Thank you for purchasing SonoLite™ Absorption Panels. They are a great solution to
improve both the aesthetics and sonic clarity of any home studio or small home theater.
Installation Tips & Guidelines
Wall Installation:
Auralex® EZ-Stick™ Pro Tabs included:
Using a level, locate where the panels will hang.
Use a pencil to mark the nal locations on the walls.
Spot clean the target attachment points on wall
with rubbing alcohol.
Separate the EZ-Stick Pro tabs from each other.
Remove one of the release layers from the tab and
attach to the rear surface of the panel just inboard
of the fabric edge. Repeat for the remaining tabs.
(use 4 tabs per panel)
Remove the second release layer from all of the
EZ-Stick Pro tabs, align with the locating marks
on the wall and press rmly on the front side of the
panel, opposite the tabs to adhere to the wall.
Installation Tips & Guidelines
Wall Installation:
Auralex® EZ-Stick™ Pro Tabs included:
Using a level, locate where the panels will hang,
in either a horizontal or vertical orientation where
walls or walls & ceilings meet (typically a corner).
Use a pencil to mark the nal locations on the
adjoining walls.
Spot clean the target attachment points on wall
with rubbing alcohol
Separate the EZ-Stick
Remove one of the release layers from the tab and
attach to the rear, mitered surface of the panel just
inboard of the fabric edge. Repeat for the remaining
tabs. (use 4 tabs per panel)
Remove the second release layer from all of the
EZ-Stick™ Pro tabs, align with the locating marks
on the wall and press rmly on the front side of the
panel, opposite the tabs to adhere to the wall.
Pro tabs from each other
Bass Traps
899-1112.SonoL ite Family User Guide.indd (08 /27/2013 - 11:33 AM) / (800) 959-3343 / / Total Sound Control® Since 1977
Acoustical Absorption Panels
Wall Mounted Acoustical Absorption Panels
Reduce Unwanted Acoustical Reflections
Tame Chaotic Reverberation
Affordable Absorption Solution For
Professional & Residential Settings
Available In Stylish Black Or Tan
Velour Fabric
EZ-Stick Pro Mounting Tabs Included
Auralex’s SonoLite panels are fabric-wrapped Studiofoam® acoustical
absorption panels that provide excellent broad band frequency control. The
SonoLite panel can be used for wall or ceiling applications and the Bass Trap
panel can be installed in either vertical or horizontal orientations where walls
& ceilings meet. Auralex Studiofoam Pro is used in the SonoLite panel to
maximize absorption performance in it’s 1” thickness. Auralex Studiofoam
is used in the 3” thick Bass Trap panel to optimize low frequency performance
resulting in highly effective control preventing bass build-up and cancellation
that mask your room’s true low-frequency character.
SonoLite™ Bass Traps
SonoLite™ Product Specs:
SonoLite Dimensions 2’ wide x 2’ tall x 1” thick
SonoLite Bass Traps Dimensions 2’ wide x 2’ tall x 3” thick
Available Colors Tan and Black
Noise Reduction Coefficient (NRC)
Frequency 125 Hz 250 Hz 500 Hz 1000 Hz 2000 Hz 4000 Hz NRC
SonoLite 0.11 0.44 0.75 1.04 1.00 0.97 0.80
SonoLite Bass Traps 0.55 1.01 1.25 1.20 1.18 1.14 1.15
9955 Westpoint Drive, Suite 101, Indianapolis IN USA 46256
Auralex a nd Studiofoam are regist ered tradem arks and So noLite an d Real-Worl d Acoustic s are tradema rks of Aura lex
Acoust ics, Inc. © 2 012 All rights re served. Devices show n may be covered b y U.S. patent #6,84 5,841; and/or # 6,584,
736. Ot her patents pendin g. Design and s pecifica tions are subj ect to change w ithout not ice.
1-800-959-3343 / 317-842-2600
620-112.Sono Lite Family Spec S heet.indd ( 08/28 /2013 - 7:44 AM)