Avago Technologies LSI20320 User Manual

Fusion-MPT FCode
January 2004
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Document DB15-000310-00, January 2004 This document describes the current version of LSI Logic Corporation’s Fusion-MPT FCode and will remain the official reference source for all revisions/releases of this product until rescinded by an update.
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This book is the primary reference and user’s guide for the LSI Logic Fusion-MPT™FCode commands. It explains how to use these commands and provides examples of each one.
This document assumes that you have some familiarity with SCSI and/or Fibre Channel devices and some experience in using a command line interface. The people who benefit from this book are
engineers and others who need to use FCode commands with
LSI LogicSolaris SPARC capable host bus adapters to perform tasks such as identifying SCSI and/or Fibre Channel devices on a system or setting up an Integrated Mirroring™ volume.
This document has the following sections:
Section 1, “Introduction,” provides a brief overview of Fusion-MPT
Section 2, “Fusion-MPT FCode Commands,” introduces the FCode
commands and explains how to use a command to identify the disk adapter in your system.
Section 3, “Fusion-MPT FCode SCSI Commands,” explains the
Fusion-MPT FCode commands that are used for SCSI adapters.
Section 4, “Fusion-MPT FCode Fibre Channel Commands,” explains
the Fusion-MPT FCode commands that are used for Fibre Channel adapters.
Fusion-MPT FCode User’s Guide iii
Copyright © 2000-2004 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.
Release History
Section 5, “Fusion-MPT Special Features,” explains how the
Fusion-MPT FCode commands are used to implement the Integrated Mirroring™, Integrated Striping™, and Integrated RAID™ features.
Version Date Description
V14 12/2000 Original release V15 12/2000 Added persistent naming V16 06/2001 Added interrupt coalescing V17 08/2001 Added manual selection of topology V18 10/2001 Added SCSI section V19 03/2002 Added IM/IR information V20 09/2003 Added multi-pathing V2.1 01/2004 Converted document to Tech Pubs template. Per-
formed general editing.
iv Preface
Copyright © 2000-2004 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.


1 Introduction 1 2 Fusion-MPT FCode Commands 1
2.1 Identifying the Fusion-MPT Adapter 1
2.1.1 show-disks 2
3 Fusion-MPT FCode SCSI Commands 2
3.1 Identifying the SCSI Disks 2
3.1.1 probe-scsi-all 3
3.2 Verifying Correct Installation 4
3.2.1 show-devs 5
3.3 SCSI Adapter Specific Settings 5
3.3.1 select 6
3.3.2 .properties 7
3.3.3 show-children 8
3.4 Interrupt Coalescing 8
3.5 Setting the SCSI Initiator ID 10
4 Fusion-MPT FCode Fibre Channel Commands 12
4.1 Identifying the Fibre Channel Disks 12
4.1.1 probe-scsi-all 12
4.2 Verifying Correct Installation 13
4.2.1 show-devs 14
4.3 Adapter Specific Settings 15
4.3.1 select 15
4.3.2 .properties 16
4.3.3 show-children 17
4.4 Interrupt Coalescing 17
4.5 Multi-Pathing 18
4.6 Setting Fibre Channel Link Speed 20
Fusion-MPT FCode User’s Guide v
Copyright © 2000-2004 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.
4.7 Persistent Device Naming 21
4.8 Manual Selection of Fibre Channel Topology 22
5 Fusion-MPT Special Features 24
5.1 Integrated Mirroring 24
5.1.1 Setting Up a SCSI or Fibre Channel Mirrored Volume 25
5.1.2 show-disks 26
5.1.3 select 26
5.1.4 .properties 27
5.1.5 show-children 28
5.1.6 show-volumes 28
5.1.7 create-volume 28
5.2 Integrated Striping 29
5.3 Integrated RAID 30
vi Contents
Copyright © 2000-2004 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.

1 Introduction

LSI Logic Solaris SPARC capable Fusion-MPT™ host bus adapters have FCode resident on board, allowing operation under Sun Microsystem’s OpenBoot console. All basic functionality is available at OpenBoot, including the ability to display devices connected to the adapter, and boot devices on the adapter. Additional functionality, such as updating the firmware from the OpenBoot console, is also supported. See the LSI Logic web site (http://www.lsilogic.com) for additional information, current versions, and utilities.
A summary of commands available on Fusion-MPT adapters is provided below.
2 Fusion-MPT FCode Commands
Because Fusion-MPT is both portable and binary compatible, one FCode driver runs both SCSI and Fibre Channel Fusion-MPT devices. The same FCode commands are used for both SCSI and Fibre Channel devices, because the configuration for both kinds of devices is similar. For convenience, however, this document has separate SCSI and Fibre Channel command sections, with some command information repeated in both sections. See Section 3, “Fusion-MPT FCode SCSI Commands,”
page 2, and Section 4, “Fusion-MPT FCode Fibre Channel Commands,” page 12.
2.1 Identifying the Fusion-MPT Adapter
To identify the disk adapter in your system, use the show-disks command at the OpenBoot prompt, as shown in the example below. This identifies all adapters that the system has identified as disk class. If the show-disks command fails to see your adapter, the adapter is either not correctly installed, or it is malfunctioning.
Introduction 1
Copyright © 2000-2004 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.
2.1.1 show-disks
ok show-disks
a) /pci@1f,0/pci@1/pci@1/pci@e/IntraServer-Ultra2,scsi@4,1/disk b) /pci@1f,0/pci@1/pci@1/pci@e/IntraServer-Ultra2,scsi@4/disk c) /pci@1f,0/pci@1/pci@1/scsi@d,1/disk d) /pci@1f,0/pci@1/pci@1/scsi@d/disk e) /pci@1f,0/pci@1/pci@1/LSILogic,scsi@c,1/disk f) /pci@1f,0/pci@1/pci@1/LSILogic,scsi@c/disk g) /pci@1f,0/pci@1/pci@1/IntraServer,fc@b,1/disk h) /pci@1f,0/pci@1/pci@1/IntraServer,fc@b/disk m) MORE SELECTIONS q) NO SELECTION Enter Selection, q to quit: q
Note: Devices ‘a’ through ‘f’ are SCSI adapters; devices ‘g’ and
‘h’ are Fibre Channel. The notation scsi@ is used for SCSI devices; fc@ is used for Fibre Channel devices.
3 Fusion-MPT FCode SCSI Commands

3.1 Identifying the SCSI Disks

The probe-scsi-all command is used to identify all disks on your Fusion-MPT adapters, and to identify other disk class adapters in the system.
Use the probe-scsi-all command to show all Fibre Channel or SCSI disks available from the OpenBoot prompt. All disks available on all Fusion-MPT devices are displayed, as shown in the example below:
2 Fusion-MPT FCode User’s Guide
Copyright © 2000-2004 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.
3.1.1 probe-scsi-all
ok probe-scsi-all
/pci@1f,0/pci@1/pci@1/scsi@d,1 Target 2 Unit 0 Disk SGI QUANTUM XP32150W589C /pci@1f,0/pci@1/pci@1/scsi@d Target 0 Unit 0 Disk SGI QUANTUM XP32150W589C /pci@1f,0/pci@1/pci@1/LSILogic,scsi@c,1 MPT Version 1.02, Firmware Version 0.00.00 Target 0
Unit 0 Disk QUANTUM ATLAS IV 9 WLS 0B0B 17942584 Blocks, 8971 MB
Target 1
Unit 0 Disk QUANTUM ATLAS IV 9 WLS 0B0B 17942584 Blocks, 8971 MB
Target 2
Unit 0 Disk QUANTUM ATLAS IV 9 WLS 0B0B 17942584 Blocks, 8971 MB
Target 3
Unit 0 Disk QUANTUM ATLAS IV 9 WLS 0B0B 17942584 Blocks, 8971 MB /pci@1f,0/pci@1/pci@1/LSILogic,scsi@c MPT Version 1.02, Firmware Version 0.00.00 /pci@8,700000/IntraServer-Ultra160,scsi@3,1
/pci@8,700000/IntraServer-Ultra160,scsi@3 Target 0
Unit 0 Disk IBM DDRS-34560D DC1B /pci@8,700000/IntraServer,fc@2
MPT Version 1.00, Firmware Version 1.02.00 Link is ready, port is online
WWN 100000a0b8040353 Port ID ef
Target 0
Unit 0 Disk SEAGATE ST39173FC 6615
WWN 2100002037109d76 Port ID d9 Target 1
Unit 0 Disk SEAGATE ST39173FC 6615
WWN 210000203710565a Port ID 17
/pci@8,700000/scsi@6 Target 6 Unit 0 Removable Read Only device PLEXTOR CD-ROM PX-20TS
Fusion-MPT FCode SCSI Commands 3
Copyright © 2000-2004 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.
If your system does not identify the SCSI Channel disks on your LSI Logic Fusion-MPT adapter, check the following:
1. Is the disk enclosure powered ON?
2. Do the LEDs on the adapter indicate LVD operation? Refer to the manual for the specific adapter to identify the correct operation of the LED indicators.
3. Is the SCSI bus terminated at both ends (and only at the ends) with LVD/SE terminators?
4. Does each SCSI disk have a unique SCSI ID that is different from the host’s ID (host SCSI ID defaults to 7). For more information, see
Section 3.5, “Setting the SCSI Initiator ID,” page 10.
5. Are all the disks on the bus LVD? If there is an HVD device on the bus, no disks will show up and the LVD LED on the Fusion-MPT adapter will blink.
If your system does not identify the Fibre Channel disks on your LSI Logic Fusion-MPT adapter, check the following:
1. Is the disk enclosure powered ON?
2. Does the LED on the adapter indicate LINK? (LINK is valid only after the device is probed.)
3. Does the LED on the switch or remote enclosure indicate LINK?
4. Does the LINK-SPEED parameter selected by the adapter match that of the bus (1G, 2G or Auto)?
If you do not see disks, the following additional debug information may help to identify the problem.

3.2 Verifying Correct Installation

Use this procedure to verify installation of your Fusion-MPT adapter in the system.
1. Power on the system.
2. When the banner is displayed, press the Stop-A keys to interrupt the boot process and stop at the ok prompt.
3. Use the show-devs command to list the system devices. You should see an output similar to the following:
4 Fusion-MPT FCode User’s Guide
Copyright © 2000-2004 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.
3.2.1 show-devs
ok show-devs
/SUNW,UltraSPARC-III@0,0 /virtual-memory /memory@m0,0 /aliases /options /openprom /chosen /packages /upa@8,480000/SUNW,ffb@0,0 ... /pci@1f,0/pci@1/pci@1/LSILogic,scsi@c,1 /pci@1f,0/pci@1/pci@1/LSILogic,scsi@c… /pci@1f,0/pci@1/pci@1/LSILogic,scsi@c,1/disk /pci@1f,0/pci@1/pci@1/LSILogic,scsi@c,1/tape /pci@1f,0/pci@1/pci@1/LSILogic,scsi@c/disk /pci@1f,0/pci@1/pci@1/LSILogic,scsi@c/tape
identifies the first Ultra320 SCSI interface on an LSI Logic 1030 based adapter.
identifies the second Ultra320 SCSI interface on an LSI Logic 1030 based adapter.
An LSI Logic 1020 Ultra320 SCSI adapter shows only one such
SCSI device.
Note: The above are examples. The output of the show-devs
command varies depending on your system and its configuration. Use the corresponding entries on your system, not the ones given in the examples.
If your SCSI devices are not listed, check that the adapter is correctly installed, and reseat the adapter if necessary.
3.3 SCSI Adapter Specific Settings
In certain circumstances, the advanced user may want to change settings for an individual adapter or port, without affecting the other adapters in the system. Specific examples of such settings are SCSI initiator ID and Interrupt Coalescing.
Fusion-MPT FCode SCSI Commands 5
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3.3.1 select
To select a specific Fusion-MPT adapter as the current adapter, use the select command. Selecting a port or adapter brings the port online and allows you to show or set certain adapter specific parameters.
Use caution when you issue the following commands. Using the commands incorrectly could make the bus unusable—for example, forcing the SCSI initiator ID to one that conflicts with another device on the bus.
Use the select OpenBoot command to select the adapter entry. This opens the port to bring the port online:
ok select /pci@1f,0/pci@1/pci@1/LSILogic,scsi@c
Note: Some versions of Sun Microsystem’s OpenBoot console do
not implement the select command. Use the following syntax if the select command is not supported. Be sure to include the space after each quotation mark:
ok " /pci@1f,0/pci@1/pci@1/LSILogic,scsi@c" select-dev
6 Fusion-MPT FCode User’s Guide
Copyright © 2000-2004 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.
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