Simplicity, Speed, Freedom
Web mapping professionals demand faster innovation, more
flexible development tools, and lower costs. From developing
and designing web-based geographical information system
(GIS) applications to accessing geospatial and engineering
data, Autodesk MapGuide Enterprise helps team members
make better decisions faster.
Select the Best Fit
• MapGuide Open Source delivers a low-
cost tool to help you quickly develop and
deploy web mapping applications. You
benefit from rapid release cycles and the
innovation and collaboration of hundreds
of software developers. MapGuide Open
Source is available at mapguide.osgeo.
org where the Open Source Geospatial
Foundation™ (OSGeo) hosts this
important and award-winning project.
• Autodesk MapGuide Enterprise is the
proprietary version of MapGuide Open
Source. Autodesk subjects the software
to commercial-grade quality assurance
testing and includes formal, dedicated
support. Autodesk MapGuide Enterprise
benefits from open-source innovation
and adds the security and strength of
Autodesk’s reputation for stable, highquality software.
Autodesk MapGuide® Software
Autodesk MapGuide Enterprise helps to maximize
the value of your spatial information while reducing
the cost of circulating it to customers and colleagues
alike. Based on MapGuide Open Source, an active
open-source project, Autodesk MapGuide Enterprise
builds on the rapid innovation of a large community
of developers and oers formal quality assurance
as well.
Easy to Use
Developers use Autodesk MapGuide Enterprise to
publish geospatial data and applications internally,
over the web, or with DWF™ format for oine and
mobile portability. These applications give your
team and your customers a faster and easier way to
view and query crucial spatial information.
Easy for End Users
Autodesk MapGuide Enterprise delivers attractive,
Web .–style interactive maps that give users an
intuitive and helpful way to understand and analyze
spatial information. The software supports Internet
web browsers and oers fast performance and a
straightforward, easy-to-learn interface.
Easy Installation and Deployment
IT administrators appreciate the bundled Apache
web server, PHP, and Java
included with Autodesk MapGuide Enterprise.
The system automatically configures the web and
application servers regardless of programming
environment (.NET, PHP, Java) or web server
(Internet Information Services or Apache).
Flexible Layout Template
design showi ng a map with
capital cities , created using
raster digit al elevation map
and vec tor data from SDF
and Oracle.
, Firefox®, Safari™, and Google™ Chrome
components that are
The Linux
Enterprise includes a precompiled RPM package
manager to help you get up and running quickly.
The single integrated installer for both the
and deployment of Autodesk MapGuide Enterprise
as easy as inserting a CD and clicking Install.
Easy, Flexible Application Development
Choose your development platform (.NET, PHP,
Java) and enjoy a powerful API (application
programming interface) consistent across all three
platforms. The Feature Data Objects (FDO) API
includes more than 150 classes exposing over
1,200 methods for publishing sophisticated GIS
applications, helping developers avoid distracting
data challenges.
Simple Authoring and Web Design
Autodesk MapGuide
authoring tool built for Autodesk MapGuide
Enterprise and MapGuide Open Source, helps
you manage every aspect of preparing maps and
geospatial data for your web application. Create
your application with an intuitive interface, preview
it as you build, upload data files, connect to
databases, and stylize maps—all from the web.
Flexible Web Layout Templates and application
widgets accelerate the development of web
mapping applications created with Autodesk
MapGuide Enterprise. Since design and
development tasks are separated, both nonspatial
web designers and application developers can
quickly build rich web mapping sites. With
access to a growing number of widgets and web
templates, designers can focus on site aesthetics
without writing much code. And developers can
freely focus on building powerful interactive AJAX
(asynchronous JavaScript
edition of Autodesk MapGuide
and Linux versions makes the setup
Studio software, the
and XML) applications.