YournewTSP-575 AutomotiveSecurity Systemhasbeen designedwith
manyadvancedfeatures thatwill helptoensure thesafety ofyourvehicle
andit’scontents. Taking afewmoments to readthismanual willprovide
you with important information required to take advantage of the
system’s full potential.
Performing the installation procedure in the order that the steps are
outlined in this manualshouldprovideyouwitha quick and trouble free
installation, andremember,if you have questionsatanytime during the
installation,call1 - 800-225 - 6074forthe AUDIOVOX INSTALLATION
Votre nouveau Système de sécurité pourvéhicule,Modèle TSP-575,
aétéconçu avecdenombreuses fonctions incorporantune technique
pointue qui vous aideront à assurerlasécurité de votre véhiculeetde
son contenu. Les quelques moments que vous consacrerez à la
lecture du présent manuelvousapporterontune quantité importante
de renseignements nécessaires pour tirer le meilleur parti de toutes
les possibilités du système.Si vous effectuez l’installation en suivant
l’ordre des opérations indiquées dans le manuel, vous ne devriez
rencontrer aucun problèmeet procéder rapidement. Souvenez-vous
quesivous avezlamoindre questionàposer aucoursde l’installation,
D’URGENCE au1-800-225-6074.
Montage des composants
Montage du module de commande de la sirène ........................11
- Montage des commutateurs à fiche du capot et du coffre
Montage de l’indicateur D.E.L. du tableau de bord ....................12
- Montage de l’interrupteur à bascule de secours
- Montage des deux (2) relais
Montage du détecteur de bris de verre ....................................13
Câblage du système
- Acheminement du faisceau de conducteurs
- Connexion du fil ROUGE
Connexion du fil NOIR ............................................................14
- Connexion du fil BLANC
- Connexion du fil BRUN
- Connexion de la D.E.L.
- Connexion de l’interrupteur de secours
Connexion du fil Vert Foncé ...................................................15
- Raccordement du relais d'inhibition de démarreur
- Connexion du relais Dispositif de Clignotement Des Feux De
Raccordement du module détecteur de bris de verre .................16
-Connecteur à deux fiches pour interface de verrouillage des portes
Programmation des transmetteurs de porte-clés
Achèvement de l’installation
- Fil NOIR fin
- Fil en boucle NOIR
- Fil en boucle BLEU
Fil en boucle BLANC ..............................................................17
- Fil en boucle VERT
- Détails de finition
Réglage de sensibilité du détecteur de vibrations
Réglage de la sensibilité du détecteur de bris de verre
Fonctionnement du système
- Armement du système
Protection pendant que le système est armé ............................18
- Désarmement du système
- Désarmement après une intrusion
- Diminution de la sensibilité du détecteur de vibrations par le
transmetteur du porte-clés
- Télécommande du système anti-panique
- Fonctionnement de l’interrupteur de secours
Avertisseur de marche arrière .................................................19
Su nuevo Sistema de Seguridad para Automóviles TSP-575 està
diseñado con muchas funciones de avanzada que le ayudarán a
garantizarlaseguridad del vehículoysu contenido. Dedique untiempo
a leerestmanual a fin deobtenerínformación importante queleservirá
para aprovecharalmáximo la capacidadpotencialdel sistema.Si sigua
el procedimientodeinstalaciónen el orden que se describen lospasos
en el presente manual, podrárealizar la instalación rápidamente y sin
dificultad alguna, y recurede que en caso de tener alguna pregunta o
duda en cualquíer momento de la instalación, puede llamar al 1-800225-6074 queeselteléfono sin cargo de informaciónsobreinstalación
de Audiovox.
Instalación del los componentes
Instalación del módulodecontrolde la sirena ..................................21
-Instalación de los interruptores de clavija del capó y el baúl
Instalación del indicador L.E.D.eneltablerode instrumentos ..........22
-Instalación del interruptor de palanca del modo valet
Select a flat, metal surface within the engine compartment, but not on
the engine,forthesiren control module. Keep in mindthatthehorn end
must be facing down to prevent water from entering the module.
Alocationon the firewall, which isnot easilyaccessiblefrom underneath
thevehicle,is preferred. This locationwillprovide optimum operationof
theshocksensor, and preventthepotential thief fromdisconnectingthe
alarm from below the vehicle.
You should also locate the control module away from hot or moving
components within the engine compartment, and avoid areas where
water will run off or collect during heavy rainstorms.
To mount the siren control module;
A. Secure the module mounting bracket to the selected location using
the (2) 3/4" long screwsprovided.Carefullydrilla1/8"diameter pilot
hole for starting the screws.
B. In most cases, if the bracket has been secured to a solid metal
surface, you can connect the BLACK wire from the wiring harness to
the siren mounting bolt. Using a 10 mmwrenchorsocket,securethe
siren module ( and eyelet terminal on the end of the BLACK wire ) to
the bracket using the (2) 3/8" long hex head bolts and (2) split lock
washers provided.
2. Mounting the Hood and Trunk Pin Switches
Two pin switches are provided to protect the hood and trunk lids of the
vehicle, and should be used on any hood or trunk lid that does not turn
a courtesy light on. The switches must always be mounted into a
grounded metalpartof the vehicle, astheysimply will not operatewhen
mounted into plastic or fiberglass.
The mounting surface mustbeataheight that will cause the plunger to
depress 1/4 “ when the hood or trunk lid is closed.
IMPORTANT ! Since the pin switch is designed to be depressed when
the hood / trunk lid is closed onto it, a dimple can occur on the exterior
paint surfaceifthe switch is mountedwhereit will contact asinglemetal
thicknessareaof thehood/ trunklid.Always mountthepin switchwhere
it will contact a double wall area of the hood / trunk lid.
When choosing the pin switch mounting location, it is important to
position the switch and/or bracket where water cannot collect or flow.
Avoid all drip “ gutters “ on hood / trunk fenders. Look for locations that
are sealed with rubber gaskets when the hood / trunk lid is closed.
Excessive water on these parts will cause corrosion, resulting in a loss
of protection tothehood/ trunk lids. Also, any holes madetomountthe
switches will rust when water is allowed to penetrate. There are three
different mounting methods available. They are;
1. Direct mounting into a trunk lip, radiator cross brace, etc.
A.Drilla 1/4 “diameterhole into theselected mounting surface.Besure
there is adequate clearance behind the surface for the pin switch.
B.Threadthe pin switch intothehole using a7/16“wrench or deepwell
2. Mounting using the right angled bracket
A. Securethebrackettothedesired mounting surface using(2)sheet
metal screws.
B. Screw the pin switch into the bracket.
NOTE : The height of the pin switch can be adjusted by loosening the
screws and sliding the bracket up or down.
3. Mounting using the flat bracket.
A. Secure the bracket to the mounting surface using(2)sheet metal
B. Screw the pin switch into the bracket.
NOTE : This bracket can be bent to accommodate specific mounting
Page 1
3. Mounting The Dash L.E.D. Indicator
Select an area on thedashboardorcenterconsolethat will provide the
most visibility from all angles outside the vehicle ( driver’s window,
passenger’s window, rear window, etc. ).
IMPORTANT ! Make sure there is adequate room for the body of the
L.E.D.behindthe panelin theselectedlocation. Youshouldalso besure
thatthedrill will notpierceany wires,ordamage other componentsafter
passingthroughthe panel.Itis alwaysbestto removethepanel fromthe
vehicle before drilling the hole.
To mount the L.E.D.;
A. Drill a 1/4" diameter hole at the selected mounting location.
B.Passthe L.E.D.wiresthrough theholefrom thefrontof thepanel,and
press the body of the L.E.D. into the hole until fully seated.
4. Mounting the Valet Toggle Switch
Select a flat area on the lower dash lip, where the switch is readily
accessible to the driver, but will not be accidentally bumped. Other
alternate locations are on the driver’s side kick panel, or the side of the
lower steering column cover.
Since this is a “ protected “ ( will only operate when the key is in the
ignition ) bypass switch, it does not have to be concealed, however
concealingtheswitch isalwaysrecommended, asthis provides aneven
higher level of security to the vehicle.
IMPORTANT ! Make sure there isadequateroombehindthepanelfor
the body of theswitchintheselected location. You should also be sure
thatthedrill will notpierceany wires,ordamage other componentsafter
passingthroughthe panel.Itis alwaysbestto removethepanel fromthe
vehicle before drilling the hole.
To mount the valet bypass switch;
A. Drill a 9/32 “ diameter hole in the selected switch location.
B. Pass the switch through the hole from behind thepanel,andsecure
from the front using the split lockwasher and hex nut provided.
5. Mounting the(2)Relays
The relays can be mounted in the engine compartment, but it is best to
mountthestarter cut relayin the passenger’scompartment,where itwill
notbeexposed totheenvironment. The relaythat will beused to disable
the vehicle’s starter should be mounted close tothewirescomingfrom
the ignition switch. The relay that will be used to flash the vehicle’s
parking lamps should be mounted near one of the front parking light
To mount the relays;
A. Screw the relay to the mounting surface, using a sheet metal screw
through the hole in the relay mounting tab.
B. Secure therelayto anexistingwire harnessor othercomponentusing
cable ties.
Page 2
6. Mounting the Glass Break Detector
The glass break detector module should be mounted behind the
dashboard, in an area that will allow the extension cable from the
microphonetobe pluggedin. Themicrophoneshould bemounted onthe
lower dash lip, pointing toward the rear of the vehicle. Mounting the
microphone tohardplastic panels or plasticairconditioning ducts is not
recommended, as normal expansion and contraction of plastics may
causeenoughnoise to createafalse trigger. Youshouldalso mount the
microphone below eye level, as the red L.E.D. will flicker on and off
whenever a sharp noise is detected.
To mount these components;
A. Use the screws or wire ties to mounttheglassbreakmodulebehind
the dashboard.
B. Mount the microphone using the enclosed screw, or an optional
double sided adhesive pad.
C. Plug the microphone cable into the glass break module, and secure
the cable along it’s path using wire ties.
Making the connections to the vehicle, as described in this wiring
section,maybe beyond thetechnicalabilities oftheaverage consumer.
If you have any questions with the wiring procedures, please call a
qualified automotive technician, or call the AUDIOVOX HOT LINE at 1
-800- 225-6074. Priortomaking anyconnections,a 12Voltlogic probe
should be used to confirm the proper connection point.
IMPORTANT!The 9pin whiteconnectoron theendof themain harness
that plugs into the siren control module should remain disconnected
duringthewiring portionof theinstallation.Leaving thisdisconnected will
ensure thatthekeychaintransmitters are properly programmed later in
the installation.
1. Routing The Wiring Harness
be routed through the firewall, and into the passenger compartment of
the vehicle.
In most cases, the RED wire will also be routed into the passenger
compartment,tothe courtesylightfuse. Beforeproceedingwith thewire
routing, verify the location of the courtesy light fuse, as a small
percentage of vehicleslocatethisfuse in the engine compartment, and
inthesecases, it willnot be necessarytoroute theREDwire through the
Ifyouhave installedapin switchinto the trunk,you willalsoneed toroute
the DARK GREEN extension wire through the firewall, and to the
previously installed trunk pin switch.
After confirming these component locations, route the DARK BLUE,
WHITE,GREY andRED wirestowardstheir connectionpoints.Caution
should be used when routing wires. Keep wires away from all hot
surfaces,andany movingparts ofthevehicle (radiatorfans, accelerator
or brake pedal linkage, etc. ).
When routing wires through the firewall, be sure to pass the wires
through an existing rubber grommet. Failure to do this can result in
damage towiresfrom sharp metal edges, andaneventual failure of the
security system.
Page 3
2. Connecting the RED Wire
Locate the courtesy lamp fuse. Both sides of the fuse will indicate + 12
Volts on the logic probe while the fuse is plugged in. Remove the fuse,
and test the contacts that the fuse plugs into. One of the contacts will
not indicate + 12 Volts. This is where the RED wire will be connected.
Connection Method A;
A. Locate the wire coming from this fuse terminal at the back of the
B. Splice the RED wire from the harness to this wire, and insulate with
electrical tape.
Connection Method B;
A.“Fuseclip “ terminals, which will pluginwith the contacts of the fuse,
are available at most electronics stores. This method of connection
may be easier in some vehicles.
B.Referto the specificinstructionsincluded with thefuseclip terminals.
3. Connecting the BLACK Wire
The larger BLACK wire ( not the thin black antenna wire ), should have
beenconnectedto groundduring thesirenmodule mountingprocedure.
If youwereunsure of thegroundreliability of the sirenmodulemounting
bracket,youcan connect theeyelet on theendof theBLACKwire to any
non paintedboltonthe firewall or fender, whichisthreadeddirectly into
a metal surface of the vehicle.
4. Connecting the WHITE wire
Locate afuseinthe vehicle’s fusebox that shows + 12voltsonthe logic
probe whentheignition key is switched tothe“ ON “ or “RUN “ position,
andshows0 volts whenthekey isswitchedto the “OFF“ position(radio
or wiper fuse ).
After you have located a suitable fuse, switch the ignition key to the
“ ON“position, remove the fuse,andprobe the contacts wherethefuse
plugs into.Oneofthe contacts will not show 12voltsonthe logic probe;
this is where the WHITE wire will be connected.
Connection Method A;
A. Locate the wire coming from this fuse terminal at the back of the
B.Splicethe WHITEwirefrom theharnessto this wire,and insulate with
electrical tape.
Connection Method B;
A. “ Fuseclip“terminals, which will plug inwiththecontacts of the fuse,
are available at most electronics stores. This method of connection
may be easier in some vehicles.
B. Refertothe specific instructionsincludedwith the fuseclipterminals.
5. Connecting the BROWN wire
Continue toroutethe BROWN wire (alongwiththe DARK GREEN wire
for connection to the trunk pin switch ) to the back of the vehicle, and
remove the panels to gain exposure to the reverse lights.
Switch the ignition key to the “ ON “ position ( DO NOT START THE
VEHICLE ), set the parking brake, and move the gear shift selector to
reverse.Moveto theback ofthevehicle, andverifythat theback uplights
are on.
Probe the wires going tothebackuplightbulb,and locate the wire that
shows + 12 volts on the logic probe. Move the gear shift selector back
to the park position, and verify that this same wire now shows 0 volts.
This is where the BROWN wire will be connected.
Splice the BROWN wire to this wire, and insulate with electrical tape.
6. Connecting the L.E.D.
6a. Connecting the DARK BLUE wire
ConnecttheDARK BLUEwire fromthemain harnesstothe BLUE
wire from the dash mounted L.E.D. Be sure to insulate this
connection with electrical tape.
6b. Connecting the RED wire from the L.E.D.
Splice the Red wire from the dash mounted L.E.D. to the larger
RED wire from the main harness. Be sure to insulate this splice
with electrical tape.
7. Connecting the Valet Switch
7a. Connecting the GRAY wire
Connect theGRAYwire from themainharnessto the GRAYwire
from the Valet Switch. Be sure to insulate this connection with
electrical tape.
7b. Connecting the BLACK wire from the Valet Switch
Connect the BLACK wire from the Valet Switch to a solid,
grounded, metal part of the vehicle. It can be connected to any
metal,non- paintedbolt thatscrewsinto theinnerframe inthe kick
Page 4
8. Connecting the DARK GREEN wire
Trim the DARK GREEN wire to the proper length, strip 1/4 “ of the
insulation, and crimponeofthe male bullet terminals provided onto the
endofthe wire.Plugthe bulletterminalonto thereceptacleat thebottom
of the hood pin switch.
If you haveinstalledatrunkswitch, you should have already routed the
DARK GREENextensionwire to therearof the vehicle.Crimpthe other
bullet terminalontothe end oftheextension, and plug itontothe bottom
of the trunk pin switch. You will also need to splice the other end of the
DARK GREENextensionwireto the DARK GREEN wirefromthe main
harness, and insulate the splice with electrical tape.
9. Connecting the Starter Disable Relay
IMPORTANT!The relay has beenshippedwith(1)BLACK wire loose.
Whenusingthe relay todisable the starter,loadthe BLACKwireinto the
relay connector in the location shown in the diagram.
9a. Connect the ORANGE wire from the relay harness to the
ORANGE wire from the main harness. Be sure to insulate this
splice with electrical tape.
the RED wire from the relay harness to the wire from the ignition
switch that shows + 12 volts on the logic probe when the key is
switchedtothe “ONor RUN“and “START“ positions,andshows
0 volts when the key is switched to the “ OFF “ position. Be sure
to insulate this connection with electrical tape.
9c. Locate the wire coming from the ignition switch that shows + 12
volts on the logic probe when the starter motor is cranking, and
shows 0 volts when the key is switched to the “ OFF “,
“ ACCESSORY “, and “ONorRUN“positions.Cut this wire and
try to start the vehicle to verify that the starter motor will not
ConnecttheWHITE w/ BLACKstripewire from therelayharness to one
sideofthe cutstarterwire, and connectthe BLACK wireto the otherside
of the cut wire.
CAUTION ! Be sure these wires are securely connected, and properly
insulated. If this connection separates, the vehicle will not start, even
when using the ignition key.
When using the relay to flash the vehicle’s parking lights, load the
BLACK wire into the relay connector in the location shown in the
10a.Connectthe ORANGE wirefromthe relayharnessto the YELLOW
wire from the main harness. Be sure to insulate this splice with
electrical tape.
10b. Gain access to the wires coming from the back of one of the front
parking lamp sockets.Switchtheparking lights on, and locate the
wire that shows + 12 volts on the logic probe. Switch the parking
lights off, and verify that this wire now shows 0 volts. Connect the
BLACK wire from the relay socket to this wire, and insulate the
connection with electrical tape.
10c. Connect both the RED wire from the relay socket and the WHITE
w/ BLACK stripe wire from the relay socket toa+12volt battery
fusedwire( minimum15 Ampfuse) inthevehicle. Thesewires can
be connected to the positive battery terminal, however when
connecting them tothepositivebattery terminal, you must add an
in linefuseof at least15Amps. Connect one sideofthe fuse tothe
positive batteryterminal,and the other side ofthefuse to the RED
and WHITE w/ BLACK stripe wires from the relay connector.
Page 5
11. Connecting the Glass Break Detector Module
A. Connect the RED wire from the glass break detector module to the
RED wire from the main siren control module harness.
B.Connectthe BLACK wire from the glassbreakdetector module tothe
C.Connectthe WHITE wirefromthe glass breakdetectormodule to the
DARK GREEN wire from the main siren control module harness.
12. 2 Pin Door Lock Interface Connector
There is an additional 2 pin connector coming out of the siren control
module, with a RED and a BLACK wire. This connector is used for the
optional door lock interface, which will remotely lock and unlock your
vehicle’sexistingpower doorlocks whenarmingand disarming.Only the
AA 9158 door lock interface should be used with this alarm. If you are
not installing the door lock interface, do not make any connections to
these two wires.
The two keychain transmitters that are included with this system are a
“codelearning “typeRadio Frequencytransmitter,which simplymeans
thatthesiren controlmodule willlearnand remembertheindividual code
number of each transmitter. The siren control module will learn the
individual codes of (2) transmitters only. An attempt to program a third
transmitter will erase the code number of the first transmitter programmed.
IMPORTANT ! Save these programming instructions in a place where
you caneasilyfindthem in the future. Whenever thevehicle’sbatteryis
disconnected for servicing, the transmitters will need to be reprogrammed.
To Program the Transmitters;
A. The main harness connector should be disconnected fromthesiren
control module at this step of the installation procedure. If it is not,
unplug the connector.
B. Be sure to have both keychain transmitters in hand, then plug the
main harness connector into the siren control module. You should
hear a short “chirp” from the siren.
C.Pressand hold thelargerarming button ontransmitternumber 1 until
the siren sounds one long “ chirp “.
D. Immediately press and hold the larger arming button on transmitter
number 2 until the siren sounds one long “ chirp “.
E. Both transmitters should now be programmed. You can test this by
pressingthearming buttonon eachtransmitter,which willresultin the
appropriate “ ARMED “ or “ DISARMED “ indication from the siren
IMPORTANT ! Ifonlyonetransmitter is operating, repeat the programming procedure. Once the harness connector is plugged in, you have
only 15 seconds in which to program both transmitters. This short time
window is required in order to provide a high level of security.
Youwillnotice (5) additionalwires, which comedirectlyout oftherubber
wire exitbootfrom the sirencontrolmodule, and arenotpart of the main
harness. These wires are used to customize the installation, and are
required in some vehicles.
1. Thin BLACK Wire
This istheantenna wire for thereceiverthatis built into thesirencontrol
module. Fully extend this wire, and route it as high in the engine
compartment as possible, for maximum transmitter range.
2. BLACK Loop Wire
This pair of wires exits the rubber boot, and are terminated with 1/8 “
mating male and female spade connectors.
Thissystemcan beprogrammedto armactivelyor passively.Insurance
discounts are usually larger for passive arming security systems.
Active arming means that the security system will only arm when the
transmitterbuttonis pressed.To selecttheactive armingfeature,simply
plug the two terminals on the BLACK wire loop together.
Passive arming means that the security system will automatically arm
60 seconds after the ignition key has been switched off. You still have
theoptionof arming thesystemimmediately by pressingthetransmitter
button, butifyou forget to do this,thesystem will automatically arm and
provide full protection to the vehicle. To select the passive arming
feature, be sure the two terminals on the BLACK wire loop are
disconnected, and individually insulate each end with electrical tape.
3. BLUE Loop Wire
This wire exits the rubber boot, and immediately loops back into the
rubber boot.
The siren control module is programmed at the factory for voice
activation. If you wish to eliminate the voice response of the system
( replacetheword “ ARMED “ withonesingle “ chirp “ -replacetheword
“ DISARMED“with two “ chirps“- replace the word“INTRUSION“ with
four “ chirps “ - and replace the words “ ATTENTION, BACKING UP “
with “threechirps..pause..threechirps..etc. “ ), simply cutthisbluewire
loop, and individually insulate both sides with electrical tape.
NOTE :The“ATTENTION INTRUSION “ voice message duringthe60
second alarm cycle will always be active. There is no way to eliminate
this voice message.
Page 6
4. WHITE Loop Wire
This wire exits the rubber boot, and immediately loops back into the
rubber boot.
Three minutes after the alarm has been armed, the voltage sensing
circuitrybecomesactive. Thisvoltage sensingmonitorsthe voltagelevel
of the vehicle, and when it sees a change ( i.e. a door opens, and the
interior light turns on ), the alarm is triggered.
Manyvehiclesincorporate anelectronic coolingfan,which willautomatically switch on afterthevehiclehasbeenturned off. If this fan switches
onshortlyafter thealarm hasbeenarmed, thesystemwill nottrigger due
to the three minute delay.
If your vehicle does not have an electronic cooling fan which turns on
after thevehiclehasbeen turned off, you mayelectto by pass the three
minute arming delay of the voltage sense circuit. The system can be
modified so that six seconds after arming, the voltage sensing circuitry
becomes active. The three minute time delay can be eliminated by
cutting the WHITE wire loop. After cutting the WHITE wire loop,
individually insulate both ends of the wire with electrical tape.
Do notcutthis loop if yourvehicleis equipped with anelectroniccooling
fan, as you will experience false alarms.
5. GREEN Loop Wire
This wire exits the rubber boot, and immediately loops back into the
rubber boot.
Cutting this wire will eliminate the voltage sensingfeatureofthealarm.
When this wire is cut, opening the doors will not trigger the system.
This loop wire should be cut only if you want toprotectthevehiclefrom
sudden impacts to the glass or body panels, but do not want the alarm
to trigger when a door has been opened.
6. Final Touches
If there are any wires from the main harness that you did not connect,
simply because you did not wish to activate a particular feature, you
shouldeither insulate the ends ofthesewires with electricaltapeand tie
them where they cannot be damaged, or simply remove any unused
wires from the main harness connector.
The purpose of a shock detector is to “sense” strong impacts to the
vehicle’s glass and body panels, but ignore light bumps to the vehicle.
This alarm is programmed to report these impacts in two ways.
A lighter impact will cause thealarmtosoundaseriesof short “chirps”,
warning anyone tampering with the vehicle to stop immediately.
Amoreforceful impactwill causethealarm tosoundfor it’sfull 60second
cycle, informing you that a serious violation attempt has occurred.
IMPORTANT ! Setting the sensitivity of the shock sensor too high will
cause falsealarms.A substantial amount offorceis required to actually
break automotive glass, and the shock sensor should be set accordingly.
Before proceeding with the adjustment, make sure that all screws
securing the siren control module to the bracket, and securing the
bracket to the vehicle, are securely tightened.
To adjust the shock sensor;
A. Locate and remove the small rubber plug on the back of the siren
control module.
B. Gently turn the adjustment screw fully counter - clockwise, then
clockwise approximately1/8of a turn. Do notoverturn this screw, as
maximum rotation is approximately 270º. You should stop applying
pressure as soon as you feel a slight amount of resistance.
C. Close the hood, arm the alarm ( ARMED or “ 1 CHIRP “ ), and allow
six seconds for the shock sensor to stabilize.
D. Firmly strike the front bumper of thevehiclewiththesideofaclosed
fist, considering the amount of force required to break a window.
CAUTION ! Never perform this test on the vehicle’s glass, as you may
break a window.
E. Ifthe alarm didnotsound, orifonly thewarningchirps wereactivated,
then the sensitivity will need to be increased. Disarm the alarm, and
open the hood to gain access to the siren control module.
F. Gently turn the adjustment screw approximately 1/8turnclockwise(
increasing sensitivity ), and repeat the test.
G. Repeat this procedure until a firm strike causes the alarm to trigger,
and a less forceful impact causes the alarm to sound the warning
H. When the adjustment is set, replace the rubber plug on the back of
the siren module.
The alarm does not need to be armed when adjusting the sensitivity of
this sensor. Simply observe the red L.E.D. on the microphone while
making the adjustments.
A. Gently turn the adjustment screw counterclockwise until a slight
Page 7
resistance is felt, then turn it clockwise about 1/4 rotation.
B.ObservetheL.E.D., move to the inside rearofthevehicle, and firmly
clap your hands two quick times.
C. If the L.E.D. turned on briefly, no further adjustment is necessary.
D.Ifthe L.E.D. didnotturn on, gently turntheadjustment screw another
1/8 rotation clockwise, and repeat the test. Continue until the
adjustment is properly set.
IMPORTANT !Do not set thesensitivitytoo high, as doingsowill cause
false alarms created by noises outside the vehicle. The sensitivity
should be set to detect the loud sound of breaking glass within the
In thissection,the operation ofthesystem is described accordingtothe
voicemessagesthat areprogrammed intothesiren controlmodule.The
equivalent chirp tones are shown in parenthesis for those users that
have disabled the voice ( see blue wire loop ).
1. Arming the System
A. Exit the vehicle, and close and lock all doors.
B.Pressand release thelargerarming button onthekeychain transmit-
ter. The system will respond with “ARMED” ( one single chirp), and
the parking lights will flash one time.
C. The red dash mounted L.E.D. will begin to flash, and after approxi-
mately six seconds, the shock sensing feature of the system will be
activated. The voltage sensing circuit will begin its countdown, and
after approximatelythreeminutes,opening a light activated doorwill
trigger the alarm.
D. If thesystemhasbeeninstalledusing the automatic passive arming
feature,then60 secondsafterswitching theignitionkey off,thealarm
will automatically arm providing the hood and trunk lids are closed.
During the 60 second automatic arming cycle, the dash mounted
L.E.D. will flash rapidly.
IMPORTANT ! If the WHITE loop wire was cut during the installation
procedure, the voltage sensing feature of the alarm will become active
sixsecondsafter armingthesystem ( seeCOMPLETING THE INSTALLATION, WHITE LoopWire ).Youwill notneedto waitthe threeminutes
before opening a door will cause the alarm to trigger.
2. Protection While the System is Armed
A. Opening a door ( or any light activated entry point ), will cause the
alarm toimmediatelysoundfor the complete 60 secondalarmcycle.
The parking lights will flash on and off continuously during the 60
second alarm cycle.
C. While the system is armed, the red dash mounted L.E.D. will
constantly flash, discouraging any would be thieves.
D. Any light impact to the vehicle glass or body panels will cause the
system to immediately sound the warning chirps, discouraging any
further attempts to enter the vehicle.
E. Any forceful impact to the vehicle will cause the system to immedi-
ately soundthealarm and flashtheparking lights forthecomplete 60
second alarm cycle. At the end of the cycle, the alarm will re - arm
itself, and resume monitoring the vehicle.
F. Asabackup, ifyouhave remotely shuttheshock sensor off,theglass
breakdetectorwill hearthenoise madebybreaking glass,andsound
the alarm for the complete 60 second cycle.
3. Disarming the System
A. When you return to the vehicle, press and release the larger arming
button on the keychain transmitter. The system will respond with
“ DISARMED “ ( two chirps ), and the vehicle’s parking lights will
flash two times.
B1. Ifthealarm hasbeenwired forACTIVEoperation, then thereddash
mounted L.E.D. will turn off, indicating that the system is disarmed,
and it is safe to enter the vehicle.
B2. If the alarm has been wired for PASSIVE operation, then the red
dash mounted L.E.D. will begin to flash rapidly, indicating that the
system is disarmed, but in the automatic re - arming mode. Within
60secondsof disarmingthesystem, youwillneed toturnthe ignition
key to the on position to stop the system from re - arming.
4. Disarming After an Intrusion
When disarming, if the system responds with “ INTRUSION “ ( four
chirps ),andthe vehicle’s parking lightsflashthree times, you arebeing
alerted that the alarm was triggered during your absence. Additionally,
the red dash mounted L.E.D. will blink 3 times .. pause .. blink 3 times
.. etc., to provide an added visual indication that the alarm had been
triggered.Theseintrusion indicators are stored inthe system’smemory,
and will only be erased when the ignition key is switched on.
5. Decreasing the Sensitivity of the Shock Sensor via the
Keychain Transmitter
There may be some circumstances when you will want to arm the
system, but decrease thesensitivityoftheshock sensor, or simply turn
the shock sensor off. This feature can be useful during extreme
thunderstorms, or when parking on or near heavy construction sites.
To arm and decrease shock sensitivity,
A.Followthenormal arming procedurebypressing the larger buttonon
the keychain transmitter.
B.Immediatelyafter arming,press andreleasethe smallerbuttonon the
keychain transmitter.
C. In approximately five seconds, the siren will sound one long chirp,
indicating that thesensitivityoftheshock sensor has been reduced
30 percent.
To arm and turn the shock sensor off,
A. Followthenormal arming procedure bypressingthe larger buttonon
the keychain transmitter.
B.Immediatelyafter arming,press andreleasethe smallerbuttonon the
keychain transmitter two times.
C. In approximately five seconds, the siren will sound one short chirp,
followedbyone long chirp, indicatingthatthe shock sensorhasbeen
turned off.
IMPORTANT ! Anytimetheshock sensor has been adjusted using the
keychaintransmitter,disarming thenre armingthesystem willreturnthe
shock sensor to its normal operating sensitivity.
6. Remote Panic Operation
Thealarmcan beactivated viathekeychain transmittertodraw attention
to your vehicle during an emergency situation.
To activate the panic feature;
A. Press and hold the larger button on the keychain transmitter for 3
B. The alarm will sound, and the parking lights will flash for the full 60
second alarm cycle.
C. To silence the alarm before the 60 second shutdown, press and
release the larger button on the keychain transmitter.
WARNING ! In most areas, it is illegal to activate the alarm while the
vehicleismoving. Forthe safetyofyour passengersandother motorists,
do not activate the alarm while your vehicle is in motion.
7. Valet Switch Operation
If you lose or misplace your keychain transmitter, or if the transmitter
fails to disarm the system, an emergency bypass switch is included to
temporarily disarm the system. To use the switch;
A. Open the driver’s door. The alarm will sound !
B. Insert the key into the ignition switch, and turn it to the “on” position.
C.Movethe valet switchtothe “ON” position.The alarm willdisarm,and
the vehicle can now be started.
D. The dash mounted L.E.D. will turn on solid, and remain on until the
system is switched out of valet mode.
When inthevalet mode, all functionsofthe system are inoperative,and
the system cannot be armed until it is switched out of valet. The panic
feature, and the optional keyless entry feature will operate when the
system is in the valet mode.
To switch out of the valet mode;
A. Turn the ignition key to the “on” position, then move the valet switch
to the “OFF” position.
B. The dash mounted L.E.D. will turn off, and the system will return to
8. Backing Up Alert
Foradditionalsafety, especiallyin residentialareas,the systemincludes
a back up alert.
Any time the vehicle is running, and the gear shift selector is moved to
reverse, the system responds with “ ATTENTION BACKING UP “ ( 3
chirps...pause...3 chirps), and repeats this message until thevehicleis
shifted out of reverse.
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