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How Autodesk MapGuide Works29
How Autodesk MapGuide Components Work Together30
Map Authoring Components31
Autodesk MapGuide Author31
Autodesk MapGuide Data Extensions31
Autodesk MapGuide SDF Loader31
Autodesk MapGuide SDF Component Toolkit32
Autodesk MapGuide Raster Workshop32
Map Viewing Components33
Web Browser33
Autodesk MapGuide Viewer33
Autodesk MapGuide LiteView Extension34
Map Serving Components34
Web Server34
Autodesk MapGuide Server34
Application Development Components35
Client-Side Application Components36
Server-Side Applications38
What Is Autodesk MapGuide Application Development?40
Overall Strategy 41
Phase One: Installation and Testing41
Phase Two: Planning and Design42
Phase Three: Implementation43
Chapter 3Designing Your System45
Planning Your Directory Structure46
Directory Structure Guidelines46
Using Windows NT or Windows 2000 Security48
Using Web Server Security48
Using Autodesk MapGuide Security49
Architecture and Performance51
Which MapAgent to Install51
Using a Remote MapAgent52
Using Multiple Servers53
Additional Performance Considerations57
Choosing a Viewer/Browser Environment59
Chapter 4Assembling and Administering Your Server63
Setting Up Your Server64
Before You Install Autodesk MapGuide Server64
Installing Microsoft Internet Information Server66
Installing a Netscape Web Server66
Testing Your Web Server67
Setting Up the MapAgent67
Installing a Report Engine71
Configuring Autodesk MapGuide Server under a Different Account71
Autodesk MapGuide Server Admin Overview71
Starting and Stopping the Server72
Setting Autodesk MapGuide Server Properties73
iv | Contents
Setting General Server Properties74
Setting Up Your Data Sources74
Managing Your Data Sources75
Managing Server Security76
Access Keys Versus User IDs and Passwords76
Choosing the Best Security Method77
Creating and Modifying Users and Groups78
Assigning Users to the Authors Group79
Creating and Modifying Access Keys80
Restricting Access to Resources81
Taking Data Sources Offline82
Tracking Server Requests83
Log Files83
Usage Reports84
Renaming Log Files85
Rotating the Log Files85
Customizing the Access Log86
Customizing the Map Layer Access Log86
Adding Geocoding Data87
Chapter 5Working with Data in Autodesk MapGuide89
Basic Steps for Working with Data90
Working with Spatial Data90
Map Features91
Creating a Spatial Data File92
Working with Attribute Data93
Linking Attribute Data to SDFs93
Linking Attribute Data to Another Database94
Preparing Attribute Data for Themes94
Setting Up Your Attribute Database95
Zoom Goto Data96
Working with Raster Images97
Raster Image File Formats97
Tiled TIFFs98
Raster Image Catalog Files98
Georeference File Formats100
Exporting from ER Mapper104
Adding Raster Images to Your Map104
Working with Symbols104
Working with Other Types of Spatial Data105
Spatial Data Providers105
VISION* Theme Data105
Contents | v
Chapter 6Planning and Designing Maps109
Planning the Data110
Planning Layers110
Designing the Map112
About Coordinate Systems112
About Coordinate Precision113
Choosing a Coordinate System113
Creating a Design Spreadsheet114
General Guidelines115
Information You Need from Your Autodesk MapGuide Server
Chapter 7Getting Familiar with Autodesk MapGuide Author117
Using the Toolbar123
Setting Preferences125
Opening a Map126
Moving Around on a Map126
Zooming to a Location128
Zooming to a US Street Address or ZIP Code128
Using Bookmarks to Save the Current Map View129
Using the Map Explorer129
Using the Design Tab130
Using the View tab131
Changing the Width of the Map Explorer132
Viewing Map Information132
Measuring Distances133
Selecting Map Features134
Creating Buffers around Map Features135
Printing a Map135
vi | Contents
Chapter 8Creating and Publishing a Map137
Creating a New Map138
Changing the File to Use for New Maps138
Specifying a Coordinate System138
Specifying a Password to Protect a Map139
Creating and Modifying Zoom Goto Location Categories140
Data Source Format for Zoom Goto Location Categories140
The US Street Address Location Category141
Customizing the Popup Menu142
Working with Reports142
Viewing a Report143
Tracking User Access to a Map144
Saving a Map144
Publishing a Map145
Chapter 9Working with Map Layers147
About Map Layers148
Working with Map Layers in the Map Explorer149
Creating a Vector Layer150
Creating a Raster Layer151
Creating a VISION* Theme Layer152
Creating an AutoCAD DWG Layer152
Creating a Layer Group152
Specifying General Properties for Layers153
Specifying Data Source Properties for Layers153
Setting Style Properties for Layers 155
Setting Style Properties for Raster Layers156
Specifying Display Ranges for Layer Styles157
Specifying Map Layer Styles158
Creating Themes163
Specifying Layer Feature Labeling and Overposting163
Specifying Security for Layers164
Modifying Multiple Layers Simultaneously165
Saving a Layer165
Adding a Saved Layer to the Current Map166
Rebuilding a Layer or Layer Group166
Deleting a Layer or Layer Group167
Glossary 169
Index 177
Contents | vii
This chapter provides you with general informa-
tion about Autodesk MapGuide
introduction to the new features in Release 5.
as well as an
In This Chapter
Key features of
Autodesk MapGuide
What’s new in
Release 5?
This chapter also includes an overview of how the
Autodesk MapGuide products work together, what
to do first, and where to go for more information.
This chapter may be helpful to:
All Autodesk MapGuide users
New Autodesk MapGuide users
System requirements
What’s the fastest way
through this book?
Where to get more
Autodesk MapGuide is a suite of products that allows you to create, publish,
and display maps, drawings, designs, schematics, facilities management
plans, and associated attribute data over the Internet, an intranet, or an
extranet. Autodesk MapGuide
create maps, and Autodesk MapGuide
they view the maps on a web site. Autodesk MapGuide
requests from both types of users and provides the data as specified by the
map and as allowed by built-in security settings.
Author users access the data when they
Viewer users access the data when
Server handles
Key Features of Autodesk MapGuide
Autodesk MapGuide Viewer Key Features
Access to live, secured, vector and raster data
Versions available for Microsoft® Windows®, Apple® Macintosh®, and
Familiar browser interface
Full zoom/unzoom/pan functionality, including zooming to specific map
Ability to measure distances between indicated points on a map
Print capability
Note This guide does not include instructions for using Autodesk MapGuide
Viewer. For information about using Autodesk MapGuide Viewer, refer to the
Autodesk MapGuide Viewer Help included with the Viewer and available from the
Autodesk MapGuide documentation page at
10 | Chapter 1Introduction
Autodesk MapGuide Author Key Features
Accurate display of authored maps
Map and resource security control
Style display by scale
Thematic map settings and symbology
Complete layer setup and definition, including support for layer groups
Multiple Document Interface (MDI) support
Global property settings, including projection information and map
Interactive Map Explorer for creating and updating maps, drawings,
designs, and schematics
Full zoom/unzoom/pan functionality, including zooming to specific features
Multiple feature selection by list/radius/polygon
Map bookmarking
Point feature posting
Intelligent map caching
Support for multi-server connection
Buffer zone creation
Arbitrary X,Y coordinate system support for CAD designs, drawings, or
Support for both vector and raster data types, overlaid, georeferenced, or
not georeferenced
Ability to link map features to web applications
Control over map width/scale
Ability to measure distances between indicated points on a map
Ability to copy to Windows Clipboard
Print capability
Key Features of Autodesk MapGuide | 11
Autodesk MapGuide Server Key Features
Integrates easily with existing web sites
Easy to configure and manage
Scalable, multi-threaded architecture
Standard CGI interface for Netscape® Internet servers and Microsoft Internet Information Server
Custom NSAPI interface for Netscape Internet servers
Custom ISAPI interface for Microsoft Internet Information Server
GUI-based Server administration and monitoring utility
Comprehensive access, trace, error, and tracking logs
Built-in security access restriction controls
Support for data extensions, allowing direct access to Oracle8i™ Spatial or
VISION* databases
Serves intelligent, interactive maps and drawings to users who have
installed an Autodesk MapGuide Viewer
Serves non-intelligent maps and drawings without requiring installation
of an Autodesk MapGuide Viewer (requires Autodesk MapGuide LiteView
What’s New in Release 5?
Autodesk MapGuide Release 5 includes the new features described in the following sections. In addition to the changes listed here, Release 5 includes
enhancements to the Autodesk MapGuide Viewer API. For details, refer to the
Autodesk MapGuide Viewer API Help.
Warning After you open and save a map in Autodesk MapGuide Author
Release 5, you cannot open the map in earlier releases of the program. Users of
older Autodesk MapGuide Viewer versions can easily upgrade to Release 5 by
downloading the new Viewer from the following location:
12 | Chapter 1Introduction
What’s New in Autodesk MapGuide Author 5?
Map Explorer and Layer Groups
The new Map Explorer interface is designed to help you author maps with
easy access to layer controls, reports, zoom goto definitions, and frequently
used dialog boxes. You can now organize layers into layer groups, which
appear in the Map Explorer and in the Viewer legend.
Continuous Panning and Zooming
Now, you can click the Pan toolbar button or the Zoom toolbar button just
once, and then pan and zoom repeatedly without needing to click the button
Enhanced Printing
You can now use the entire page for printing a map, and you can control
which elements print on the map. When you print a map, you can include a
title, a legend, the map’s scale, a North arrow, the map’s URL, and the current
date and time. Also, you can specify the scale of the map you want to print,
or you can have Autodesk MapGuide automatically scale the map to fit the
printed page.
Support for Multiline Text and Labels on Maps
Autodesk MapGuide Author now supports multiple lines of text in text map
features and labels. This enhances the readability of the display.
Enhanced Symbol and Text Support
You now have greater control over the display of symbols and text. You can
specify symbol and text sizes in ground units (such as miles) as well as screen
units (such as inches), and you can have symbols with independent heights
and widths. You can also control the symbol size and rotation, as well as the
text alignment by specifying OLE DB table columns that contain these
Custom URL for Viewer Help
If you create help content for your customized Autodesk MapGuide Viewer,
you can have the Viewer’s Help Help Contents command go to the URL
for your help file.
What’s New in Release 5? | 13
What’s New in Autodesk MapGuide Server 5?
Easy Installation
The new Autodesk MapGuide Server installation program eliminates the
manual configuration of your server. Just follow the on-screen instructions
to set up your server.
Support for OLE DB Providers
Autodesk MapGuide Server now serves point and text spatial data from any
OLE DB provider rather than from ODBC data sources. Please note that the
ODBC tab in the Autodesk MapGuide Server Admin Properties dialog box has
been replaced with the Data Sources tab.
Support for Data Extensions
Autodesk MapGuide Server now supports new Data Extensions, which
enable Autodesk MapGuide to serve spatial and attribute data directly from
a variety of traditional GIS, CAD, or relational spatial databases through the
new SDP (spatial data provider) architecture. If you purchase a Data Extension for your specific data type, such as Oracle8i Spatial or VISION*, you do
not need to convert data to SDF format before using it with Autodesk
MapGuide. For information about these and additional forthcoming data
extensions, contact your nearest authorized Autodesk reseller.
Support for Autodesk OnSite
Autodesk MapGuide Server now supports the Autodesk Onsite software,
enabling users of mobile devices to view interactive maps and other data on
handheld computers. For more information, see the Autodesk Onsite documentation.
Support for Autodesk MapGuide LiteView Extension
Autodesk MapGuide Server now supports Autodesk MapGuide LiteView
Extension by serving maps in a raster format so that users are not required to
install an Autodesk MapGuide Viewer. For more information, see the
Autodesk MapGuide LiteView documentation.
14 | Chapter 1Introduction
What’s New in Autodesk MapGuide Viewer 5?
The Autodesk MapGuide Viewer API offers Viewer users the ability to digitize
features or create redline notations on a new spatial data layer. For more
information, see the Autodesk MapGuide Viewer API Help.
Continuous Panning and Zooming
Now, you can click the Pan toolbar button or the Zoom toolbar button just
once, and then pan and zoom repeatedly without needing to click the button
Layer Groups
Layers can now be part of layer groups, which appear in the Viewer legend.
Help Available from the Toolbar
Autodesk MapGuide Viewer now includes a Help button on the toolbar for
quick access to the Autodesk MapGuide Viewer Help or to a customized help
Enhanced Printing
You can now use the entire page for printing a map, and you can control
which elements print on the map. When you print a map, you can include a
title, a legend, the map’s scale, a North arrow, the map’s URL, and the current
date and time. Also, you can specify the scale of the map you want to print,
or you can have Autodesk MapGuide automatically scale the map to fit the
printed page.
Improved API
The Autodesk MapGuide Viewer API has been improved to include full
support for the Autodesk MapGuide Java
line and fill styles, layer groups, and Spatial Data Provider (SDP) layers as well
as printing enhancements. For complete information, refer to the Autodesk
MapGuide Viewer API Help.
edition Viewer, client redlining,
What’s New in Release 5? | 15
System Requirements
Following are the system requirements for using Autodesk MapGuide Server
and Autodesk MapGuide Author.
Autodesk MapGuide Author Requirements
Autodesk MapGuide Author requires the following:
Microsoft Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0, or Windows 2000 Professional
Pentium-based PC
32 MB of RAM
Minimum 20 MB of free hard disk space
Super VGA or better video display
Mouse or compatible pointing device
In addition, we recommend the following:
Web browsers: Netscape Navigator® 4.0 or later or Microsoft Internet
Explorer 4.0 or later
Internet connection, if retrieving data from remote Autodesk MapGuide
Autodesk MapGuide Server Requirements
Autodesk MapGuide Server requires the following:
Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Server with Service Pack 4, 5, or 6, or Microsoft
Windows 2000 Server
Web server: Netscape Enterprise Server 3.5 or later, or Microsoft Internet
Information Server 4.0 or later (included with Windows 2000)
Web browser: Netscape Navigator 4.0 or later, or Microsoft Internet
Explorer 4.0 or later
MDAC 2.1 Service Pack 2 or later (MDAC version 2.5 included with
Autodesk MapGuide Server installation)
Pentium-based PC
128 MB of memory (192 MB if using multiple releases of Autodesk
MapGuide Server on the same computer)
22 MB of free disk space (25 MB plus data files space recommended);
38 MB required during installation
Sufficient disk space for SDF, MWF, and raster image files
VGA or higher resolution video adapter
16 | Chapter 1Introduction
Microsoft mouse or compatible pointing device
OLE DB providers required for access to relational data sources that contain map data
TCP/IP network protocol installed on the Windows NT/2000 computer
(TCP/IP provided on the Windows NT/2000 installation CD)
IP address assigned to the server computer
Autodesk MapGuide Viewer Requirements
The three versions of Autodesk MapGuide Viewer (Plug-In, ActiveX Control,
and Java edition) each require different configurations.
Autodesk MapGuide Plug-In Viewer Requirements
Microsoft Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0, or Windows 2000
Minimum of a 486-based PC with 16 MB of memory
Mouse or compatible pointing device
Web browser: Netscape Navigator 4.0 or later
Autodesk MapGuide ActiveX Control Viewer
Microsoft Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0, or Windows 2000
Minimum of a 486-based PC with 16 MB of memory (24 MB required if
using Windows NT 4.0 or Windows 2000)
Mouse or compatible pointing device
Web browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 or later.
Microsoft Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0, or Windows 2000
Minimum of a 486-based PC with 16 MB of memory (24 MB required
if using Windows NT 4.0 or later and Microsoft Internet Explorer)
Mouse or compatible pointing device
Web browser: Netscape Navigator 4.0 or later, or Microsoft Internet
Explorer 4.0 or later, with MRJ 2.2
System Requirements | 17
Mac® OS 8.5 or 9
Apple Macintosh computer with 32 MB of memory (64 Mb or more recommended)
Web browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.x, with MRJ 2.2 (Microsoft
Internet Explorer 5 not supported)
Sun Solaris™ 2.6
Sun SPARCstation with 64 MB of memory
Web Browser: Netscape Navigator 4.5 or later
What’s the Fastest Way Through This Book?
This guide is designed for all different stages of Autodesk MapGuide development and for different kinds of Autodesk MapGuide users. To determine
which parts of this guide you should read, review the following information.
I’m just getting started with Autodesk MapGuide.
Read the rest of this chapter to determine the types of people you will need
to work on your project and the skills they will need, and where to go for
more information. Then, follow the steps in “Overall Strategy” on page 41
for information about how to set up Autodesk MapGuide and develop applications that interact with it. Depending on your role in Autodesk MapGuide
projects, you can then decide which chapters to read.
I already have Autodesk MapGuide up and running.
If you already have data that you are using, read Chapter 5, “Working with
Data in Autodesk MapGuide,” for information about how to optimize your
data to improve performance. If you want to evaluate how well you have set
up your project, whether to use multiple servers instead of a single server,
and other system design considerations, read Chapter 3, “Designing Your
System.” Finally, read “Where to Get More Information” on page 22 for
information that is beyond the scope of this guide.
I just want to know what tasks to do for my job.
Depending on your role, you will need to perform different tasks from other
people working on the project with you. The scope of implementing
Autodesk MapGuide can vary widely. In some cases, one or two people can
create and post a map. In others, several contributors work together to create
18 | Chapter 1Introduction
an Autodesk MapGuide web site. The following list explains the possible
roles involved in an Autodesk MapGuide implementation and describes the
tasks and skills required of each role.
Note that one person might perform more than one of these roles, or you
might divide the responsibilities of a single role among several people. If you
are a project manager trying to determine whom you need to hire, or a developer trying to determine what training you need, information in this section
can help you plan for your next Autodesk MapGuide implementation.
Data Engineer
The data engineer is responsible for gathering and managing all spatial data
resources, such as vector mapping data and raster images, as well as attribute
data, such as tables of population and other demographic information that
is linked to the spatial data. If you will not be using a data extension to access
VISION*, Oracle8i Spatial, DWG, or SHP data directly, the data engineer
needs to convert vector data from other formats into SDF (spatial data file)
files, uses Autodesk MapGuide
and then provides those files to the server administrator. The data engineer
might use AutoCAD Map to create spatial data, or use Autodesk MapGuide
SDF Loader to convert spatial data from other sources. Data engineers need
to work with the map authors to determine what spatial data is needed for
the maps, and then either create or acquire that data.
Raster Workshop to work with raster images,
Data engineers will find information they need in Chapter 5, “Working with
Data in Autodesk MapGuide” and Chapter 6, “Planning and Designing
If you do not have the expertise to create or convert the data you need, go to for a list of data providers and data
conversion firms.
Map Author
The map author uses the resources provided by the data engineer to create
maps in Autodesk MapGuide Author. Map authors need to be familiar with
coordinate systems and with GIS or CAD in general. They should have a good
understanding of what information to show in the map and how to display
information cartographically. They will work closely with the data engineer
to get the data that they need. They will also work with the server administrator to make sure they are given authoring privileges and have access to the
data through the server.
What’s the Fastest Way Through This Book? | 19
Map authors need to decide the type of maps to deliver:
Unintelligent maps with limited interactivity that do not require a Viewer
installation (requires Autodesk MapGuide LiteView Extension).
Intelligent, highly interactive maps requiring a Viewer installation.
A combination of both types of maps, offering limited maps initially, with
the opportunity to install a Viewer for increased interactivity
Map authors will find information they need in Chapters 5 through 9.
Server Administrator
The server administrator oversees the Autodesk MapGuide Server and the
Windows NT Server or Windows 2000 Server computer on which it runs. This
person is responsible for setting up the server architecture, security (password
access and access keys), network connections, database access, and search
paths for data sources and image files. The server administrator also installs
the web server, Autodesk MapGuide Server, and MapAgent software, as well
as OLE DB providers, geocoding data and, in some cases, Allaire ColdFusion
and/or Active Server PagesÔ (ASP). Server Administrators need to maintain
the Autodesk MapGuide Server using Autodesk MapGuide Server Admin.
Server administrators will find information they need in Chapters 2, 3, and 4.
Webmast er
The webmaster is responsible for all web site content, including HTMLembedded maps. Webmasters need to be able to build and maintain a web
site. The webmaster will work with the application developer when creating
a map-enabled web site that extends the functionality of Autodesk
MapGuide Viewer. Webmasters will find information they need in
“Publishing a Map” on page 145.
Application Developer
The application developer uses programming skills to build custom Autodesk
MapGuide Viewer applications and server-side scripts and reports. Application developers need to be able to perform the following tasks:
Create HTML pages with embedded JavaÔ, JavaScript, JScript, or VBScript
code that accesses the objects of the Autodesk MapGuide Viewer API. For
example, you might create an HTML form containing a button that turns
a layer on and off, or a drop-down list that selects map features.
Create custom reports with ColdFusion, Active Server Pages, or another
third-party application.
In some cases, create server-side applications with Autodesk MapGuide
SDF Component Toolkit. A server-side application created with the SDF
20 | Chapter 1Introduction
Component Toolkit can dynamically update SDF files posted on an
Autodesk MapGuide Server. For example, you could create an application
that lets users add polygon lot lines to a map from their local browser.
Application developers should be very familiar with Autodesk MapGuide and
will find information they need in Chapter 2, “Understanding Autodesk
MapGuide,” Chapter 3, “Designing Your System,” (with particular attention
to “Choosing a Viewer/Browser Environment” on page 59), and in the
Autodesk MapGuide Developer’s Guide.
You can download the Autodesk MapGuide Developer’s Guide free of charge, or
you can order the printed copy from the product documentation page at:
Conventions Used in This Manual
The following table describes conventions used in this manual.
This word or phrase...Indicates this...
Choose Edit PropertiesClick the Edit menu, and then choose Properties from
the Edit menu. If three levels of menus are shown, it
means that there is a secondary or submenu.
For example, the text:
Click Start
indicates that when you click the Settings menu item in
the Start menu, a submenu appears, from which you
choose Control Panel.
the <Netscape
name>\config directory
ClickPress and release the left-hand or primary mouse but-
Right-clickPress and release the right or secondary mouse button.
DragHold down the mouse button while you move the
Text in italics indicates directories, file names, URLs
(web addresses), and keys in the Windows Registry.
Settings Control Panel
What’s the Fastest Way Through This Book? | 21
Online Help Index
Where to Get More Information
Note When you see text in the left margin of this guide with the heading “Help
Index” as shown to the left of this paragraph, this indicates that there is additional, related information in the Autodesk MapGuide Help, which is available
when you choose Help Contents and click the Index tab in either Autodesk
MapGuide Author or Autodesk MapGuide Server Admin.
In addition to this guide, there are a number of helpful resources, both
printed and online.
Autodesk MapGuide Documentation
Following is a list of all of the guides and help systems available with
Autodesk MapGuide. To view or download any of these documents, go to
Autodesk MapGuide Help
This help system provided with Autodesk MapGuide Author and Autodesk
MapGuide Server includes general information about using Autodesk
MapGuide products, specific step-by-step procedures, and reference information. You can access the help by choosing Help Contents, by clicking the
Help button on the toolbar, or by clicking the Help button in any Autodesk
MapGuide Author or Autodesk MapGuide Server Admin dialog box.
Autodesk MapGuide Viewer API Help
This help system contains references to the objects, properties, methods, and
events of the Autodesk MapGuide Viewer API. The API Help highlights differences between the three versions of the Viewer (ActiveX Control, Plug-In,
Java edition), and it contains conceptual information about Viewer scripting
Autodesk MapGuide SDF Loader Help
This help system documents the Autodesk MapGuide SDF Loader commandline utility. It contains conceptual and reference information about SDF files,
including parameters for converting from specific formats.
22 | Chapter 1Introduction
Autodesk MapGuide SDF Component Toolkit Help
This help system is provided with Autodesk MapGuide SDF Component
Toolkit. The SDF Component Object Model is of interest to advanced application developers, who will want to refer to the list of objects, properties, and
Autodesk MapGuide Raster Workshop Help
This help system is provided with Autodesk MapGuide Raster Workshop. It
provides overall information as well as detailed descriptions of how to use
the Raster Workshop to convert images to TIFF and tiled TIFF format, create
raster image catalogs, and more.
Autodesk MapGuide Viewer Help
This help system is provided with Autodesk MapGuide Viewer. It includes
information about using Autodesk MapGuide Viewer but does not include
information for developers. You can also get a Microsoft Word version
(MGViewerHelp.doc) of the Autodesk MapGuide Viewer Help from the
root level of the Autodesk MapGuide Author and Viewer CD. The
MGViewerHelp.doc file is useful if you want to print the entire help
contents for Viewer users.
Autodesk MapGuide User’s Guide
This guide is included with Autodesk MapGuide Author and Autodesk
MapGuide Server. You can install a copy of this guide in Adobe Acrobat
(.PDF) format when you install Autodesk MapGuide Author or Autodesk
MapGuide Author. To view the guide in PDF format, you need to install
Adobe Acrobat Reader, which is available on the Autodesk MapGuide Author
and Autodesk MapGuide Server CDs in the following location:
\Acrobat Reader\Acrd4enu.exe
Autodesk MapGuide Developer’s Guide
This guide, available for purchase or for download from the Autodesk
MapGuide web site, includes information about developing Autodesk
MapGuide applications.
Where to Get More Information | 23
Autodesk MapGuide ReadMe File
The ReadMe file for all of the Autodesk MapGuide products includes a list of
installed files and directories for each of the Autodesk MapGuide products.
Third-Party Documentation
Many excellent third-party books are available. Your tastes may vary, but here
are some that we found useful:
Cold Fusion Web Application Construction Kit, by Ben Forta et al. (Que Corporation)
Programming Active Server Pages, by Scot Hillier and Daniel Mezick
(Microsoft Press)
HTML Sourcebook, 4th Edition, by Ian S. Graham (John Wiley & Sons, Inc.)
JavaScript: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition, by David Flanagan (O’Reilly
and Associates)
Java in a Nutshell, 2nd Edition, by David Flanagan (O’Reilly and Associates)
Additionally, there are many books that discuss GIS, its history, and its applications. Because these books vary in scope, quality, and price, you should
take the time to browse through them in your bookstore and select the one
that suits your needs. One title you might try is Principles of Geographical Information Systems by Peter A. Burrough and Rachael A. McDonnell (Oxford
University Press).
Autodesk MapGuide Web Site
To get late-breaking information about the Autodesk MapGuide products, or
for links to technical notes and white papers that discuss various topics, go
to the Autodesk MapGuide web site (
There is also a link to the online Autodesk MapGuide demos, which walk you
through the process of using sample applications. Many of the demos use
JavaScript to access the Viewer API; you might find it useful to view the
HTML source used in these examples.
Tip From Autodesk MapGuide Author, you can go directly to the Autodesk
MapGuide web site by choosing Help Autodesk MapGuide Web Site.
24 | Chapter 1Introduction
Online Discussion Groups
The Autodesk online discussion groups, located at, are open forums for Autodesk customers,
partners, or anyone with an interest in Autodesk’s products. You can post
information or questions, answer other members’ questions, or just browse
messages to gather information and learn tips and tricks from other users.
Your questions will be answered by other discussion group members or
Autodesk staff
For best results when posting a question, please be sure to provide as much
information about the situation as possible. This includes your hardware
configuration (how many servers, how much RAM, etc.), your operating
system, the release number of the specific product, what steps you took
immediately prior to the problem, the exact error message that was
displayed, and any other information that would help us to understand the
issue. Providing this information will improve our ability to answer your
question immediately.
Autodesk Developer Network
Autodesk Developer Network (ADN) is a developer-support organization that
provides its members with services including the following:
A quarterly CD containing Autodesk products, documentation, and
sample code
Technical training
Direct, comprehensive technical support
Marketing support
Developer consulting services
Access to private newsgroups
ADN membership is open to experienced professional software developers
who develop products and services that interface or integrate with Autodesk
products. For more information about membership requirements and fees,
go to the Autodesk developers web site at:
Where to Get More Information | 25
Understanding Autodesk
This chapter includes an overview of the Autodesk
MapGuide product suite, as well as information
about planning a strategy for using the Autodesk
MapGuide products.
This chapter may be especially helpful to:
Server administrators
Application developers
New Autodesk MapGuide users
In This Chapter
What is Autodesk
How Autodesk
components work
Map authoring
Map viewing
Map serving
What is Autodesk
Overall strategy
What Is Autodesk MapGuide?
Before you use Autodesk MapGuide, you need to understand some basic
concepts, how to use the Autodesk MapGuide product suite as a whole, and
how to access your Autodesk MapGuide Server and data resources.
Autodesk MapGuide is a geographic information system (GIS). Unlike a
typical map or drawing, which shows only spatial data such as roads, cities,
and country borders, a GIS links attribute data such as population statistics
to the spatial data. This link between the map data and the attribute data
makes a GIS very powerful, because it allows you to use data in a whole new
For example, you could create a map of restaurants that allows users to zoom
in to an area of interest, click a restaurant, and then view that restaurant’s
menu, pricing information, phone number, and address. Or you could create
a map of all power transformers in an area, so that your technicians could
quickly generate a report of all customers affected by a particular transformer
when it goes out of service. You could also create a facilities map of your
company, including information about personnel in each office, such as telephone extension, title, department, and so on.
Keep in mind that when you use Autodesk MapGuide, you are not limited to
using geographically projected maps—you can also use drawings, floor plans,
schematics, or others kinds of spatial data.
Understanding Layers
A key feature of Autodesk MapGuide is the use of layers. Layers are like separate transparent sheets on which different spatial data is drawn. By separating data into different layers, you can work with your data more efficiently. For example, if you have a map displaying roads, rivers, and parks,
you could organize the map into three layers for each of these types of
features. Then, when you want to change the color of all of the rivers to blue,
you would change the color for the rivers layer. This would redraw all of the
rivers in blue, without affecting the colors of the parks and roads, which are
on separate layers.
Layers are also useful for your users when they want to select specific data.
For example, if you have highways and streets on individual map layers that
overlap, and the user wants to select a highway, users can turn off the streets
layer so that they can more easily select the highway without accidentally
clicking a street instead.
28 | Chapter 2Understanding Autodesk MapGuide
How Autodesk MapGuide Works
To create an interactive map or drawing, you use Autodesk MapGuide Author
to combine resource data, such as spatial data (spatial data files and raster
image files), and attribute data (from databases) in a map window file (MWF).
The MWF contains the complete specifications of how the map will look and
To publish the map, you copy the MWF file to a location where the web
server can access it. Web page authors can then embed the file in their web
pages or create links to it. To view the map, users can install Autodesk
MapGuide Viewer free of charge. When the user opens a web page that
contains an MWF file or clicks a link to an MWF file, the web browser automatically loads Autodesk MapGuide Viewer to display the map. The Viewer
displays the map according to the MWF settings specified in Autodesk
MapGuide Author.
A map displayed with Autodesk MapGuide Viewer
When you use either Autodesk MapGuide Author to create a map or
Autodesk MapGuide Viewer to view a map, requests are made to Autodesk
MapGuide Server to provide the required data in that map via the Internet,
an intranet, or an extranet using the services of a web server and a web
What Is Autodesk MapGuide? | 29
How Autodesk MapGuide Components Work
To g e t h e r
The following diagram provides an overview of how the Autodesk MapGuide
products work together.
Data Servers
Any Browser
Autodesk MapGuide
LiteView Extension
Autodesk OnSite
Autodesk OnSite
SDF Loader
(Autodesk MapGuide Server/Web Server)
Data Extensions
Autodesk MapGuide
30 | Chapter 2Understanding Autodesk MapGuide
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