Clever Features, Contractor Friendly
8 Channel Mic/Line Mixer
Operating Manual
TX8000, 8 Channel Mic/Line Mixer
Product Description
The TX8000 is a single rack height, 8 channel mixer suitable for desk or 19” rack mounting. Inputs 1-6 are
dual balanced microphone/auxiliary inputs while inputs 7-8 are balanced microphone inputs only. Each
input channel has individual gain, trim, bass & treble controls. The TX8000 has a separate master output
level control. The TX8000 will operate from 115 VAC 60 Hz or 24 VDC & also features a remote VCA for
the Master Volume.

Front Panel Features
Input Level Controls
The 6 dual mic/line input controls are marked Ch 1 through Ch 8 and should be adjusted to provide the
required mix level for each individual channel. Start with the controls set to level 0 and turn the controls
slowly clockwise until the desired mix for each channel is obtained. Each of the inputs is also equipped
with an input sensitivity control which is located on the input PCB of the TX8000. Please refer to the
‘Other Internal Adjustments’ section of this manual for full details on this important feature.
Bass Control
Each channel has a recessed, screwdriver adjustable Bass control which forms part of a 2 band equalisation
system for each input. The Bass control allows the user to increase or decrease the amount of bass for that
particular input. The control allows for 12dB of cut or boost at 100Hz. If no bass cut or boost is required,
the control should be left in the centre (0) position.
Treble Control
Each channel has a recessed, screwdriver adjustable Treble control which forms part of a 2 band
equalisation system for each input. The Treble control allows the user to increase or decrease the amount of
treble for that particular input. The control allows for 9dB of cut or boost at 10kHz. Generally, a small
increase of the treble control makes a system sound ‘brighter’. If no treble cut or boost is required, the
control should be left in the centre (0) position.
Master Control
The master control sets the overall output level of the TX8000. It is used in conjunction with the input level
controls. When setting up levels, please ensure that proper gain structure practices are followed. In other
words, it is not advisable to run the input channels at 10 and the output level at 1. Instead, aim to keep all of
the input controls and the master control at around the same level.
Headphone Output Socket
A 1/4” (6.35mm) socket is provided for the connection of monitor headphones. The output level to the
headphones is a nominal 3.5 volts @ 600 ohms and is connected before the master output level control so
adjusting the output level control will not effect the headphone output level.
Power Switch & “On” LED
The black rocker switch on the right hand side of the front panel is used to switch the mixer on and off. The
‘up’ position is on. When the amplifier is connected to an appropriate AC power source and is switched on,
the blue “on” LED (located on the left side of the LED display) will illuminate.
LED Display VU Meter
The first LED indicates whether the unit is switched on. The remainder of the LED display is set in decibel
graduations from -21 dB to +3 dB and indicates the level at the output of the mixer. For normal operation
the LED’s should glow green and modulate with level variations from the input program. If the LED’s are

consistently indicating red, then the mixer is being overdriven which will result in distortion. Avoid
operating the mixer with the red LED’s illuminated.
Rear Panel Features
AC Power Inlet
The 3 pin IEC power inlet is located on the left side of the rear panel and accepts a standard mains power
lead fitted with an IEC connector. The operating voltage is 115 VAC @ 60 Hz. The AC power voltage is
not externally user adjustable but is factory preset. The inlet is equipped with an inbuilt AC fuse holder
fitted with a 125 mA slow blow fuse plus one spare. Power consumption is 7 VA.
Please ensure that the mains power cord is disconnected before attempting to check or
replace this fuse.
24 Volt DC Power Source Connection
Located to the top right of the IEC power inlet is a 2.1mm DC power socket which provides for the
connection of an external 24 VDC battery. This is ideal for systems where battery backup is required or for
applications where mains power is not available. The centre terminal post or pin is for connection to the
positive (+) terminal. The sleeve is for connection to the negative (-) terminal. The maximum DC current
drain is 350 mA
Euro Block Connector
The 7 pin euro connector located on the rear panel allows for the connection of an optional tone module.
The ATC5488 tone module is equipped with 4 tones and a common. The optional module would normally
be fitted inside the mixer with the activation wires and common all connected to the internal header for
easy external activation via switches or third party timers. The euro connector is not connected internally
when supplied from the factory.
Output Connector
The rear panel of the TX8000 includes a male XLR output connector. The output is an active balanced
isolated output for connection to a power amplifier. The maximum output is 1.5V RMS. Pin connections
are Pin 1 = Earth. Pin 2 = Active Positive (+). Pin 3 = Active Negative (-). Note: If an unbalanced output
is required, use a 600 Ohm matching transformer or use only Pin 2 and Earth. Do not short any of the
active outputs to earth.
Tape Output
Two RCA output connectors are included on the rear panel. These provide a line level record output from
the mixer. The tape output provides a maximum of 700mV into 10K ohms making it ideal for connection
to most standard tape recorders. This output is sourced before the master gain control and as such the tape
output level is not influenced by the operation of the master gain control.
Microphone Inputs
The TX8000 includes eight female XLR inputs which accept 200 ohm balanced or unbalanced
microphones. An internal trim control is provided for each input (see the ‘Other Internal Adjustments’
section of this manual). Pin connections are Pin 1 = Earth. Pin 2 = Active Positive (+). Pin 3 = Active
Negative (-). Phantom power of +18v DC (internally defeatable) is provided.