Auralog Tell me More - Education 7.0 - Tutor Tools User Guide

TELL ME MORE® Education
Tutor Tools
User Guide
Copyright 2003 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved
TELL ME MORE® Education
Tutor Tools
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................................... 4
Documentation ..........................................................................................................................................................4
DISCOVER TUTOR TOOLS..........................................................................................................................................5
O RUN TUTOR TOOLS ....................................................................................................................................................5
O NAVIGATE WITHIN TUTOR TOOLS ..............................................................................................................................5
The TUTOR folder.....................................................................................................................................................6
The STUDENT folder ................................................................................................................................................7
The TOOLS folder .....................................................................................................................................................7
THE TUTOR FOLDER ...................................................................................................................................................8
NBOX .............................................................................................................................................................................8
To access the Inbox ...................................................................................................................................................8
To read and reply to messages ..................................................................................................................................8
To transfer a message to another Tutor.....................................................................................................................9
To remove a message.................................................................................................................................................9
END A MESSAGE ..........................................................................................................................................................10
To select the recipient(s) of the message .................................................................................................................10
To type and send the message..................................................................................................................................11
AILBOX HISTORY........................................................................................................................................................ 12
To view the messages...............................................................................................................................................12
To reply again to a message....................................................................................................................................12
To transfer a message to another Tutor...................................................................................................................12
To remove a message...............................................................................................................................................13
THE STUDENT FOLDER.............................................................................................................................................14
O OPEN A STUDENT FOLDER ........................................................................................................................................14
From a message in the Inbox of the Tutor folder.....................................................................................................14
From the student database ......................................................................................................................................14
TUDENT FILE ............................................................................................................................................................... 15
The Information tab.................................................................................................................................................15
The Options tab .......................................................................................................................................................15
The Paths tab...........................................................................................................................................................16
TUDENT TRACKING...................................................................................................................................................... 18
To view the results by Overview or study session....................................................................................................18
To view the detailed tracking...................................................................................................................................20
UDIO RECORDINGS...................................................................................................................................................... 23
EPLY TO STUDENT/SEND A MESSAGE ..........................................................................................................................24
To write a reply to a student’s message...................................................................................................................24
To attach a file.........................................................................................................................................................24
ISTORY .......................................................................................................................................................................26
To add a comment ...................................................................................................................................................26
To delete a comment................................................................................................................................................27
THE TOOLS FOLDER..................................................................................................................................................28
EARNING PATHS..........................................................................................................................................................28
To open a Learning Path.........................................................................................................................................28
To create a Learning Path.......................................................................................................................................29
To transfer a Learning Path from a folder to students ............................................................................................34
To save a Learning Path..........................................................................................................................................34
To transfer a Learning Path from one folder to another .........................................................................................35
To export/import a Learning Path...........................................................................................................................35
To modify a Learning Path......................................................................................................................................35
PTIONS MANAGER ......................................................................................................................................................37
To open an options file ............................................................................................................................................37
To create an options file ..........................................................................................................................................37
To save an options file.............................................................................................................................................40
Copyright 2003 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved 2
TELL ME MORE® Education
To transfer an options file from a folder to students ...............................................................................................40
O PRINT THE LINGUISTIC AND PEDAGOGICAL CONTENT ............................................................................................... 41
To add a selection....................................................................................................................................................41
To define the print options.......................................................................................................................................45
To print selections ...................................................................................................................................................47
To save or open selections files ...............................................................................................................................47
To modify, move or remove a selection ...................................................................................................................47
Important information concerning printing of documents.......................................................................................47
TECHNICAL SUPPORT...............................................................................................................................................48
Tutor Tools
Copyright 2003 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved 3
TELL ME MORE® Education
Tutor Tools


Tutor Tools enables Tutors to:
§ communicate with students (answer their questions, send Learning Paths, results, files, etc.);
§ analyse students’ work;
§ create, if they have the access rights, Learning Paths (personalised language-learning units in TELL ME
§ modify each student’s TELL ME MORE
§ print the linguistic and pedagogical content of TELL ME MORE
Various documents (*.pdf format) which explain how to work with Tutor Tools are accessible through the Help menu:
§ the Tutor Tools user guide;
§ the Pedagogical Handbook;
§ the Pedagogical content of TELL ME MORE
Education Educational Path descriptions;
user options;
Copyright 2003 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved 4
TELL ME MORE® Education
Tutor Tools


To run Tutor Tools

Ø Go into the Start menu.
Ø Select Programs.
Ø Select the program group TELL ME MORE
Ø Enter your user name and password defined during the creation of your account in Admin Tools (the allocation of
a password is optional).
Ø Confirm by clicking on the green tick.
Education\Applications, then Tutor Tools.

To navigate within Tutor Tools

Tutor Tools comprises three folders: Tutor, Student and Tools.
The Student folder is not available directly when the program opens. You must select a student to open this folder. To know more about this, refer to the To select a student section.
Note: If the mailbox was not activated during installation, the Tutor folder is not available.
To select a student
Click on the icon Access student account in the toolbar.
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TELL ME MORE® Education
To find a student in the database, you can define your selection criteria using the filter which allows you to search according to:
§ student group;
§ language group;
§ ID, surname or name.
Tutor Tools
Ø Select the student from the list and confirm by clicking on the green tick. The Student folder is inserted into the
folder menu between the Tutor and Tools folders.
To select one of the three folders, you can either:
§ Click on the heading in the folder menu: the selected folder displays all the different functions it carries out.
§ Click on the corresponding icon: Tutor
§ Click on the Folder menu and select the sub-menu Tutor, Student or Tools.
A menu summarising the contents of the selected function will be inserted into the menu bar.
, Student or Tools .
The TUTOR folder
Remember! The mailbox must be activated in order to be able to access this folder.
The Tutor folder contains three functions:
Ø Inbox This function allows you to view student messages.
Ø Send a message This function enables you to send messages to students.
Ø Mailbox history
You can view all messages sent and received using this function.
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TELL ME MORE® Education
Tutor Tools
The STUDENT folder
Remember! To open the Student folder, you must first access a student account or reply to a student’s message from the Tutor Inbox. To select a student, refer to the introduction of the To navigate within Tutor Tools section.
This folder contains five functions:
Ø Student file This function allows you to view student information and the student’s TELL ME MORE user options.
Ø Student tracking This function enables you to view a student’s results according to various criteria (i.e. lesson, activity, date lesson was accessed). This function only appears if the student has already used
Ø Audio recordings
This feature enables you to listen to a student’s audio recordings (for the Dialogue and Pronunciation activities). This feature is deactivated by default, but can be activated in the Options tab of the Student file.
Ø Reply to student This function enables you to write a reply to a student’s message. If the Student folder has been opened (using the icon Access student account), this function is entitled Send a message.
Ø History
This function allows you to view:
- all messages exchanged with a student;
- Tutor comments.
The TOOLS folder
Remember! All these functions are optional and are only accessible if you have the corresponding access rights (defined beforehand by the Administrator in Admin Tools).
This folder contains three functions:
Ø Learning Paths This function enables you to create and modify Learning Paths.
Ø Options Manager This function allows you to create options files, which can then be transferred to students.
Ø Content Printout
You can print TELL ME MORE
’s linguistic and pedagogical content using this function.
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TELL ME MORE® Education


This folder allows you to organise all messages sent and received. You can:
§ receive messages sent by your students and reply to them;
§ send a message to one or more students at the same time;
§ view the mailbox history.


To access the Inbox
Ø Click on the Tutor folder and select the function Inbox.
You can view:
§ the name of the person who sent the message;
§ any attachments;
§ the flag corresponding to the student’s lesson language;
§ the Lesson Family concerned;
§ the date the mail was sent and received.
Tutor Tools
You can classify your messages according to either the sender, date sent or date received, by clicking on the column headings.
To read and reply to messages
Ø Select a line: the contents of the message will be displayed in the Message window.
Ø Double-click on the line of message or click on the icon Access student information and reply
In both cases, a message will inform you that Tutor Tools is retrieving the student information. You then use the Reply to student function in the Student folder. To know more about this, refer to the Reply to student/Send a message section in the chapter The Student Folder.
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TELL ME MORE® Education
To transfer a message to another Tutor
Ø From the list, click on the message you want to transfer.
Ø Click on the icon Send the message to another recipient
another recipient.
Tutor Tools
or select the menu Inbox/Send the message to
Ø Select the Tutor you want to transfer the message to.
Ø Confirm by clicking on the green tick.
Ø You can also add a comment to the message (optional).
Ø Confirm by clicking on the green tick.
The message will disappear from the Inbox.
To remove a message
Certain messages will not require a reply. Once read, they can be deleted.
Ø Select the message you want to remove.
Ø Click on the icon Remove the selected message(s)
A message will ask you to confirm the removal of the message. Confirm this choice by clicking on the green tick. The message will disappear from the Inbox, but will remain in the Mailbox history.
Copyright 2003 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved 9
or select the menu Inbox/Remove the selected
TELL ME MORE® Education
Tutor Tools

Send a message

Ø Select the function Send a message in the Tutor folder.
Using this function, you can send messages to students. The message can be, for example:
§ administrative in nature and addressed to a student group (e.g. “Don’t forget to finish your Path before October
15th so I can evaluate your work.”);
§ linguistic in nature and addressed to students in the same language group (e.g. “The higher level for German is now
§ for a specific individual (e.g. “Having analysed your results, I suggest you continue with the following Path.”).
To select the recipient(s) of the message
Ø Click on the icon Select student(s) or select the menu Message/Select student(s).
The list of all students is displayed by default. When there is a large number of students in the database, you can use the filter in order to find the students concerned. This can be done according to either:
§ student group (e.g. to send a message to all students in the same class);
§ language group (e.g. to send a message to all students learning English);
§ ID, surname or first name.
Once the search has been completed, select the student(s) who will receive the message. Confirm by clicking on the green tick.
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TELL ME MORE® Education
The names of the students selected will be displayed in the Recipients window.
Tutor Tools
To type and send the message
Ø Enter the message in the Message window.
A certain number of functions allow you to modify the style of your message (i.e. font size and colour, bold type, italics, underlined). You can also copy and paste text by right-clicking on the mouse.
You can add attachments to the message: to know more about this, refer to To attach a file in the Reply to student/Send a message section (The Student folder chapter).
Ø Click on the icon Send the message
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TELL ME MORE® Education

Mailbox history

Ø Select the function Mailbox history in the Tutor folder.
From this window, you can:
§ view all messages (sent and received);
§ respond again to a message already stored in the mailbox archive;
§ remove messages.
Tutor Tools
To view the messages
Ø Select the type of message you want to view from the drop-down menu (All messages, Messages received or
Messages sent).
If you select Messages received or Messages sent, you can sort them according to either the sender, the date sent or the date received. If you select All messages, you can view all questions and replies in the form of a tree diagram.
Ø Select a line: the message contents will be displayed in the Message window.
To reply again to a message
You can send a new response to a student message you have already replied to.
Ø Select the message which you want to reply to again.
Ø Click on the icon Access student information and reply
information and reply.
In both cases, a message will inform you that Tutor Tools is retrieving the student information. You then use the Reply to student function in the Student folder. To know more about this, refer to the Reply to student/Send a message section in the chapter on the The Student Folder.
or select the menu History/Access student
To transfer a message to another Tutor
Refer to the section Inbox/To transfer a message to another Tutor.
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TELL ME MORE® Education
To remove a message
Ø Select the message you want to remove.
Tutor Tools
Ø Click on the icon Remove the selected message(s)
A message will ask you to confirm the removal of the messages. By clicking on the green tick, you will delete the message from the Mailbox history.
or select the menu History/Remove the selected
Copyright 2003 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved 13
TELL ME MORE® Education
Tutor Tools


The role of a Tutor is to track, help and advise one or more students. To personalise the student tracking, a Tutor needs to know the student’s ability level and all corresponding information (e.g. the student’s TELL ME MORE they have been studying, etc.)
Through this folder, you have access to:
§ the Student file;
§ the Student tracking (this function only appears if the student has used TELL ME MORE
§ the Audio recordings (this function is only available if it has been activated in the student’s options file);
§ the Reply to student or Send a message function;
§ the History.
user options, the Learning Paths to which they have access, the amount of time
at least once);

To open a Student folder

A Student folder can be opened in two ways:
§ if you want to reply to a student: you access the Student folder by replying to a question in the Inbox or the
Mailbox history of the Tutor folder.
§ if you want to view a student’s file or results or send them a message: you access the Student folder by opening the
student’s account.
From a message in the Inbox of the Tutor folder
Ø Select the function Inbox in the Tutor folder.
Ø Double-click on the student’s message or select the message and click on the icon Access student information
and reply
Then use the Reply to student function in the Student folder.
From the student database
You can access the student list from any screen in order to access a student folder.
Ø Click on the icon Access student account
Then use the Send a message function in the Student folder.
or select the menu File/Access student account.
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TELL ME MORE® Education
Tutor Tools

Student file

Ø Select the function Student file in the Student folder.
This allows you to view information about a particular student and their TELL ME MORE
The Student file comprises three tabs which appear according to the student’s options and study time:
§ Information
§ Options
§ Paths
The Information tab
This window enables you to view each student’s TELL ME MORE® user information, as well as information relating to the language(s) they are learning.
Note: The lesson language(s) can only be viewed by the Tutor(s) who have access to all student files.
user options.
The Options tab
This screen comprises 7 categories which contain all the TELL ME MORE® user options of the student. The categories are:
§ Student Tracking Manager
§ Audio Recordings Tracking Manager (local only)
§ Learning Mode Manager
§ Options linked to Free-to-Roam Mode activities
§ Options linked to the Guided Mode
The default parameters of the options within these categories can be modified.
Pedagogical Options
General Options
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