AutomationDirect WEG CFW100 AC Quick Start Guide

WEG CFW100 AC DrivEs sEriAl CommuniCAtions QuiCk-stArt GuiDE
NOTE: This Quick-Start guide is intended for the sole purpose of establishing communications connections between WEG CFW100 AC Drives and AutomationDirect programmable controllers, or between the CFW100 and the USB port of a personal computer. Please refer to WEG CFW100 documents for specifications and instructions for using the WEG CFW100 AC Drives.
able of ConTenTs
Communications Parameters Summary � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �5–2
Summary – Serial Communication Parameters � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 5–2
Explanation of Scaling/Count Frequency Command/Feedback � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �5–5
Connecting PC to CFW100 Using AutomationDirect Cable USB-485M� � � � � � � � � � � � � � �5–5
Connecting Communication Cables to CFW100 AC Drives � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �5–6
AutomationDirect PLCs as Modbus Master � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �5–7
Communication Cable Connections � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 5–7 RS-232C to RS-485 Conversion� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 5–8 AutomationDirect PLC Cable Connections � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 5–9 AutomationDirect PLC Example Programs for WEG CFW100 AC Drive � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 5–12 CLICK PLC Example Program for WEG CFW100 AC Drive � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �5–12
Page 5–1CFW100 AC Drives Serial Communications Quick-Start Guide – 1st Edition-10 25 2019 prelim
WEG CFW100 AC Drives Serial Communications Quick-Start Guide

CommuniCations Parameters summary

A summary of the WEG CFW100 AC drives Communications Parameters is listed below.
NOTE: Refer to the WEG CFW100 Frequency Inverter Micro Mini Drives Programming Manual and the Modbus RTU User’s Manual for a complete listing of all CFW100 AC drives parameters, including details and Modbus addresses.

Summary – Serial CommuniCation ParameterS

WEG CFW100 Serial Communication Parameters Summary
1) To read parameters, use Function Code 3; To write parameters, use Function Code 6 or 16
2) ♦ indicates a parameter that can be changed only with a stopped motor
3) RO = Read Only
4) Modicon Modbus addressing for the CFW100 is 40000 + the Parameter Address; Example: P222 Modicon Modbus address would be 40000 + 222 = 40222
5) Speed references and commands via Modbus RTU will always be Remote references; not Local
6) Baud rate in the PLC must match the baud rate in the AC drive (19200 bits/s)
General Parameters P000 P001 P002 P003 P004 P005
Access to Parameters 0 to 9999 1 0 40000 Speed Reference 0 to 9999 RO RO 1 40001 Output Speed (Motor) 0 to 9999 RO RO 2 40002 Motor Current 0�0 to 40�0 A RO RO 3 40003 DC Link Voltage (Ud) 0 to 524 V RO RO 4 40004 Output Frequency (Motor) 0�0 to 400�0 Hz RO RO 5 40005
0 = Inactive
1 = Active 2 to 9999 = New Password
Parameters neccessary to communicate with the drive using module CFW-485
0 = Always Local 1 = Always Remote 2, 3 = not used 4 = DIx
LOC/REM Selection Source
REM Reference Selection
5 = Serial/USB (LOC) 6 = Serial/USB (REM) 7, 8 = not used 9 = CO/DN/DP (LOC) 10 = CO/DN/DP (REM) 11 = SoftPLC
0 = HMI Keys 1 = AI1 2 = AI2 3 = not used 4 = FI 5 = AI1 + AI2 > 0 6 = AI1 + AI2 7 = E�P� 8 = Multispeed 9 = Serial/USB 10 = not used 11 = CO/DN/DP 12 = SoftPLC 13 = not used 14 = AI1 > 0 15 = AI2 > 0 16 = not used 17 = FI > 0
(table continued next page)
Setting Modbus Address Comm Default
1 0 DC 40220
9 1 DE 40222
Hex Modicon
0 C8 40200
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WEG CFW100 AC Drives Serial Communications Quick-Start Guide
WEG CFW100 Serial Communication Parameters Summary1 – (continued)
1) To read parameters, use Function Code 3; To write parameters, use Function Code 6 or 16
2) ♦ indicates a parameter that can be changed only with a stopped motor
3) RO = Read Only
4) Modicon Modbus addressing for the CFW100 is 40000 + the Parameter Address; Example: P222 Modicon Modbus address would be 40000 + 222 = 40222
5) Speed references and commands via Modbus RTU will always be Remote references; not Local
6) Baud rate in the PLC must match the baud rate in the AC drive (19200 bits/s)
0 = Forward 1 = Reverse 2, 3 = not used 4 = DIx 5 = Serial/USB (FWD)
REM FWD/REV Selection
REM Run/Stop Selection
Serial Address 1 to 247 1 1 134 40308
Serial Baud Rate
Serial Interface Byte Configuration
Serial Protocol
Action for Comm Error
Serial Watchdog 0�0 to 999�0 0�0 0�0 13A 40314
Serial Interface Status
6 = Serial/USB (REV) 7, 8 = not used 9 = CO/DN/DP (FWD) 10 = CO/DN/DP (REV) 11 = not used 12 = SoftPLC
0 = HMI Keys 1 = DIx 2 = Serial/USB 3 = not used 4 = CO/DN/DP 5 = SoftPLC
0 = 9600 bits/s 1 = 19200 bits/s 2 = 38400 bits/s
0 = 8 bits, np, 1 stop bit 1 = 8 bits, even, 1 stop bit 2 = 8 bits, odd, 1 stop bit 3 = 8 bits, np, 2 stop bits 4 = 8 bits, even, 2 stop bits 5 = 8 bits, odd, 2 stop bits
0, 1 = reserved 2 = Slave Modbus RTU 3, 4 = reserved 5 = Master Modbus RTU
0 = Inactive 1 = Ramp Stop 2 = General Disable 3 = Go to LOC 4 = LOC Keep Enable 5 = Cause Fault
0 = Inactive 1 = Active 2 = Watchdog Error
(table continued next page)
Setting Modbus Address Comm Default
2 1 E3 40227
1 1 136 40310
1 1 137 40311
2 2 138 40312
1 1 139 40313
RO RO 13C 40316
Hex Modicon
4 E2 40226
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WEG CFW100 AC Drives Serial Communications Quick-Start Guide
WEG CFW100 Serial Communication Parameters Summary1 – (continued)
1) To read parameters, use Function Code 3; To write parameters, use Function Code 6 or 16
2) ♦ indicates a parameter that can be changed only with a stopped motor
3) RO = Read Only
4) Modicon Modbus addressing for the CFW100 is 40000 + the Parameter Address; Example: P222 Modicon Modbus address would be 40000 + 222 = 40222
5) Speed references and commands via Modbus RTU will always be Remote references; not Local
6) Baud rate in the PLC must match the baud rate in the AC drive (19200 bits/s)
0 to FFFF (hex) Bit 0 = reserved Bit 1 = Run Command Bit 2 = Fire Mode Bits 3 and 4 = reserved Bit 5 = 2nd Ramp Bit 6 = Config� Status
Logical Status
Motor Speed in 13 bits 0 to FFFF (hex) RO RO 2A9 40681
Serial//USB Control
Serial/USB Speed Reference 0 to FFFF (hex) RO RO 2AB 40683
Bit 7 = Alarm Bit 8 = Running Bit 9 = Enabled Bit 10 = Forward Bit 11 = JOG Bit 12 = Remote Bit 13 = Undervoltage Bit 14 = reserved Bit 15 = Fault
0 to FFFF (hex) Bit 0 = Ramp Enable Bit 1 = General Enable Bit 2 = Run Forward Bit 3 = JOG Enable Bit 4 = Remote Bit 5 = 2nd Ramp Bit 6 = reserved Bit 7 = Fault Reset Bit 8 to 15 = reserved
Setting Modbus Address Comm Default
RO RO 2A8 40680
RO RO 2AA 40682
Hex Modicon
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WEG CFW100 AC Drives Serial Communications Quick-Start Guide

exPlanation of sCaling/Count frequenCy Command/feedbaCk

When using WEG CFW100 drives, speed/frequency is shown in counts� In order to convert to Hz/ rpm, it is needed to know that the Base Frequency (P403) is equivalent to 8192 (2^13)� Also, the Motor Rated speed (P402) can be scaled using the same method�
Actual Frequency (P681) and Command Frequency (P683) can be calculated using that ratio�
For instance: P681 = 2048(dec)�
Freq = 2048*60�00/8192 = 15�00 Hz
RPM = 2048*1740/8192 = 435�00 rpm
ConneCting PC to CfW100 using automationdireCt Cable usb-485m
An AutomationDirect cable, part number USB-485M, provides a quick and easy method of communicating to a WEG CFW100 AC Drive from a PC which has WEG CFW-WPS software installed.
NOTE: Refer to the WEG WPS Software User Manual for information and instructions regarding using the WPS software to configure CFW100 AC Drives.
AutomationDirect USB-485M
6 RS485 = A (-) 7 RS485 = B (+) 8 GND 9 Shield
10 GND
To RS-485 Port
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