HEDM-55xx/560x & HEDS-55xx/56xx
Quick Assembly Two and Three Channel Optical Encoders
Data Sheet
HEDM-55xx/560x HEDS-550x/554x, HEDS-560x/564x
The HEDS-5500/5540, HEDS-5600/5640, HEDM-5500/5540 and HEDM-5600 are high performance, low cost, two and three channel optical incremental encoders. These encoders emphasize high reliability, high resolution, and easy assembly.
Each encoder contains a lensed LED source, an integrated circuit with detectors and output circuitry, and a codewheel which rotates between the emitter and detector IC. The outputs of the HEDS-5500/5600 and HEDM-5500/ 5600 are two square waves in quadrature. The HEDS-5540/5640 and HEDM-5540 also have a third channel index output in addition to the two channel quadrature. This index output is a 90 electrical degree, high true index pulse which is generated once for each full rotation of the codewheel.
The HEDS series utilizes metal codewheels, while the HEDM series utilizes a lm codewheel allowing for resolu­tions to 1024 CPR.
These encoders may be quickly and easily mounted to a motor. For larger diameter motors, the HEDM-5600, and HEDS-5600/5640 feature external mounting ears.
The quadrature signals and the index pulse are accessed through ve 0.025 inch square pins located on 0.1 inch centers.
Standard resolutions between 96 and 1024 counts per revolution are presently available. Consult local Avago sales representatives for other resolutions.
Two channel quadrature output with optional index
Quick and easy assembly
No signal adjustment required
External mounting ears available
Low cost
Resolutions up to 1024 counts per revolution
Small size –40°C to 100°C operating temperature
TTL compatible
Single 5 V supply
Note: Avago Technologies encoders are not recommend­ed for use in safety critical applications. Eg. ABS braking systems, power steering, life support systems and critical care medical equipment. Please contact sales representa­tive if more clarication is needed.
Package Dimensions
HEDS-5500/5540, HEDM-5500/5540
*Note: For the HEDS-5500 and HEDM-5500, Pin #2 is a No Connect. For the HEDS-5540 and HEDM-5540, Pin #2 is CH. I, the index output.
HEDS-5600/5640, HEDM-5600
*Note: For the HEDS-5600 and HEDM-5600, Pin #2 is a No Connect. For the HEDS-5640, Pin #2 is CH. I, the index output.
Theory of Operation
The HEDS-5500, 5540, 5600, 5640, and HEDM-5500, 5540, 5600 translate the rotary motion of a shaft into either a two- or a three-channel digital output.
The codewheel rotates between the emitter and detector, causing the light beam to be interrupted by the pattern of spaces and bars on the codewheel. The photodi­odes which detect these interruptions are arranged in a pattern that corresponds to the radius and design of the codewheel. These detectors are also spaced such that a light period on one pair of detectors corresponds to a dark period on the adjacent pair of detectors. The photo­diode outputs are then fed through the signal processing circuitry resulting in A, A, B and B (also I and I in the HEDS­5540/5640 and HEDM-5540). Comparators receive these signals and produce the nal outputs for channels A and B. Due to this integrated phasing technique, the digital output of channel A is in quadrature with that of channel B (90 degrees out of phase).
In the HEDS-5540/5640 and HEDM-5540, the output of the comparator for I and I is sent to the index processing circuitry along with the outputs of channels A and B.
The nal output of channel I is an index pulse PO which is generated once for each full rotation of the codewheel. This output PO is a one state width (nominally 90 electri­cal degrees), high true index pulse which is coincident with the low states of channels A and B.
Block Diagram
Count (N): The number of bar and window pairs or counts per revolution (CPR) of the codewheel.
One Cycle (C): 360 electrical degrees (°e), 1 bar and window pair.
One Shaft Rotation: 360 mechanical degrees, N cycles.
Position Error (∆Θ): The normalized angular dierence
between the actual shaft position and the position indicated by the encoder cycle count.
Cycle Error (∆C): An indication of cycle uniformity. The dier¬ence between an observed shaft angle which gives rise to one electrical cycle, and the nominal angular increment of 1/N of a revolution.
Pulse Width (P): The number of electrical degrees that an output is high during 1 cycle. This value is nominally 180°e or 1/2 cycle.
Pulse Width Error ( ∆P): The deviation, in electrical degrees, of the pulse width from its ideal value of 180°e.
State Width (S): The number of electrical degrees between a transition in the output of channel A and the neighbour­ing transition in the output of channel B. There are 4 states per cycle, each nominally 90°e.
State Width Error ( ∆S): The deviation, in electrical degrees, of each state width from its ideal value of 90°e.
Phase (φ): The number of electrical degrees between the center of the high state of channel A and the center of the high state of channel B. This value is nominally 90°e for quadrature output.
Phase Error (∆φ): The deviation of the phase from its ideal value of 90°e.
Note: Circuitry for CH I is only for HEDS-5540, 5640 and HEDM 5540 Three Channel Encoder
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Parameter HEDS-55XX/56XX HEDM-550X/560X HEDM-5540
Storage Temperature, TS -40°C to 100°C -40°C to +70°C -40°C to 100°C
Operating Temperature, TA -40°C to 100°C -40°C to +70°C -40°C to 100°C
Supply Voltage, VCC -0.5 V to 7 V -0.5 V to 7 V -0.5 V to 7 V
Output Voltage, VO -0.5 V to VCC -0.5 V to VCC -0.5 V to VCC
Output Current per Channel, I
Vibration 20 g, 5 to 1000 Hz 20 g, 5 to 1000 Hz 20 g, 5 to 1000 Hz
Shaft Axial Play ± 0.25 mm
Shaft Eccentricity Plus Radial Play 0.1 mm
Velocity 30,000 RPM 30,000 RPM 30,000 RPM
Acceleration 250,000 rad/sec2 250,000 rad/sec2 250,000 rad/sec2
-1.0 mA to 5 mA -1.0 mA to 5 mA -1.0 mA to 5 mA
(± 0.010 in.)
(0.004 in.) TIR
± 0.175 mm (± 0.007 in.)
0.04 mm (0.0015 in.) TIR
± 0.175 mm (± 0.007 in.)
0.04 mm (0.0015 in.) TIR
Direction of Rotation: When the codewheel rotates in the counter¬clockwise direction (as viewed from the encoder end of the motor), channel A will lead channel B. If the codewheel rotates in the clockwise direction, channel B will lead channel A.
Output Waveforms
Index Pulse Width (PO): The number of electrical degrees that an index output is high during one full shaft rotation. This value is nominally 90°e or 1/4 cycle.
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