Auralex EZ-Stick Pro Specifications

Auralex® Acoustics offers a variety of permanent and
temporary adhesive options to mount your acoustical absorption and diffusion treatments.
Permanent Bond
Ceiling* and Wall Installations
Easy Peal and Stick Application
Spray Application
Fast Permanent Bond
Ceiling* and Wall Installations
No Additional Application Tools Required
No Additional Application Tools Required
Strong Permanent Bond
Ceiling* and Wall Installations
Low VOC Content
Calk Gun and Putty Knife Required
All copy rightabl e materials ar e ©Copyr ight Auralex Acoustic s, Inc. 1994 -2017. Auralex, Total So und Contro l, Studiof oam and Real- World Acou stics are re gistered tr ademarks , and GeoFu sor, T’Fusor, Qua dFusor, SonoL ite, Sono Fiber, SoniC ell, EZ-St ick Pro, Foa mtak, Tubet ak Pro, and Temp Tabs are t rademark s, of Auralex A coustic s, Inc. All ri ghts reser ved. Proud ly designed a nd manufact ured in the U. S.A.
Temporary Application
Instant Bond
Minimal Wall Damage Upon Removal
No Additional Application Tools Required
Compatible Auralex Products:
Studiofoam Pro
EZ- Stick P ro X X X X X
Foamtak X X X X
Tubet ak Pr o X X X X X
Temp•Tabs X X X X
Studiofoam Ba ss Tra ps
SonoLite Bass Traps
Application Information:
Wall Application Ceiling Application* Permanent Temporary Cure Time Add’l Tools Needed
EZ- Stick P ro X X X < 5 Minutes
Foamtak X X X < 1 Minute
Tubet ak Pr o X X X 12-24 H ours X
Temp•Tabs X X < 5 Minutes
* Adhesive may not be suit able for all ce iling applic ations depe nding on acou stical pro duct, moun ting surfa ce and enviro nmental con ditions. ** EZ-S tick Pro, Foamta k and Tubetak Pr o are conside red permane nt adhesive s. Removal wil l require mech anical meth ods (sanding or scraping) which will damag e the produc t and most wall s urfaces .
1-800-959-3343 / 317-842-2600
9955 Westpoint Drive, Suite 101, Indianapolis IN USA 46256
1074-913.Adhesives Sp ec Sheet (11/07/20 16 - 5:04 PM)