpi_256K.reg data file before editing it. You
must reboot the system for the new registry setting to take effect.
For 64-bit systems, the OS page size is 8 Kbytes instead of 4 Kbytes.
Therefore, the maximum transfer size is 2 Mbytes, and the default driver
installation enables support for 512 Kbytes transfer size. The formula to
calculate the MaximumSGList is: