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your responsibility to determine which codes should be followed, and to verify that the equipment, installation, and
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At a minimum, you should follow all applicable sections of the National Fire Code, National Electrical Code, and the
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For additional warranty and safety information, see the Terms and Conditions section of our Desk Reference. If you
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This publication is based on information that was available at the time it was printed. We at AutomationDirect
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Afin de réduire au minimum le risque d’éventuels problèmes de sécurité, vous devez respecter tous les codes locaux et
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Vous devez, à tout le moins, respecter toutes les sections applicables du Code national de prévention des incendies, du
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If you contact us in reference to this manual, be sure to include the revision number.
Preventative Maintenance and Cleaning35..............................................
External Fuse Protection for Input Power35.............................................
Appendix A: Worksheets
In This Manual....
— Getting Started
— Preparing the Labels
— Installing the Panel
— Applying Ladder Logic
Getting Started
Getting Started
The Purpose of
this Manual
This manual shows you how to install, operate and maintain the OP-1212 Lamp
Pushbutton Panel. It includes wiring diagrams and power requirements, as well as
the information you need for selecting the proper connecting cables.
All OptiMate panels are configured using
the OptiMate OP--WINEDIT
configuration software.
OP--WINEDIT software is compatible
with computers running
Windows 95/98/2000/NT/XP.
OP--WINEDIT is ordered as a separate
item from the OptiMate panel from
Thesoftwareisloadedonto your
personal computer and simple follow the
setup instructions in the supplied user
manual and the built--in HELP screens.
The software allowssetup of y our
complete application, including the type
of PLC being used.
Note that OP--WINEDIT is also used to
CommunicationsMasterpanel. The
software can be used with Allen--Bradley
There are several other manuals you will find helpful or necessary:
DRespective PLC User Manual for the PLC(s) you are using with the OptiMate
DOP--9001--M Communications Master User Manual provides details of how to
use the OP-9001 for connecting multiple OP-Panels to a single CPU.
DDirectSOFTt User Manual--Shows you how to use the DirectSOFT
Windows software to write your ladder logic for DirectLOGICt PLCs.
If you are not successful with implementing the information in this manual, you may
call AutomationDirect technical support at (800) 633-0405, Monday through Friday
from 9:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. Eastern Standard Time. The technical support team will
work with you to answer your application questions. If you have a comment or
question about our products, services, or manuals which we provide, please fill out
and return the suggestions card included with this manual.
Getting Started
How the OP-1212
The purpose of the panel is to provide you with both pushbuttons (12) and lamps (12)
so that you can have status and control functions that will work with your PLC. An
additional benefit of this panel is found in the LEDs that are in the upper left hand
corner of each pushbutton. These LEDs can operate as indicators to reflect the
status of the individual pushbutton, or they can operate independent of the
pushbutton status. The LEDS can turn ON or OFF and even flash for added
To link the pushbuttons, LEDs, and lamps to your PLC, the OP-1212 uses a
technique called “memory mapping”. This technique ties the pushbuttons, LEDs,
and lamps to specific reserved areas of memory in the PLC. You can use any
available memory as long as it is consecutive.
The base register address is entered during configuration using the OPWinEdit
software. Each of the functions for the pushbuttons, LEDs, and lamps are
controlled by the status of their assigned bits within the memory words that you
have reserved. You interface these words of memory through your ladder logic.
Prior to connecting the OP-1212 to
your PLC, load the OP--WINEDIT
configuration software onto your
personal computer, and begin to
define how you want to use the
functions that have been designed
decisions, you are prompted to fill in
a base register address. In the
example we have shown here, we
have used V40600 as the start of
the mapped memory addresses.
configuration software used for the
AutomationDirect product is also
used for the Allen-Bradley product.
As you move through the screens,
one of the key items you complete
is the base register address for
pushbuttons. In the example, we
have used N7:0 as the start of the
mapped memory addresses. This
means the PLC file number is 7 and
the base address is 0.
Getting Started
Using the Pushbutton Panel...5 Easy Steps
Step 1: Prepare
Your Labels
(Pages 5--6)
Step 2: Install the
(Pages 7--14)
Step 3: Use
First, you need to prepare the labels for each of
the pushbuttons and lamps. The labels insert
into plastic sleeves behind the main cover. To
access the sleeve, you merely snap loose the
front bezel.
Preparing for installation, you will want to
check the individual specifications. These
include dimensions, power requirements,
cabling requirements, and NEMA ratings.
We include information you will need for
mounting; i.e. cutout dimensions, cabling
requirements, components needed, etc.
You will need the OP--WINEDIT configuration
software in order to configure the panel and
PLC. OP--WINEDIT is ordered as a separate
The software is used for both DirectLOGIC
and Allen--Bradley PLCs.
External Power
Step 4: Configure
the Panel to Work
with your PLC
(Pages 15)
Step 5: Write the
Ladder Logic
(Pages 19--31)
After setting a DIP switch on the rear of the panel
and attaching the programming cable, you are
ready to configure your panel. The simple and
easy-to-follow screens make configuration a
painless process.
The amount of ladder logic programming
knowledge you need is very basic. In most
cases, you are already familiar with the
elements of logic that are required. We’ll
give you examples in the final section of
this manual, and you will see right away
just how easy it is.
Preparing the Labels
Preparing the Labels
Applying Text to
Each Label
Insert legend between window
frame and cabinet
Preparing the labels for the OP--1212 panel requires you to slide a legend
transparency into two pockets in the panel overlay. Use the following procedure:
1. Remove the bezel from the module by unsnapping the four tangs that hold the
bezel to the module frame.
2. Create a legend transparency. There are several ways of doing this. A template is
provided on the next page that gives you the available dimensions. The nicest
legends result from using a computer graphics program and a laser printer to
create the transparency.
Finished Legend
Window Frame
3. Slide the finished legend into the pocket space between the window frame and
LED bars.
4. Re--attach the bezel by snapping the bezel onto the case.
Preparing the Labels
Template for Creating Labels
Dimensions in Inches
Installing the Panel
In this section you will be given all of the information you need to install the panel.
Before actually installing the OP-1212 panel, it may be helpful to examine the
specifications and make sure that the requirements of your application are met.
Storage Temperature--20° to 80° C...................
Operating Humidity5 to 95% (non-condensing).....................
Air CompositionNo corrosive gases permitted........................
Power Budget Requirement7 VA @ 8 -- 30 VDC.............
570 mA @ 12 VDC (all Lamps and
285 mA @ 24 VDC (all Lamps and
Power ConnectorRemovable Terminal Block......................
2 position
Absolute Maximum Voltage32 VDC..............
DiagnosticsPower On, CPU...........................
Communication LinkRS232 or RS422....................
4800, 9600 and 19200* baud
15 pin female D type connector
*Only 4800 and 9600 baud will work
with Allen-Bradley PLCs.
Installing the Panel
Dimensions for Mounting
Cutout Area
Example panel mounting
0.16 DIA
Dimensions in Inches
Power and Cabling Requirements
Installing the Panel
What Are Your
1. Point-to-Point
A single cable connection
from the PLC to the panel
gives you access to the
PLC’s data registers and
ladder logic.
Your communication cable requirements depends on your particular application.
There are two types of configuration possibilities: point-to-point (a single operator
interface connected to a PLC) and multi-drop (multiple operator interfaces
connected to a PLC).
DPoint-to-Point -- If you only need one operator interface connected to one
PLC, then choose the appropriate cables from the chart on page 11.
DMulti-drop -- By using an OptiMate OP--9001 Communications Master,
multiple Optimate units can be connected to a single PLC. Up to 31 individual
units can be connected in a daisy-chain fashion to the OP--9001.
Communications are via RS422 between the OP--9001 and the operator
interfaces. When using a quality shielded cable, a total distance of up to 4000
feet between the OP--9001 and the last operator interface unit in the chain
can be achieved. If the distance is 30 feet or less, a ribbon cable with
easy-to-install crimp-on ribbon connectors can be used.
2. Multi-drop
Multiple OP-panels can be interfaced to a single PLC.
This requires the use of the OP-9001 Communications
Master. With the Communication Master, up to 31
panels can be interfaced to a single CPU port. Each can
be programmed for entirely different functions. Panels
can be distributed up to 4000 feet* from the OP-9001.
*NOTE: Please read and follow the cabling requirements in the OP-9001 User
Manual (OP-9001-M) when using multiple panels. Failure to follow the guidelines of
the User Manual may affect the integrity of the RS422 link, resulting in
communication errors.
DL405 CPU Base
Power SupplyOP-panels
+ 32 hidden pages
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