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At a minimum, you should follow all applicable sections of the National Fire Code, National Electrical Code, and the
codes of the National Electrical Manufacturer’s Association (NEMA). There may be local regulatory or government
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Equipment damage or serious injury to personnel can result from the failure to follow all applicable codes and
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Page W–1GS1 Series AC Drives User Manual – 3rd Ed., Rev.B
~ AVeRTIssemeNT ~
Nous vous remercions d’avoir acheté l’équipement d’automatisation de®, en faisant des
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Afin de réduire au minimum le risque d’éventuels problèmes de sécurité, vous devez respecter tous les codes
locaux et nationaux applicables régissant l’installation et le fonctionnement de votre équipement. Ces codes
diffèrent d’une région à l’autre et, habituellement, évoluent au fil du temps. Il vous incombe de déterminer les
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Vous devez, à tout le moins, respecter toutes les sections applicables du Code national de prévention des
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L’omission de respecter la totalité des codes et des normes applicables peut entraîner des dommages à
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Nos produits ne sont pas insensibles aux défaillances et ne sont ni conçus ni fabriqués pour l’utilisation ou la
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Page W–2GS1 Series AC Drives User Manual – 3rd Ed., Rev.B
Warning: readthismanualthoroughlybeforeusing gs1 series aC motor drives.
Warning: aC inputpoWermustbedisConneCtedbeforeperforminganymaintenanCe. donotConneCtor
Warning: a Chargemaystillremaininthe dC-linkCapaCitorWithhazardousvoltages, evenifthe
poWerhasbeenturnedoff. toavoidpersonalinjury, donotremovetheCoverofthe aC driveuntil
all “display led” lightsonthedigitalkeypadareoff. pleasenotethatthereareliveComponents
exposedWithinthe aC drive. donottouChtheseliveparts.
Warning: groundthe gs1 aC driveusingthegroundterminal. thegroundingmethodmustComply
WiththelaWsoftheCountryWherethe aC driveistobeinstalled. referto “basiC Wiring diagram” in
Chapter 2.
Warning: themountingenClosureofthe aC drivemustComplyWith en50178. livepartsshallbe
Ch4 (AC Drive Parameters) – parameter descriptions and explanations
Ch5 (GS1 Modbus Communications) – PLC connections, programming, and communications delays
Ch6 (Maintenance and Troubleshooting) – recharge capacitors
AppxA (Accessories) – new accessories
AppxB (Using GS1 AC Drives with AutomationDirect PLCs) – CLICK PLCs
User manual reformatted, recreated, name changed (was GS1-M)
Ch1: “Selecting the Proper Drive Rating,” spec table symmetrical power note
Ch2: Fusing, wiring, accessories, line reactor explanation
Ch3: Notes re LED display and power cycling
Ch4: Analog Input Examples, parameter explanations
Ch5: Communications cables, numeric data formatting note
Appx A: Fusing, output line reactor PWM carrier frequency note
Appx B: DL05/06 F0 modules
Page H–1GS1 Series AC Drives User Manual – 3rd Ed., Rev.B
User Manual Revision History
Page H–2GS1 Series AC Drives User Manual – 3rd Ed., Rev.B
Page 1–1GS1 Series AC Drives User Manual – 3rd Ed., Rev.B
Chapter 1: Getting Started
overviewof this Publication
The GS1 AC Drive User Manual describes the installation, configuration, and methods of operation of the
GS1 Series AC Drive.
who should read this Manual
This manual contains important information for those who will install, maintain, and/or operate any of the
GS1 Series AC Drives.
suPPleMental Publications
The National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) publishes many different documents that
discuss standards for industrial control equipment. Global Engineering Documents handles the sale of
NEMA documents. For more information, you can contact Global Engineering Documents at:
NEMA documents that might assist with your AC drive systems are:
Application Guide for AC Adjustable Speed Drive Systems
Safety Standards for Construction and Guide for Selection, Installation, and Operation of
Adjustable Speed Drive Systems�
15 Inverness Way East
Englewood, CO 80112-5776
1-800-854-7179 (within the U.S.)
303-397-7956 (international)
technical suPPort
By Telephone: 770-844-4200
(Mon�-Fri�, 9:00 a�m�-6:00 p�m� E�T�)
On the Web: www�automationdirect�com
Our technical support group is glad to work with you in answering your questions. If you cannot find
the solution to your particular application, or, if for any reason you need additional technical assistance,
please call technical support at 770-844-4200. We are available weekdays from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Eastern Time.
We also encourage you to visit our web site where you can find technical and non-technical information
about our products and our company. Visit us at
sPecial syMbols
NOTE: When you see the “notepad” icon in the left-hand margin, the paragraph to its immediate right will
be a special note.
immediaterightWillbeaWarning. thisinformationCouldpreventinjury, lossofproperty, oreven
death (inextremeCases).
Gs1 Ac dRIVe INTRoducTIoN
PurPoseof ac drives
AC drives are generally known by many different names: Adjustable Frequency Drives (AFD), Variable
Frequency Drives (VFD), and Inverters. Drives are used primarily to vary the speed of three phase AC
induction motors, and they also provide non-emergency start and stop control, acceleration and
deceleration, and overload protection. By gradually accelerating the motor, drives can reduce the amount
of motor startup inrush current.
AC drives function by converting incoming AC power to DC, which is then synthesized back into three
phase output power. The voltage and frequency of this synthesized output power is directly varied by the
drive, where the frequency determines the speed of the three phase AC induction motor.
Page 1–2GS1 Series AC Drives User Manual – 3rd Ed., Rev.B
Chapter 1: Getting Started
selectingthe ProPer drive rating
a. deterMineMotorfull-loadaMPerage (fla)
Motor FLA is located on the nameplate of the motor.
NOTE: FLA of motors that have been rewound may be higher than stated.
b. deterMineMotoroverloadrequireMents
Many applications experience temporary overload conditions due to starting requirements or impact
loading. Most AC drives are designed to operate at 150% overload for 60 seconds. If the application
requires an overload greater than 150% or longer than 60 seconds, the AC drive must be oversized.
NOTE: Applications that require replacement of existing motor starters with AC drives may require up to
600% overload.
c. installationaltitude
AC drives rely upon the cooling properties of air for cooling. As the altitude increases, the air becomes less
dense, and this decrease in air density decreases the cooling properties of the air. Therefore, the AC drive
must be oversized to compensate for the decrease in cooling. Most AC drives are designed to operate at
100% capacity up to altitudes of 1000 meters. Above 1000m, the AC drive must be derated.
d. deterMineMaxenclosureinternalteMP
AC drives generate a significant amount of heat and will cause the internal temperature of an enclosure to
exceed the rating of the AC drive, even when the ambient temperature is less than 104 °F (40 °C). Enclosure
ventilation and/or cooling may be required to maintain a maximum internal temperature of 104 °F (40 °C)
or less. Ambient temperature measurements/calculations should be made for the maximum expected
e. calculaterequiredoutPutaMPerage
Use the chart below to calculate the required FLA of the AC drive, as shown by the following examples.
Select the rating that equals the motor’s voltage and equals or exceeds the calculated amperage.
Example 1 (GS1 or GS2 drive):
Motor FLA = 6A; Overload = 200% @ 45s; Altitude = 800m; MEIT = 45°C
Example 2 (DURA
Motor FLA = 8A; Overload = 135% @ 75s; Altitude = 1100m; MEIT = 35°C
If overload is < 150% and < 60 seconds1
If overload is > 60 seconds(overload / 100)%
Overload ResultMultiply FLA x overload entry8.010.8
Altitude is < 1,000m1
Altitude is > 1,000m and < 3,000m1 + ((altitude - 1,000m) x 0�0001)
Altitude ResultMultiply overload result x altitude entry8.010.91
Maximum enclosure internal
temperature (MEIT) is < 40°C
40°C < MEIT < 50° and
GS1/2 AC drive up to 5hp
40°C < MEIT < 50° and GS1/2
AC drive > 5hp or DURApulse AC drive
Required Drive FLA Multiply altitude result x MEIT entry8.010.91
GS3 drive):
Calculating Required Drive Current
IfThen Enter
Overload Derate (overload %)
Altitude Derate (meters)
Ambient Temperature (°C)
Example 1
GS1 or GS2
1�33If overload is > 150% and < 60 seconds(overload / 150)%
Example 2
Page 1–3GS1 Series AC Drives User Manual – 3rd Ed., Rev.B
Chapter 1: Getting Started
GS1 - 1 0P5
Series Name
naMePlate inforMation
Example of 0.5 hp 115 VAC drive
Output Frequency Range
Model exPlanation
AC Drive Model
Input Specification
Output Specification
Serial Number
Applicable Motor Capacity
0P2: 1/4HP 0P5: 1/2HP
1P0: 1HP 2P0: 2HP
Input Voltage
1: 100–120VAC
2: 200–240VAC
drive Package contents
After receiving the AC motor drive, please check for the following:
Make sure that the package includes an AC drive and the GS1 Series AC Drive Quick Reference�
Inspect the unit to insure it was not damaged during shipment�
Make sure that the part number indicated on the nameplate corresponds with the part number of
your order�
Page 1–4GS1 Series AC Drives User Manual – 3rd Ed., Rev.B
external Partsand labels
Chapter 1: Getting Started
a Digital Keypad
b Ventilation Slots
c Mounting Screw Holes
d Nameplate Label
e Input Power Terminals
f Control Input/Output Terminals
g Output Power Terminals
Page 1–5GS1 Series AC Drives User Manual – 3rd Ed., Rev.B
Chapter 1: Getting Started
Gs1 Ac dRIVe specIfIcATIoNs
gs1 Model-sPecific sPecifications
Model NameGS1-10P2GS1-10P5
Motor Rating
Rated Input Voltage
Maximum Output Voltage
Rated Input Current (A)
Rated Output Current (A)
Short Circuit Withstand
(A, rms symmetrical)
Watt Loss 100% I (W)
Weight (lb)
Dimensions (HxWxD)
Model NameGS1-20P2GS1-20P5GS1-21P0GS1-22P0
Motor Rating
Rated Input Voltage *
Maximum Output Voltage
Rated Input Current (A)
Rated Output Current (A)
Short Circuit Withstand
(A, rms symmetrical)
Watt Loss 100% I (W)
Weight (lb)
Dimensions (HxWxD)
* All 3-phase power sources must be symmetrical. Do NOT connect GS1 drives to grounded, center-tapped,
delta transformers (which are typically used for lighting circuits).
115V Class GS1 Specifications
132�0 mm [5�20 in] x 68�0 mm [2�68 in] x 128�1 mm [5�04 in]
1/4 hp1/2 hp
0�2 kW0�4 kW
Single-phase: 100–120 VAC ±10%, 50/60 Hz, ±5%
Three-phase: 200–240 VAC ( x2 of input voltage)
5kA @ 120 VAC
230V Class GS1 Specifications
1/4 hp1/2 hp1 hp2 hp
0�2 kW0�4 kW0�7 kW1�5 kW
200–240 VAC ±10%, 50/60 Hz ±5%
Three-phase: 200–240VAC (proportional to input voltage)
5kA @ 240 VAC
132�0 mm [5�20 in] x 68�0 mm [2�68 in] x 128�1 mm [5�04 in]
200–240VAC ±10%, 50/60Hz ±5%
Page 1–6GS1 Series AC Drives User Manual – 3rd Ed., Rev.B
gs1 general sPecifications
Control System
Rated Output Frequency
Output Frequency Resolution
Overload Capacity
Torque Characteristics
DC Braking
Acceleration/Deceleration Time
Voltage/Frequency Pattern
Stall Prevention Level
Operating Functions
Protective Functions
Operator Devices
Status Display
Key Functions
Enclosure Rating
Ambient Temperature
Ambient Humidity
Installation Location
Chapter 1: Getting Started
General Specifications
Control Characteristics
Sinusoidal Pulse Width Modulation, carrier frequency 3–10 kHz
1�0 to 400�0 Hz
0�1 Hz
150% of rated current for 1 minute
Includes auto-slip compensation and starting torque 150% @ 5�0 Hz
Operation frequency: 0 to 60 Hz, 0–30% rated voltage�
Start time 0�0–5�0 seconds� Stop time 0�0–25�0 seconds
0�1 to 600 seconds (can be set individually)
V/F pattern adjustable� Settings available for Constant Torque - low and high
starting torque, Variable Torque - low and high starting torque, and user
20 to 200% or rated current
Operation Specifications
Setting by <UP> or <DOWN> buttons or potentiometer
1 user programmable: AC drive Running, AC drive Fault, At Speed, Zero Speed,
Above Desired Frequency (P 3-16), Below Desired Frequency (P 3-16), At
Maximum Speed, Over-torque Detected, Above Desired Current (P3-17), Below
Desired Current (P 3-17)
Automatic voltage regulation, S-curve, Over-voltage stall prevention, DC braking,
Fault records, Adjustable carried frequency, Starting frequency setting of DC
braking, Over-current stall prevention, Momentary power loss restart, Reverse
inhibition, Frequency limits, Parameter lock/reset
Page 2–1GS1 Series AC Drives User Manual – 3rd Ed., Rev.B
Chapter 2: Installation and Wiring
AmbIeNT coNdITIoNs
Ambient environmental conditions for use:
Ambient Temperature
Storage Temperature
Relative Humidity
Atmosphere Pressure
Installation Location
Enclosure Rating
-10° to 40°C (14°F to 104°F) w/o derating
-20° to 60° C (-4°F to 140°F) during short-term transportation period)
0 to 90% RH (non-condensing)
86 kPA to 106 kPA
9.8 m/s2(1G) @ less than 10 Hz; 5.88 m/s2 (0.6G) @ 10 to 50 Hz
Altitude 1000m or lower above sea level, keep from corrosive gas, liquid and dust
Protected chassis, IP20
sToRAGe coNdITIoNs
GS1 AC drives should be kept in their shipping carton or crate until they are installed. In order to retain
their warranty coverage, they should be stored as described below if they are not to be installed and used
within three months.
Store in a clean and dry location free from direct sunlight and corrosive fumes.
For storage of longer than 3 months, store within an ambient temperature range of -20°C to 30°C
(-4°F to 86°F).
For storage of 3 months or less, store within an ambient temperature range of -20°C to 60°C (-4°F
to 140°F).
Store within a relative humidity range of 0% to 90% and non-condensing environment.
Store within an air pressure range of 86 kPA to 106 kPA.
DO NOT store in an area with rapid changes in temperature. (It may cause condensation and
DO NOT place directly on the ground.
Ambient Conditions
NOTE: If the drive is stored or is otherwise unused for more than a year, the drive’s internal DC link
capacitors should be recharged before use. Otherwise, the capacitors may be damaged when the drive starts
to operate. We recommend recharging the capacitors of any unused drive at least once per year. (Refer to
Chapter 6, “Maintenance and Troubleshooting” for information about recharging DC link capacitors.)
Page 2–2GS1 Series AC Drives User Manual – 3rd Ed., Rev.B
Install the AC drive in an enclosure that is specifically designed to house electrical and electronic control
equipment. Provide proper spacing within the enclosure to allow the dissipation of heat produced by the
drive and any other included electrical and electronic equipment. Ventilation or air conditioning may also
be required, depending upon the application.
Improper installation of the AC drive will greatly reduce its life. Be sure to observe the following
precautions when selecting a mounting location:
Do not mount the AC drive near heat-radiating elements or in direct sunlight.
Do not install the AC drive in a place subjected to high temperature, high humidity, excessive
vibration, corrosive gases or liquids, or airborne dust or metallic particles.
Mount the AC drive vertically and do not restrict the air flow to the heat sink fins.
of automationdireCt.Com inC. WillvoidallWarranties, mayresultinasafetyhazard, andmayvoidthe
ul listing.
wiring notes: Please read Prior to installation.
Warning: donotConneCtthe aC inputpoWertothe t1, t2, and t3 outputterminals. thisWill
damagethe aC drive.
Warning: tightenallsCreWstothepropertorquerating. see “main CirCuit Wiring” laterinthis
1) During installation, follow all local electrical, construction, and safety codes for the country in which
the AC drive is to be installed.
2) Make sure the appropriate protective devices (circuit breaker or fuses) are connected between the
power supply and AC drive.
3) Make sure that the leads are connected correctly and the AC drive is properly grounded.
4) Use ground leads that comply with AWG/MCM standards, and keep them as short as possible.
5) The use of contactors or disconnect switches for run/stop control of the AC drive and motor will
reduce the operating life cycle of the AC drive.
Cycling a power circuit switching device while the AC drive is in run mode should be done only in
emergency situations.
The installation of contactors or disconnects to isolate the motor during maintenance, though
permissible, is not recommended. Opening contactors or disconnects while the drive is running will
reduce the life cycle of the drive and may immediately damage the inverter section of the drive!
6) Multiple GS1 units can be installed in one location. All the units should be grounded directly to a
common ground terminal. The GS1 ground terminals may also be connected in parallel, as shown
in the figure below. Make sure there are no ground loops.
Chapter 2: Installation and Wiring
7) When the AC drive output terminals T1, T2, and T3 are connected to the motor terminals T1, T2, and
T3, respectively, the motor will rotate counterclockwise (as viewed from the shaft end of the motor)
when a forward operation command is received. To reverse the direction of motor rotation, switch
the connections of any of the two motor leads.
8) Make sure that the power source is capable of supplying the correct voltage and required current to
the AC drive.
9) Do not attach or remove wiring when power is applied to the AC drive.
10) Do not monitor the signals on the circuit board while the AC drive is in operation.
11) For single-phase, 115V class AC drives, AC power must be connected to terminals L1 and L2. For the
single-phase, 230V class AC drives, the AC power can be connected to any two of the three input
terminals L1, L2, or L3.
NOTE: This AC drive is not intended for use with single-phase motors.
12) Route the power and control wires separately, or at 90 degree angle to each other.
13) When using a GFCI (Ground Fault Circuit Interrupt), select current sensor with sensitivity of 200mA,
and not less than 0.1-second detection to avoid nuisance tripping.
Page 2–5GS1 Series AC Drives User Manual – 3rd Ed., Rev.B
Chapter 2: Installation and Wiring
Motor oPeration Precautions
1) When using the AC drive to operate a standard 3-phase induction motor, the energy loss is greater
than for an inverter duty motor.
2) Avoid running a standard induction motor at low speed, which may cause the motor temperature to
exceed the motor rating due to limited airflow produced by the motor’s fan.
3) When the standard motor operates at low speed, the output load must be decreased.
4) If 100% output torque is desired at low speed, it may be necessary to use a special “inverter-duty”
rated motor.
short circuit withstand
Suitable for use on a circuit capable of delivering not more than 5,000 rms symmetrical amperes.
For all 115V models, the maximum is 120 Volts.
For all 230V Models, the maximum is 240 Volts.
aPPlicable codes
All GS1 Series AC drives are Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL) and Canadian Underwriters Laboratories
(cUL) listed, and therefore comply with the requirements of the National Electrical Code (NEC) and the
Canadian Electrical Code (CEC).
Installation intended to meet the UL and cUL requirements must follow the instructions provided in
“Wiring Notes” as a minimum standard. Follow all local codes that exceed UL and cUL requirements. Refer
to the technical data label affixed to the AC drive and the motor nameplate for electrical data.
The “Fuses and Fuse Kits” section in Appendix A lists the recommended fuse part number for each GS1
Series part number. These fuses (or equivalent) must be used on all installations where compliance with
U.L. standards is required.
cIRcuIT pRoTecTIoN deVIces
Short-circuit and ground-fault protection devices are essential to prevent costly damage to your AC Drive.
Fuse kits, which include fuses and fuse blocks, are available from AutomationDirect for the GS1 Series AC
MaxiMuM recoMMended circuit Protection devices
The chart below gives the maximum recommended fuses and circuit breakers for short-circuit and
ground-fault protection of GS1 Series AC Drives. Fuses and circuit breakers smaller than those shown are
Maximum Recommended Circuit Protection Devices
Part #
GS1-10P2115 / 0.25 / 0.216A20A type A3T (300V)20A
GS1-10P5115 / 0.5 / 0.419A30A type A3T (300V)30A
GS1-20P2230 / 0.25 / 0.2
GS1-20P5230 / 0.5 / 0.4
GS1-21P0230 / 1 / 0.7
GS1-22P0230 / 2 / 1.539.0A25A type A3T (300V)25A
Re commended fuses are required for UL applications, and the specific fuses are available as
shown in “Appendix A: Accessories”.
Re commended maximum fuses and circuit breakers are for protection of the AC drive.
They may or may not also provide required motor branch circuit protection, depending upon
the electrical code applicable to the installation.
14.9A15A type A3T (300V)15A
31.9A10A type A3T (300V)10A
16.5A25A type A3T (300V)25A
32.7A10A type A3T (300V)10A
19.7A45A type A3T (300V)45A
35.1A20A type A3T (300V)20A
Circuit Breaker
Page 2–6GS1 Series AC Drives User Manual – 3rd Ed., Rev.B
Main Circuit Wiring Specifications
AC Drive Model
GS1-10P26A / 1.6A
GS1-10P59A / 2.5A
GS1-20P2 (1-phase)4.9A / 1.6A
GS1-20P2 (3-phase)1.9A / 1.6A
GS1-20P5 (1-phase)6.5A / 2.5A
GS1-20P5 (3-phase)2.7A / 2.5A
GS1-21P0 (1-phase)9.7A / 4.2A
GS1-21P0 (3-phase)5.1A / 4.2A
GS1-22P09A / 7.0A
Wire Type: 75°C, copper only
Max. Current
Main Circuit Terminals
L1, L2, L3Input Power
T1, T2, T3
Wire GaugeTorque
12–16 AWG5.5 kgf·cm
12–14 AWG5.5 kgf·cm
AC Drive
Chapter 2: Installation and Wiring
inPut Power connections
1-Phase inPut Power connections* **
GS1 Top View (input power terminals)
L1 L2
3-Phase inPut Power connections
GS1 Top View (input power terminals)
1-Phase Input Power*
115V Class**
230V Class**
* Only models GS1-10P2, GS1-10P5, GS1-20P2, GS1-20P5,
and GS1-21P0 are rated for single-phase input power.
** For 115V class single phase drives,
AC power must be connected to terminals L1 and L2.
For 230V class single phase drives,
AC power can be connected to any two of the three terminals L1,
L2 or L3.
Single-phase: 100–120VAC ± 10%, 50/60Hz, ±5%
Single-phase: 200–240VAC ± 10%, 50/60Hz ±5%
230V Class
3-Phase Input Power
Three-phase: 200–240VAC ±10%, 50/60Hz ±5%
Page 2–7GS1 Series AC Drives User Manual – 3rd Ed., Rev.B
Chapter 2: Installation and Wiring
outPut Power connections
GS1 Bottom View
(output power terminals)
T1 T2 T3
Output Power
115V Class Max Output Voltage
230V Class Max Output Voltage
GS1 Bottom View (control terminals)
Three phase 200–240VAC
(input voltage x2)
Three phase 200–240VAC
(proportional to input voltage)
Control Circuit Terminals
Terminal SymbolDescriptionRemarks
R1Relay Output Common
R1ORelay Output Normally Open
+10VInternal Power Supply+10VDC (10mA maximum load)
AIAnalog Input
DI1Digital Input 1Input voltage: Internally supplied (see Warning below)
DI2Digital Input 2
DI3Digital Input 3
DI4Digital Input 4
Control Terminal Wire Range: 24–12 AWG
Control Terminal Tightening Torque: 5kgf·cm [4lbf·in]
120VAC/24VDC @5A; 230VAC @2.5A
0 to +10 V (Max. Output Frequency) Input
0 to 20mA (Max. Output Frequency) Input
4 to 20mA (Max, Output Frequency) Input
Maximum ON Voltage: 6V
Minimum OFF Voltage: 11V
Minimum ON Current: 2.5 mA
Maximum OFF Current: 1mA
(See “Basic Wiring Diagram” on next page.)
NOTE: Use twisted-shielded, twisted-pair or shielded-lead wires for the control signal wiring. Run all signal
wiring in a separate steel conduit. The shield wire should only be connected at the AC drive. Do not connect
shield wire on both ends.
do not ConneCtexternalvoltagesourCestothe digital inputs. permanentdamagemayresult.
Page 2–8GS1 Series AC Drives User Manual – 3rd Ed., Rev.B
Control circuit terminalShielded leadsMain circuit (power) terminals
Multi-function output contacts
Power Source 3-phase*
NOTE: Users must connect wiring according to the circuit diagram shown below.
Warning: donotplugamodemortelephoneintothe gs1 rj-12 serial Comm port, orpermanent
damagemayresult. terminals 1 and 2 mustnotbeusedasapoWersourCeforyourCommuniCation
Chapter 2: Installation and Wiring
(50/60Hz ±5%)
* Use terminals L1 and L2 for 115V, or
select any two of the power terminals
for 230V single-phase models
Grounding resistance
less than 0.1
External Fault (NO)
Common Signal
Analog voltage
Analog current
0–20mA; 4–20mA
+10V 10mA
RJ-12 (6P6C)
AC Motor
120VAC/24VDC @5A
230VAC @2.5A
AC Drive Running
RJ-12 Serial Comm Port
1: +17V
2: GND
3: SG4: SG+
5: +5V
Factory default setting
Factory default source of frequency command is via the keypad potentiometer
Page 2–9GS1 Series AC Drives User Manual – 3rd Ed., Rev.B
thoughpermissible, is not reCommended. openingContaCtorsordisConneCtsWhilethedriveis
Warning: WestronglyreCommendthatyoudo not useaContaCtorbetWeenthe aC driveandthe
Please follow the specific power supply requirements shown in
Chapter 1.
2 Fuses
Input fuses protect the AC drive from excessive input current
due to line surges, short circuits, and ground faults. They are
recommended for all installations and may be required for
UL-listed installations.
3 Contactor (Optional)
Do NOT use a contactor or disconnect switch for run/stop control
of the AC drive and motor. This will reduce the operating life
cycle of the AC drive. Cycling a power circuit switching device
while the AC drive is in run mode should be done only in
emergency situations.
4 AC Line Reactor – Input Side (Optional)
Input line reactors protect the AC drive from transient
overvoltage conditions typically caused by utility capacitor
switching. Input line reactors also reduce harmonics associated
with AC drives, and are recommended for all installations.
5 RF Filter (Optional)
RF filters reduce the radio frequency interference or noise on the
input or output side of the inverter.
6 AC Line Reactor – Output Side (Optional)
Output line (load) reactors protect the motor insulation against
AC drive short circuits and IGBT reflective wave damage, and also
“smooth” the motor current waveform, allowing the motor to
run cooler. They are recommended for operating “non-inverter-
duty” motors, and when the length of wiring between the AC
drive and motor exceeds 75ft.
Please refer to Appendix A for specifications on GS1 AC Drive Accessories.
Page 2–10GS1 Series AC Drives User Manual – 3rd Ed., Rev.B
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