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To minimize the risk of potential safety problems, you should follow all applicable local and national
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and usually change with time. It is your responsibility to determine which codes should be followed, and
to verify that the equipment, installation, and operation is in compliance with the latest revision of these
At a minimum, you should follow all applicable sections of the National Fire Code, National Electrical
Code, and the codes of the National Electrical Manufacturer’s Association (NEMA). There may be local
regulatory or government offices that can also help determine which codes and standards are necessary for
safe installation and operation.
Equipment damage or serious injury to personnel can result from the failure to follow all applicable
codes and standards. We do not guarantee the products described in this publication are suitable for
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Our products are not fault-tolerant and are not designed, manufactured or intended for use or resale as
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operation of nuclear facilities, aircraft navigation or communication systems, air traffic control, direct life
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specifically disclaims any expressed or implied warranty of fitness for High Risk Activities.
For additional warranty and safety information, see the Terms and Conditions section of our catalog.
If you have any questions concerning the installation or operation of this equipment, or if you need
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This publication is based on information that was available at the time it was printed. At
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make changes to the products and/or publications at any time without notice and without any obligation.
This publication may also discuss features that may not be available in certain revisions of the product.
This publication may contain references to products produced and/or offered by other companies. The
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AutomationDirect disclaims any proprietary interest in the marks and names of others.
No part of this manual shall be copied, reproduced, or transmitted in any way without the prior, written
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All Rights Reserved
Gracias por comprar equipo de automatización de®. Deseamos que su nuevo equipo
de automatización opere de manera segura. Cualquier persona que instale o use este equipo debe leer esta
publicación (y cualquier otra publicación pertinente) antes de instalar u operar el equipo.
Para reducir al mínimo el riesgo debido a problemas de seguridad, debe seguir todos los códigos de seguridad
locales o nacionales aplicables que regulan la instalación y operación de su equipo. Estos códigos varian de
área en área y usualmente cambian con el tiempo. Es su responsabilidad determinar cuales códigos deben ser
seguidos y verificar que el equipo, instalación y operación estén en cumplimiento con la revisión mas reciente
de estos códigos.
Como mínimo, debe seguir las secciones aplicables del Código Nacional de Incendio, Código Nacional Eléctrico,
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normas locales o del gobierno que pueden ayudar a determinar cuales códigos y normas son necesarios para una
instalación y operación segura.
Si no se siguen todos los códigos y normas aplicables, puede resultar en daños al equipo o lesiones serias a
personas. No garantizamos los productos descritos en esta publicación para ser adecuados para su aplicación
en particular, ni asumimos ninguna responsabilidad por el diseño de su producto, la instalación u operación.
Nuestros productos no son tolerantes a fallas y no han sido diseñados, fabricados o intencionados para uso
o reventa como equipo de control en línea en ambientes peligrosos que requieren una ejecución sin fallas,
tales como operación en instalaciones nucleares, sistemas de navegación aérea, o de comunicación, control de
tráfico aéreo, máquinas de soporte de vida o sistemas de armamentos en las cuales la falla del producto puede
resultar directamente en muerte, heridas personales, o daños físicos o ambientales severos (“Actividades de Alto
Riesgo”). específicamente rechaza cualquier garantía ya sea expresada o implicada
para actividades de alto riesgo.
Para información adicional acerca de garantía e información de seguridad, vea la sección de Términos
y Condiciones de nuestro catálogo. Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre instalación u operación de este equipo, o
si necesita información adicional, por favor llámenos al número 770-844-4200 en Estados Unidos.
Esta publicación está basada en la información disponible al momento de impresión. En nos esforzamos constantemente para mejorar nuestros productos y servicios, así que nos reservamos el
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ninguna obligación. Esta publicación también puede discutir características que no estén disponibles en ciertas
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Esta publicación puede contener referencias a productos producidos y/u ofrecidos por otras compañías. Los nombres de las
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Nous vous remercions d’avoir acheté l’équipement d’automatisation de®, en faisant des
affaires comme, AutomationDirect. Nous tenons à ce que votre nouvel équipement d’automatisation fonctionne en
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Afin de réduire au minimum le risque d’éventuels problèmes de sécurité, vous devez respecter tous les codes locaux
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région à l’autre et, habituellement, évoluent au fil du temps. Il vous incombe de déterminer les codes à respecter et
de vous assurer que l’équipement, l’installation et le fonctionnement sont conformes aux exigences de la version la
plus récente de ces codes.
Vous devez, à tout le moins, respecter toutes les sections applicables du Code national de prévention des incendies,
du Code national de l’électricité et des codes de la National Electrical Manufacturer’s Association (NEMA). Des
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L’omission de respecter la totalité des codes et des normes applicables peut entraîner des dommages à l’équipement
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Nos produits ne sont pas insensibles aux défaillances et ne sont ni conçus ni fabriqués pour l’utilisation ou la revente
en tant qu’équipement de commande en ligne dans des environnements dangereux nécessitant une sécurité absolue,
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contrôle de la circulation aérienne, les équipements de survie ou les systèmes d’armes, pour lesquels la défaillance du
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Tous droits réservés
Productivity1000 User Manual
Please include the Manual Number and the Manual Issue, both shown below,
when communicating with Technical Support regarding this publication.
Manual Number: P1-USER-M
Issue: 1st Edition, Rev. L
Issue Date: 07/20
Publication History
IssueDateDescription of Changes
1st Edition11/17Original
1st Edition, Rev. A3/18Updated Specification tables and formatting.
1st Edition, Rev. B9/18Added 10 new expansion modules.
1st Edition, Rev. C6/19Added P1-550, Power supplies P1-01DC & P1-02AC, 7 new expansion modules.
1st Edition, Rev. D8/19Updated Logo and registered trademark symbol for Productivity®1000
Step 7: Create a Project ...........................................................................................1–19
Step 8: Save Project ................................................................................................. 1–25
Step 9: Write Project to CPU ................................................................................... 1–26
Step 10: Place CPU in RUN Mode ........................................................................... 1–27
Step 11: Test the Project Using Monitor Mode ...................................................... 1–28
Chapter 1: Getting Started
Purpose of this Manual
Thank you for purchasing the AutomationDirect Productivity®1000 Programmable
Controller (CPU) family of products. This hardware user manual provides information that
will help you install, set up, program, troubleshoot, and maintain your Productivity1000 CPU
system. The manual includes information that is critical to the safety of the personnel who
will install and use the controller and to the machinery, processes, and equipment controlled
by the CPU.
The manual also includes important information about power and signal wiring, mounting of
the CPU, and configuring the CPU system.
About Getting Started
If you are familiar with Programmable Controllers in general, then following the simple steps
in this first chapter may be all you require to start being productive using a Productivity1000
CPU system. After you have completed the steps, your Productivity1000 controller will be
running the ladder logic project that you programmed.
Online Help Files and Other Documentation
The Productivity1000 programming software, Productivity Suite, is available as a download
from our website.
The Productivity Suite software includes searchable online help topics covering all aspects of
the software, instruction set, module setup, and communications.
In addition, each power supply, CPU, and I/O module includes an installation insert.
Technical Support
We strive to make our manuals the best in the industry. We rely on your feedback to let
us know if we are reaching our goal. If you cannot find the solution to your particular
application, or if for any reason you need technical assistance, please call us at:
Our technical support group will work with you to answer your questions. They are available
Monday through Friday from 9:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. Eastern Time. We also encourage you
to visit our web site where you can find information about our company and specific technical
information about a wide array of our products.
Hardware User Manual, 1st Ed. Rev. L
Conventions Used
NOTE: When you see the “note pad” icon in the left-hand margin, the paragraph to its immediate right will be
a special note. Notes represent information that may make your work quicker or more efficient. The word
NOTE in boldface will mark the beginning of the text.
When you see the “exclamation point” icon in the left-hand margin, the paragraph to its immediate right
will be a warning. This information could prevent injury, loss of property, or even death in extreme
cases. Any warning in this manual should be regarded as critical information that should be read in its
entirety. The word WARNING in boldface will mark the beginning of the text.
Chapter 1: Getting Started
Key Topics for Each Chapter
The beginning of each chapter will list the key
topics that can be found in that chapter.
Hardware User Manual, 1st Ed. Rev. L
Chapter 1: Getting Started
Before you begin...
It is recommended that the following items be available to make this short step-by-step
introduction to the Productivity1000 System go smoothly.
P1-01AC Power Supply
P1-540 CPU Module
Productivity®1000 System Example
Analog Input Modules
PC Running
Windows OS
Not available from
Output Modules
Productivity Suite
Programming Software
Download software from our website
at: under
“Programmable Controllers”.
Wire Strippers
P1-08TRS Output Module
USB-A to Micro USB-B
Programming Cable
AC Power Cord
Hookup Wire
Not available from
Hardware User Manual, 1st Ed. Rev. L
Productivity Suite System Requirements
Productivity Suite, a Windows-based programming software, is available as a FREE download
at Please check our website for this
product’s current operating systems requirements.
NOTE: USB or Ethernet cable is also required for communications between PC and CPU.
Chapter 1: Getting Started
Hardware User Manual, 1st Ed. Rev. L
Chapter 1: Getting Started
Step 1: Install Programming Software
1. Download the latest version of the Productivity Suite Programming
Software from the Automationdirect website. Or, if the Productivity
Suite Programming Software CD is available, insert it into your PC CD
drive. The install dialog box should appear after a short time.
2. Click on the Start menu icon (bottom left corner of screen), and select Run or
for Windows 7 users, type “run” in the search field to locate this application.
• Type the following in the Open text field: D: install.exe, where D: is the drive letter of the
CD drive being used, or browse to the location of the “install.exe” file that was downloaded
and selected this file.
• Select OK and follow the dialog boxes shown throughout the next pages.
NOTE: See the Productivity Suite Installation and Productivity Suite Startup topics for additional details if
3. The “InstallAnywhere” pop-up (shown below) will appear
briefly while the software is preparing to install.
• The progress pop-up (shown below) will appear while the software is setting up the
Hardware User Manual, 1st Ed. Rev. L
Chapter 1: Getting Started
4. Carefully read the software license agreement. If you agree to the
terms and conditions of this agreement, select the “I accept the terms
of the License Agreement” and then the “Next” button.
5. The “Choose Install Folder” window will open next. If this is the first
installation of the Productivity Suite Software on your PC, choose
(a) Install New Instance: This option will install a new instance of the Productivity Suite
software in the default location, C:\Program Files\AutomationDirect\Productivity Suite
<Software Version>; or choose a different location using the Browse button.
If the installer detects a previous version of Productivity Suite on your PC, there is another
option available with this window:
(b) Replace Existing Instance: This option allows you to uninstall the previous version of the
software and install the new version in its place. If this option is chosen the following window
appears. Click “Uninstall” to continue.
Hardware User Manual, 1st Ed. Rev. L
Chapter 1: Getting Started
6. Once you have selected the install folder and whether or not to delete any previous
instances, the “Choose Shortcuts” window will appear. If a Shortcut Icon is desired for
the software select the location where the icon will be created. The default location is
“On the Desktop”. Once all selections have been made, click “Install” to begin the installation.
A status window will appear displaying the status of the installation.
Hardware User Manual, 1st Ed. Rev. L
Chapter 1: Getting Started
7. The next screen to appear contains the Release Notes for this version of the Productivity Suite
software. This is an opportunity to review the software version release notes. You may read
these before selecting the “Next” button.
8. The Installation is now complete. Select “Done”.
Hardware User Manual, 1st Ed. Rev. L
Chapter 1: Getting Started
Step 2: Launch Programming Software
After installing the Productivity Suite Programming Software, PS-PGMSW, launch the software
by double clicking the desktop Productivity Suite Icon. Or from the PC’s ‘Start’ menu, slide
the mouse pointer through the menus (start>All Programs>AutomationDirect>Productivity
Suite x.x.x.x>Productivity Suite) to the Productivity Suite Programming Software selection,
and use the left mouse button to click on it.
The Productivity Suite Programming Software will start up and display the Main Window as
shown here.
NOTE: The recommended minimum screen size for the Productivity Suite Software is 1024 X 786 pixels.
Click on the ‘Start a New Project’ in the Start Productivity dialog box to open a programming
Hardware User Manual, 1st Ed. Rev. L
Chapter 1: Getting Started
The Programming Window is divided into menus and toolbars that work together to make
project development as simple as possible.
Online Help
It is essential that you use the Productivity Suite online Help to familiarize yourself with the
software. Keep it open on your desktop and refer to it frequently as you build your system.
Click on the toolbar Help button to open the Help file.
Hardware User Manual, 1st Ed. Rev. L
Chapter 1: Getting Started
Step 3: Install Hardware
The Productivity®1000 CPU system components snap together to form a configured CPU
in minutes. See Chapter 5, Installation and Wiring, for more detailed hardware installation
information. What follows are the basic steps:
1. Connect power supply to CPU.
Align Power Supply
Connector and pilot
pins slide onto
P1 CPU module.
NOTE: Optional Power Connector must be removed before connecting a Productivity1000 Power Supply.
This precludes connection of two separate power supplies.
Remove Optional
Power Connector
2. OR using an alternate power source connect directly to CPU Optional Power Connector
Part # S5062-R
Hardware User Manual, 1st Ed. Rev. L
3. Install I/O Modules and engage locking tabs.
Step One:
With latch in “locked” position, align
connectors on the side of each module
and stack by pressing together. An
audible click indicates lock is engaged.
Chapter 1: Getting Started
Step Two:
To unstack modules, pull locking latch up
into the unlocked position and then pull
modules apart.
WARNING: Explosion hazard – Do not connect, disconnect
modules or operate switches while circuit is live.
Productivity®1000 System does not support Hot Swapping!
Hardware User Manual, 1st Ed. Rev. L
Chapter 1: Getting Started
AC (L)
AC (N)
100-240V 48VA
125VDC, 20W
DC (+V)
DC (-V)
125VDC100–240 VAC
4. Connect appropriate wiring to the power supply (P1-01AC) and I/O (P1-08TRS module) in
this example.
The power supply and load
are connected through a DC
DC (+V)
DC (-V)
or AC current source.
Hardware User Manual, 1st Ed. Rev. L
AC (L)
AC (N)
Chapter 1: Getting Started
5. Connect USB cable. Use a Micro USB cable with a Type A and Micro Type B connectors as
shown below.
Hardware User Manual, 1st Ed. Rev. L
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