LCM5620PKG 5.6" Monitors
2 AudioA/ideo
Input Capability
Installation and Operation Manual

Important Notice
It is unlawful in most jurisdictions for a person to
drive a motor vehicle which is equipped with
a television viewer or screen that is located
in the motor vehicle at any point forward of
the back of the driver's seat, or that is visible
directly or indirectly, to the driver while
operating the vehicle.

The Materials included In this package:
1 LCM5620PKG System Monitor (0ns Master. One Slave)
2. Master Remote Control Unit (MRCU)
9. Trim Ring
Stave Remote Control Unit fSRCU)
13 Pin 4 Foot Din cable
System Main CaWo (SMC/
Master Housing v/tth built-in Master IR Transmitter (IRT456, CH A)
Slave Housing with built-in Slave IR Transmitter (1RT457. CH B)
Dual Frequency IR Headphone set (2pcs)
Release Key
Optional Enhancements (not included, must be purchased separately)
1. FMM100, FM Modulator
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1} The LCM5620PKG ís a versatile audío/video switching s>-stem, which includes two monitors, that
accept two Audio.Video inputs. A separate audio output is provided for connecting a FM Modulator to
the vehicie*s radio.
2) The Master Monitor is comprised of a 5.5" TFT LCD monitor that allows tlie user to select from two
A/V sources (Not Supplied). The housing has a built-in inferred audio transmitter (IRT 455. CH A) for
use v/ith the supplied two channel wireless headphones (CH A). The master monitor also has the
ability to select either audio source for output to an optional FM/Modulator (Audiovox FMM-100) to
allow audio playback through the vehicle radio. The built in IR repeater circuitry enables the user to
control Uie sources via remote cor\trol.
(NOTE: The VCP funclKons on the master remote are for use with Audiovox products only.)
3) Tlie slave monitor is identical to the Master Monitor, except that it can not control the AA/ sources, or
select the audio for the FM Modulator.
4) Tlie monitors v/iK show all of the functions including the FM selection (Master Only) with the compre
hensive OSD.
5) The LCM5620PKG System supplies Isvo IR Headphone sets. It offers excellent convenience for the
users compared to wired lieadphones. The headsets have an A-B switch that allows the user’s to
select the audio from either the master (CH A) or the Slave (CH B).
6) Using the IR codes, the Master Monitor will be able to respond only to the Master Remote Control
unit and the Slave will respond only to the Slave Remote Control unit. Each unit operates indepen
dently of the other,
(NOTE: The IR Repeater in this system may not svork with non-Audiovox components.)
Decide on the system configuration and the options that v/ill be installed (i.e.what components,
VCP. DVD. TV Tuner, Video Game. Monitor, FM Modulator, etc.).
Read the manuals and gel familiar with the electrical requirements and connections.
Decide on the mounting locations and methods of mounting the products.
Prepare the vehicle by removing any interior trim necessary to gain access to the vehicle’s wiring as
v/el) as all areas v/here interconnecting v/ire harnesses will be located. If any access holes need to
be cut Into the vehicle, headrests, or other trim components, this should be performed now. (Refer to
the Installation Procedure).
Run the wiring harnesses throughout the vehicle as necessary. (Refer to the Wiring Diagrams on
page 7. as well as the wiring instnjctions for the individual components and accessory options being
installed) Be sure, that all the wiring is protected from sharp edges and is routed in such a manner
that it will not be pinched. v,fhsa it is fully iastalled. Besuro to leave enough slack in the wiring at each
component to allow sufficient working room.
Remove all the A'V system components from itieir packaging and then place them in the vohlde at
their respective locations.
Connect all the components together (electrically) end vorih/ that the proper operation of all the
system functions. NOTE: This is best done BEFORE the components are permanently mounted.
After verifying the proper operation of the system, proceed to mount each component.
When all the components are iriounted, rechcck the function of Ihe entire sy.stem to be sure it is
functioning correctly. Make sure that no wiring was pinched, or connected improperly during the final

1) Locate an accessory power source (+12VDC present when the Ignition Key is in the accessory and
run positions. OVDC should be present, when the ignition key is in the OFF position). Generally, these
wires can be found at the ignition switch or fusebox. (NOTE: Ensure that the accessory power is
fused at the source. Failure to do so may result in vehicle wiring damage.) Ground the black wire \o
a chassis ground dose to the mounting location of AV sources.
The mounting method, and the location will vary from vehicle to vehicle, so this manual will only focus
for the installation of the LCM5620PKG Master and Slave Monitors in the supplied configuration.
The best location for the LCM5620PKG System components is:
a) Monilors: Headrest
b) Optional FM Modulator Near the car radio with the ON/OFF switch mounted on the dashboard
near the driver
c) System Main Cable: Under either seat where monilors are foccated.
Tools and Materials Required.
• Utility knife or box cuUer with sharp Wad*
• Sharpie'*^ marker or similar
• Tie Wraps
Remove the headrest from the vehicle for
easiest installation
Lay headrest on a flat surface
Center Iriiii collar on headrest as shown.
NOTE: Depending on the angle of the
headrest the trim ring and housing may be
mounted upside down.
Using a Sharpie"^ marker or similar marking
pen. marV; headrest material along tne
interior of the trim collar.
Remove the trim collar and mark an “X" from
corner to comer as shown