60W, 4 Channel Mixer Amplifier
The ACM60 is a 4 channel, 60 watt mixer amplifier suitable for rack or desk mounting. The
amplifier is a self contained compact unit of solid steel construction.
The ACM60 has four universal input channels with separate level controls. Each channel will
accept balanced or unbalanced microphone, line and auxiliary inputs. The unit has industry
standard XLR microphone sockets and dual RCA auxiliary sockets for each channel. Line input
4 has a lower input sensitivity and is suitable for high level CD players.
The ACM60 features 100 volt, 70 volt and 8 ohm isolated transformer outputs, plus a tape
recorder output by means of dual RCA sockets. A balanced 700mV XLR output is also provid-
ed to feed up to 6 power amplifiers.
Speaker Zone Selector
A six position push button speaker zone selector with overriding “all call” is located on the
front panel. Each of the six zone selectors switch the 100 volt speaker line output to 6 sepa-
rate speaker zones. The “all call” selector overrides all 6 zones regardless of their on/off con-
dition and places the 100 volt output to all 6 zones.
Tone Generator
The ACM60 comes standard with an in-built four tone generator module. Tones include Bell,
Pre-announce Chime, Alert Tone (AS2220.1) and Evacuate Tone (AS2220.1). Any of these
tones may be activated from a simple contact closure connected to the rear panel of the ampli-
fier. A Pre-announce defeat switch is located on the front panel.
VOX muting is standard on the ACM60. A mic or line signal on channels 1 or 2 will mute chan-
nels 3 and 4. The muting function can be disabled via an internal link.
Phantom Power
Phantom Power (18V DC) is available from all mic inputs. A rear panel phantom power on/off
switch is also provided.
Internal current limiting protects the amplifier from both overload and overdrive conditions.
Australian Monitor Installation Series amplifiers feature a protection network that provides
greater stability and performance. Our amplifiers are recognised
worldwide for their reliability and this is due to the extensive levels of
current limiting which protect the amplifiers from both overload and
overdrive conditions.

Power Output 60 Watts RMS
Maximum Load 160 Ohms @ 100 Volts
Power Bandwidth 60Hz - 15kHz < O.5% THD
Frequency Response 60Hz - 15kHz (± 3dB)
Total Harmonic Distortion 0.5% @ 1 KHz rated power
Signal To Noise Ratio -74dB with all controls at their centre position
Tone Controls Bass @ 100Hz: Boost +12dB Cut -12dB; Treble @ 10kHz: Boost +9dB Cut -9dB
Inputs Four mic/aux universal inputs with XLR female mic sockets and
dual RCA aux sockets
Input Sensitivity Mic: 1mV @ 200 Ohms; Aux 1-3: 75mV @ 47K Ohms; Aux 4: 300mV @ 47K Ohms
Outputs Speaker: 100, 70 Volts, 8 Ohms; Tape: 350mV @ 10K Ohms; Line: Balanced 700mV
Phantom Power 18 Volts DC on all Mic inputs (rear panel on/off switch)
Speaker Zone Selection Speaker zone selector, switches 100V line output to 6 separate zones.
An ”all call“ switch overrides alI zones.
Controls 4 Input channel gain controls, 1 Bass control, 1 Treble control,
1 Master gain control, 6 Speaker zone selector, 1 Speaker ”all call“ selector,
Pre-announce defeat switch, Phantom Power on/off switch (on rear panel)
Indicators Power ”on“ LED
Power Source AC 230/240V - 60Hz, 110V - 50Hz (special) 3 pin IEC connector
Power Consumption 125 Watts
Protection Soft limiter for overload and overdrive protection, plus AC and DC fuses
Dimensions/Weight 88mm H x 480mm W x 330mm D (Chassis Dimensions only). 10kg
Rack Mounting Standard
Tone Generators Built-in four tone generator module.
Includes Bell, Pre-Announce, Alert and Evac tones
Muting Built-in VOX muting. Channels 1 and 2 will mute channels 3 and 4.
The mixer amplifier shall have four universal input channels, each comprising of a balanced microphone
input with XLR female sockets and an auxiliary input using dual RCA sockets. The 100 volt line speak-
er outputs should be able to be switched via a six position selector with ”all call.” A balanced XLR out-
put to drive additional power amplifiers shall also be provided.
The amplifier master section shall include one master gain control, two EQ controls, one with 12dB of
cut and boost at 100Hz and the other with 9dB of cut and boost at 10kHz. Speaker outputs shall be
transformer isolated at 100 volt, 70 volt and 8 ohms. The amplifier must be capable of delivering
60 watts RMS into an 160 ohm inductive load, with less than 0.5% distortion measured at 1kHz and with
system hum and noise less than -74dB.
The amplifier shall be an Australian Monitor Installation Series model ACM60.
Engineered and Distributed By AUDIO TELEX COMMUNICATIONS PTY LTD (ABN 78 001 345 482), 149 Beaconsfield Street, Silverwater, Sydney, NSW, 2128 Australia
NSW Tel: (02) 9647 1411 Fax: (02) 9648 3698 VIC Tel: (03) 9890 7477 Fax: (03) 9890 7977 QLD Tel: (07) 3852 1312 Fax: (07) 3252 1237 WA Tel: (08) 9228 4222 Fax: (08) 9228 4233
TAS Tel: (03) 6228 6373 Fax: (03) 6278 1063 SA Tel: (08) 8352 4444 Fax: (08) 8352 4488 Export Enquiries: export@audiotelex.com.au
Website: www.australianmonitor.com.au