Auralex Acoustics Modular Acoustical Environment MAX-Wall Instruction Sheet

Congratulations! You now have a higher quality recording and listening environment.
Thank you for purchasing the Auralex Acoustics MAX-Wall
Modular Acoustical Environment
7' 8"
figure 1
3 panels = 5'
The MAX-Wall Instruction Sheet
Thank you for purchasing your MAX-Wall™ Modular Acoustical Environment. This modular, absorptive, expandable acoustical kit is ideal for situations where you cannot permanently place Studiofoam™ on your room surfaces. It’s also great when you need to be able to quickly and easily change your recording/listening environment for a variety of situations. The MAX-Wall offers you a great deal of exibility, is easy to setup, and can be easily expanded. Be sure to check out the complete line of Auralex products such as Stand-Mounted LENRD bass traps, our complete line of Studiofoam and family of diffusors, as well as all of our construction-related materials @
Thank you for buying a product that is revolutionizing acoustical treatment in studios across the country!
Stand-mounted LENRD™
First. Decide how you want to layout your new MAX-Wall:
(Keep in mind that there is no specific top, bottom, left or right sides to these panels. They can be setup any way you choose. Make sure the wedged sur face faces the source of the sound to be absorbed.)
1. What Width - Number of panels (see figure 1).
a. 1 single panel = 4’
b. 2 interlocked panels = 7’8”
c. 3 interlocked panels = 11’4” (not pictured)
2. How Tall - Number of panels (see figure 1).
a. 1 single panel = 20” (1’8”)
b. 2 stacked panels = 40” (3’4”)
c. 3 stacked panels = 60” (5’) (not pictured)
3. Starting height from the floor?
Second. Decide how you want it setup, then follow these easy steps:
1. Setup the MAX-Wall stand to the desired height. Fully extended if the top panel is to be above 5’4”.
2. Remove the foam core from the hole in the center of each MAX-Wall panel (photo A).
3. Insert stand into hole in MAX-Wall panel and push down to desired height. Use the MAX-Wall SuperGRIP Spring clamps to secure the bottom panel (photo B). Con-
tinue adding MAX-Wall panels until the desired height is achieved.
4. If the desired height is above the clutch, place a SuperGRIP spring clamp on the smaller part of the stand using position “b”. If the panels are below the clutch, then friction will likely hold the panels in posi­tion. We suggest you place the clamp underneath the panel (position “a”) to insure no slipping or sagging over time.
Serving Suggestions:
Position A
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