Auralex 2PYR22CHA-HP Specifications

Acoustical Panels
Eliminates Standing Waves
And Flutter Echoes
Reduces Unwanted Reflections
Decreases Slap-Back And Room Ring
Precision Surface Profiling
Auralex’s famous Studiofoam® acoustical panels are the world standard
and are the most cost-effective choice for attaining accurate sound. Millions
of recording studios, broadcast facilities, churches, schools and home theaters trust Studiofoam® because of its time-proven performance, longevity and value. Auralex® offers the largest selection of sizes and
shapes in the industry, complementing many decors. Our proprietary melamine-free Studiofoam® formula is long-lasting and won’t crumble like
other brands can.
Studiofoam® Wedge - Overall NRC 0.8 0*
Dimensions 2’ x 2’ and 2’ x 4’
Thicknesses 1”, 2”, 3” and 4”
Available Colors Charcoal, Burgundy & Purple
Studiofoam® DST
Dimensions 2” x 12” x 12”
DS T-112 Charcoal Only
DS T-114 Charcoal, Burgundy & Purple
Overall NRC 0.65 ( Charcoal D ST-114)
Studiofoam® Pyramid - Overall NRC 0.70*
Dimensions 2’ x 2’ and 2’ x 4’
Thicknesses 2” and 4”
Available Colors Charcoal, Burgundy & Purple
SonoFlat™ Panels - Overall NRC 0.95*
Dimensions 1’ x 1’ and 2’ x 2’
Thicknesses 2”
Available Colors Charcoal, Burgundy & Purple
Please visit m for more acoustical data an d additional information.
1-800-959-3343 / 317-842-2600
9955 Westpoint Drive, Suite 101, Indianapolis IN USA 46256
902-1112.Studiof oam Product Line Spec S heet (02 /16/2018 - 2:15 PM)
*NRC data shown for 2” thickness.
Acoustical Panels
Studiofoam® Wedgies
Dimensions 1’ x 1’
Thickness 2”
Available Colors Charcoal Only
Studiofoam® Sonomatt
Dimensions 2’ x 4’ and 4’ x 8’
Thickness 2”
Available Colors Charcoal Only
- Overall NRC 0.75
- Overall NRC 0.70
Studiofoam® Metro
Dimensions 2’ x 4’
Thicknesses 2” and 4”
Available Colors Charcoal, Burgundy & Purple
- Overall NRC 0.70*
SonoFlat™ Grid
Dimensions 2’ x 2’
Thickness 2”
Available Colors Charcoal, Burgundy & Purple
Studiofoam® T
Dimensions 2’ x 2’ and 2’ x 4’
Thickness 2”
Available Colors Charcoal Only
Available Colors Charcoal, Burgundy & Purple
- Overall NRC 1.10
Dimensions 2’ x 4’
Thickness 3”
Available Studiofoam® Colors
Charcoal Burgundy Purple
All copy rightabl e materials ar e ©Copyr ight Aurale x Acoustic s, Inc. 1994 -2018. Aurale x, Total Sound C ontrol, Studio foam and Rea l-World Aco ustics are r egistered t rademark s, and Metro , SonoFla t, DST, Wave, So nomatt, TruPanels a nd Wedgies are t rademark s, of Auralex A coustic s, Inc. All ri ghts reser ved. Proudly d esigned and m anufactured in the U.S.A.
While many Au ralex products a re fire retardant and /or self extinguishing to var ying extents, we canno t guarantee that any product meet s the specific bui lding code regulations in you r area as regulations w idely vary from plac e to place.
Check with your l ocal fire marshal or bui lding inspector for approv al prior to purchasing or inst alling any of our products. Auralex will n ot be held liable for property dam age or injuries caused by the misuse of o ur products.
For more info rmation visit Aur
/testi ng-data/fi re-testin g-data/
1-800-959-3343 / 317-842-2600
9955 Westpoint Drive, Suite 101, Indianapolis IN USA 46256