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Document DB15-000099-04 Twelfth Version (September 2001)
This document describes Version 12 of the LSI Logic PCI Storage Device
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This book is the user’s guide for the PCI Storage Device Management
System SDMS™ 4.0. Version 12 of this user's guide is intended to
explain how to install and configure the LSI Logic SDMS software in your
PCI computer system.
This document was prepared for OEM customers and provides an
overview of the LSI Logic SDMS software. This document explains the
installation of software drivers as they relate to specific operating
•Chapter 1, Using the SDMS Software, describes the standard
method of interfacing SCSI I/O subsystems with devices, operating
systems, and application software.
•Chapter 2, SCSI BIOS and Configuration Utility, describes the
SDMS SCSI BIOS and its Configuration Utility, which allows
modifications or changes to the host adapters. It also provides
information about the Multilanguage Configuration Utility.
•Chapter 3, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me Device Driver
Installation, describes the SYMC8XX.MPD, SYM_HI.MPD, and
SYM_U3.MPD drivers along with installation instructions for new and
existing Windows 95/98 systems.
•Chapter 4, Windows NT 4.0 Device Driver Installation, describes
the SYMC8XX.SYS, SYM_HI.SYS, and SYM_U3.SYS drivers along
with installation instructions for new and existing Windows NT
systems. This chapter also includes Windows NT DMI 2.0
Component Instrumentation information.
PCI Storage Device Management System SDMS 4.0 User’s Guideiii
•Chapter 5,Windows 2000 Device Driver Installation, describes the
drivers along with installation instructions for new and existing
Windows 2000 systems. This chapter also includes Windows 2000
DMI 2.0 Component Instrumentation information.
•Chapter 6, DOS Device Driver Installation, describes the
ASPI8XX.SYS, SYMDISK.SYS, and SYMCD.SYS drivers. It also
provides information about various DOS utilities.
•Chapter 7, OS/2 Device Driver Installation, describes the
SYM8XX.ADD and SYMHI.ADD drivers along with installation
instructions for new or existing OS/2 systems.
This chapter describes the LSI Logic Storage Device Management
System (SDMS™) software, and includes these topics:
•Section 1.1, “Introduction,” page 1-1
•Section 1.2, “Overview,” page 1-2
•Section 1.3, “SDMS Device Drivers,” page 1-4
•Section 1.4, “Basic Guidelines,” page 1-4
The LSI Logic PCI SDMS is a complete software packagethat solves the
increasingly complex problem of managing system I/O. It seamlessly
addresses hardware and software interfaces by supporting the LSI Logic
family of SCSI processors and controllers, and a wide range of SCSI
peripheral devices. At the same time, it offers interoperability across
application programs, operating systems, and host platforms.
SDMS 4.0 software provides a standard method to interface SCSI I/O
subsystems with devices, operating systems, and application software. It
also enhances system capabilities already provided by SCSI controllers
and processors by facilitating system-wide SCSI device access.
PCI Storage Device Management System SDMS 4.0 User’s Guide1-1
Figure 1.1 illustrates the format of the LSI Logic SDMS software.
Figure 1.1The LSI Logic SDMS Software
Operating System
SDMS Storage Device Driver
LSI Logic Controller or
An LSI Logic SCSI controller or processor can control peripherals such
as hard disk drives, CD-ROM drives, tape drives, scanners, and
removable media. You can connect up to 15 wide (16-bit) SCSI
peripheral devices or seven 8-bit SCSI peripheral devices (by using the
SCSI bus) to a SCSI host adapter on which the SCSI controller or
processor resides.
The SDMS device drivers translate an operating system I/O request into
a SCSI request. Each SDMS SCSI device driver is operating system
specific and is designed to work on standard LSI Logic chip
Currently, LSI Logic provides PCI to SCSI device drivers for the following
operating systems:
•MS-DOS 6.0/Windows 3.1X
•Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows Me (Millennium Edition)
•Windows NT - 4.0
•Windows 2000
•OS/2 - 4.XX
•SCO OpenServer - Release 5.XX
•UnixWare - 7
•Solaris - 7 and 8
•NetWare - 4.XX and 5.XX (NWPA)
This user’s guide provides device driver installation and configuration
instructions for each of these operating systems.
1.4Basic Guidelines
Some basic rules for using SDMS software and installing a SCSI host
adapter device follow. The SDMS software requires an IBM PC/AT or
compatible computer with an 80486 or higher microprocessor. An
understanding of basic operating system commands is assumed. In
addition, users of this manual should have a general knowledge of the
SCSI standard.
Before using the SDMS software, you should configure the SCSI
controller into your system, taking into account the configuration of other
host adapters and system resources.
LSI Logic recommends that you back up all data before making any
changes or installing any software, including LSI Logic SCSI controllers
and software. Failure to adhere to this accepted computer practice may
lead to loss of data. You must terminate both ends of the SCSI bus.
Refer to the hardware manuals for the devices and users’ guides for the
host adapters to properly terminate the bus. Also you should locate
where jumpers or dip switches are for setting SCSI ID numbers. Usually,
the host adapter is ID 7. The devices are then set at IDs 0 through 6
(plus 8 through 15 for Wide SCSI). The bootable hard drive must have
the lowest numerical SCSI ID, unless you are able to use the BIOS Boot
Specification (BBS). Refer to Chapter 2 for additional information
regarding the BBS.
The red or blue line on a standard SCSI cable (or the black line on one
end of a multicolored SCSI cable) designates pin 1 on the cable
connector and must connect to pin 1 on the device and host adapter
connector. Refer to the hardware manuals for the devices and the
controller to locate pin 1 of the connector.
If the system already has an internal bootable hard drive (IDE, ESDI, or
ST506), the drivers for the SCSI device(s) must reside on the internal
bootable drive.
This chapter describes the SDMS SCSI BIOS and Configuration Utility.
It includes these topics:
•Section 2.1, “Introduction,” page 2-1
•Section 2.2, “Boot Initialization with BBS,” page 2-3
•Section 2.3, “Using the SCSI BIOS Configuration Utility,” page 2-3
•Section 2.4, “Starting the SCSI BIOS Configuration Utility,” page 2-4
•Section 2.5, “Exiting the SCSI BIOS Configuration Utility,” page 2-22
The SDMS SCSI BIOS is the bootable ROM code that manages SCSI
hardware resources. Itis specific to a family of LSI Logic SCSI controllers
or processors. The SDMS SCSI BIOS integrates with a standard system
BIOS, extending the standard disk service routine provided through
During the boot time initialization, the SCSI BIOS determines if there are
other hard disks, such as an IDE drive, already installed by the system
BIOS. If there are, the SCSI BIOS maps any SCSI drives it finds behind
the drive(s) already installed. Otherwise, the SCSI BIOS installs drives
starting with the system boot drive. In this case, the system boots from
a drive controlled by the SCSI BIOS. For version 4.05.00 and higher,
LSI Logic supports the BIOS Boot Specification (BBS).
The next section, “Boot Initialization with BBS,” discusses selecting boot
and drive order.
PCI Storage Device Management System SDMS 4.0 User’s Guide2-1
•Configuration for up to 256 adapters-any 4 can be chosen for INT13h
(boot ROM) support
•All LSI53C8XX devices including LSI53C895A
•LSI53C1000 and LSI53C1010 devices
•SPI-3 Parallel Protocol Request (PPR)
•Domain Validation
2.1.2 LSI Logic Devices Supported
All LSI Logic devices and host adapters have undergone a name change.
They have transitioned from a SYM prefix to an LSI prefix. The SDMS
SCSI BIOS supports the following devices and their associated LSI Logic
host adapters:
The SDMS SCSI BIOS provides support for the BBS, which allows you
to choose which device to boot from by selecting the priority.
To use this feature, the system BIOS must also be compatible with the
BBS. If your system supports the BBS, then use the system BIOS setup
menu to select the boot and drive order. In the system BIOS setup, the
Boot Connection Devices menu appears with a list of available boot
options. Use that menu to select the device and rearrange the order.
Then exit saving changes to continue the boot process.
2.2.1 CD-ROM Boot Initialization
The SCSI BIOS supports boot initialization from a CD-ROM drive. The
five types of emulation are:
•No emulation disk
•Floppy 1.2 Mbyte emulation disk
•Floppy 1.44 Mbyte emulation disk
•Floppy 2.88 Mbyte emulation disk
•Hard disk emulation
The type of emulation determines the drive letter assignment for the
CD-ROM. For example, if you load a 1.44 Mbyte floppy emulation
CD-ROM, then the CD-ROM drive would become the designated A:
drive, and the existing floppy would become drive B:.
2.3Using the SCSI BIOS Configuration Utility
This section provides the menu formats and user inputs available to
inform all users about this utility prior to running it. All SCSI BIOS
Configuration Utility screens that display various menus are partitioned
into fixed areas. This area provides static general help text information.
You make configuration changes in the main area of the menu. As in the
example menus, it is lighter in color than the header or footer areas.
Table 2.1 lists the various keyboard options you use to make changes.
Settings with grey or yellow text can be changed, settings with white text
cannot. This is true regardless of the Color/Mono setting chosen.
Table 2.1Keyboard Options
Keyboard OptionsDescription
F1 = HelpProvides context sensitive help for the cursor
F2 = menuSets cursor context to the menu Area. Select a
Arrow Keys = Select
+/− = Change [Item]Changes items with values in [ ] brackets. Use the
Esc = Abort/ExitAborts the current context operation and/or exits the
Home/End = Select Item Moves the cursor to the start/end of a scrollable
Enter = Execute <Item> Executes options with values in < > brackets. Press
resident field.
menu item and press Enter. This option is only
available from the Main menu.
Move the cursor up, down, left, or right.
‘+’ and ‘−’ keys in the top row of the main keyboard
or use the numerickeypad‘+’ and ‘−’ keys to change
values. When pressed, theytoggle a modifiable field
to its next relative value. ‘+’ toggles the value up and
‘−’ toggles the value down.
current screen. This option calls an Exit menu,
described further in Section 2.5, “Exiting the SCSI
BIOS Configuration Utility,” page 2-22.
Enter to execute the field’s associated function.
2.4Starting the SCSI BIOS Configuration Utility
If you have SCSI BIOS version 4.XX, and it includes the SDMS SCSI
BIOS Configuration Utility, you can change the default configuration of
your SCSI host adapters. You may decide to alter these default values if
there is a conflict between device settings or if you need to optimize
system performance.
You can see the version number of your SCSI BIOS in a banner
displayed on your computer monitor during boot. If the utility is available,
the following message also appears on your monitor:
Press Ctrl-C to start LSI Logic Configuration Utility...
This message remains on your screen for about five seconds, giving you
time to start the utility. If you decide to press Ctrl-C, the message
changes to:
After a brief pause, your computer monitor displays the Main menu of the
SCSI BIOS Configuration Utility.
The following messages may appear during the boot process:
•Adapter removed from boot order, parameters will be updated
accordingly! appears when an adapteris removed from the system
or relocated behind a PCI bridge.
•Configuration data invalid, saving default configuration!
appears if none of the information in NonVolatile Random Access
Memory (NVRAM) is valid.
•Found SCSI Controller not in following Boot Order List, to
Add: Press Ctrl-C to start LSI Logic Configuration
Utility... or Adapter configuration may have changed,
reconfiguration is suggested! could appear when fewerthan four
adapters are in the boot order and adapters exist in the system which
are not in the boot order.
The SDMS SCSI BIOS does not control all devices detected by this
configuration utility. Devices such as tape drives and scanners require
that a device driver specific to that peripheral be loaded.
To make changes with this menu-driven utility, one or more LSI Logic
SCSI host adapters must have NVRAM to store the changes. You can
change four sets of configurations. You make changes on subordinate
menus called from the Main menu, which is opened when you start the
SCSI BIOS Configuration Utility. The subordinate menus are:
All of these properties are controlled by menus you access through the
SCSI BIOS Configuration Utility’s Main menu. The Main menu also gives
an overview of some properties of installed LSI Logic host adapter
Important:The SCSI BIOS Configuration Utility is a powerful tool.
While using it, if you somehow disable all of your
controllers, press Ctrl-A (or Ctrl-E on version 4.04 or
later) after memory initialization during reboot. This will
allow you to re-enable and reconfigure your controllers.
Also, if the system locks up due to NonVolatile Storage
(NVS), press Ctrl-N to bypass the BIOS in order to
reflash the card.
2.4.1 Accessing the Configuration Utility Main Menu
After invoking the SCSI BIOS Configuration Utility, the Main menu
appears and displays a list of up to 256 PCI to SCSI host adapters in
the system and information about each of them. To select an adapter,
use only the arrow keys and enter key. The system scans the adapter’s
SCSI bus after selecting an adapter.
Only adapters with LSI LogicControl enabled canbe accessed. Adapters
without NonVolatile Memory (NVM) display default settings and cannot
be changed. Figure 2.1 illustrates this menu.