AutomationDirect SC-E2S, SC-E7 User manual

Fuji Duo Series SC-E Contactors
• 5 to 100 hp at 480 VAC
• cULus and CSA approval, CE mark, meets JIS and IEC standards.
• Models SC-E02-xxx to SC-E4-xxx have
3-pole main circuits and come in three sizes with widths of 43 mm, 54 mm, and 67 mm.
• Models SC-E1-xxx to SC-E7-xxx employ a box terminal structure; allowing wires to be connected directly to the main circuit.
• Has a finger-protection terminal structure that prevents the exposure of live parts.
• Models SC-E5-xxx to SC-E7-xxx use a SUPERMAGNETTM (AC-input/DC-output operation) for high operating reliability and requires no surge suppressor.
Small Size
• SC-E02-xxx to E05-xxx: 43mm wide
• SC-E1-xxx to E2S-xxx: 54mm wide
• SC-E3-xxx, E4-xxx: 67mm wide
• SC-E5-xxx: 88mm wide
• Terminals with finger-touch protection (DIN 57106/VDE 0106 Teil100)
• Box lug terminal construction
• Long electrical life
• Easy to wire
• Low power consumption
• Recycled thermoplastic resin used for plastic parts.
• The names of materials are indicated on all major parts to facilitate recycling
For the latest prices, please check
Standards & Approvals
• UL listed , file E42419, Standard UL 508
• cUL listed, file E42419, Standard CSA C 22.2 No.14
• VDE 0660
• JIS C 8201-4-1
• IEC 60947-4-1 / EN 60947-4-1
• CE compliant
Optional accessories
• Auxiliary contact blocks
• Coil surge suppression units
• Replacement coils for contactor sizes SC-E5 and larger
SC-E Series Contactors Specifications - UL and CSA
Nominal Coil
Rated Capacity (HP)
550– 600V
1-Phase Motor
100– 120V
220– 240V
Model Price
SC-E02-24VAC SC-E02-110VAC SC-E02-220VAC SC-E02-440VAC SC-E02-500VAC SC-E02G-24VDC SC-E03-24VAC SC-E03-110VAC SC-E03-220VAC SC-E03-440VAC SC-E03-500VAC SC-E03G-24VDC SC-E04-24VAC SC-E04-110VAC SC-E04-220VAC SC-E04-440VAC SC-E04-500VAC SC-E04G-24VDC SC-E05-24VAC SC-E05-110VAC SC-E05-220VAC SC-E05-440VAC SC-E05-500VAC SC-E05G-24VDC
TABLE CONTINUED NEXT PAGE Notes: 1. AC3 type loads consist of squirrel cage three-phase motors; occasional, limited jogging duty.
2. AC1 non-inductive or slightly inductive loads. Typically resistive loads (i.e. furnaces, ovens, etc.)
$17.00 24VAC
$17.00 110VAC
$17.00 220VAC
$17.00 440-480VAC
$17.00 500-550VAC
$19.00 24VDC
$21.50 24VAC
$21.50 110VAC
$21.50 220VAC
$21.50 440-480VAC
retired Please consider the Fuji Electric SC-E series as comparable replacement
$30.50 24VDC 3 3 7.5 7.5 1/2 2 12 20
$27.00 24VAC
$27.00 110VAC
$27.00 220VAC
$27.00 440-480VAC
$27.00 500-550VAC
$37.50 24VDC
$35.00 24VAC
$35.00 110VAC
$35.00 220VAC
$35.00 440-480VAC
$35.00 500-550VAC
$45.00 24VDC
3-Phase Motor
220– 240V
440– 480V
2 2 5 5 1/3 1 9 20
3 3 7.5 7.5 1/2 2 12 20
5 5 10 10 1 3 18 25
5 7.5 15 15 2 3 25 32
Rated AC-3 Cur-
rent (A) [note 1]
mal Current (A)
[note 2]
Rated AC-1 Ther-
5 690 43
Rated Insulation
Voltage (V)
Frame Width (mm)
Motor Controls
Fuji Duo Series SC-E Contactors
SC-E Series Contactors Specifications - UL and CSA
Nominal Coil
Rated Capacity (HP)
For the latest prices, please check
Rated AC-3 Cur-
rent (A) [note 1]
mal Current (A)
[note 2]
Rated AC-1 Ther-
Rated Insulation
Voltage (V)
Frame Width
550– 600V
1-Phase Motor
100– 120V
Model Price
SC-E1-24VAC SC-E1-110VAC SC-E1-220VAC SC-E1-440VAC SC-E1-500VAC SC-E1G-24VDC SC-E2-24VAC SC-E2-110VAC SC-E2-220VAC SC-E2-440VAC SC-E2-500VAC SC-E2G-24VDC SC-E2S-24VAC SC-E2S-110VAC SC-E2S-220VAC SC-E2S-440VAC SC-E2S-500VAC SC-E2SG-24VDC SC-E3-24VAC SC-E3-110VAC SC-E3-220VAC SC-E3-440VAC SC-E3-500VAC SC-E3G-24VDC SC-E4-24VAC SC-E4-110VAC SC-E4-220VAC SC-E4-440VAC SC-E4-500VAC SC-E4G-24VDC SC-E5-24V SC-E5-100V SC-E5-200V SC-E5-400V SC-E5-500V SC-E6-24V SC-E6-100V SC-E6-200V SC-E6-400V SC-E6-500V SC-E7-24V SC-E7-100V SC-E7-200V SC-E7-400V SC-E7-500V
Notes: 1. AC3 type loads consist of squirrel cage three-phase motors; occasional, limited jogging duty.
2. AC1 non-inductive or slightly inductive loads. Typically resistive loads (i.e. furnaces, ovens, etc.)
$42.00 24VAC
$42.00 110VAC
$42.00 220VAC
$42.00 440-480VAC
$42.00 500-550VAC
$49.50 24VDC
$59.00 24VAC
$59.00 110VAC
$59.00 220VAC
$59.00 440-480VAC
retired Please consider the Fuji Electric SC-E series as comparable replacement
$72.00 24VDC 10 15 30 30 3 5 40 60
$72.00 24VAC
$72.00 110VAC
$72.00 220VAC
$72.00 440-480VAC
$72.00 500-550VAC
$85.00 24VDC
$81.00 24VAC
$81.00 110VAC
$81.00 220VAC
$81.00 440-480VAC
retired Please consider the Fuji Electric SC-E series as comparable replacement
$99.00 24VDC 20 25 50 50 5 15 65 100
$83.00 24VAC
$83.00 110VAC
$83.00 220VAC
$83.00 440-480VAC
$83.00 500-550VAC
$102.00 24VDC
$206.00 24VAC/VDC
$206.00 110VAC/VDC
$206.00 220VAC/VDC
$206.00 380-450VAC
$206.00 460-575VAC
$262.00 24VAC/VDC
$262.00 110VAC/VDC
$262.00 220VAC/VDC
Retired Discontinued item. Please consider the Fuji Electric SC-E series as comparable replacements
$262.00 460-575VAC 40 40 75 100 10 20 125 150
$306.00 24VAC/VDC
$306.00 110VAC/VDC
$306.00 220VAC/VDC
$306.00 380-450VAC
$306.00 460-575VAC
3-Phase Motor
220– 240V
440– 480V
7.5 10 25 25 2 3 32 50
10 15 30 30 3 5 40 60
15 20 30 30 3 10 50 65
20 25 50 50 5 15 65 100
25 30 50 50 5 15 80 105
30 30 60 75 7.5 15 105 150
40 40 75 100 10 20 125 150 100
50 50 100 125 15 25 150 200 115
220– 240V
10 690
Motor Controls
Fuji Duo Series SC-E Contactors
SC-E Series Contactors Specifications - IEC
Rated Capacity (kW) Rated Operating Current (A)
Contactor Type
SC-E02(G)-xxx SC-E03(G)-xxx SC-E04(G)-xxx SC-E05(G)-xxx SC-E1(G)-xxx SC-E2(G)-xxx SC-E2S(G)-xxx SC-E3(G)-xxx SC-E4(G)-xxx SC-E5-xxx SC-E6-xxx SC-E7-xxx
3-Phase Motor AC-3 / AC-4 3-Phase Motor AC-3 / AC-4
2.2 / 2.2 4 / 4 4 / NA 4 / NA 9 / 9 9 / 9 7 / NA 5 / NA 20 20 20 -
7.5 / 7.5 15 / 15 15 / NA 11 / NA 32 / 32 32 / 32 24 / NA 15 / NA 50 50 50 -
18.5 / 18.5 30 / 30 37 / NA 30 / NA 68 / 68 65 / 65 60 / NA 38 / NA 100 100 100 -
22 / 18.5 40 / 30 37 / NA 37 / NA 80 / 68 80 / 65 60 / NA 44 / NA 105 105 105 -
3 / 3 5.5 / 5.5 5.5 / NA 5.5 / NA 12 / 12 12 / 12 9 / NA 7 / NA 20 20 20 -
4 / 4 7.5 / 7.5 7.5 / NA 7.5 / NA 18 / 18 18 / 18 13 / NA 9 / NA 25 25 25 -
5.5 / 4 11 / 7.5 11 / NA 7.5 / NA 25 / 18 25 / 18 17 / NA 9 / NA 32 32 32 -
11 / 11 18.5 / 18.5 18.5 / NA 15 / NA 40 / 40 40 / 40 29 / NA 19 / NA 60 60 60 -
15 / 11 22 / 18.5 25 / NA 22 / NA 50 / 40 50 / 40 38 / NA 26 / NA 65 65 65 -
30 / 30 55 / 55 5 5/ NA 55 / NA 105 / 105 105 / 105 85 / NA 64 / NA 150 150 150 2NO+2NC
37 / 37 60 / 60 6 0 / NA 60 / NA 125 / 125 125 / 125 90 / NA 72 / NA 150 150 150 2NO+2NC
45 / 45 75 / 75 75 / NA 90 / NA 150 / 150 150 / 150 120 / NA 103 / NA 200 200 200 2NO+2NC
For the latest prices, please check
Resistive Load AC-1
Rated Thermal Current (A)
Internal Auxilliary Contact Arrange­ment

Internal Auxiliary Contact Ratings

Internal Auxiliary Contact Ratings - UL and CSA
Frame Size
( note 1 )
E5 to E7-xxx
1. E02(G) to E4(G) do not have internal auxiliary contact.
2. NEMA ICS 5-2000. For more information, refer to Control Circuit Contact Electrical Ratings, see page MRC-111.
Rated Insulation Volt­age (V)
690 A600 7200 720 Q300 69
Based on IEC 60974-4-1, EN 60947-4-1, JIS C 8201-4-1
Frame Size
( note 1 )
E5 to E7-xxx
Note 1: E02(G) to E4(G) do not have internal auxiliary contact.
Rated Insulation Voltage (V)
690 10
NEMA ICS 5-2000 Ratings ( note 2 ) AC Ratings DC Ratings Designation Making VA Breaking VA Designation Making/Breaking VA
Internal Auxiliary Contact Ratings - IEC, JIS
Rated Thermal Current (A)
Making and Breaking Capacity (A)
AC Voltage Amps AC Voltage
120V 60 120V 6 24V 3
220V 30 220V 3 48V 1.5
440V 15 440V 1.5 110V 0.55
600V 12 600V 1.2 220V 0.27
Rated Operational Current (A)
AC-15 (Ind. load)
DC Voltage
DC-13 (Ind. load)
Minimum Operating Voltage and Current
5VDC, 3mA
Motor Controls
Fuji Duo Series SC-E Contactors
Coil Characteristics
AC Coil Characteristics
For the latest prices, please check
Frame Size
E02 to E05-xxx
E1 to E2S-xxx
E3, E4-xxx
E6, E7-xxx
Frame Size
E02G to E05G-xxx
E1G to E2SG-xxx
E3G, E4G-xxx
E6, E7-xxx
Power Consumption (VA) Power Loss (W)
Inrush Sealed
50Hz 60Hz
50/60Hz 50/60Hz
90/95 9/9 2.7 2.8
120/135 12.7/12.4 3.6 3.8
180/190 13.3/13.4 4.5 5
80/95 4/4.6 3.2 3.6
190/230 4.9/5.8 3.4 3.7
DC Coil Characteristics
Power Consumption (W)
Pick-Up Voltage (V) Drop-Out Voltage (V)
Inrush Sealed
7 7
9 9
12 12
90 2.8
225 3.2
Pick-Up Voltage (V) Drop-Out Voltage (V)
0.85 - 1.1 x U.S. rated coil voltage
0.85 - 1.1 x U.S. rated coil voltage
0.85 - 1.1 x U.S. rated coil voltage
0.85 - 1.1 x U.S. rated coil voltage
0.8 - 1.1 x U.S.
rated coil voltage
0.85 - 1.1 x U.S. rated coil voltage
0.85 - 1.1 x U.S. rated coil voltage
0.85 - 1.1 x U.S. rated coil voltage
0.85 - 1.1 x U.S. rated coil voltage
0.8 - 1.1 x U.S.
rated coil voltage
0.2 - 0.75 x U.S. rated coil voltage
0.2 - 0.75 x U.S. rated coil voltage
0.2 - 0.75 x U.S. rated coil voltage
0.2 - 0.75 x U.S. rated coil voltage
0.1 - 0.65 x U.S. rated coil voltage
0.1 - 0.75 x U.S. rated coil voltage
0.1 - 0.75 x U.S. rated coil voltage
0.1 - 0.75 x U.S. rated coil voltage
0.1 - 0.75 x U.S. rated coil voltage
0.1 - 0.65 x U.S. rated coil voltage
Operating Time (ms)
Coil ON to Contact ON
9-20 5-16
10-17 6-13
10-18 8-18
39-45 27-33
31-37 30-36
Operating Time (ms)
Coil ON to Contact ON
45-49 10-26
40-50 8-17
60-70 14-21
35-41 26-32
28-34 27-33
Coil OFF to Contact OFF
Coil OFF to Contact OFF
Operating Coil
AC Coil, SC-E02-xxx to SC-E4-xxx
Voltage Code
24VAC 24VAC 50Hz / 24-26VAC 60Hz
110VAC 100-110VAC 50Hz / 110-120VAC 60Hz
220VAC 200-220VAC 50Hz / 220-240VAC 60Hz
440VAC 415-440VAC 50Hz / 440-480VAC 60Hz
500VAC 480-500VAC 50Hz / 500-550VAC 60Hz
Coil Operating Voltage / Fre­quency
Performance Data
Frame size Making current (A)Breaking current (A)Operating cyclesDurability (operations)
SC-E02 108108 90 90 1800 2 million 10 million SC-E03 144144 120120 1800 1.5 million 10 million
SC-E04 216216 180180 1800 1.5 million 10 million SC-E05 250250 200200 1200 1.5 million 10 million
SC-E1384 384320 320 1200 1.5 million 10 million SC-E2480 480400 400 1200 1.5 million 10 million
SC-E2S 500500 400400 1200 1.5 million 10 million SC-E3816 780680 650 1200 1.5 million 5 million
SC-E4816 800680 650 12001 million 5 million SC-E5 1260 12601050105012001 million 5 million
SC-E6 1500 15001250125012001 million 5 million SC-E7 1800 18001500150012001 million 5 million
220V440V 220V 440V per hour Electrical Mechanical
Operating Coil
AC/DC Coil (SUPERMAGNET), SC-E5-xxx to SC-E7-xxx
Voltage Code
24V 24-25VAC 50/60Hz; 24VDC
100V 100-127VAC 50/60Hz; 100-120VDC
200V 200-250VAC 50/60Hz; 200-240VDC
400V 380-450VAC 50/60Hz
500V 460-575VAC 50/60Hz
Coil Operating Voltage / Fre­quency
Operating Coil
DC Coil, SC-E02G-xxx to SC-E4G-xxx
Voltage Code
Coil Operating Voltage
Motor Controls
10 mm
11 mm
Fuji Duo Series SC-E Contactors
For the latest prices, please check
Standard operating conditions
The magnetic contactors are manufac­tured for use in the standard operating conditions given in the table.
Be sure to perform wiring correctly with reference to the wiring diagrams. Main terminals for models SC-E02 to SC-E7 are wired using solid wires or stranded wires. Stranded wires or flexible stranded wires can be connected by twisting them together and crimping a sleeve (ferrule)
onto them before connecting.
Tightening torque
If wires are not tightened sufficiently, they may become hot or loosen, resulting in a fire, short-circuit, electric shock, or other potentially dangerous situation. Tighten wires to the torques specified in these tables.
Standard Operating Conditions
Ambient Temperature
Humidity Altitude
Vibration Shock
Mounting Angle
No sudden temperature changes resulting in condensation or icing
(The average temperature over a 24-hour period must not exceed 35°C)
No excessive dust, smoke, corrosive gases, flammable gases, steam, or salt
mounting (SC-E02 to SC-E4), screw mounting
Operating: -5 to 55°C
Storage: -40 to 65°C
45 to 85%RH
2000m or lower
10 to 55Hz 15m/s
35mm IEC DIN rail
IEC 947-4-1, EN 60947-4-1, VDE 0660
JIS C 8201-4-1, JEM 1038
UL 508, file E42419; CSA C22.2, file 20479
Wire Sizes, Tightening Torques - Control Circuit
Solid or Stranded Wire (mm²)
Insulation Stripping Length
Fork Terminal Terminal Screw Size
Tightening Torque (N.m)
0.75 to 2.5 (1 to 1.6 mm diameter)
0.75 to 2.5 (1 to 1.6 mm diameter)
18 to 14
18 to 14
0.39 in
Max. 7.7mm wide
Phillips screwdriver, H-type, No. 2 (ISO 8764);
ADC part number DN-SP1 or DN-SP2
Flat-blade screwdriver, 1 x 5.5 x L-type, B (ISO 2830);
ADC part number DN-SS5
0.8 to 1
Wire Sizes, Tightening Torques - Main Circuit
Contactor Type SC-E02-xxx SC-E03-xxx SC-E04-xxx SC-E05-xxx
Solid Wire (mm²)
Stranded Wire (mm²)
0.75 to 4 0.75 to 6
1 to 4 1.5 to 6
0.75 to 4 0.75 to 6
1 to 4 1.5 to 6
12 max. 10 max.
12 max. 10 max.
Insulation Stripping Length
Terminal Screw Size
Tightening Torque (N.m)
0.43 in
Phillips screwdriver, H-type, No. 2 (ISO 8764);
ADC part number DN-SP1 or DN-SP2
Flat-blade screwdriver, 1 x 5.5 x L-type, B (ISO 2830);
ADC part number DN-SS5
1.2 to 1.5
Motor Controls
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