Clever Features, Contractor Friendly
6 Channel Mic/Line Mixer
Operating Manual
TX6000, 6 Channel Mic/Line Mixer
Product Description
The TX6000 is a 6 channel audio mixer that operates from 115 VAC @ 60 Hz or 24 VDC via an external
battery supply. The TX6000 is 1 standard rack unit high (44mm) and has a standard rack width of 482mm.
For table mounting, rubber feet are supplied but these can be removed if rack mounting is intended. Six
dual purpose inputs consisting of XLR balanced mic inputs and dual RCA aux/line level inputs are
included. Channel 6 has a less sensitive aux/line level input to enable it to accept a CD player or similar
high level inputs. The TX6000 also features a remote VCA for the Master Volume.

Front Panel Features
Input Level Controls
The 6 dual mic/line input controls are marked Ch 1 through Ch 6 and should be adjusted to provide the
required mix level for each individual channel. Start with the controls set to level 0 and turn the controls
slowly clockwise until the desired mix for each channel is obtained.
Bass Control
The Bass control is part of a 2 band equalisation system within the TX6000. The Bass control allows the
user to increase or decrease the amount of bass in the system. The control allows for 12dB of cut or boost at
100Hz. If no bass cut or boost is required, the control should be left in the centre (0) position.
Treble Control
The Treble control is part of a 2 band equalisation system within the TX6000. The Treble control allows
the user to increase or decrease the amount of treble in the system. The control allows for 9dB of cut or
boost at 10kHz. Generally, a small increase of the treble control makes a system sound ‘brighter’. If no
treble cut or boost is required, the control should be left in the centre (0) position.
Master Control
The master control sets the overall output level of the TX6000. It is used in conjunction with the input level
controls. When setting up levels, please ensure that proper gain structure practices are followed. In other
words, it is not advisable to run the input channels at 10 and the output level at 1. Instead, aim to keep all of
the input controls and the master control at around the same level.
Headphone Output Socket
A 1/4” (6.35mm) socket is provided for the connection of monitor headphones. The output level to the
headphones is a nominal 3.5 volts @ 600 ohms and is connected before the master output level control so
adjusting the output level control will not effect the headphone output level.
Power Switch & “On” LED
The black rocker switch on the right hand side of the front panel is used to switch the mixer on and off. The
‘up’ position is on. When the amplifier is connected to an appropriate AC power source and is switched on,
the blue “on” LED (located on the left side of the LED display) will illuminate.
LED Display VU Meter
The first LED indicates whether the unit is switched on. The remainder of the LED display is set in decibel
graduations from -21 dB to +3 dB and indicates the level at the output of the mixer. For normal operation
the LED’s should glow green and modulate with level variations from the input program. If the LED’s are
consistently indicating red, then the mixer is being overdriven which will result in distortion. Avoid
operating the mixer with the red LED’s illuminated.