Bifunctional central heating (CH)
or domestic hot water (DHW) pump controller
Can be used as a CH pump controller.
Pumping of water is not recommended when the flame is extinguished
because the air draft into the chimney causes faster cooling of the water
in the boiler faster than in the radiators.
The optimum temperature can be set on the controller's display (most
often 40 °C).
In a CH system with a gas boiler, the temperature set on the controller
must be lower than the temperature set on the CH boiler. If the
temperature is set on the controller above the dew point, it prevents
condensation in the boiler during the heating of the water in the
CH system.
AURATON S08 can be used for automatically switching on and off
circulation pumps depending on the temperature. The controller-pump
assembly forces the water to circulate in the central heating system with a
coal-fired boiler or a gas boiler. The controller's sensor measures the
temperature of the water on the supply side of the CH system. In a CH
system with a coal-fired boiler, the controller switches off the circulation
pump after the flame in the boiler is extinguished.
The range of settings for the CH pumps is from 20 °C to 90 °C.
Can be used as a DHW pump controller.
In domestic hot water (DHW) systems, the controller-pump assembly
forces circulation of water in DHW systems with coal-fired and gas-fired
boilers without systems controlling the operation of the pump.
The controller’s sensor measures the water temperature in the HDW
AURATON S08 can be used for automatically switching on and off
circulation pumps depending on the temperature.
The range of settings for the HDW pumps is from 20 °C to 90 °C.
The hysteresis (the difference between the switch on temperature and
the shut down temperature) can be set in the range of 2 to 8 °C.
In HDW systems, the controller maintains constant temperature of water
in the tank or in the HDW circuit.
Mounting the sensor:
ź Then install the sensor on an uncovered outlet pipe connected to the
CH boiler (as close to the boiler as possible).
ź Press the sensor against the tube using a clamp.
Operation in the CH mode.
ź It is recommended to wrap the boiler pipe from the boiler to the
sensor with an insulation material.
ź Connect the brown conductor (phase conductor) to the (L) terminal.
ź Connect the yellow or yellow-green conductor (ground or protective
neutral grounding) to the ( ) terminal.#
ź After the wires have been secured to prevent accidental pulling,
connect the power supply cable to a 230 V/50 Hz power outlet.
Connecting the controller:
NOTE: The sensor must not be immersed in liquids or installed at
flue gas outlets to the stack.
Mounting the controller:
ź Connect the blue conductor (zero conductor) to the (N) terminal.
ź The controller must be mounted on a wall or another support using
two screws (the concrete anchors with screws are delivered with the
ź If a coal-fired boiler and a gas-fired boiler work in the same CH
system, the sensor should be installed in a location where the two
outlets merge and must be insulated.
Operation in the DHW mode.
Connecting the power supply cable to the pump:
ź Install the sensor in the HDW tank.
ź The cables extending from the controller must be fixed to the wall.