AutomationDirect IronHorse User Manual

General PurPose
DC Motors user Manual
Manual Number: IH-MTPM-DC_UMW
To minimize the risk of potential safety problems, you should follow all applicable local and national codes that regulate the installation and operation of your equipment. These codes vary from area to area and usually change with time. It is your responsibility to determine which codes should be followed, and to verify that the equipment, installation, and operation is in compliance with the latest revision of these codes.
At a minimum, you should follow all applicable sections of the National Fire Code, National Electrical Code, and the codes of the National Electrical Manufacturer’s Association (NEMA). There may be local regulatory or government offices that can also help determine which codes and standards are necessary for safe installation and operation.
Equipment damage or serious injury to personnel can result from the failure to follow all applicable codes and standards. We do not guarantee the products described in this publication are suitable for your particular application, nor do we assume any responsibility for your product design, installation, or operation.
Our products are not fault-tolerant and are not designed, manufactured or intended for use or resale as on-line control equipment in hazardous environments requiring fail-safe performance, such as in the operation of nuclear facilities, aircraft navigation or communication systems, air traffic control, direct life support machines, or weapons systems, in which the failure of the product could lead directly to death, personal injury, or severe physical or environmental damage (“High Risk Activities”). AutomationDirect specifically disclaims any expressed or implied warranty of fitness for High Risk Activities.
For additional warranty and safety information, see the Terms and Conditions section of our catalog. If you have any questions concerning the installation or operation of this equipment, or if you need additional information, please call us at 770-844-4200.
This publication is based on information that was available at the time it was printed. At AutomationDirect we constantly strive to improve our products and services, so we reserve the right to make changes to the products and/or publications at any time without notice and without any obligation. This publication may also discuss features that may not be available in certain revisions of the product.
This publication may contain references to products produced and/or offered by other companies. The product and company names may be trademarked and are the sole property of their respective owners. AutomationDirect disclaims any proprietary interest in the marks and names of others.
Copyright 2007–2019® Incorporated
All Rights Reserved
No part of this manual shall be copied, reproduced, or transmitted in any way without the prior, written consent of® Incorporated. AutomationDirect retains the exclusive rights to all information included in this document.
Page W–1IronHorse® General Purpose DC Motors User Manual – 2nd Ed. Rev D – 01/06/2021
Nous vous remercions d’avoir acheté l’équipement d’automatisation de®, en faisant des affaires comme AutomationDirect. Nous tenons à ce que votre nouvel équipement d’automatisation fonctionne en toute sécurité. Toute personne qui installe ou utilise cet équipement doit lire la présente publication (et toutes les autres publications pertinentes) avant de l’installer ou de l’utiliser.
Afin de réduire au minimum le risque d’éventuels problèmes de sécurité, vous devez respecter tous les codes locaux et nationaux applicables régissant l’installation et le fonctionnement de votre équipement. Ces codes diffèrent d’une région à l’autre et, habituellement, évoluent au fil du temps. Il vous incombe de déterminer les codes à respecter et de vous assurer que l’équipement, l’installation et le fonctionnement sont conformes aux exigences de la version la plus récente de ces codes.
Vous devez, à tout le moins, respecter toutes les sections applicables du Code national de prévention des incendies, du Code national de l’électricité et des codes de la National Electrical Manufacturer’s Association (NEMA). Des organismes de réglementation ou des services gouvernementaux locaux peuvent également vous aider à déterminer les codes ainsi que les normes à respecter pour assurer une installation et un fonctionnement sûrs.
L’omission de respecter la totalité des codes et des normes applicables peut entraîner des dommages à l’équipement ou causer de graves blessures au personnel. Nous ne garantissons pas que les produits décrits dans cette publication conviennent à votre application particulière et nous n’assumons aucune responsabilité à l’égard de la conception, de l’installation ou du fonctionnement de votre produit.
Nos produits ne sont pas insensibles aux défaillances et ne sont ni conçus ni fabriqués pour l’utilisation ou la revente en tant qu’équipement de commande en ligne dans des environnements dangereux nécessitant une sécurité absolue, par exemple, l’exploitation d’installations nucléaires, les systèmes de navigation aérienne ou de communication, le contrôle de la circulation aérienne, les équipements de survie ou les systèmes d’armes, pour lesquels la défaillance du produit peut provoquer la mort, des blessures corporelles ou de graves dommages matériels ou environnementaux («activités à risque élevé»). La société AutomationDirect nie toute garantie expresse ou implicite d’aptitude à l’emploi en ce qui a trait aux activités à risque élevé.
Pour des renseignements additionnels touchant la garantie et la sécurité, veuillez consulter la section Modalités et conditions de notre documentation. Si vous avez des questions au sujet de l’installation ou du fonctionnement de cet équipement, ou encore si vous avez besoin de renseignements supplémentaires, n’hésitez pas à nous téléphoner au 770-844-4200.
Cette publication s’appuie sur l’information qui était disponible au moment de l’impression. À la société AutomationDirect, nous nous efforçons constamment d’améliorer nos produits et services. C’est pourquoi nous nous réservons le droit d’apporter des modifications aux produits ou aux publications en tout temps, sans préavis ni quelque obligation que ce soit. La présente publication peut aussi porter sur des caractéristiques susceptibles de ne pas être offertes dans certaines versions révisées du produit.
Marques de commerce
La présente publication peut contenir des références à des produits fabriqués ou offerts par d’autres entreprises. Les désignations des produits et des entreprises peuvent être des marques de commerce et appartiennent exclusivement à leurs propriétaires respectifs. AutomationDirect nie tout intérêt dans les autres marques et désignations.
Copyright 2007–2019® Incorporated
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Nulle partie de ce manuel ne doit être copiée, reproduite ou transmise de quelque façon que ce soit sans le consentement préalable écrit de la société® Incorporated. AutomationDirect conserve les droits exclusifs à l’égard de tous les renseignements contenus dans le présent document.
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User ManUal revision History
Please include the Manual Number and the Manual Issue, both shown below, when communicating with Technical Support regarding this publication.
Manual Number: IH-MTPM-DC_UMW
Issue: Second Edition, Revision D
Issue Date: 01/06/2020
Publication History
Issue Date Description of Changes
First Edition 02/2010 Original Issue
1st Ed, Rev A 06/2011 Chapter 4: Added accessory brush part # MTPM-BRUSH-3
1st Ed, Rev B 08/2012 Chapter 5: Added motor performance curves and data
Second Edition 03/2014 Added new small-frame PMDC motors
Ch1, pg5 form factor 1.35 > 1.40.
2nd Ed, Rev A 11/2017
2nd Ed, Rev B 09/2018
2nd Ed, Rev C 02/2019 Ch5: Added “Typical Motor Perfomance Data” tables
2nd Ed, Rev D 01/2021 Ch1: Added Inductance to MTPM motor performance data table
Chapter 1: Added resistance and inductance values. Added rotor inertia values. Chapter 4: Changed usage of MTPM-BRUSH-3 and MTPM-BRUSH-2.
User Manual file name change to IH-MTPM-DC_UMW (was IH-MTPM-DC-User-M-WO) Ch3: 56C drive bearing
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Revision History
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Table of ConTenTs
MTPM DC MoTors User ManUal
Warnings W–1
~ Warning ~ W–1 TraDeMarks W–1 ~ aVerTisseMenT ~ W–2 MarqUes De CoMMerCe W–2
User ManUal reVision HisTory H–1
MTPM DC MoTors User ManUal Table of ConTenTs ToC–1
CHaPTer 1: geTTing sTarTeD 1–1
ManUal oVerVieW 1–2
oVerVieW of THis PUbliCaTion 1–2
WHo sHoUlD reaD THis ManUal 1–2
TeCHniCal sUPPorT 1–2
sPeCial syMbols 1–2
reCeiVing anD insPeCTion 1–2
UnPaCking 1–2
aVailable MoDels 1–3
ironHorse MoTors ParT nUMber inforMaTion 1–3
PerManenT MagneT DC MoTors feaTUres anD sPeCifiCaTions 1–3
resHiPPing 1–6 long TerM sTorage 1–6 WarranTy 1–6
TOC–1IronHorse® General Purpose DC Motors User Manual – 2nd Ed. Rev D – 01/06/2021
Table of Contents
CHaPTer 2: MoUnTing anD iniTial sTarTUP 2–1
safeTy inforMaTion 2–2 Danger! 2–2
Wiring noTes: Please reaD Prior To insTallaTion 2–2
aPPliCable CoDes 2–2
MoTor DiMensions 2–3 TerMinal DiagraM anD Wiring 2–5 MoTor MoUnTing 2–5
sTable sliDe bases 2–5
ProPer insTallaTion ConDiTions 2–6
CoUPling alignMenT 2–6
MoTor naMePlaTe anD sTarTer inforMaTion 2–7
TyPiCal ironHorse MoTor naMePlaTe 2–7
MoTor ConTrol inforMaTion 2–7
insPeCTion before sTarTUP 2–7 iniTial sTarTUP insPeCTion 2–7
CHaPTer 3: MainTenanCe anD TroUblesHooTing 3–1
roUTine MainTenanCe 3–2 bearing size inforMaTion 3–2 rePlaCing brUsHes 3–3 TroUblesHooTing 3–4
CHaPTer 4: aCCessories 4–1
sTable sliDe bases 4–2
sliDe base seleCTion 4–2
sliDe base DiMensions 4–2
rePlaCeMenT aCCessories 4–3
TOC–2 IronHorse® General Purpose DC Motors User Manual – 2nd Ed. Rev D – 01/06/2021
Table of Contents
CHaPTer 5: referenCe 5–1
inTroDUCTion To PerManenT MagneT DC MoTors 5–2
inTroDUCTion 5–2
forM faCTor 5–2
enClosUre anD eleCTriCal insUlaTion sysTeMs 5–3
PerManenT MagneTs 5–3
brUsHes 5–4
PoWer sUPPly 5–5
DC MoTor TyPes 5–6
PerManenT MagneT MoTors 5–6
ConTrolling sPeeD 5–6
loaD ConsiDeraTions 5–6
HigH TeMPeraTUre ConsiDeraTions 5–7
ConTaMinaTion ConsiDeraTions 5–7
VibraTion ConsiDeraTions 5–7
alTiTUDe ConsiDeraTions 5–7
aMbienT TeMPeraTUre 5–8
TyPiCal PerforManCe DaTa for sMall-fraMe PMDC MoTors 5–9
12/24VDC sMall-fraMe PMDC MoTors 5–9
90VDC sMall-fraMe PMDC MoTors 5–14
180VDC sMall-fraMe PMDC MoTors 5–16
JUnCTion box DiMensions for 56C-fraMe MoTors 5–18 sHiPPing CraTe DiMensions for 56C-fraMe MoTors 5–18 DeCibel leVels for 56C-fraMe MoTors 5–18 PerforManCe CUrVes for 56C-fraMe MoTors 5–19
MTPM-P33-1l18 5–19
MTPM-P50-1l18 5–20
MTPM-P75-1l18 5–21
MTPM-001-1l18 5–22
MTPM-1P5-1l18 5–23
MTPM-P33-1M18 5–24
MTPM-P50-1M18 5–25
MTPM-P75-1M18 5–26
MTPM-001-1M18 5–27
MTPM-1P5-1M18 5–28
MTPM-002-1M18 5–29
TOC–3IronHorse® General Purpose DC Motors User Manual – 2nd Ed. Rev D – 01/06/2021
Table of Contents
TOC–4 IronHorse® General Purpose DC Motors User Manual – 2nd Ed. Rev D – 01/06/2021
GettinG Started
Table of ConTenTs
Manual Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–2
Overview of this Publication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–2
Who Should Read This Manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–2
Technical Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–2
Special Symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–2
Receiving and Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–2
Unpacking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–2
Available Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–3
IronHorse Motors Part Number Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–3
Permanent Magnet DC Motors Features and Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–3
Reshipping. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–6
Long Term Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–6
Warranty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–6
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Chapter 1: Getting Started
Manual Overview
Overview of this Publication
The IronHorse General Purpose DC Motor User Manual describes the installation, maintenance and use of all IronHorse General Purpose DC Motors.
Who Should Read This Manual
This manual contains important information for those who will install, maintain, use and/or resell any of the IronHorse motors.
Technical Support
By Telephone: 770-844-4200
(Mon.-Fri., 9:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. E.T.) On the Web: Our technical support group is glad to work with you in answering your questions. If you cannot
find the solution to your particular application, or, if for any reason you need additional technical assistance, please call technical support at 770-844-4200. We are available weekdays from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Eastern Time.
We also encourage you to visit our web site where you can find technical and non-technical information about our products and our company. Visit us at
Special Symbols
NOTE: When you see the “notepad” icon in the left-hand margin, the paragraph to its immediate right will be a special note.
WARNING: WheN you see theexclAmAtIoN mARkIcoN IN the left-hANd mARGIN, the
pARAGRAph to Its ImmedIAte RIGht WIll be A WARNING. thIs INfoRmAtIoN could pReveNt INjuRy, loss of pRopeRty, oR eveN deAth (IN extReme cAses).
Receiving and Inspection
After receiving an IronHorse motor, please check for the following:
• Open the motor packaging and inspect for damage during shipment.
• Make sure the part number indicated on the motor nameplate corresponds with the part
number on your order.
• For all 56C-frame motors, make sure that the shipment contains the motor, with attached
removable mounting foot and two spare brushes.
Motor Nameplate
Extra set of brushes
(56C motors only)
Page 1–2 IronHorse® General Purpose DC Motors User Manual – 2nd Ed. Rev D – 01/06/2021
Mounting foot (not available on all models)
Available Models
IronHorse Motors Part Number Information
MT PM - 1P5 - 1 M 18
Optional Identifier
CK: C-face cast iron motor
Nominal RPM
Two digits representing 100s of rpm
Voltage Class (multiple letters possible)
A: 115 VAC B: 208-230 VAC D: 460 VAC J: 12 VDC K: 24 VDC L: 90 VDC M: 180 VDC
1: Single phase 3: Three phase
Rated Horsepower
P: Decimal point # left of P: Rated full hp # right of P: Rated fractional hp (expressed as decimal)
Motor type
A: Motor accessory C: AC Motor with cast iron frame R: AC Motor with rolled steel frame PM: DC Permanent magnet
IronHorse Motors Series Designation
Chapter 1: Getting Started
Permanent Magnet DC Motors Features and Specifications
Small-Frame Permanent Magnet DC (PMDC) Motors
IronHorse small-frame PMDC motors are available from 1/3 hp to 1/4 hp. All models have a TENV rolled steel frame. Motors have easy-access brushes.
Small-Frame PMDC Motor Specifications
Motor Specifications – Small-Frame DC Motors
Part Number
12 241/20
12 241/17
12 241/13
12 241/6
12 241/5
Voltage (VDC)
Speed (rpm)
F.L. Torque
F.L. Current (A)
Resistance (Ω)
28 4.83 0.603 1.33
32 5.39 0.459 1.18 3.25
42 7.54 0.324 1.58
96 8014.3
113 7018.1
0.101 0.472 7.8
6.91 0.383 9
1/31 1797 18 0.39 41.3 96.0
1/26 1749 22 0.46 31.6 85.5 3.25
Shaft Dia (in)
0.3125 1.00 85 70
0.50 2.02 130 150
0.3125 1.00 85 70
1/19 1917 28 0.68 17.0 66.3
1/8 1917 73 1.4 5.16 30.2 7.8
1/7 1740 86 1.61 5.65 29.6 9
1/15 2440 28 0.42 44.1 177 5.3
0.50 2.02 130 150
1/8 1865 73 0.73 25.0 111 7.8
1/7 1828 84 0.83 30.0 129 9
Pilot Shaft (in)
Load (lb)
Axial/ Thrust
Load (lb)
Wiring Type
flying leads
flying leads
Motor Weight
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Chapter 1: Getting Started
Rolled Steel 56C Frame Permanent Magnet DC (PMDC) Motors
IronHorse 56C frame PMDC motors are available from 1/3 hp to 2hp. All models have a TEFC or TENV rolled steel frame, cast aluminum end bell and removable mounting bases. Motors have easy-access brushes.
Rolled Steel 56C Frame PMDC Motor Specifications
Motor Specifications – DC 56C Frame Motors – 1800 RPM
Part Number HP
Note: Please review the AutomationDirect Terms & Conditions for warranty and service on this product.
1/3 1/2 5.2 20.74 22 3/4
1 10.4 28.36 30
1-1/2 15.4 34.97 37
1/3 1/2 2.6 20.74 22 3/4
1 5.2 28.32 30
1-1/2 7.7 35.70 37
2 9.8 61.95 65
Base RPM
90 VDC
180 VDC
NEMA Frame
Approx Ship
3.5 17.70 19
7.8 25.30 27
1.75 17.60 19
3.9 25.58 27
Rolled Steel 56C Frame PMDC Performance Data
Performance Data * – DC 56C Frame Motors – 1800 RPM
Part Number
Armature Resistance (Ω)
Armature Voltage (VDC)
1.85 13.23 0.97
1/2 1.31 9.21 1.46 0.02365 80
3/4 0.86 6.26 2.19 0.02795 80
1 0.67 4.98 2.92 0.03225 80
1-1/2 1.45 3.74 4.38 0.04945 81
7.6 52.23 0.97 0.01956 79
1/2 5.25 37.02 1.46 0.02365 80
3/4 3.23 26.02 2.19 0.02795 80
1 2.63 19.86 2.92 0.03225 80
1-1/2 1.45 14.08 4.38 0.04945 81
2 1.45 11.26 5.84 0.09675 85
* For performance curves and additional data, refer to Chapter 5: Reference. ** See the discussion of Form Factor in the following section of this chapter.
Inductance (mH)
Torque (lb·ft)
DC Power Form Factor **
Ambient Temp. ( °C [°F] )
Ball Bearings
Insulation Class
F 6203
Wire / Housing
Junction Box
Top Mounted
Overall Speed Range
Constant Torque Speed Range
0-2000 RPM
90-1800 RPM
Base / Type
Rigid Removable
Paint Color
Efficiency (%)
0.01956 79
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Chapter 1: Getting Started
Permanent Magnet DC Motors Features and Specifications (continued)
Form Factor
The voltage normally used to power a permanent magnet (PM) DC motor is not pure DC. It is derived by rectifying a supplied AC voltage. The resulting DC voltage has a ripple that is related to the frequency of the AC input, as shown in the example below.
Current Fluctuations
Cause Ripple Current
(Full Wave
Rectied DC Rectier Circuit Single Phase AC
Form factor is the ratio of I
to Idc and indicates how close the driving voltage is to pure DC.
The form factor for a DC battery is 1.0. The higher the form factor is above 1.0, the more it deviates from pure DC. The Form Factor Table shows examples of commonly used voltages.
Form factor should not exceed 1.40 for continuous operation. Half wave rectification is not recommended as it increases form factor.
Operating Ironhorse PMDC motors with DC voltages with form factors higher than 1.40 can result in premature brush failure and excessive motor heating.
Form Factor Table
Form factor DC voltage source
1.0 Battery (pure DC)
1.05 * Pulse width modulation (PWM)
1.40 ** Full wave rectification (single phase)
1.9 *** Half wave rectification (single phase)
* All DC-input IronHorse GSD series DC drives are 1.05. * IronHorse AC-input GSD5 DC drive is 1.05. ** Single phase full wave rectification is the most common
form of DC drive in 0.33–2 hp range. All AC-input IronHorse GSD series DC drives are 1.40 or better.
*** Not Recommended.
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Chapter 1: Getting Started
If an IronHorse motor needs to be reshipped from the initial shipping point, the following procedures should be followed to protect the motor from damage.
If the original packaging is to be used for reshipment, inspect the packaging for previous shipping damage and repackage if necessary. Take care to protect the motor body, fan cover and shaft.
It is a good idea to bolt or strap the motor to a platform that fits securely in the bottom of the shipping crate or box. This helps prevent the motor from shifting during transport and thus protects the bearings from damage.
Long Term Storage
The following preventative measures should be taken when storing IronHorse motors for a long period of time.
Store motors in a controller temperature, dry atmosphere free of excess dirt, dust and airborne particles.
Rotate the motor shaft every sixty days to prevent hardening of the bearing grease.
IronHorse 56C-frame PMDC motors carry a two year warranty from the date of invoice, and the small-frame PMDC motors carry our standard one year warranty.
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Mounting and initial Startup
Table of ConTenTs
Safety Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2–2
Danger! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2–2
Wiring Notes: PLEASE READ PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2–2
Applicable Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2–2
Motor Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2–3
Terminal Diagram and Wiring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2–5
Motor Mounting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2–5
STABLE Slide Bases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2–5
Proper Installation Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2–6
Coupling Alignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2–6
Motor Nameplate and Starter Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2–7
Typical IronHorse Motor Nameplate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2–7
Motor Control Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2–7
Inspection Before Startup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2–7
Initial Startup Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2–7
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Chapter 2: Mounting and Initial Startup
Safety Information
Hazardous Voltage! Before making any connection to tHe motor, disconnect all power to tHe
warning: any electrical or mecHanical modification to tHis equipment witHout prior written
consent of, inc. will Void all warranties, may result in a safety Hazard, and may Void tHe
warning: to aVoid pHysical injury, keep your Hands and clotHing away from all moVing parts.
During installation, follow all local electrical, construction, and safety codes for the country in which the motor is to be installed.
Make sure the appropriate protective devices (circuit breaker or fuses) are connected between the power source and motor controller.
Make sure that the leads are connected correctly and the motor is properly grounded. (Ground
resistance should not exceed 0.1Ω.)
csaus listing.
Use ground leads that comply with AWG/MCM standards and keep them as short as possible.
Make sure that the power source is capable of supplying the correct voltage and required current to the motor.
Do not attach or remove wiring when power is applied to the motor.
All IronHorse small-frame PMDC motors are UL recognized (E365956) and CSA approved. Therefore they comply with the requirements of the National Electrical Code (NEC) and the Canadian Electrical Code (CEC).
Installations intended to meet the UL or CSA requirements must follow the instructions provided in the “Wiring Notes” as a minimum standard. Follow all local codes that exceed UL or CSA requirements. Refer to the technical data on the motor nameplate for electrical and performance data.
IronHorse small-frame PMDC motors are RoHS compliant.
All IronHorse 56C-frame PMDC motors are cCSAus listed, and therefore comply with the requirements of the National Electrical Code (NEC) and the Canadian Electrical Code (CEC).
Installations intended to meet the cCSAus requirements must follow the instructions provided in the “Wiring Notes” as a minimum standard. Follow all local codes that exceed cCSAus requirements. Refer to the technical data on the motor nameplate for electrical and performance data.
IronHorse 56C-frame PMDC motors are CE compliant.
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Motor Dimensions
Chapter 2: Mounting and Initial Startup
MTPM­P03-1L18, P10-1JK34
P04-1L17, P13-1JK42
4.44 [112.8]
4.94 [125.5]
4.19 [106.4]
4.69 [119.1]
P05-1L19, P07-1M24, P17-JK43 P13-1L19, P13-1M19, P25-1JK40 P14-1L19, P14-1M18, P25-1JK44
4.92 [125.0]
6.92 [175.8]
7.92 [201.2]
4.56 [115.8]
6.46 [164.1]
7.46 [189.5]
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Chapter 2: Mounting and Initial Startup
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+ 46 hidden pages