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At a minimum, you should follow all applicable sections of the National Fire Code, National Electrical
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Do-more H2 Series PLC User Manual
Please include the Manual Number and the Manual Issue, both shown below,
when communicating with Technical Support regarding this publication.
Manual Number:
Issue Date:
1st Edition, Revision I
Publication History
IssueDateDescription of Changes
1st Edition9/12Original
Revision A9/12Minor corrections made throughout manual
Step 8: Save a Project .............................................................................................. 1–28
Step 9: Write Project to the Do-more PLC .............................................................1–28
Step 10: Testing Project Using Data View .............................................................. 1–29
Accessing the Help File ............................................................................................ 1–31
Chapter 1: Getting Started
Purpose of this Manual
Thank you for purchasing from our Do-more PLC family of products. This manual shows
you how to install, set up, program, troubleshoot and maintain your Do-more PLC. For
installation personnel, this manual contains information on power and signal wiring,
mounting details and configuration procedures.
This manual can be very helpful as a quick reference guide for those who are experienced in
PLCs. For those who may be new to PLCs or our products, reading this manual will give you an
understanding of the variety of features available with the Do-more PLC.
Purpose of this Chapter
This chapter will guide you through the basic set up of a Do-more H2 Series PLC. It contains
step by step instructions on installing the programming software, installing and configuring your
hardware, applying power to the PLC, establishing a communications link, and creating, saving
and writing a project to the CPU. Once these steps are completed, your Do-more PLC will be
running a ladder logic project that you have programmed.
Online Help Files and Other Documentation
Do-more Designer, the Do-more PLC programming software, is available for free download from
our website at:
The software includes searchable online help topics covering all aspects of the software, instruction
set, module set up and communication.
Technical Support
We strive to make our manuals the best in the industry. We rely on your feedback to
let us know if we are reaching our goal. If you cannot find the solution to your particular
application, or, if for any reason you need technical assistance, please call us at:
Our technical support group will work with you to answer your questions. They are available
Monday through Friday from 9:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. Eastern Time. We also encourage you to
visit our web site where you can find technical and non-technical information about our products
and our company.
Do-more H2 Series PLC Hardware User Manual, 1st Edition, Rev. I - H2-DM-M
Conventions Used
When you see the “note pad” icon in the left-hand margin, the paragraph to its immediate right will be a
special note. Notes represent information that may make your work quicker or more efficient. The word
NOTE: in boldface will mark the beginning of the text.
When you see the “exclamation point” icon in the left-hand margin, the paragraph to its immediate right
will be a warning. This information could prevent injury, loss of property, or even death in extreme
cases. Any warning in this manual should be regarded as critical information that should be read in its
entirety. The word WARNING in boldface will mark the beginning of the text.
Chapter 1: Getting Started
Key Topics for Each Chapter
The beginning of each chapter will list the key topics
that can be found in that chapter.
Do-more H2 Series PLC Hardware User Manual, 1st Edition, Rev. I - H2-DM-M
....................................................................1-3Conventions Used
Chapter 1: Getting Started
Before You Begin
It is recommended that the following items be available to make this short step-by-step
introduction to the Do-more PLC go smoothly.
D2-03B-1 Base
with 110/220 VAC
Power Supply
Example Do-more PLC
D2-08TA Output Module
F2-08SIM Module
Do-more! CPU Module
PC Running
Windows XP, Vista,
Windows 7, Windows 8
Not available from
Programming Software
Download software from
our webste at: http://www.
Wire Strippers
Do-more! Designer
Hookup Wire
Programming Cable
You can also use an Ethernet
or Serial (D2-DSCBL) cable
for programming, but we
recommend using a USB cable;
just plug it in and it works.
AC Power Cord
Not available from
Do-more H2 Series PLC Hardware User Manual, 1st Edition, Rev. I - H2-DM-M
Chapter 1: Getting Started
Do-more! PLC System Components
The Do-more H2 Series CPU modules were designed to stand in place of the DL205 series PLC.
As a result, this CPU easily integrates with DL205 PLC family components. The following is a
summary of the major parts of a Do-more H2 Series PLC.
The Do-more H2 Series CPU module can be placed into any DL205 PLC family base. The four base
sizes available are 3, 4, 6 and 9 slot. All bases include a built-in power supply and can be purchased for
use with AC or DC sources. The Do-more H2 Series PLC supports local and Ethernet remote
I/O configurations only.
NOTE: The Do-more H2 Series PLC does not support local expansion I/O.
I/O Modules
The DL205 PLC family has some of the most powerful I/O modules in the industry. A complete
range of discrete modules which support 24VDC, 110/220 VAC and up to 10A relay outputs
(subject to derating) are offered. The analog modules provide 12 and 16 bit resolution and several
selections of input and output signal ranges (including bipolar). Several specialty modules are also
Do-more! Designer Software System Requirements
The Do-more! Designer Windows-based programming software works with Windows® XP
(Home or Professional, 32-bit), Vista (Home, Basic, Premium, 32 or 64-bit), Windows 7
(Home, Professional, Ultimate, 32 or 64-bit), Windows 8 & 10 (Home, Professional, Enterprise
32 or 64-bit; Windows 8 RT edition is NOT supported).
Please check the following requirements when choosing your PC configuration:
• Minimum PC to PLC Connectivity, at least one of the following:
- USB Port: connects to the CPU with USB-A connector (USB-A to USB-B cable)
- RS-232 Serial Port: connects to the CPU with RJ-12 connector (RJ-12 to DB9 or RJ-12
to USB-B serial converter cable)
- Ethernet Port: connects to the CPU (H2-DM1E) with RJ-45 10Base-T or 100Base-T
(Cat5 Patch Cable)
• Hard Disk: 100MB free disk space
• Video Display: 1024x768, 256 colors resolution (1280x720, true color recommended)
• Windows XP, 32-bit:
- 800MHz, single core CPU (2GHz, multi-core or hyper-threaded recommended)
- 512MB RAM (2GB recommended)
• Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 8 & 10, 32 or 64-bit:
- 1GHz, single core CPU (2GHz, multi-core recommended)
- 1GB RAM (3GB recommended)
NOTE: The PC/Laptop/Ethernet Switch connector at the “opposite end” of the PLC connector will dictate
what kind of cable you need.
Do-more H2 Series PLC Hardware User Manual, 1st Edition, Rev. I - H2-DM-M
Chapter 1: Getting Started
Step 1: Install Do-more Designer Software
Download the Do-more Designer programming software (DM-PGMSW) from our website
at and launch the install procedure.
The first screen that opens is the Welcome
screen seen here. If there are previous versions of
this software already installed, this screen will
detail the version number of the software being
replaced and the one being installed, click Next
to continue.
An alert window will appear requesting
that all anti-virus software be disabled
and also reminding the user that
Administrative restrictions may exist.
The License Agreement window
will be displayed next. Read over
the agreement, select “I accept the
terms of the license agreement” and
click the Next button to continue.
There is also the option to print the
license agreement if desired. The
print function will print the license
agreement to a pdf file and save it
in the location you choose.
Do-more H2 Series PLC Hardware User Manual, 1st Edition, Rev. I - H2-DM-M
Now the software will ask a little
about you. Please fill in the
information requested on the
Customer Information screen and
click Next to continue.
At this stage, the software will ask
which type of install you would like
to perform. The Select Type
window seen below gives two
options for installation type:
Complete and Custom.
Chapter 1: Getting Started
Custom installation allows you to choose which
program features to install, whereas Complete
installation installs all of the program features
available. The Complete installation is selected
by default and is recommended for first-time
Select the installation type desired and click the
Next button to continue.
The next screen to appear is the
Ready to Install the Program
window. This window is an alert
window, cautioning you that the
program is about to be installed. If
there are any changes that need to
be made to the install settings do
them now before continuing.
To review or change any of the
previous installation selections, click
the Back button to return to the
appropriate window and make the
change. If no changes are necessary
click the Install button to begin the
Do-more H2 Series PLC Hardware User Manual, 1st Edition, Rev. I - H2-DM-M
Chapter 1: Getting Started
The popup shown here will allow you to choose
whether or not to install a shortcut for the
software on your PC’s desktop. Click Yes or No
to continue with the installation.
The software will now install the
needed files and folders with the Setup
Status window detailing the status of
the installation.
Once the installation has been
successfully completed, the window
below will open. Your software is now
installed and ready to use. The
installation wizard can now be closed
by clicking the Finish button at the
bottom of the window.
Do-more H2 Series PLC Hardware User Manual, 1st Edition, Rev. I - H2-DM-M
Chapter 1: Getting Started
Step 2: Launch Do-more! Designer Software
After installing Do-more! Designer, launch the software by double clicking the
desktop DM icon.
You can also launch the software from the PC’s Start
menu or All Programs menu. If the software link is
not embedded in the Start menu, use
the path: Start > All Programs > Domore > Designer x.x > Do-more
Designer x.x to launch the software.
The Do-more! Designer Software will
start up and display the Start Page
shown below. This page consists
of a Launchpad with quick links to
existing projects, software applications
and communications links. There
is also a section containing shortcuts
to important help file topics and
the Do-more! Designer simulator
Do-more H2 Series PLC Hardware User Manual, 1st Edition, Rev. I - H2-DM-M
Chapter 1: Getting Started
To begin a new project offline select
New from the toolbar on the Start
Page. The New Project window seen
here will open.
Name the new project and select the
type of controller it is intended for. You
can use the Browse button to choose a
different location to store the project or
use the default location. Click OK after
your selections have been made to
continue. The Main programming
window and Instruction Palette shown
below will open.
The Instruction Palette lists all of the
instructions available for use in your
program. A brief explanation of
each instruction is provided once the
instruction is highlighted and a more
detailed explanation is available in the
help file.
The Main programming window is
divided into menus and toolbars for
quick access to configurations,
instructions and other needed items
used during project development.
Do-more H2 Series PLC Hardware User Manual, 1st Edition, Rev. I - H2-DM-M
Step 3: Install Hardware
The “Installation and Wiring” chapter of this manual contains detailed information for the
installation of components in your Do-more! PLC system. The following summary explains
the basic steps for installing modules in a base.
First slide the module retaining clips to the out position and align the PC board(s) of the
module with the grooves on the top and bottom of the base. Push the module straight into the
base until it is firmly seated in the backplane connector. Once the module is inserted into the
base, push in the retaining clips to firmly secure the module to the base.
Chapter 1: Getting Started
Push the retaining clips in to
secure the module to the base
Align module PC board to slots
CPU must be positioned in the
in base and slide in
first slot of the base
WARNING: Minimize the risk of electrical shock, personal injury, or equipment damage. Always
disconnect the system power before installing or removing any system component.
Once all of the modules have been
installed in the base, connect the USB
cable. Use a standard USB cable with
Type A and Type B connectors.
(Ethernet and Serial connections are
also available, but are not shown for
this example.)
Do-more H2 Series PLC Hardware User Manual, 1st Edition, Rev. I - H2-DM-M
Type A
Chapter 1: Getting Started
1 10/220 V AC Base T erminal Strip
Step 4: Apply Power to the Do-more! PLC
Power is supplied to the Do-more! PLC through the backplane of the base from the power
supply. The following diagrams show the terminal connections located on the power supplies
of the DL205 bases. The base terminals can accept up to 16AWG. You may be able to use
larger wiring depending on the type of wire used, but 16AWG is the recommended size. Do not
over-tighten the connector screws; the recommended torque value is 7.81 lb·in (0.882 N·m).
100 – 240 VAC
NOTE: You can connect either a 115VAC or 220VAC supply to the AC terminals.
125 VDC Base T erminal Strip 12/24 VDC Base T erminal Strip
10.2 – 28.8 VDC
1 20 – 240 VDC
Once all of the power wiring has been completed and verified, connect the appropriate
voltage source to the power supply and power up the controller. The Do-more PLC will
perform a self evaluation once power is applied. Refer to the “Installation and Wiring”
chapter of this manual for more power supply and input wiring information.
Do-more H2 Series PLC Hardware User Manual, 1st Edition, Rev. I - H2-DM-M
Step 5: Establish Communication
Now that the Do-more PLC is powered up, you need to establish a communications link
between the PC and the PLC. The Do-more! Designer software provides a Link Wizard to
assist you with configuring this new communications link. To open the Link Wizard, select
the New Link... button in the Links section of the Main Page’s Launchpad as shown below.
Chapter 1: Getting Started
The Link Wizard will first ask you to
choose which communications port you
will be using. In this example, we will be
using a USB connection. Select USB,
click Next and the wizard will
automatically search for available CPU’s
on that port.
Choose the CPU that you are
programming and select Next. The Domore Designer software will create a link to
that controller.
The Link Wizard will now display the
saved settings for this link as seen on
following page.
Do-more H2 Series PLC Hardware User Manual, 1st Edition, Rev. I - H2-DM-M
Chapter 1: Getting Started
Once you have completed configuring
your communications link, either
manually with the Link Editor or
automatically with the Link Wizard, it will
be available to select in the Links section of
the Launchpad. There you can edit, enable/
disable, delete or view statistics for that link.
A unique name is required for each link that is
created. Name the new link and, if desired, give it a
description then select Finish.
You can also manually configure each link by selecting
the Link Editor... button from the lower left corner
of the Link Wizard. The Configure Link dialog will
open, as seen below, allowing you to select PLC types,
port parameters, and protocols.
Do-more H2 Series PLC Hardware User Manual, 1st Edition, Rev. I - H2-DM-M
Chapter 1: Getting Started
Select the New Online button and the Online dialog box, seen below, will open. From this
dialog, you are given available communications links to choose from with options to add, edit
disable/enable, or delete links.
Choose the appropriate link, select OK
and the software will connect to the Domore PLC. If the mode selector switch on
the CPU module is not in the Term position
when connecting, the warning shown below
will appear.
You are allowed to continue if you wish or place the
mode selector switch on the CPU module in the
Term position to avoid any unintended
communication errors.
If you were connecting to the CPU module with a project created offline, you may encounter
the message window shown here.
Do-more H2 Series PLC Hardware User Manual, 1st Edition, Rev. I - H2-DM-M
Chapter 1: Getting Started
Only with the New Online option does the Do-more PLC assume that you are creating a new
project from scratch. With any other method, such as PLC > Connect, the software will compare
the project in the controller with the offline version you have open. If there are any differences,
this warning window will appear detailing the options available for continuing:
1. Go Online and view the DISK project - This option
will go online with the PLC but display the project
from disk. Status displays may show incorrect
information. If the memory configuration in the diskbased project contains elements that are incompatible
with the memory configuration currently in the
Do-more PLC the message box seen here will be
2. Go Online and view the PLC project – The project from the PLC will be opened by Do-more!
3. Cancel, and return to Offline – This option will cancel the connection attempt and return to the
offline project.
4. Compare Programs... – If you are unsure as to why the two projects are different, then this option
will do a comparison of the projects and detail the differences found. An example comparison is
seen below.
In this example,
the PLC project titled My_DM was
with a project stored on the PC. The report
window shown above illustrates the differences
found between the
Do-more H2 Series PLC Hardware User Manual, 1st Edition, Rev. I - H2-DM-M
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