Auralog Tell me More - Corporate 7.0 - Admin Tools User Guide

Last update : 30/04/04
User Guide
Copyright 2004 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved.
Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................... 3
To install distant Admin Tools..........................................................................................................................................3
To run Admin Tools .........................................................................................................................................................4
The ‘Tutors’ window ........................................................................................................................................ 5
To create a Tutor account................................................................................................................................................5
To modify a Tutor account...............................................................................................................................................7
To remove a Tutor account..............................................................................................................................................8
The ‘Language Groups’ window..................................................................................................................... 9
To add a language group.................................................................................................................................................9
To modify a language group..........................................................................................................................................10
To remove one or more language groups......................................................................................................................10
The ‘Student groups’ window....................................................................................................................... 11
To add a student group..................................................................................................................................................11
To modify a student group.............................................................................................................................................12
To remove one or more student groups.........................................................................................................................12
Student group types.......................................................................................................................................................13
To add a student group type ................................................................................................................................13
To add a predefined student group type ..............................................................................................................13
To modify the name of a student group type........................................................................................................14
To remove one or more student group types .......................................................................................................14
The ‘Students’ window .................................................................................................................................. 15
To add a student account..............................................................................................................................................15
1) Create a student account.................................................................................................................................15
2) Select the lesson language..............................................................................................................................16
3) Allocate to a student group ..............................................................................................................................17
4) Define a training schedule ...............................................................................................................................18
5) Enter personal information...............................................................................................................................22
6) Confirm an account..........................................................................................................................................24
To add a student account by duplicating another account.............................................................................................24
To import a student file..................................................................................................................................................24
Format and contents of file to be imported...........................................................................................................24
Some basic rules for creating a valid file to be imported......................................................................................26
To import the file ..................................................................................................................................................26
To export one or more student accounts .......................................................................................................................27
To modify a student account..........................................................................................................................................28
To remove one or more student accounts .....................................................................................................................29
The ‘Licences journal’ window ..................................................................................................................... 30


Admin Tools allows you to organise the training structure within TELL ME MORE e-Learning solutions by
§ Tutor accounts A ‘Tutor’ is a teacher, training course leader or the organiser of a language group (a group of students all learning the same language). The Tutor can track students’ progress and communicate with them using Tutor Tools.
§ language groups A ‘language group’ is a group of students with the same ability level learning the same language with the same Tutor. This facilitates the Tutor’s consultation of the student tracking, as well as the sending of options files and individual Learning Paths. To know more about this, refer to the Tutor Tools manual.
§ student groups A ‘student group’ groups together students irrespective of the target language. This enables administrative management of the groups and production of Summary Reports (indicating student progress) for the person responsible for the training course.
§ student accounts

To install distant Admin Tools

If you are the administrator of a TELL ME MORE® e-Learning solutions workgroup that is hosted on a distant server, you must install and configure Admin Tools.
(creation, modification and removal)
(creation, modification and removal)
(creation, modification and removal)
(creation, copying, import, export, modification and removal)
1. Copy into a directory on your hard drive the executable Admintools.exe provided (through downloading or using another method). You can also copy the documentation in .pdf format if you wish. To enable the downloading process, the file may have been compressed into .zip format. Once you have copied the file, decompress it.
2. Run Admin Tools by double-clicking on the executable.
3. Type in the name of the server (or the IP address) and the port number provided by the TELL ME MORE Learning solutions technician.
4. In some companies, communication with an external server (TELL ME MORE goes through a Proxy server. In this case, you must tick Use Internet Explorer for HTTP requests.
5. Confirm by clicking on the green tick.
e-Learning solutions server)
6. Type in your workgroup’s user name and password (defined and transferred by the principal administrator of
7. Confirm by clicking on the green tick. Admin Tools opens.
e-Learning solutions).

To run Admin Tools

Before running Admin Tools, you must install TELL ME MORE e-Learning solutions and define the server parameters.
1. Go into the Start menu.
2. Select Programmes\TELL ME MORE e-Learning solutions\Applications\Admin Tools
3. Type in the password. The user name – defined by default during the installation of TELL ME MORE e- Learning solutions – is not modifiable.
Administrators of an e-Learning solution containing several workgroups: you must type in the user name given to you by the principal administrator.
4. You can check and/or modify the server name and the port number by clicking on the icon Define server
connection parameters
5. Confirm by clicking on the green tick.
Principal administrators: if Select a workgroup appears, select the workgroup that you wish to open, then confirm by clicking on the green tick.
The Admin Tools application comprises five main windows.
The ‘Tutors’ window This window allows you to create, modify or delete Tutor accounts.
The ‘Language groups’ window This window allows you to create, modify or delete language groups.
The ‘Student groups’ window This window allows you to create, modify or delete student groups.
The ‘Students’ window This window allows you to create, duplicate, import, export, modify or delete student accounts.
The ‘Licences journal’ window This window allows you to view and update the list of licences used.
. This is optional.

The ‘Tutors’ window

This window allows you to create, modify or remove Tutor accounts.
Click on the Tutors icon

To create a Tutor account

1. Click on the icon Add a Tutor account .
2. Type in the surname and the name of the Tutor (maximum 50 characters for each text box).
3. Type in any useful additional information in the Description text box (e.g. Tutor’s title, availability etc.). This
is optional.
4. Select the Tutor’s interface language for the Tutor Tools application.
5. Select the Tutor account location.
- If you select Local: type in the user name and, if necessary, a password for the Tutor Tools application. Go directly to point 8.
- If you select Distant: type in the personal e-mail address which will be used to manage the Tutor account (notably the activation of Tutor Tools) and the user name.
6. Click on the icon Configure the message system .
The Configure the message system box appears. This allows you to define the parameters of the distant Tutor account (sending and receiving messages).
7. Type in the different parameters using the table below to help you. Confirm your choices by clicking on the
green tick.
It is important to fill in this table correctly. If incorrect data is provided, the Tutor will be unable to communicate via e-mail when using Tutor Tools. Ask for the necessary data from the person responsible for the training.
Permanent connection
Selected by default. A permanent Internet connection enables frequent, automatic mail searches. If this box is not ticked, the Tutor must – in order to send and receive messages – regularly click on Receive/Send Mail in
Tutor Tools.
Search for messages every x minutes
Available when Permanent connection is activated. Frequency of searching for messages entering and leaving the system.
Message reception E-mail (dedicated)
E-mail address in the Tutor account that is dedicated to exchanges with students and communication with the system. It must
be different from the address given in the principal
POP server/POP server port User name (POP)/Password
Name and number of the POP server port (110 by default). User name and password of the POP server account.
Send messages SMTP server/
Name and number of the SMTP server port (25 by default).
SMTP server port Authentication required by the
Box to tick if the SMTP server requires authentication.
server Authentication type Parameter type
Login, Plain or CramMD5.
Use the POP server parameters. Automatically employs the user name and password defined for the POP server.
Define user account parameters. Enter the user name and
assword of the SMTP server account
to send messages.
User name (SMTP)/ Password
User name and password of the SMTP server account (if different from those of the POP server account).
8. Type in a user name (between 2 and 50 characters) and a password (optional - max. 16 characters).
This data must be given to the Tutor to access Tutor Tools.
9. Go to the Languages tab and click on the icon Add a language .
The Add a language box appears.
10. Choose the language, then confirm by clicking on the green tick.
When the Tutor has been assigned to a language group, the name of this group appears under the heading Language Group. If the Tutor account is distant, go directly to point 13.
11. Click on the Access rights tab to modify the access rights of local Tutors. This is optional.
12. Tick the boxes to modify access rights to certain functions of the Tutor Tools application.
Access rights All student accounts
In order to… Access all student accounts. By default, the Tutor only has access to his/her students’ accounts.
Possibility of using additional licences Learning path management tool Option management tool
Enable the Tutor to use additional licences if s/he has to postpone training sessions until after the licence expiry date. Create and modify Learning Paths in Tutor Tools. Create options files (Free-to-Roam Mode options and Guided Mode options for TELL ME MORE).
Linguistic and pedagogical
Print the content of TELL ME MORE.
content printing tool Standard message management tool
13. Confirm by clicking on the green tick.
Write standard messages or answers to questions frequently asked by students. Organise them in tables and by theme.
The tutor’s corresponding line is added to the Tutors window.
14. Click on Send account creation message to allow the distant Tutor to run and use Tutor Tools.
The account creation message is sent to the Tutor’s personal e-mail address.

To modify a Tutor account

1. In the Tutors window, select the Tutor whose account you want to modify.
2. Click on the icon Modify a Tutor account .
(You can also double-click on the corresponding line or select the menu Tutor/Modify a Tutor account). The Modify a Tutor account box opens: it contains the same tabs as the box used to add a Tutor account.
3. If you want to maintain a Tutor’s account but cancel his/her access to TELL ME MORE e-Learning solutions
(at the end of a training session, for example), clear the Account activation box.
You cannot remove a Tutor account if the Tutor is responsible for a language group
4. Carry out the modifications, then confirm by clicking on the green tick.
For more details on these tabs, refer to the To create a Tutor account section.
5. If you have modified the connection parameters (Message Reception or Send Messages parameters), click on
the Send account creation message
icon to send the distant Tutor his/her new parameters.

To remove a Tutor account

You cannot remove a Tutor account if the Tutor is responsible for a language group. You must first remove the language group before you can remove the Tutor account. For more details, refer to the section entitled The
‘Language groups’ window/To remove one or more language groups
1. In the Tutors window, select the Tutor(s) whose account(s) you want to remove.
2. You can then do this either by clicking on the icon Remove one or more Tutor account(s) , or select the
menu Tutor/Remove one or more Tutor accounts. A message will ask you to confirm the removal of the account concerned.
3. If you confirm this choice by clicking on the green tick, the account will be definitively removed.

The ‘Language Groups’ window

A ‘language group’ is a group of students learning the same language with the same Tutor, who is assigned to the group when it is created. The student accounts created thereafter can be allocated to one or several language groups (but only one per lesson language) or indeed not allocated to any language group.
In Admin Tools, click on the icon Language groups
Check the Tutor account you want to assign to the language group has already been created. If this is not the case, refer to the To create a Tutor account section.

To add a language group

1. Click on the icon Add a language group .
(You can also select the menu Language groups/Add a language group.)
2. Type in a name for the language group (e.g. language taught and level).
3. Type in a description of the group. This is optional but it does allow more details about the language group to
be given (e.g. the group’s ability level, the date of the group’s creation).
4. Select the lesson language.
Once you have confirmed the addition of a language group, you can no longer modify the lesson language.
5. Select the Tutor.
Only those Tutors teaching the lesson language, and whose accounts are active, appear in the list.
If you are the administrator of only one workgroup, go directly to point 9.
6. If you wish to make this language group visible from the other workgroups, click on the icon Make the
language group visible from other workgroups
language group and a Tutor to several workgroups.
. This optional function allows you to connect a
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