Installation Guidelines
SonoFlat Systems
Congratulations on purchasing a SonoFlat™ SFS-184™ System from Auralex® Acoustics.
You’re now on your way to creating a world class listening environment.
SonoFlat Systems offer a sophisticated look by utilizing a specialized flat-faced cut of
Auralex’s industry-leading Studiofoam®. The SFS-184 system contains SonoFlat Panels,
SonoColumns and Q’Fusors, which when used together, provide incredibly effective
broadband absorption and diffusion in any room. Use the SFS-184 alone for treatment
of small to medium-sized rooms or in combination with other Auralex products for full
control of larger spaces.
Thank you for Purchasing Auralex
Total Sound Control
SonoFlat SFS-184 System Components
SonoFlat Panels™
Tubetak Pro™
842- 606 | R ev. 1 | 062606 EF

SonoFlat SFS-184 General Information
Recommended Additional Installation Materials
• Caulk-gun (for Tubetak Pro) • Tape measure
• Carpenters Level • Small ladder (depending on ceiling height)
Optional Additional Installation Materials
• Foamtak Spray Adhesive* • T-Pins
* This system includes Tubetak Pro Adhesive, which is safe to use on all included products. You may wish to use Auralex’s Foamtak Spray Adhesive
for quicker drying times. Foamtak is available through all Auralex authorized dealers. Do NOT use Foamtak to install Q’Fusors.
Q’Fusor Installation Guide
Apply Tubetak Pro to the back of the
Q’Fusor, as pictured.
SonoColumn Placement Options
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Carefully press Q’Fusor into the face of a
SonoFlat Panel or directly to the surface of a
wall or ceiling.
If you plan on painting the Q’Fusor, make sure to do so
before applying it to the wall or ceiling.
Use only lwater-based paints on the Q’Fusor. Oil-based
paints will cause severe deterioration of the product.
Flush in corner At 45° to corner
Side-by-side in corner
On wall w/ Collars